Finally losing my virginity to my dream girl in high school (Part 3) [MF]

Thanks to everyone for the outpouring of support! Here’s part 3.

Part 1:[](

Part 2: [](

Preface: some details have been changed for the sake of anonymity and storyline, but all the plot and events are all true. I love almost all the PMs I’ve gotten but please, stop asking for pics of Jules. It’s not happening. I’ve posted my own nudes but don’t feel comfortable sharing hers.

Even before the nights we’d spent together, Jules had always been in the back of my mind. But in the last few weeks, she’d become the only thing I could think about. I couldn’t stop thinking about her reactions. The way her eyes lit up when she unbuckled my pants. How she giggled. I felt so lucky. I thought it was just a matter of time before I lost my virginity to her and it flooded my head with excitement and anxiety every day. Even with all the things that’d happened, I didn’t know how we would take the next step with her. I still didn’t have the confidence to make the next move. I spent all weekend again hemming and hawing over what to do. Should I wait? Should I let things play out and maybe things escalate? Or should I ask her out? I spent hours torn over what was next. I’d never asked anyone out before. Even if I decided I should, how would I do it? But as Sunday afternoon rolled around, a text from Jules made my decision for me.

“Hey! Want to get lunch this week?”

My heart skipped a beat. This was almost more exciting than getting blown. Did she actually want to hang out? Did she want to sneak off and get naughty during lunch? Was this my first date? I couldn’t wait to find out.

“Yeah, that sounds great! When?”


“Sure! I can drive if you want.”

“That’d be great :)”

I wore my best jeans and t-shirt on Wednesday morning. Classes crawled by. All I wanted was to spend some time alone with Jules. I didn’t even care what she had planned. Finally, the lunch bell rang and I raced to my 2004 Ford Taurus. Jules met me there a few moments later. She looked just as beautiful but in a much more approachable way. She had on black yoga pants and a white camisole. Her makeup today made her much cuter than hot, which helped me loosen up. At the time, I’d get intimidated when girls dressed hot, causing me to stumble my way through conversations. Jules, consciously or not, got me to relax.

“Hey!” She smiled, giving me a hug. The smell of her hair reminded me of picking peaches with my family.

“Hey! Thanks for not standing me up.” I immediately cringed internally. Even as those words were leaving my mouth I regretted them. But she didn’t seem to mind. She playfully punched my arm.

“You know, I was considering it. But my stomach took over.” I laughed. “So where are we going?”

“Five Guys?”

She’s got great taste. “Good call. Gotta hurry though, it’s kinda far.”

“I know you’re quick.” She shot me a wink and got in the car.

I shelved that jab to analyze later and got in.

This was the least sexually charged time I’d spent with Jules so far. We talked about the one class we shared, my upcoming lacrosse game, and the current state of the school newspaper. Jules had a lot of kvetching to do about that. Not that I minded at all. We were at Five Guys in no time. Lunch flew by with her. Conversations flowed like water. By the time we were done eating, it felt as if we’d talked about everything and nothing. But as we got back in the car together, I felt her take control of the conversation again.

“So I like you and the time we’ve spent together.” I could feel myself nodding in agreement but couldn’t stop. She smiled. “Do you want to take things to the next level?”I felt like Michael Scott during Dwight’s fire drill. *Oh My God IT’S HAPPENING! STAY CALM, STAY FUCKING CALM!* But all I could muster was the same nod.

“Uh huh. Yes, I do. Yeah.”

She smirked at me. “Good. My family’s gone this Saturday afternoon. Are you free?”

I couldn’t tell if these were rhetorical or not. Of-fucking-course I was free to lose my virginity to my dream girl. I’d skip most funerals for this.

“Yeah, I am.”

“Okay. Also since we’re close to grad, let’s keep this casual. I don’t want a relationship right now. And I’m on birth control but we should still use condoms. Have you been tested?”

I kept nodding. At this point, I’d probably say yes to using a brown paper bag on my head.

“Of course. And I haven’t been tested, but…I don’t have any reason to believe…that I’d have any–“

“Are you a virgin?”

Her tone was benign, but I froze anyways. I’d built up virginity as so much more than it is in my head that I sincerely thought it might be a deal-breaker.

“Umm…uh huh.”

She smiled again, but bigger. Enough to show me her teeth. She had a big gorgeous smile. It was like her teeth were bigger than her face but in a sexy way.

“Don’t worry! I’ll show you. Really, don’t worry about it.”

