I’m not say you couldn’t turn a straight girl gay, I’m just saying you don’t have the tact necessary to do it easily.”
“Ooo, bitch, I’ll cut you right here an now,” Sarah shook her head while doing her best Jersey accent. It was her favorite quote the latest reality trash TV show they watched and loved to dish about. Everyone laughed at how ridiculous she sounded. “Don’t try to come at me with this tact bullshit. I have more tact in the tip of my tongue than Jessica here has in her whole body.”
“Why do you have to bring me into every one of your guys’ fights? I’m just sitting back here minding my own business, drink all the wine…” Jessica said as she raised her half empty glass of wine. The bottom of the glass nearly getting caught on her voluptuous breasts that were barely restrained in her tight button up.
“How is it, again, that the only one who didn’t bring wine to our little black out party is drinking all the wine?” Emily asked. Her curly auburn hair was draped over her shoulders as the three girls laid sprawled out on the floor in the dark apartment living room. The only light emitted from the five candles lit between them that burned at various stages of their life cycle.
It was the third time this month their apartment complex had a power outage. The last two only lasted a few hours, but this one was going on hour six. It was Emily’s idea to start this black out wine party tradition, mainly because she loved any excuse to get drunk with her best friends even if it was a Wednesday evening on a school/work night.
“It’s not my fault you light weights can’t keep up,” Jessica slurred her words as she fought back a wide grin.
“You drunk ass lush,” Sarah giggled as she filled up her glass with the last of the Roscato Rosso Dolce Sweet Red.
“My lush is back in my nightstand thank you very much,” Jessica gave her a wink.
Sarah snickered and pointed to Emily, “well go get it so I can beat this bitch here with it.”
“See?” Emily raised a hand to Sarah as if her point was just made for her. “Zero tact. I’m surprised you can seduce a dyke with that mouth.”
“You want to bet?” Sarah raised an eyebrow.
“Here we go,” Jessica let out a long sigh and took another drink. “You know Emily’s just going to take that massage table of hers out.”
Emily giggled as she struggled to open their third and last bottle of wine. Her dainty hands were too soft and not strong enough to unscrew the lid. “What? You want to bet me that you can seduce some gay girl out there?”
“No, seduce a straight as can be woman in my life- our life.”
“Our life?” Emily gritted her teeth as she burned her palm trying to open the wine bottle. A fed-up Jessica reached nearly knocking the plate of candles over and snatched the wine bottle out of her hand. Drying any moisture from her palm on the butt of her shorts, with one firm grip and twist she broke the seal of the bottle and unscrewed the lid. “Thanks, dear.” Emily said ungratefully with a smile.
“No problem, honey,” Jessica replied.
Emily had been friends with Jessica since high school back in Tampa, Florida. A misjudgment of another friend of her’s, Ashley, had led Emily to mistakenly and detrimentally fall in love and subsequently try to kiss Ashley their freshmen year. The rejection by Ashley hurt and the loss of her friendship hurt worse. The following weeks and months she’d walk the new high school campus alone as one by one every friend she had worked so hard to gather over elementary and middle school disappeared from her lunch table.
The most painful blow came around winter break when the rumors started about Emily. How she’d sneak into the girl’s locker room when everyone was at practice to sniff their clothes. How she wore a big black strap-on dildo under her clothes. How she’d masturbate in the woods after school. There was not a night during winter break that Emily hadn’t sobbed herself to sleep, especially after having heard Ashley was at the center of most of these stories. Emily never really came out to anyone at school. Her silence and the wild rumors took that from her that year.
When January had come, Emily was so scared to return to school she thought of cutting herself. Not to kill herself, though the thought had crossed her mind, but maybe if she cut herself bad enough, she’d have to go to the hospital and not school for the day. Maybe even the whole week? The winter break had been the worst of it. People hid in their houses having nothing better to do than to swirl the rumors wider and deeper about Emily. Suddenly now, Emily sexually abused animals and was a satanist.
Alas, her window came and went. Before she realized it, she was on the morning bus to school. But she was not prepared for what was to come. It started on the bus to school. Boys blatantly asking her about her dildos as they filmed her annoyed looks. In class, girls scooted their desks away from her and Emily’s phone blew up with anonymous texts of naked men and women and requests for videos of her. Winter break gave the rumors time to spread, fester, and morph. Awkward teens that were normally loners and without friends now bonded over their insults and jokes they spewed at Emily’s expense.
