Making Music 2 [Affair] [New love]

Brooke woke up in the middle of the night and snuck back to her room with her clothes. The next morning Dan took Cale to church with him and then went to the campus to do some work. He didn’t have to go in but he needed to get stuff done. Brooke took care of Cale and made supper. Dan got home, they ate quietly, and Brooke cleaned up. She gathered her things to go home.

“Are you leaving Brooke?” Cale asked.

“Yeah, I gotta go home to my mommy and daddy,” she said. Cale frowned and gave her a big hug.

“You should come back next weekend,” said Cale.

“We’ll see,” said Brooke. Dan carried her bag to her car for her and paid her.

“Thank you,” he said kindly.

“Thank you as well,” Brooke said.

She went home and tried her best to not think about that weekend. She had an amazing experience with her first time with a man she wouldn’t regret it with too much. She did feel bad about the fact that he cheated on his wife but it was his decision as well.

The next week at Jazz Band was normal. She loved Jazz Band. She also loved to see Dan. She loved how seeing him made her heart flutter even if she would never be with him, she still liked the thought. After Jazz she went out to eat with her best friend. She always told her friend everything but she didn’t tell her about what happened with Dan. She didn’t want her friend to think badly of her or Dan.

Three weeks later Dan and his wife got awful news. At Jazz Band Dan looked awful. He seemed tired and had bags under his eyes.

“Are you ok Dan?” asked Jim, one of the older saxophone players.

“Honestly, no,” said Dan. “I didn’t want to talk about it but I can’t keep it in anymore. My wife was diagnosed with stage three cervical cancer. We have no idea how things will turn out but we’re hoping for the best. It’s not the easiest thing to try to explain to your five year old.”

“I’m so sorry,” said Jim and a few other people. They had rehearsal and got Dan to laugh a few times. At the end of rehearsal Brooke followed Dan to his office.

“Yes?” he said.

“I just wanted to see if you or your wife needed anything,” she said.

“No,” said Dan, “but thank you for the thought.”

Brooke looked at him and gave him a hug.

“You’ll be in my prayers,” she said and she left.

Dan went home and cuddled with his family. After Cale was in bed Dan and his wife laid in bed together, holding each other. Tears fell from Dan’s eyes. He hated seeing his wife in pain like this and he had the guilt of the fact that he cheated on her. He tried to get some sleep.

The next week Dan had Brooke come to his office after Jazz.

“I need you to watch Cale this weekend,” Dan said. “Dawn and I have to go to the cities for her treatment and a checkup.”

“Ok,” said Brooke. “I’ll make sure it’s ok with my parents and I’m sure it will be.”

Friday came and Brooke went straight to Dan’s after school. He and his wife were waiting so they could leave.

“Everything is on the fridge,” Dan said. “Thank you so much.”

“No problem,” said Brooke. “Good luck.”

Dawn nodded and they were on their way. Cale was sad that is mom and dad were gone but was glad Brooke was there. Cale was scared because he knew something was wrong with his mom and wouldn’t go to bed.

“Do you want to call mommy to make sure she’s ok?” asked Brooke.

“Yeah,” Cale said. Brooke called.

“Hello,” sad Dan.

“Hey Dan,” said Brooke. “Cale wants to talk to his mommy to make sure she’s ok.”

“Ok,” said Dan.

“Hi Mom,” Cale said.

“Hi Cale,” said Dawn. “Are you being good?”

“Yeah,” said Cale.

“Good,” said Dawn.

“Mom, are you sick?” asked Cale. Dawn sighed.

“Yes, Cale, I am,” said Dawn, trying to hold back her tears. “But I’ll be ok. I’m at the doctors and they’re taking good care of me. I’ll be home Sunday.”

“Ok,” said Cale with a frown. “Night mommy. I love you.”

“I love you too baby,” Dawn said and she gave the phone back to Dan.

“Daddy,” said Cale.

“Yeah, bud,” said Dan.

“Night. I love you,” said Cale.

“I love you too,” said Dan. Cale gave the phone back to Brooke and she tucked him in.

“Hello,” Brooke said when she got out of Cale’s room.

“Hi,” said Dan leaning against the wall outside Dawn’s room.

“How is everything? How’s Dawn?” Brooke asked.

“It’s ok. Dawn is hanging in there,” said Dan.

“How about you?” asked Brooke.

“I’m alright,” said Dan. “I’ll be fine. I need to be here for Dawn.”

“Ok,” said Brooke. “I’ll talk to you later.”

“Yeah, good night,” said Dan.

“Good night.”

The weekend passed slowly. Sunday came and Dan came home.

“Where’s Dawn?” asked Brooke.

“She went to her parents’ house. She wants to be with them and I came to get Cale,” said Dan. Brooke nodded. Dan took Cale to Dawn’s parents’ place and came back to the house.

“Well, I’ll see you Tuesday?” said Brooke.

“Yeah,” said Dan. “Dawn doesn’t want me to get completely out of my schedule. Thank you for taking care of Cale. You mean a lot to him, and us.”

Brooke gave a slight smile. She turned to leave.

“Wait, let me get my wallet,” said Dan.

“You don’t need to,” said Brooke. “It’s fine. You have a family to take care of.”

“It’s no big deal,” said Dan and he gave her $100 for the weekend.

“Thank you. And if you ever need someone to talk to or whatever, I’m here for you. I know I’m “only a kid” but I think I could understand or at least try to.”

“Thank you.”