I took a deep breath. “Okay. I’ll try not to.”

We’d reached the high school parking lot. We parked with just a few minutes to spare before class. She leaned in and kissed me hard and fast, then pulled away.

“I can’t be late for class. See you Saturday!”

“Okay bye!” I hurried off to class too.

I met up with one of the friends I normally eat with on the way to class.

“Hey, where were you today?” “Oh, just getting lunch with a friend,” I smiled.

For the next few days, I watched educational porn as if my life depended on it. I must have seen Nina Hartley eat out Sunny Lane a dozen times, taking notes on what and what not to do. I desperately wanted to impress Jules, but more than that, I wanted not to embarrass myself. I hate losing more than I love winning. And I couldn’t risk fucking it up and Jules telling her friends that I was bad. I don’t cum very fast usually, but Jules’ mouth made it hard for me to hold on. I also nearly memorized this post from u/HalfRetardHalfAmazin, ([]( whose name alone seemed authoritative enough. I wanted everything to go perfectly.

I practiced using condoms for the first time and found that the regular Trojans didn’t work for me. Through some Reddit suggestions and trial and error, I ended up trying Skyn Larges. Though it took me a lot of nerves to buy them at the local CVS, it was worth it after trying them on.

We had a lacrosse playoff game that morning. Somehow we won, but I don’t remember. My head was in the clouds the entire time. As soon as it was over, I raced home to shower and get ready. Shower? Check. Trimmed down south? Check. Jerked off last night? Box of condoms? Excuse for my parents of my whereabouts? Check, check, check. I finally got ready and drove to Jules’ house. I was beyond nervous. What if I couldn’t get it up? What if I didn’t last long? What if I’m bad at it? What if…

I was at the base of her driveway. I parked, fumbled with the box of condoms before taking out three and putting them in my pocket, then slowly made my way up her driveway to knock on her door. She opened it, looking fine as ever. She was dressed down, as one does when they spend a day at home without anyone else. Gray sweatpants that outlined her perfect ass and a Ramones tee that looked big and old enough to be her dad’s. Her blonde hair was up in a ponytail. But she had on a black elastic choker. I remember thinking it looked out of place. Everything else she had on felt so relaxed. It was like she was using it to make a statement. “Hi.”

She looked bashful, something I hadn’t seen from her before. We made small talk as I was welcomed in and had a look around. Her house was relatively small, but the décor was incredible. The open kitchen and living room resembled an Architectural Design magazine. Everything was so modern and sleek. There were huge French doors that opened up to a garden of peppers and tomatoes.

I turned back to Jules. “Your house is beautiful.”

“Thanks,” she smiled. “I love it here. Want some wine?” She produced a bottle of white from the fridge. “My parents don’t mind.”

I happily accepted. My heart was racing a million miles a minute now. In fact, Jules looked nervous too. A little buzz might not be the worst thing in the world right now.

She poured two heavy glasses and brought one to me. “Cheers,” she winked.

I followed her to the couch. “Want to watch something? We’ve got all afternoon.”

“Yeah! What’ve you got?”

“How I Met Your Mother?”

“Sure.” As she searched through her recordings, I sipped my wine and tried to take deep, unobtrusive breaths. I was about to lose my virginity to my dream girl. Just enjoy it, I tried to say to myself. Jules picked an episode and moved closer to me, leaning on me ever so slightly. I put my arm around her. She leaned in a little more, tilting her head on my shoulder. Her hair smelled of peach orchards. I already felt my cock shift in my pants.

I looked at Jules and sipped my wine. “Thanks for this, how’d you know I needed something to take the edge off?”

“Lucky guess,” she whispered. “How is it?”

“Umm…it tastes like wine? I don’t know.”

She laughed, then put her head back on my shoulder and moved her hand to my knee. While keeping a focus on the show, she started to slowly caress my leg with her fingers. I returned the favor by softly stroking her hip and back. Both of us moved methodically. I didn’t want to move any faster than her. All my research pointed to taking things as slowly as possible. And Jules didn’t seem to be in any hurry either. By the first commercial break, she hadn’t moved more than six inches up my leg. As she adjusted to find the remote, she took notice of how her fingers had made me throb. She gave a satisfied “mmm” and smiled, but didn’t move any further up. I moved my fingers down until I was on her thigh. I was surprised by how warm her body was. Her skin was so smooth. She must’ve liked it because her hand slipped up my thigh. But not far enough. We kept petting each other for the whole episode. I honestly remember nothing about which one it was. When the credits rolled, I couldn’t wait any longer.