The horror for Emily peaked in the afternoon during gym when she was forced to play kickball and was placed on the same team as Ashley. She didn’t even hide her insults towards Emily. Emily stood at her stupid base listening to Ashley shout ‘carpet muncher’ from the outfield behind her. Other girls on both teams hurtled insults at her in passing and yelped if Emily came towards them. Emily did her best to keep to herself. Don’t let it bother her. Not to stoop to their level. And all the other stupid advice adults gave her, but she was starting to break. Like a shattered glass window just waiting for a breeze to send it crumbling to the ground in a thousand pieces.
“Why don’t you just kill yourself?” Ashley’s grading voice pierced her ears. She was standing just over Ashley’s shoulder near third base. As the other team was at the mound to kick off. No, one was really taking the game too seriously. Most were reveling in torturing Emily, it seemed. “If I were you I’d just kill myself. What kind of future do you have-”
The thud of the magenta red kickball being kicked was almost as loud as the THWACK the ball made when it smacked Ashley’s face and knocked her to the ground. The kickball shot straight into the air after wrecking into Ashley’s face and bounced a few times on the ground in front of Emily. Several of the girls ran to Ashley’s aid who laid with a bloody nose and unconscious in the dirt gravel. The gym teacher blew her whistle to halt the game and ran to the outfield. Emily just watched a taller, thick legged woman with blonde round second base in a casual jog. She was the only one still half paying attention to the game. As she neared third base she glared at Ashley’s body as she stirred awake in the teacher’s arms, then the girl gave Emily a curt nod of her head as if to say, ‘you’re welcome.’ Jessica stomped to home base and went back to sit down on the bench. Everyone stared at her like a killer. Everyone except Emily.
The rest of the week went by more easily. There was more gossip and talk about Jessica, the 11th grader who broke Ashley’s nose and knocked her out cold, than there was of Emily the lesbian. Despite the evidence, Emily couldn’t believe Jessica did that on purpose. Not only was that one hell of a kick, but Jessica didn’t even know Emily. Why would she stick her neck out for me?
The following Monday when most of the bandages and swelling had come down on Ashley’s face, she tried to start up again.
“You eat out your giant’s pussy yet?” Ashley said with some of her friends as they cornered Emily by her locker. “That was the arrangement wasn’t it? You get the ogre to assault me and you get to stick your tongue up her-”
This time it was a shoulder that blasted Ashley in her chest. She flattened against the lockers and already looked on the verge of tears. “Oh, I’m sorry, didn’t see you there,” Jessica said in a surprisingly gentle voice.
“What’s your fucking problem?” Jasmine snapped, pulling Ashley to her feet. She was one of Ashley’s dedicated rumor whisperers. “Why don’t you take your og-”
Jessica didn’t have to even speak or touch Jasmine. At 6’2 and with a confident aura about her, Jessica only had to step to Jasmine’s 5’4 frame and look towering down on her for Jasmine to know her place. Jessica wasn’t fat or even necessarily muscular. She had a toned wiriness about her, like a basketball player. Most men were bigger than her, but for a woman she had a solidness about her.
“You fucking dyke,” Ashley screamed loud enough for everyone in the hallway to stop and turn. “You touch me, and I’ll have you arrested, you queer!”
Jessica grabbed Ashley’s hair and flung her whole body across the hall into the other lockers. A skinny boy tried to push Jessica but Jessica somehow knocked him off balance and he fell to his ass as the hallway ignited in laughter. After that brutal humiliation no boy or girl risked sticking up for Ashley. That didn’t stop Ashley from crying out and whining on the floor until a teacher came out to check on her.
Jessica ignored her and gave Emily a kind smile, “you okay?”
“Yeah,” Emily smiled. “Thanks. You didn’t have to-”
Jessica waived Emily’s words away, “sometime cunts need learn there are consequences for being a cunt.” Emily and Jessica laughed as two teachers coddled a limping Ashley to her feet and walked her to the office.
“Hey you, young lady, let’s go, come on,” one of the teachers pointed to Jessica to follow them.
Jessica laughed and started to follow without a care in the world. She turned back to Emily and said, “keep your chin up, girl.”
Emily knew back then that she was going to be best friends for life with Jessica and here they were now in their senior year of college together at Colorado College together. Living in the same building and loving life.
“Yes! Our life,” Sarah said setting her wine glass down in excitement. “This is it. A competition between the three of us. Spring break starts next week Friday? So that’s, what? 10 days until we leave for our trip? In the next 10 days, each of us have to find and seduce a straight woman into having sex with us- twice.”
