[M]y [F]irst time with Emmy

This took place several years ago after I had turned 21. Names have been changed for obvious reasons. If I make any mistakes I apologize, I’m typing this out on my phone, it’s late, and I’m about 6 deep into a 12 pack… and autocorrect hates me. Plus I was never a stellar writer. If you want to skip the back story find the asterisks.

It was early March, still early enough to get kinda chilly in the evenings even in central Florida. My buddy James decided to have a bonfire on a Friday night and invited our usual friend group over and told us to invite whoever we wanted.

I went over to James’ family farm to help him set up after I got off work. I was setting up bales of straw around the brush pile as he was bringing in more and more brush to burn.

James has a reputation for building huge fires so I left plenty of room between the brush pile and the bales of straw but I wouldn’t be surprised if they ended up on fire by the end of the night.

After it was all said and done James and I were absolutely drenched in sweat so I ran home to take a quick shower and load up my cooler. I threw on my usual blue jeans and t shirt and boots for the evening and headed down to the gas station and got a bag of ice and a 30 rack of Busch Lattes.

I roll into James’ place shortly before dark. I back my truck up to the brush fire and just as I’m putting it in park there’s a massive fireball in my rear view mirror. This redneck mother fucker used a whole 5 gallon container of gas and a road flair to light the fire. Luckily I was far enough away I didn’t have to move my truck. I just dropped the tailgate and cracked open a cold one for James and myself.

Pretty soon the rest of our friends were there. In particular was Emmy. Emmy was your typical shy and quiet girl but had a heart of gold and once you got her to open up she was a riot. Emmy was a whole 5 foot nothing and couldn’t have weighed more than 115lbs but she was toned from years of softball and tossing around 50lb bags of horse feed. She had perky b cup tits and an ass to die for. Her hair was strawberry blonde and freckles dotted her face and upper body.

Emmy and I had met back in high school. I had always found her attractive but she was dating a guy a grade above us for the majority of high school. They split up when he left for college the previous fall and she remained single ever since then. Several guys tried their luck but she just didn’t seem interested in dating anyone.

Emmy was wearing her usual attire of blue jeans, a yellow plaid button up shirt, boots, and the dirty black and white trucker hat she always wore.

We all sat around the fire drinking and listening to music. James was playing everything from Hank Sr. To Luke Bryan and everything in between. It didn’t take long for the girls to start dancing in the bed of my truck, including Emmy. I wasn’t used to seeing this side of her. I wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol or she was growing out of her shell but I liked it.

After a while people started to head out and it was just our friend group left. The fire was dying down and we were running out of beer. I only had two left in my cooler as it had been raided by everyone around the fire and I only got 6 of the beers I bought. Thankfully James had some stashed in the cab of the tractor. By now everyone was feeling pretty good and one by one they headed to the house to crash on the couch. It was about 2am and the only ones left around the fire were James and his girlfriend Kayla, myself and Emmy. James was half asleep leaning against a bale of straw with Kayla sitting in his lap and her head on his chest. She was out.

Emmy and I were sitting on the tailgate of my truck and she was wrapped up in one of the blankets I keep in the cab of my truck. I noticed Emmy scooting closer to me until she was right up against my left side. With the fire all but burned out and a steady breeze it was getting kinda chilly. I felt her shiver after a particularly strong gust blew through and I put my arm around her shoulder. She leaned into my body and cuddled up as close as she could. I didn’t think anything of it. It wasn’t the first time she had done this when she got cold but I can’t lie. It was nice holding her.

Soon I hear James snoring and Kayla drunkenly trying to get him up so they can go in the house. Another gust of wind blows through and I feel Emmy shiver again. I offer the hoodie I had thrown on earlier and she refused and says she doesn’t want me to be cold. I suggest a couple more blankets and she agrees. I grab the thickest blankets from behind the bench seat of my truck and toss them into the bed.

I spread one out so we’re no longer sitting on bare metal and cover us up with the second one. She again cuddles up to me and says “much better.” By now James and Kayla were stumbling towards the house and Emmy and I were the only ones left. There was just enough fire I didn’t feel comfort leaving it just yet so I told Emmy I could walk her to the house if she was ready for bed and she declined.


We sat there listening to the pop and crackle of the fire and the sound of the wildlife around us. The stars dotting the night sky and the moon shining bright. Pretty soon my eyes start getting heavy and I lay back in the bed. I planned on checking on the fire in a few minutes and spreading the coals out to let it burn itself out before heading to the house myself.

No sooner than I’m laying down I feel Emmy lay down beside me. She’s laying on her side with her head on my shoulder and my arm wrapped around her. As she laid down she spread the blanket that was over her legs over the both of us.

“You gonna fall asleep on me?” I ask jokingly.

“I might. You’re warm.” She said with a yawn.

It was in that moment I started really looking at her differently. As I said before I had always found her attractive but between the alcohol and the fact we were cuddling in the bed of my truck I began to want her. I wanted to kiss her lips and taste that lip gloss she always wore. I wanted to kiss her body and make her mine. I turn my head towards her and softly kiss her forehead. She looked up at me with those bright blue eyes and gently pressed her lips to mine.

