The Work Trip Predicament [M/F] – Part 3

Part 1 [here]( – Part 2 [here](

They hurried downstairs with their bags, Alina hadn’t had much time to sort herself out, so quickly rummaged through her bag in the elevator down, trying to find some tights as none had been provided. Whilst she had certainly worn some the other day, she couldn’t find them now in her bag. Most of her belongings were there, including her laptop, work papers and toiletries, but her underwear, tights and more conservative clothes were missing. The sick bastards didn’t want her changing. She felt uncomfortable baring her legs, usually dressing more conservatively at work. She shoved everything back in her bag, and blushed as she stepped into the blue high heels.

Looking in the elevator mirror, she barely recognised herself, but she really did look excellent. The sheer dark fabric suited her and was undoubtedly expensive, potentially designer. Despite rushing out of bed, her hair wasn’t too wild, and with a dash of lipstick she would look really quite professional. Mike on the other hand looked a little disheveled and seemed to have noticed. Whilst she had been rummaging around, he had been tucking in his shirt and tidying his hair. He was also wearing a new suit, it was a pale grey-blue and it really suited him, a flattering cut that sat well on his square shoulders. It was perhaps the best dressed she had ever seen him, and her heart fluttered a little as he buttoned his shirt cuff and smoothed his suit jacket over his torso.

Reaching the ground floor, Mike stormed straight over to reception, Alina trailing shortly behind.

“Hello there sir, how can I-”

“Cut the bullshit,” He said sternly, yet somehow quiet enough not to draw much attention, “What the fuck is going on here?”

The receptionist looked genuinely affronted, “Sir I’m sorry, wh-what seems to be the problem?” She was young, perhaps in her twenties, different to the person they had seen before. She was pretty, her hair a beach-blonde with striking blue eyes and flawless skin. His seething temper eased as he registered her beauty and her blank expression.

“I’ve been locked in a shower, my belongings stolen, drugged and god-knows what else by your hotel,” His anger was palpable, but his tone managed to avoid being accusatory, “I want some goddamn answers. What the hell kind of hotel is this?”

“Sir, I’m sorry but I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

He was angry, now not only at the hotel but at himself. What had he expected to happen? For the receptionist to reveal she was the mastermind of the operation?

“Is there a manager we can talk to?” Alina asked timidly, happy to play the role of good cop. Something about the immaculate receptionist made Alina want to be kind. She couldn’t take her eyes off her, how she envied her beauty, her effortlessness. The gentle thrumming between her legs had her a little on edge, and she was still reeling from that mind-blowing orgasm that had been stolen from her grasp. She blushed, convincing herself that she hadn’t desperately wanted another sweet release. One last wave of ecstasy, then perhaps another.

“Uh, she’s not in at the moment, but she should be back in about an hour.” The receptionist dutifully replied, forcing a pleading smile. She didn’t know what to say to them and was clearly uncomfortable.

Before they could say any more, a loud voice bellowed from the entrance, “Michael! Always fashionably early!” Said a man approaching them, it was a senior member of IT that they were due to meet today, “And Alina, good to see you again!”

Mike and Alina were equally perplexed, but Mike recovered quickly, reaching out a hand and sharing a firm handshake, “And to you, how have you been?”

“Great, busy! As always,” He replied warmly, “Listen I know you weren’t originally going to be in town today and we switched these from calls to face-to-face last minute, so I really appreciate your quick turnaround. Great idea of Deepesh’s PA to use the hotel conference rooms! Where’s the room? The rest of the team will be here in five.”

Alina and Mike shared a look. Their minds still felt sluggish from the drugs, and were struggling to comprehend what was happening.

“Ah hello there,” Another receptionist approached from across the hall holding a clipboard, “You must be the nine o’clock. You’re in the Malvagi suite, just down the hall to the left.” She pointed down a nearby corridor, “I’ll have the breakfast platters brought in shortly.”

“Perfect!” Said the senior IT lead, smiling and heading towards the room.

Mike suddenly understood. The cogs started turning, and Alina soon followed. Somehow the meetings had been scheduled to take pl;ace here in the hotel. There was someone behind the scenes pulling strings to arrange it so the two of them stayed here even longer.

“Uh, sorry!” Mike blurted, as the senior IT guy looked at them questioningly, wondering why they weren’t following him to the room. “Alina and I just need a minute to go over the actions from yesterday. We’ll meet you there in a sec.” Mike improvised, and appeared convincing enough that even Alina bought it, taking a moment to think about what had been agreed the day before. “I know you wanted to go home, I’m really sorry,” He whispered to her, “But I didn’t get to spend any time prepping last night, and I could really do with your help.”