Emily had met Sarah at a LGBTQ meeting their freshmen year of college. Sarah was from a small town in Nebraska and didn’t know anyone when she came to Colorado for college. Her personality meshed well with Emily and Jessica’s. Right in between the two extremes of their gentleness and roughness.
“Twice?” Jessica furrowed her eyebrows. “Twice, why twice.”
“Come on, all of us know some girlfriend we’d get drunk with and they’d get a little freaky with us,” Sarah said and Emily laughed running down a number a faces from work that she thought of. “I’m not talking just a drunken one off. I mean finding a straight woman who chooses to sleep with you, twice.”
Emily hissed in the air through her teeth as she puzzled over the difficulty of this challenge.
“How are we going to know each other did it?” Emily asked. “I mean I know I will be able to beat you guys, of course, but you two will probably lie- Jessica will say she did it by tomorrow.”
“Shit, I have you beat already. I’ll just step outside and head to you neighbors for a minute,” Jessica laughed.
“No no no,” Sarah added. “You need proof.”
“What kind of proof? You want us to make a fucking sex tape?” Emily asked obnoxiously.
Sarah nodded at the suggestion, “yeah, that sounds good. We each record it or part of it and we’ll show it to each other on our phone.”
“Are you crazy?” Emily asked. “No way!”
“What? It’s not like over the years we haven’t walked in on each other doing it anyways,” Sarah shrugged spilling wine down her lips. “Besides, it’s not like we’re going to post it online or anything. We show it to each other as proof and that’s it. We don’t save it or send it. We’ll show it to each other in person before spring break, then we all delete it. No harm no fowl.”
Jessica and Emily looked at another through narrow eyes and laughter buried beneath a tightly wound grin. They were considering it and Sarah gave them time to think it through as she finished her glass.
“This is kinda fucked up,” Emily finally said.
“Yeah,” Jessica agreed.
“But I think I’m into it?” “Emily giggled.
Jessica laughed and tossed her head back, “Jesus chri- of course you are…” exacerbated, Jessica sighed. “Well, what would you win? It’s a competition, right? What do you win if you’re the first to seduce someone twice?”
Sarah thought on this for a moment, but it was Emily who answered. “You win nothing, but you don’t lose. The person who wins doesn’t have to buy a drink on spring break. The other two who lose have to buy them all.”
Emily raised an eye brow of interest. They had a week long trip to a resort in the Bahamas planned for spring break. Alcohol alone would be hundreds of dollars, they knew. Jessica sat up for the first time. The prospect of a worthy challenge and prize had ignited her competitive streak. “Okay, I’m in.”
Sarah smiled deviously, “I’m in.”
Emily giggled and bit her lower lip, “I’m in.”
Sarah filled her glass with more wine and all drank to it just as the lights in their apartment clicked back on.
Emily sat down in her Psych-315 course and tapped away on the table with the back of her pen. She had dressed “down” today as opposed to her natural instincts of dressing as slutty as possible. Just a simple sweat pants and hoody. Nothing suspicious. Her classmate, Amber, was straight (for now) after all, so wearing a revealing top and a sexy skirt would do little on its own. She fully intended on that changing by next week.
It was Friday, it had been two days since Emily, Sarah, and Jessica had struck their deal. Admittedly, the following morning when she woke up for Bio-218 she was having second thoughts about this competition. The haze of wine and the group dynamics pushing her further had egged her into agreeing into this. Now that those two elements were gone her eagerness subsided. That was until she checked her phone this morning. 36 hours since the pact was made and…
‘Start saving those dollar$ bitche$$. I got my 1st one done!’
‘Seriously! No way’
‘You’ll see the vid next week (;’
‘Oh, and work some ot for me, Emily. I’m only drinking high dollar once we’re in Bahamas.’
Sarah already had her first seduction done. All she had to do was sleep with that girl again tonight and she’d win. More importantly than all the money Emily was about to lose, Emily refused to let Sarah hold this over her head. Sarah was relentless and super competitive. Almost as competitive as Jessica. She would never hear the end of it. Jessica must be on fire right now. I wouldn’t want to be a straight girl around her right now, Emily mused
Emily already had an idea of who her most likely candidate was. Amber was a very sexy blonde in her adult eduction psych class. They both were pursuing teaching degrees and they both planned on teaching English so many of their classes had overlapped over the years. They weren’t extremely close. They’ve hung out at a few parties and studied together many times but never texted unless it was about school work.
