A work in progress [MF] – How we got here

Hi everyone. I’ve lurked here for sometime and I think I’m ready to share. I’m 36/M, dad bod. The female in question is 24, short and kind of thick with big breasts. She’s got one of those names that is cute when shortened so I will call her Becks (short for Rebecca).

I’ve worked in this building for 10+ years. I’ve seen administrations come and go but the staff has more or less stayed constant with not a lot of turnover. In the recent years we have seen slight infiltrations of younger people and they always seem to know someone in the company.

“Becks” started in purchasing around 2 years ago and stood out as very bubbly and always working hard. I was attracted to her simply because she was new and outgoing in contrast to the middle aged workers that I already knew. She was a blank slate.

After the first month my attraction faded into simply not finding her that interesting. She had a husband and kids and all the complexity and ugh.

After several months, I caught wind of some information regarding Becks from an associate of mine. Becks was not all that she seems, according to this source which was very reliable in previous situations. I was handed some sort of memo one afternoon detailing an incident that had happened a week past including our girl Becks and another girl in another office. Seems as though Becks had made this girl uncomfortable while discussing sexual matters and had even exposed her breasts without being asked to. Apparently there was a write up and nothing more. The attraction fires were again lit up.

I took every chance I could to hang around Becks office just wanting for the chance to hear some of those details she was so willing to mention. A couple of weeks later, a group of us were gathered in close proximity to Becks’ desk, all disussing weekend plans. Everyone talked about how drunk they were going to get while watching the sporting event that was to take place. The group of people was just down to 3 of us soon (me, Becks, and another of my male colleagues) when Becks stated that she was going to do some much needed gardening on Saturday. My mouth was way too quick for my brain as I quickly quipped, “Gotta keep that bush nice and trim!”. My colleague did a water spit take (flawless execution) and Becks eyes got wide but started to guffaw.

“On that note…”, said my colleague as he left the scene apparently not desiring to be witness to a sexual harassment lawsuit. Becks meanwhile continued to laugh and I chuckled along. Finally she said thanks for the laugh and started off to wrap things up for the day. As she walked past she softly said, “I’ll think of you while I’m on my hands and knees, getting dirty”. A shiver went up my spine as she smiled.

I didn’t see her again until Tuesday. “Did you hear me moaning your name?”, she asked, whispering in my ear. Instant shivers again. This was all pretend, shes married. “Careful,” I said, “One might get the idea that you are promiscuous with talk like that.”

“What if I am…?”

“That would put you at odds with your marrital obligations.”

“Didja ever have two sets of friends?”, she asked. “You never hang out with both sets at the same time.”


“I keep my work life and my family life separate. Two different worlds that never meet.”

Interesting. “So, what I heard was true? Your write up?”, I brazenly inquired.

“Yeah, Deb is such a prude. She put off the wrong vibe.”

“Explain that to me, please”, I asked.

“Well, I thought Deb would be a suitable running mate. A kind of sidekick. A ‘wingman’. I obviously read her wrong.”

“You don’t seem too shocked that I know about your write up,” I said.

“Haha well, I’m the one that leaked the memo to your boy Ryan. He was to give it to you for me. In exchange for a handjob in the bathroom.”

I was hard as frozen diamonds. “You…uh, are interested in me? Why?”

“I like your personality and I think we could be good ‘mates'”, she said with a brilliant smile. “I’m not asking you to be faithful – quite the opposite. You can lay whoever you want and I will help. Just as you will do for me.” She looked down and my crotch and said, “I’m kinda horny now, can I see your cock?”

“Here? Uh I guess.” I very carefully pulled out my average sized hard member and she very carefully studied it as if to memorize every detail.

“You’re so awesome!” She squeaked as she reached out and half heartly tugged on the head of my cock. Then she began to massage it earnestly, exhaling a miniature moan only audible between us.

“Come to the bathroom with me,” she said and got up. She walked towards the private bathroom to which her office had the key, while I got up and tucked myself away. She knocked, then unlocked the door and entered the small bathroom which only housed one toilet and a sink. She shut and locked the door and turned to me and playfully rubbed the front of my pants. She unclasped her bra next, and pulled her shirt up showing huge breasts. She tugged at her nipples and started at my cock, smiling.

“Fuck it,” she said as she got to her knees and grabbed my cock. The amazing feeling of her touch was soon forgotten as the new sensation of her warm mouth and soft lips engulfed me. Her head bobbed violently back and forth as she fucked her own face using me with reckless abandon. Her only mission was to make me cum very quickly. This is where I tell you what a stud I was, lasting 25 minutes and then proceeding to have sex 4 more times shortly there after, but alas this is my life and not fantasy. I lasted maybe a minute and a half and that’s being generous. Being a cad but acting as a gentleman, I whispered hurriedly, “I’m cumming,” to which she seemed to, in rhythm, bob her head rapidly to signal that she had already anticipated it. As I shuttered, I saw her head stop, her cheeks flare, and she made the softest soft of a gag before finishing her task of making sure she wasted not one drop.

She chuckled and let go of me, comically giving a smile and a thumbs up. It was so dorky that I had to laugh. I composed myself and pulled up my pants, giving her back an exaggerated thumbs up with a smile to mock her in jest. She slapped my arm smiling and said, “Go, dummy.”

Needless to say, that was the best work day ever, at that point. Becks officially had her wingman.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gl0m59/a_work_in_progress_mf_how_we_got_here