“Well I mean, he’s seen me here now.” Alina said with a shrug, “I kind of have to.”

“Are you going to be alright? With the… thing?” He asked, gesturing his hand slightly to her hips to refer to the vibrating device. His eyes dropped down to her hips then back to meet her gaze.

“Oh, uh. Yeah I think so, it’s easier now that it’s turned down,” She glanced off to his shoulder, unable to maintain eye contact, “Thanks for that.”

They stood awkwardly, not knowing what to say to one another, but Alina saw from the clock in the lobby that the meeting was due to start in a few minutes.

“Listen, I can definitely handle a couple of hours to get us through the meetings, but after that, I need you to help me get out of this thing.” Alina told him,

“Definitely! We’ll start with the hotel manager.” He gave her a reassuring look, and brought his hand to her arm. The sleeves of her dress stopped just above the elbow, so his warm skin made contact with hers and it felt charged with more emotion than she could process. “Thanks for doing this.”

As soon as they stepped into the meeting, Mike was transformed. Alina marvelled at how naturally he could turn on his charm. He greeted each person as they entered the room, making liberal use of terms like ‘man’ and ‘bud’ as he had clearly forgotten some of their names. His welcome was warm enough that no one seemed to notice.

Plenty of food was provided, and both Mike and Alina snatched it up, starving having hardly eaten. It might have stood out if the IT team hadn’t been equally enthusiastic about all the free food and juice for having shown up.

Mike did a lot of talking to introduce what they were there to do, and Alina found herself transfixed. Stood there in his fancy suit, commanding the room and demonstrating a rare wit that was genuinely amusing; she questioned why she had never registered an attraction in the past. She knew he was handsome, and perhaps she had given him a once-over now and again, but he wasn’t her type at all. Mike was loud, confident and athletic, whilst she genuinely attracted the quiet intellectual type, people like herself. It was hard to ignore the attraction now though, as he flaunted his best qualities for a room of people, whilst a persistent buzz pressed to her sensitive little bud beneath her dress.

Whilst earlier the vibration had seemed light in contrast to the intense speed it had been at before, now it was becoming more noticeable. After some time of being sat still, she noticed herself starting to take short shallow breaths. She could feel the warm moisture settling between her legs, and the yearning for that elusive orgasm that had escaped her earlier. What had been a simmer before, was very steadily bubbling into more of a rolling boil. She took a deep breath, and lowered her eyes to the table in front of her to stop from staring at him.

Soon, it was time for her to speak. She was well prepared to facilitate, but still found herself lost for words every few moments. She could feel the eyes of everyone in the room on her, watching her as a gentle pleasure was being exacted on her two most sensitive spots. She squirmed in her seat, finding her trail of thought to continue talking, and trying desperately to push the erotic images from her mind. She knew she wasn’t the most engaging speaker, certainly not compared to Mike. She struggled to be succinct, or match his tendency to use evocative imagery, so she noticed that she lost the attention of some in the room. Some eyes fell to their phones, but she noticed others were trailing her neckline, or the well-fitted fabric accentuating her slim waist. She tried to ignore it, but knowing that some of them were staring at her body got her even wetter. She squeezed her thighs together as she lost her train of thought again.

“So, let’s open up the spreadsheet and run through the returns,” Mike offered, nudging her back on track. She flashed him a grateful smile, that she hoped didn’t give away her growing lust.

From there the meeting dragged. Alina had told herself it was only a few hours, but in truth it easily took up the whole morning. The steady teasing between her legs was growing maddening. She considered excusing herself to the bathroom for a breather, but she was too worried that the smell of her sex or the wetness would show on her dress if she stood, so she stayed put. Eventually the room built up enough momentum from the discussion that she no longer had to participate much, and she reverted to taking notes, but they were far from coherent. As the thrum against her quivering pussy persisted, she found it hard to concentrate, weaving in and out between reality and sexual fantasy. She saw Mike naked in the bed when they had woken up together, his swollen erection swinging to-and-fro. She imagined being pounded against the desk as he devoured her, just like he had in the shower. Her mind wandered to earlier, with him watching her as she was being forced to cum by the cruel device that still teased her now.