She was her prime candidate because when Amber found out Emily was a lesbian when they were freshmen she told her of a time at a party in high school she had made out with a girl friend on a dare. Then, a year later on one very intoxicating night from Emily, she nearly kissed Amber at the end of the house party. Emily didn’t remember much from that night, but she remembered how sexy Amber looked with her taut stomach and her revealed bellybutton piercing. Her big bountiful breasts pressed together. The one thing she recalled the most was how it felt like Amber wanted to kiss her back. Amber was quite tipsy as well, of course, but she was very handsy that night. Rubbing Emily’s arm and touching her face.
Unfortunately for Emily, that night ended with Jessica holding her hair back as she hung over the toilet and vomited an ungodly amount. But it planted the seed. The detractor was she knew Amber came from a strict christian background. Like many girls and boys who came to Colorado State from out of state, Amber grew up homeschooled and sheltered. She was an extremely nice person and while it was obvious college had had its effect on her and loosened her up, the crucifix she wore around her neck was almost blinding when she looked at her. Amber sat down in her spot beside Emily. She wore a simple hoody, no make up, and her hair was pulled back into a bun with a pencil holding it together. Just another day for her.
“What’s up?” Amber smiled as she got out her laptop. “You lose power too the other night?”
“Ugh. Yes, for like the 10,000th time. It’s becoming more like I’m camping than going home,” Emily said.
“Hm. I can’t picture you camping,” Amber leaned back to give Emily a look over. “You’ve always struck me more as an indoor kinda girl.”
Emily displayed herself with her hands and grinned, but I rock the shit outta being an indoor girl.” Amber and Emily both laughed some at that and went back to their computers. Emily did her best not to work herself up over asking. After all she had asked this of Amber a dozen times before and only Emily would know that this time would be different.
“Have you done much studying for the final next week?” Emily asked.
“Pff. Like none at all. This weekend is going to suck so much- actually, I was going to ask if you wanted to meet up tonight to compare notes. I think there was a couple PowerPoints I never got but I’m not sure which.”
Well, that was easy…
“Yeah- yeah, sure,” Emily bolstered and tried not to sound too excited. “You want to come over to my place, like around 6?”
“It’s a date,” Amber smiled as she put it in her phone.
Yes, yes it is.
Emily laughed, “I love how you come over here to get notes from me and I end up having you email me like three weeks worth of slides.”
“Well, you had the one I was missing so it worked out. Together we complete each other.” Amber rocked as she laughed. She sat at Emily’s desk in her bedroom as she closed her laptop in her lap. She had changed her clothes from this morning. Now she wore and slender button up and short jean shorts. Her hair was washed and there was a light layer of foundation and make up on. When Emily commented on it, she admitted later that night she had a first date with a boy she met online.
Emily didn’t like this. The last thing she wanted was Amber thinking the entire night about a boy. Emily also had changed. She wore cloth short shorts that accented her long legs and cupped her cute butt, and a tight fitting t-shirt with her auburn hair back in a ponytail.
“Yeah, well it was a good thing my client cancelled on me then, so we could do this,” said Emily casually closing her laptop.
“Client?” Amber fell for the bait.
“Oh, I thought I had told you about that,” Emily said kicking off the bed to sit up. “I’m a practicing masseuse. It’s kinda a second job, but it’s more of a passion than anything.”
“Wow… really? That’s awesome,” Amber said with a face of introspection. “You know, I’ve never had a massage before in my life. I’ve always wanted to. Hm. Maybe one day I’ll have to sign up for one with ya.” Amber giggled as she stood.
“Sure, how about right now?” Emily said nonchalantly.
“No, I’ve got way too much studying to do today.”
“Come on, it’ll take no time at all. It’s fine I’ve already got everything set up. Won’t cost you a thing.”
Amber was suddenly much more unsure of herself as she looked around. She seemed to be looking for an excuse to use to get out of the massage but not finding one. “Well… it’s not going to take long?”
“Not at all. 15 minutes top. Just enough to make you want to come back for more,” Emily grabbed a tray of oils from her counter and brought the to her desk. “Just go ahead and lie down.”
“You need my shirt and shorts off?” Amber asked, a bit insecure.
“Yeah, you don’t want massage oil on your clothes,” Emily said bringing her adjustable head rest table out from the closet. It had a hole for the client’s face to rest just like a professional’s table, only this one could be brought in front of a bed to turn any bed into a massage table. She got it into position and put her massage oil on her desk within an arm’s reach away.