It was a mixture of beer and cherry lip gloss but in that moment it was the best thing to ever grace my lips. The kiss only lasted a few seconds but it started something that would last several years.

Our lips met again as I kiss her softly. She turned her body more and was now laying on top of me as we kissed. I press my tongue to hers as we made out. My hands were on her lower back and moved down to her firm ass.

We made out in the bed of the truck for what feel like hours until another gust of wind blew through and she got cold.

“Do you want to go inside?” I asked.

“No, to many people. Can we get in your truck?”

I nodded in agreement and we climb out of the bed and hop onto the bench seat of my old ford. The fire was all but out by now. I start the truck and crank up the heater which thankfully doesn’t take long in this old beater.

I slide into the middle of the bench seat and she straddles my lap and we continue making out. Emmy began grinding against my lap as we make out. My cock is straining against my jeans and I was dying to pull it out but I didn’t want to ruin the moment.

What happened next really surprised me. She reached down and unbuckled my belt and unbuttoned my jeans.

I lift my hips so she can slide them down. She pulls out my normal sized cock and starts to slowly stroke it. Her tiny hands made it look huge so that was a big confidence booster.

She slowly and methodically stroked my shaft before wrapping her lips around the head. All I could do was close my eyes and focus on not busting right then and there. She swirled her tongue around the head before pushing her head further down. This only lasted a minute or two before she unbuckled her belt and slid her jeans off too. She was wearing a pair of black cheeky panties that looked so sexy on her firm ass.

She straddled my lap again and was grinding her pussy on my cock. The only thing between them was the thin fabric of her panties. I break our kiss in a moment of clarity and asked her if she was ok with this.

She nodded in agreement and immediately pressed her lips to mine and continued to grind her pussy on my cock.

She lifted herself up and slide her panties to the side and guided herself onto my cock. The warmth of her pussy coupled with the alcohol was a sensation that I can only equate to a high that I’ll never be able to achieve again. It was so amazing. She slowly sunk down onto my cock and began grinding on it. She moaned in my ear as she began gyrating her hips. My hands were squeezing her ass as she rode my cock like a professional bronc rider.

We stayed like this for a while until she reached an orgasm. She began to moan higher and higher until she buried her face into my neck and practically screamed “o-oh fuck, Levi!” You want to feel an immediate confidence boost? Get a girl that likes to moan your name during sex. You’ll feel like a god. Trust me.

She sat still with my cock still inside her , save for the occasional quivering, as she rode out the waves of pleasure as her orgasm washed over her body. Pretty soon she got back to grinding into me. I could feel I was getting close. I warned her I was about to finish and she said she was on the pill and I could cum inside her. In retrospect this was a stupid decision but I listened to her and pretty soon I was grunting like an idiot as I began to shoot several ropes of my cum inside her pussy.

As I finished she wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned into me and we held each other in the cab of my truck.

After a about ten minutes or so she lifted herself off my now totally flaccid cock and made note of the cum that was dripping out of her cunt and into her panties. Who was this girl and what have you done with Emmy? Was all I could think.

We get dressed and I check the fire one more time before driving us to the house. I take my blankets inside and we end up falling asleep cuddling on James’ living room floor. We woke up the next morning with a sore back and a bit of a head ache. The girls left after we all woke up and I helped James clean up the trash around the now empty fire pit.

“So you and Emmy eh?” Names asked playfully.

“No, we’re just friends.” I said somewhat defensively.

“Is that why Kayla saw her riding you like she was in the PBR last night?” James said with a chuckle.

I immediately turned a bright shade of red and all I could say was “shut the fuck up.” Evidently Kayla came back out to the fire pit to find her phone and saw my truck running and could see Emmy in my lap the night before.

“So are you two dating?” James asked.

“I don’t know man, it just sort of happened. I need to talk to her later and see where we stand.”

James nodded in agreement and we finished cleaning up the cans around the pit and I headed back to my parents house. As I’m cruising down the road I pull out my phone and type out a quick text to Emmy.(I know I shouldn’t be texting and driving but I was young and dumb. Leave me alone.)

“Hey. :)” I hit send and put my phone back in my holder. A couple minutes later I get a text back and it’s Emmy.

“Hey! :)” ok so we’re off to a good start.

“So do we need to talk about last night?” I asked.

“No, I had fun and it seemed like you did too. ;)” Who are you and what have you done with my friend?

We ended up texting the rest of the day and making plans to hang out again the following weekend. We started dating shortly after this occurred but eventually we mutually ended the relationship. She wanted to move north and I wanted to stay here in central Florida. Last I saw she is engaged to a good looking guy, they have a nice house in the suburbs of Charlotte and they have two adorable rescue dogs. I couldn’t be happier for her.

Me? I’m just living my life one day at a time here with the dog.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/glvmrc/my_first_time_with_emmy


  1. Seems like a cherished memory. You kept it real making it worth the read. It’s a great post.

    Have a good quarantine man.

  2. Fantastic story! It felt like areal connection and love making between you two. So hot she rode you bareback and to completion.

    I was wondering why your buddy said she was riding you like a cheap beer, but when i re-read your story for the sexy bits, I realized pbr might be professional bronco rider haha

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