I took my hand off her thigh and started playing with her hair. Jules looked at me with a look of determination. I leaned in and kissed her softly. Her lips felt so soft. We kissed slowly. I bit her lip and felt her let out a soft moan. I was so turned on but tried to keep it slow. With a hand in her hair, I moved to kiss her neck, tracing up and down with my tongue. Jules was breathing harder and let out another moan. I grabbed her choker with my teeth and stretched it out, lightly snapping it on her neck. Then kissing back up her neck to nibble on her ear. She let out another moan and grabbed my head and pulled it away. For a split second, I thought I hurt her, but she pulled my lips back on hers and kissed me hard and fell back, pulling me on top of her. I continued kissing her neck, moving down to her chest, exploring every inch with my tongue. The moans Jules made were giving me a high unlike anything I’d experienced before. I tried my best to keep it slow. I reached under her shirt and started to tease her soft skin. She arched her back and helped me remove her Ramones t-shirt. I took a second to revel in the moment. Jules wasn’t wearing a bra. I’d never seen a pair of tits in person before. They were small and perky. Perfect B cups. Her nipples popped on her snow-white skin. By the time I looked back at her, she was grinning.

“Is this your first time?”

“Wha-oh yeah, it is.”

She giggled. “You’re doing great,” she said.

u/ HalfRetardHalfAmazin, I owe you a beer.

She grabbed my shirt and pulled it off, before sitting up enough to grab my head and pull me back down to kiss her again. I quickly moved down her body back to where I was before. I licked and kissed every part of her. I tried to avoid her tits and tease her more, but they were just too tantalizing. I kissed all around her nipples, swirling my tongue around until she was actively trying to move them under my mouth. Finally, I gave in and gently licked her nipple, causing her to let out a deep sigh. I couldn’t believe how well it was going. I slowly teased her, building to eventually lightly sucking on them. She let out a deep moan and bucked slightly, making it hard to keep it in my mouth. I kept cupping her tits and using my fingers to play with her nipples while my mouth moved down her body. I kissed all down her belly. Even her tummy was sexy. She had better abs than I did. I was in awe of what a sexy body she had. I got down to her sweatpants but left them on, running my mouth over them. She stopped me.

“Are you good?” I asked.

“Yeah…where’d you learn all this?”

It was my turn to smirk. “Shhhh” I whispered.

She smiled back. “Let’s go to my room.” She sat up and finished her wine, got up, and walked to her bedroom. I gulped down my wine too. She stopped, turned, and beckoned me to follow with her index finger.

u/ HalfRetardHalfAmazin, if you’re still out there, I owe you a case of beer.

Jules led me through the living room to her room. Even her stride had an air of dignity to it. There was something so hot about her walking topless with such poise. We turned the corner to her room. Everything was neat. Her desk looked like a catalog. Posters framed on the walls. Above her desk hung a whiteboard containing a checked-off to-do list handwritten in beautiful script. I got flashbacks of those trendy Ikea showrooms I’d fantasized about living in as a kid. So this is how you get into an Ivy League School.

Jules turned on her iPod speaker. Marvin Gaye’s *What’s Going On.* “I love this song!” I exclaimed. “Great call.”

“Thanks, me too. I hope you like the whole album.”

Goodness. She just kept surprising me in the best ways.

She grabbed my hand and started moving as Marvin’s syrupy voice came through the cheap speaker. It was some of the whitest dancing I’ve ever seen. But I loved it. And I can’t dance either. I summoned up everything I remembered from ballroom dancing in middle school and twirled her. She laughed and spun away from me. I grabbed her hand again and she twirled into my arms. Her bare chest on mine was an incredible feeling. I was certainly feeling the wine on an empty stomach and it looked like she was too. She looked up at me with a smile, twirled away again, and lay down on the bed. I got the hint.

I started kissing her again, quickly making my way down to her sweatpants. She arched her hips and took them off, revealing pink panties that perfectly held her. I was still in disbelief that it was actually happening. I began kissing all around the edges of her panties, grabbing them with my teeth and moving them to expose new spots to kiss. I’d kiss from her knee all the way up her thigh, lick my tongue around the edge of her panties…then do the same on the other leg. Jules started to buck her hips as I got close, but I wanted to keep teasing her. Slow and steady.