“Oh, you know, I thought it was just going to be a, you know, casual thing. I- I don’t know-”
“Yeah, it’s no big deal,” Emily said rubbing some oil on her palms. “Trust me you’re going to love it. I’ll turn around here. And here’s a towel to put over your butt after you lay down.”
Emily turned around and listened for a moment until Amber began to finally undress. Emily wanted to sneak a peek but knew that could risk it all.
“Um, okay. Ready,” Amber giggled nervously.
Emily turned around and saw Amber’s toned back and slender waist exposed. She laid on the edge of the bed with her head resting on a cushioned table in front of the bed. She tried to hide it with her arm but Emily could see her side boob pressed against the bed. Emily didn’t hesitate. She went right into rubbing the first of many layers of massage oil into her back and and shoulders. Her hands moved methodically and in safe wide circles on her upper back. When her thumbs and palms dug into her shoulders and worked her upper muscles the first playful growl escaped her lips. “You’re right it does feel really good.”
“Yeah? Good.”
“You should change your major. I think you’ve got a new career here.”
Emily laughed but said nothing more. She didn’t want Amber thinking about talking right now. Emily kept one hand working the muscles in her upper back while the other moved to her lower back, just above the curve of her thick round butt. He found a spot that made Amber arch her back and her breathing increase. She leveraged this spot to drag the back of her finger nails up the back of her exposed neck.
Brushing her hair off to the table to the side, Emily made long hypnotizing strokes along he sides of her neckline where it met her hairline. Over and over her fingers stroked her neck while her thumb and palm rubbed up and down on her lower back. The combination over the next minutes had lulled her in. Emily could feel Amber’s body give way to Emily’s will. With every push on her back Amber’s whole body shook lifelessly. Her arms were limp at her side. Her deep breaths quickening. The warm irradiating massage oil soothing her neck and shoulders.
Emily lifted one hand to remove her cellphone, put it to record, and balanced it against some book on the desk facing them. When she brought her and back to Amber’s body, they both moved to the bottom of her thigh. Kneading and massaging her hands worked higher and higher towards the towel the covered her sex.
For several minutes Emily worked Amber’s thigh. Every inch of it. Up and down. Her fingers rubbed and scratched the inside of her thigh. They begged to go higher and Emily saw Amber’s hips and toes twist too, secretly begging for it as well.
Emily’s fingers slid higher up Amber’s thigh. They squeezed, alternating with her palms that rubbed and pressed on the back of her thigh. It was too much for Amber to take. Emily saw her fingers grab at the bed spread and twist it in her fingers. Her toes clenched and her cute butt squirmed as her thighs kneaded at the bed. Emily hadn’t even touched her sex, yet, and she already was primed to cum.
Emily’s thumb brushed the lower curve of Amber’s ass cheek and Emily’s right fingers were inches from Amber’s sex. She could feel the heat irradiating from her pussy. Every close and open of her legs begged her to enter, but Emily hesitated. She’d only get one chance to make this move on Amber and it had to be perfectly timed. Too early or late and Amber could flip and storm away.
“Ohhh Ah…” Amber moaned and held her breath.
That was as good of a sign as I can get, Emily thought.
Emily eased her right hand to Amber’s pussy lips slowly so not to startle her. Massaging the very top of her thighs at the crevasse where it met her sex before she maneuvered the side of her index finger between her pussy lips.
“Ohhhno-” Amber gasped and went still.
God, she was so wet. Her gooey warmth makes me want to cum right now.
Emily separated her lips and her slow stroke of her juicy pussy became a fast and repetitive fingering with just the tip of her index finger. Every muscle in Amber’s thigh flexed and she clenched her butt cheeks as she watched Amber lift her head back in silence. Emily didn’t mean to but she could not stop herself. Her left hand slid up Amber’s thigh under the white towel and squeezed her rock hard ass cheek as her right finger flicked non stop inside of Amber’s pussy.
Suddenly, everything came to a head and Amber arched her back up as she shoved her forehead down. “Ughh!” Amber growled as Emily felt a flood of juices drown her fingers between her thighs. “Ohh god!”
What little restraint remained in Emily disappeared as she brushed the towel over her ass to the bedside as her left hand slid up the small of her back. In her arched position Emily was able to angle to push her middle finger completely inside her. Using her entire arm to pump her friend’s pussy, Emily fingered Amber as she rose to her knees.