She was ravenous, her nails digging into her chair as she shifted in her seat. The rhythm of the vibration had been so steady that she’d been on edge for hours. It was plenty to get her riled up, but quite a way off of being enough to get her to climax. As the meeting neared its end, she was desperate for release. She could hardly think about anything else but that elusive ecstasy awaiting her. She needed to cum again. She wished she could just slip out of the room and turn up the dial for just a few delicious seconds. She needed to feel the incredible rapturous waves of pleasure ease her throbbing wet pussy. Her clit ached, the need was so desperate and urgent, but every time she thought the meeting was over, someone would add another question. From what she could tell between her bouts of concealed delirium, the meeting had gone quite well, but right now that meant little to her. All she wanted was for it to end.

She stared over to Mike, catching his eye to try and urge him to close things up, but she melted the moment their eyes met, forgetting everything. Instead of dropping a hint, she smiled warmly, her eyes trailing to his lips, then down to his chest and arms. She caught herself biting her lip and shook herself out of it. Mike sensed something was up, but didn’t know what. He had to keep reminding himself throughout the meeting that she had something buzzing between her legs. There was a huge amount of content to get through, and he was having to do a lot more heavy lifting than usual.

Though Mike tried to move things along, it was another fifteen minutes before the meeting ended. By then, she was barely coherent, and had to consciously concentrate to form the sentences required to thank the team for coming and participating. Her eyes darted to the clock, noting that they still had another thirty minutes until lunch, when the room would likely need to be vacated.

As Mike guided the last of the participants out of the room, he shook their hand and closed the door behind them, breathing a sigh of relief. Alina felt like she’d been half-holding her breath, and finally released it. Instead of a relieved sigh a lustful moan escaped her lips. Her shocked expression told Mike it hadn’t been intended, immediately catching his attention.

“Are you alright?” He asked, “You were pretty quiet towards the end.”

“It’s driving me crazy,” She muttered, her eyes flicking down to her lap to indicate what she meant, “I feel like I can barely think.”

“I thought I’d turned it right down, did it increase again?”

“I d-don’t think so, b-but it’s been teasing me for hours.” She explained, finally allowing herself to separate her legs and feel the vibrations properly. The device was really quite something. She would never have considered using a sex toy before, but now it seemed foolish to have denied herself this feeling until now. Had it really taken being forced into this harness for her to experience something other women considered an everyday luxury? She had discussed the idea before of course. Her flatmates were all girls, and quite the salacious trio, so on a few occasions after a little wine, the subject had turned to sex. Alina offered little, but listened attentively as they had talked about vibrators with giggly excitement. They gushed over how amazing they were, how perfectly and completely they satisfied their womanly urges. Alina had never seen the attraction, but now that she was able to relax and savour the sensations without holding back – she was enjoying it immensely. She was aflame, like a pleasure was bubbling under the surface ready to erupt. She could feel the heat under her skin, demanding to be released, “Mike I n-need you to-”

“I know, we need to get it off. We should go speak to the manager now.” He said, collecting his things and approaching the door to leave.

“W-wait, wait!” She yelled, Mike stopping in her tracks. It was rare for Alina to issue such explicit demands, but she looked on edge. She was desperately searching for the words, but she couldn’t bring herself to admit what she wanted; what she needed.

“What is it?”

“Just uh, close the door a sec?” She asked with her eyes closed, unable to believe what she was about to say. “Th-thanks. Actually, please lock it too.”

He was dumbfounded, but locked the door and placed the items he was holding down on the table.

“I can’t take it anymore,” She groaned, looking up at him pleadingly, begging herself to speak the words. Finally she muttered, “Can you please just, please just t-turn it up again?”

“Sorry!?” He asked in utter shock. She had spoken so softly he had to question if he had heard correctly. Training his eyes on her body language, he knew he had heard right. His shock was evident on his face, the slight hint of a smile creeping into his features.

“Please Mike, I’m begging you to turn it up. I can’t take it.” She said more clearly, moaning through her words. Her face was bright red with shame.

He nodded, and walked towards her to see a tear tumble down her cheek. She moved to half-sit on the table and parted her legs slightly for him. Her breath was laboured and slow, and his breathing steadied to match as he approached. She lifted her skirt, and he crouched down to find the dial, meeting her eyes to get a confirmation before slowly increasing the vibration.

The sweet smell of her hot wet sex filled his senses as he neared. As he turned the dial, it glowed green, Alina immediately gripping one of his shoulders and eliciting a low moan.