“If you don’t want to go down on me, you don’t have to.”

I looked up. “Oh, I do. Just wait.”

She smiled and threw her head back. “Where is all of this coming from?”

I silently thanked my lucky stars for the internet. u/ HalfRetardHalfAmazin, what kind of whiskey do you like?

I kept kissing all over her panties, slowly brushing over her pussy and exhaling a hot breath through them. I saw her shudder. I wanted to keep teasing her, but her pussy was so tantalizingly close. I had to taste it. I pulled on the edges of her panties and Jules lifted her hips. She wanted it. I slowly pulled them off and saw her immaculately shaved pussy. All the studying I did still couldn’t prepare me for how hot it was to have Jules in front of me. I put my hands on her thighs and spread them. I could feel the heat radiating off of her. And the scent was intoxicating. But I got a hold of myself and kept licking around the edges. Jules was trying hard now to get her pussy under my tongue. I finally gave in. I stuck out my tongue and tried to give her pussy as gentle a lick as I could. She let out a satisfied moan as I ran my tongue up her pussy and gave a sharp gasp as I reached her clit. I should have stayed slow, but the taste and the smell and the moment and Jules’ thighs around my head were too much for me. I went back for a second taste, this time more forceful. Jules gasped again. At this point, I was tasting her as if my life depended on it. I had been waiting my whole mature life for this, and it didn’t disappoint. Jules grabbed my hair and moved me up to her clit.

“Slow down,” she gasped, “too much.”

I tried to correct and dropped my pace, gently licking and sucking on her clit. Jules went silent. Oh no. I lost it. I started trying out different things. I slowed down even more. Finally, I licked a spot that made her squirm. I did it again. She moaned again.

“Oh yeah, right there. Just like that, don’t stop.”

I tried my hardest to keep going, but I couldn’t breathe in the position I was in. I would go for as long as I could before getting air, then keep going. Each time, Jules would grab me and pull me back down.

“Like that, don’t stop. Keep going, that’s it–“

I did this at least a half-dozen times and was getting light-headed. But I was determined. Jules’ breathing was getting loud. I thought she was close. I didn’t even think to use my hands. All I could think of was how I could make her cum. I took a deep breath through my nose and kept my pace as best I could. Her breathing tightened. She grabbed my hair and pulled.

“Ohhh yes yes yes YES. DON’T STOP. YESSS FUCK UUUUGH.”

Jules thrust her hips up into my face. I held her thighs open so I could keep my tongue on her. She shuddered as her moans became less and less frequent.

She sighed and said, “Wow…you sure you haven’t done that before?”

I blushed and shrugged. In the words of Dr. Seuss, my ego grew three sizes that day.

Jules rolled off the bed. “Your turn.”

I didn’t need convincing. She got on her knees and unbuttoned my pants. I’d gone soft from all the effort I’d put in, but it took no time at all for Jules to work her magic. Within a minute, I was hard as a rock. Watching my cock grow in Jules’ mouth was a sight to behold. She went from taking it all to struggling to get most of it. But she quickly stopped.

“Do you have condoms?”

I fumbled in my pants for them and pulled one out.

She gave me that coy little smile. “Get on the bed.”

I did. I opened up the condom and unrolled it. Jules faced and straddled me. She got over my throbbing cock and positioned her pussy just above it. She rubbed her lips on the head.

“Now I get to tease you,” she smiled.

I started to protest but Jules lowered herself on my cock. I let out a deep groan. Jules’ mouth was wide open as she watched it go inside of her. She only made it down a few inches before she pulled up. She took even more the next time, her mouth still open. On the third time, I couldn’t wait any longer and thrust into her. She gasped. I still hadn’t made it all the way insider her.

“Let me do it, it hurts a little when you go.”

I sank back into the bed and tried to let her control. It was really difficult. She moved up and down the top half of my cock slowly, getting a little deeper each time. She was speeding up her pace. She put her hand on my chest for support. Watching her work was divine. She truly took pride in everything she did. Thankfully, the condom was desensitizing enough where I wasn’t getting close to cumming. After a few minutes, she asked:

“Wanna get on top?”

All my nerves were gone. She rolled off of me and we switched positions. Jules spread her legs as I got over her. I thought I knew where the hole was, but apparently, my dick-eye coordination wasn’t as good as I thought. Jules giggled and grabbed my cock.