“Ohh… ohhfuck… ahh!” Amber sounded confused and lost in the flood of an orgasm that still surrounded her and close to the next to come. Her body rocked with the fingers that penetrated her. Her breathing was labored and panted almost in unison with the finger that fucked her. The seduction was over. The charade over. “I… I…”
Emily wouldn’t allow her classmate to finish her sentence. Reaching around Amber’s thigh with her left, Emily’s finger tips found Amber’s sensitive clit. Emily startled her friend at first. When Emily realized how sensitive her clit truly was she found an appropriate massage using all four fingers to wipe large wide circles over the wet hood of Amber’s clit.
“Ahhh…tsss… shit shit!” Amber clapped a hand over her mouth to muffle her moans as the strength phased out of her arms and legs. The side of Emily’s face was pressed to Amber’s hips as she raised and lowered. At one point she felt her hands holding Amber up almost entirely. She eased her down to her side, Emily pushed a second finger into Amber’s pussy. Her voice leapt with a screech and her breathing became labored and animalistic as she laid on her side quivering and clawing at the bed spread.
Emily’s forearm was close to cramping when Amber’s screams crescendoed and her body began to contort. “Ohgah- god… God! Ahh ugh!” Emily could see Amber was squeezing the crucifix around her neck tightly with one hand. Like she was grasping at the bow of a ship to keep from falling into the depths of the blue water beneath, even if she wanted to so badly.
“AhhhhhAhhh!” An amazing tremble slid down Emily’s ass cheeks that seemed to reverberate for minutes. Her pussy walls clenched around Emily’s fingers as her cum soaked her thighs and fingers. Amber’s entire body seized. Her whole body went rock hard then immediately lax. “Oh my god… oh my god… oh, shit…” Amber cooed as she swam in both her body and thoughts from the powerful orgasm.
Emily had her shirt and bra off before Amber opened her eyes, again. When she did it was when she felt Emily spread her legs and straddle one of Amber’s thighs. Emily wanted to trib her pussy on Amber’s so badly just like she wished to remove her cloth short shorts, but she was afraid both was a bit too much for Amber to handle just yet. Instead Emily made long humps of her moist crotch along Amber’s thigh and knee. The camel toe in her shorts was drenched from her pussy as she dragged it right on Amber’s thigh.
Ooooh…” Emily purred for a moment as she closed her eyes as she grinded on her, once completely straight, classmate. When she opened her eyes she saw Amber’s thick breasts bouncing with every hump Emily performed. Emily’s tits bouncing wildly as well. Free and unrestrained. Emily squeezed and pinched her own left breast and nipple and saw the curious arousal in Amber’s eyes as she watched Emily hump her.
“Oh… …fuck…” Emily’s vision blurred as she felt the cusp of her orgasm near. She snatched Amber’s fidgeting hand and pulled it to her breast and squeezed her hand around Emily’s breast. “Oh shit!” Emily moaned. The muscles of her stomach became rigid as she felt Amber’s fingers begin to massage on their own. Amber chewed curiously on her lower lip at the sight above her and the feeling of being used as a fuck toy for another girl.
When Amber’s thumb and forefinger finger closed around her nipple, it happened for Emily. In a sudden rush, she came as her eyes rolled to the back of her head and her trembling hands clutched Amber’s hand to her chest. “Oh, fuck!” Jolts from the orgasm ran through her body as the pleasure swooned inside her until she collapsed beside Amber.
They laid there for several minutes while Emily gained control of her breathing. Emily’s fingers traced Amber’s slender back and hips, she gave Amber a kiss on her shoulder but felt a tight and strange energy emit from her so she recoiled. When this happened Amber stood and began getting dressed.
“I uh, guess we got a little carried away with that massage there but I really had a good time,” Emily smiled putting her shirt on. “I think you did too?”
“Umm… yes, yeah…” Amber said shyly, blushing. “I just, um, you know, I should go.”
“Okay… uh, are you okay?”
“Um yeah, uh huh,” Amber snatched her bag up and stuffed some papers and books inside.
“Cause, you know we can talk if you like?” Emily smiled buttoning her shirt.
“Nope, I just got to- I’ll see you.”
“Okay, I’ll call you later.”
Amber left closing the door without another word.
Emily sat on the edge of her bed for a minute trying to decide if she felt guilty or not. She kind of understood where Amber was coming from. It was a big deal if you let it be the first time you cum thinking of or being with another woman. Maybe once she had some time to process things she’d want to talk more.
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Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/gk6xqv/bonded_lie_with_me
Yup, [she](http://archdwell.com/collections/bondage/products/bondage-sex-collar-handcuffs-wrist-tied-hand-sex-toys-set) pitched a tent here as well