“M-more please.”

He kept going, nearly completing a third of a rotation before he saw a white light on the front-plate of the harness light up. It only flashed up for a second, only registering a second later having kept turning the dial. It disappeared before he got to inspect it, so he wound the dial back a bit which drew a groan of disappointment from Alina. Mike had reached the perfect tempo only to snatch it back slightly. She thought she might cry if she didn’t cum soon.

When Mike found the right point on the dial, the white light returned. It was white text that shone through a part of the metal, like a screen obscured by dark glass.

“It says something if I leave the dial at this speed.” He told her, then reading what it said “Blowjob to unlock.”

Her body was adjusting to the changes of speed and learning to like the renewed sensations. The rhythm was having its effect on her, so it took a few moments for Alina to register Mike had said. “What!?” She said in a breathy whisper, “It says that?”

He nodded up at her, and she was awash with emotion. She couldn’t begin to consider the instruction, but equally couldn’t face being locked in the belt for any longer, it was turning her brain to jelly. Still, arousal was tugging at her from the inside, desperate to get out. It was contorting her muscles, muddying her mind, spilling into her speech. She couldn’t hold back from erotically whimpering as these new vibrations were beckoning her with the promise of pleasure. It was all she could do not to fall to her knees and beg Mike to speed up the tantalising vibrations further. Just the thought of that image made her simultaneously wetter and disgusted with how the harness was changing her character. This sort of smut wasn’t like her, she never let herself think like this, she certainly never acted like it. But no sooner had the image of taking Mike’s cock in her mouth punctured her thoughts did she find her knees go weak with the idea.

She dropped awkwardly to her knees, Mike fumbling to try and catch her, and now half-crouching down to her eye level to check she was okay. Her eyes met his, and she moaned as the vibrations felt more intense now that she was sitting to the side. She moved to get back up but lingered, her hands on Mike for support. Suddenly only two things mattered, reaching that precious elusive climax, and tearing this wretched contraption off her waist. She was on her knees now, staring at his belt, could she really bring herself to do this? What would it feel like to use her mouth as an instrument, there only to service him? It excited and terrified her. She questioned whether this act was so heinous given all they had done already. She was being forced to do this after all, trapped again in some new creative predicament.

In a sudden moment of decisive action, she latched onto his belt buckle, unfastening it hastily. Her hands were shaky, but she was determined. She could hardly believe what she was about to do, having only tried this sort of thing a handful of times, but it was all she could think about since Mike had said it aloud. She wanted it, to take him in her mouth, to give him the pleasure she was enduring. She wanted to explore more of his edges, better understand all of his complex dimensions.

“Alina!? What are you-”

She didn’t stop. She could hardly even hear him, the pleasure engulfing her was deafening. It coaxed her kindly towards a viscous nirvana, whispering in her ear to keep going. It wanted her to take him in her mouth. She wanted it too. She pulled down his trousers and jolted as a growing erection sprung free of the falling garments. Her hand found it quickly, appreciating its size, weight and girth. She grazed her fingers along the shaft, stroking over the head and running a fingernail back along the base. When she had given blowjobs before it had been reluctantly, but with a rising pleasure pulsing in her loins she stared at his thick hard member with hungry eyes. She kissed the tip tenderly, flicking small licks along one side to the base of his cock, then casting a long lick back up to the tip, before she finally took some of him in her mouth.

She felt incredible, the warmth and softness of her young mouth exploring his dick brought him instantly to full attention. She was lost in it, moaning around him as she sucked more and more of him. Her body was slithering up and down, in mock thrusts as the vibrations began to overtake her. Her technique was a little unpractised, with clumsy tongue work and questionable rhythm; but what she lacked in skill she made up for in enthusiasm. Her speed quickened as her moans grew louder and more frenzied. It was like she was pining. She was becoming more vivacious, more sloppy and engrossed in the act of pleasuring him. Her mouth pumped up and down his cock, practically drooling around him, her hands all over his balls and shaft. Her eyes were squeezed shut, caught in unfathomable bliss. She moaned around him, and he could tell she was close, her mannerisms were familiar to him now. He loved that he knew what she looked and sounded like when she climaxed. As it rose in her, it rose in him too. He hadn’t considered it until now, but working together yesterday and today; watching her flounce around in tight fitting outfits in various states of undress; he’d been desperate to have her again.