“Let me help.”She moved me lower, trying to line it up. After a few moments of fumbling, I softly pushed inside her. Jules threw her head back and moaned again. I wanted to go slow, but the moment was overwhelming. Jules’ breath caught as I pushed my cock as far inside of her as I could.

“Fuuuuck, ohmygoood…slow ughhhh”

I tried to find a rhythm in the first few minutes. As we’d just shown, we’re both terrible white dancers. But our slow movements and moans started to sync. I started going faster. My main focus was trying not to cum. I was surprised I’d made it this far and I didn’t want the moment to end. Jules let out a sharp sigh with every thrust. Then she did something that I hadn’t studied for. In one motion, she grabbed my right hand and moved it to the side of her neck.

“Choke me.”

I was caught off-guard. I didn’t know how. I pressed hard where she’d put my hand. “Like this?”

“Yes–not so hard–use both hands–“

I moved my other hand over the other side of her neck and held her down. Her eyes rolled up in her head. Oh my god, I thought. I’m going to kill her. I stopped immediately.

“No–keep going–don’t stop.”

Holy shit. I put my hands back on her neck and kept my pace, watching her face contort with each thrust. I felt her hand reach down to her clit as she started touching herself. Jules got even louder. Her eyes rolled back and her face was red. I lifted off her neck again as she gasped for air. She looked at me with eyes crazy with lust. She grabbed my head with her other hand and kissed me hard. Her tongue was running every corner of my mouth. She pulled away as quickly as she pulled me in.

“Choke me again.”

So I did. I felt Jules’ hand speed up as she rubbed her clit. Her moans were getting louder. Her eyes rolled back into her head. I felt her legs wrap around me, making it hard to keep pace. Her head went back even more than before.

“yes yes yesyesyes YES FUCK FUUUUCK…FUUUCK…fuuuck…””

Jules collapsed in a heap of sweat, panting. Her eyes were closed. She pushed me off and out of her.


“That was amazing, Jules. Thank you.”

“Shut up, thank *you*”

“You did most of the work and showed me what to do.”

“Are you kidding?” I’ve never seen anyone love oral that much. My other boyfriends only did it a couple of times. That was hot.”

I was elated. “Well, they’re missing out.”

She playfully punched me. “Honestly, how were you that good? This was your first time?”

“I did a bunch of research. Didn’t want to disappoint.”

She grinned, looked away, and shook her head. “Jeez…good for you.”

Scratch that. My ego grew four sizes that day.

And u/ HalfRetardHalfAmazin, let me know how I can send you a bottle of Lagavulin 16.

Marvin’s “Mercy Mercy Me” faded out. She looked back at me and got a glimpse of my cock. It was still mostly hard.

“Did you cum?”

I shook my head. “The condom was a little uncomfortable.”

“Ahh…you should try large ones.”

“Uh…it is a large one.”

She laughed, grabbed a pillow, and put it on the floor. She knelt on it; I didn’t need a translator for this one. Jules pulled the condom off and started licking all over the base of my cock, slowly stroking the head with her hand. She was an artist. I wasn’t going to last much longer. She took the head of my cock in her mouth and started bobbing up and down on it. It felt so much better without having a condom on. I could feel her tongue exploring every bit of my head. Each lick of my cock made me tremble, adding more tension in my body to a building wave of euphoria. I probably lasted 90 seconds before that wave crashed over me and I exploded in her mouth. I held her head for balance as I emptied a hot load in her mouth. Jules, determined as ever, didn’t let a single drop spill. When she was done, she swallowed it all and looked up at me with her head cocked to the side and a goofy smile. “Want to shower together?”


Jules brought the speaker to the bathroom along with two more glasses of wine. She handed me the iPod. “Want to pick something?”

I went for a safe bet– “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough.”

She tried to stifle a smile and act uninterested. But as soon as Marvin came in, she outsang him. Not in quality, but volume.


I laughed hard. I’d never seen this side of Jules. She was so goofy and almost giddy. I tried to keep up as Tammi Terrell jumped in.

“If you need me, call me, no matter where you are, no matter how far…”


We haphazardly danced and sang in the shower, each trying to outdo the other.

It was a bathtub shower, leaving very little room for the two of us. I was worried about our four left feet betraying us and that one of us would end up falling. But falling *for* Jules?

It was too late for that.



  1. She sounded smazibg then she suggested how I met your mother, I think she’s the perfect woman

  2. That was a fantastic job. I really enjoy your writing style and can’t wait to read anything you wrote in the future.

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