As her relentless mouth pumped his member over and over, he couldn’t take it any longer. As she neared ecstasy herself, they both erupted in low groans as she felt his cock burst with cum in her mouth, the taboo of what she’d done hit her and brought her over the edge of an explosive earth-shattering orgasm. She squealed so hard it became soundless, emitted only as air and indicated by an expression wrought with euphoria at a long awaited release. His cock slid from her lips, the cum still spurting from the tip and landing in thick ropes on her face. She was too lost in bliss to comprehend what was happening, her body jolted with the aftershocks and it felt like the powerful orgasm was stretching on and on, glowing bright and pulsing once, twice and again and again, it’s light slowly diminishing but still warm and comforting in her belly.

With a quiet click, the device around her waist released its firm grip of her hips and the vibration ceased. She fell back a little, moving off to the side and holding herself up with an elbow to the carpet. The device slid down her legs a little and the vibrations ceased.

She sighed with relief as oxygen found its way to her brain and her thoughts sharpened. All the dizzying colours faded and she suddenly felt herself again, breathless and beaten. Mike stumbled back and caught himself on the wall. Looking from the ceiling down to her, then to the trousers pooled at his feet, and lastly to the door. He swallowed hard and drew a deep breath, averting his eyes and pulling his clothes back up and on swiftly. He scratched the back of his neck, his eyes darting to her face and then across the room. He walked off to the far-end, as if trying to avoid her.

She steadied herself, rising back to her knees and leveraging a hand on the table to pull herself up. Her strength was flushed out of her, it took all she had to stand and stay balanced. As she rose to her feet – one of her heels on and the other toppled to one side somewhere nearby. As she stood, the metal contraption slid down to her knees. She pulled her legs apart slightly so could slow it’s fall. It was instinctive, something in her didn’t want to break it. She took hold of it with one hand, lifting one foot out of it, steadying herself with a shaky hand on the table.

Mike rushed over holding something in his hand. He put his free hand to her side to support her in staying upright, allowing her to lift her other leg free and hold the device up to get a look at it. The inside was slick with her wetness, it stank of her sex and was warm from her bodyheat. Whatever wires allowed it to work were concealed inside. It looked almost like a normal pair of panties from the inside except for the small bulbous phallus. He hadn’t realised it had been penetrating her, and his cock twitched at the concept.

She realised now she was holding it that the device was quite heavy, noting that the backplate had loosened at two points on the left and right, permitting enough give to take it off, and presumably to have gotten it on in the first place.

“Evidence,” She announced, looking from the metal unit to Mike with a wry smile. The expression surprised him, it didn’t suit her but he welcomed it. It was nice to see her darker side. Recalling their discussion the other day about having no evidence to go to the police with, she had a good point that this might be enough to encourage a police investigation. Now it was a distinct possibility, Mike wasn’t sure that was what he wanted. However much he had benefited, the situation was twisted and the control this mysterious acting party had over both him and Alina was troubling. It seemed shameful and embarrassing for anyone else to know about it. He wasn’t sure he could bring himself to describe what had happened, or admit and justify his actions.

She stood still with the device held out and he was unsure of how to respond. “Here.” He mumbled finally, holding out a white cotton napkin that he had retrieved from the coffee station in the corner. She looked at it, puzzled at the offering and glancing down to between her legs, did he want her to dry herself off? He noticed her confusion, and in return put his fingers to his face to imitate wiping his cheeks. Her eyes widened as she realised she had his cum on her face, and had done this whole time. She snatched the napkin from him, reddening with humiliation as she toweled at her face hurriedly. A belligerent thought crept into the edges of her mind: she was a slut. She had done something unspeakable, shameful and entirely inappropriate in the middle of a boardroom of all places. She’d done it willingly, readily in fact. She hated herself in that moment. Hated that she had allowed herself to be conquered so easily, she hated that she’d liked it, and that she craved more. She hated how easily she cast thoughts of her boyfriend away, and succumbed so readily to temptation.

Mike was watching her closely, again his brow was furrowed with concern. He opened his mouth as if about to speak but was interrupted.

“I understand you wanted to see me.” Came an authoritative female voice from the doorway. Both Mike and Alina tensed and swung their head around to the source of the sound. A woman was standing holding the door open. She was wearing a professional and form fitting hotel uniform in shades of blue and a pale grey. A name tag indicated what was abundantly clear from how she carried herself: this was the hotel manager.



  1. There is so much potential to further the story… Please keep it going

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