Summer treat

Hi this is not fiction but some details are changed slightly .

Last summer my youngest daughter Libby (20) was staying with me , her friend Lexie called around . Lexie was upset because she had split up with her boyfriend of a few months ( he’d been seen out with another young woman ) .

When I popped to ask if they wanted a snack Libby said “Dad Lexie got it in her head she’s ugly, tell her your oppion on her looks ”

I said ” She couldn’t be described as ugly completely the opposite a very pretty young woman ”
When I took the sandwiches to them I’d made . I said i was going to go for a drive along the coast in a little while.

Libby asked if it was ok if her and Lexie came with me . Which it was . Lexie asked if I know any quiet beaches we could go swimming. I did so she borrowed swimsuit off Libby.

At the beach we had all put our swimming stuff on before we left , so just took other stuff off and went in . I had had enough so I was 1st out and dried and got dressed facing the dunes ( my arse my have been on display a little) then I sat on blanket looking out to sea .

After some time the pair of them left the water and walked up the beach towards me . Lexie stood about 2 feet from me slightly to my right in front of me , Libby beside her not in front of me the other side of Lexie.

After about a minute of taking the top of her swimsuit down and trying to cover her breasts and dry them Lexie said ” I’ve had enough of struggling like this ” dropped her towel took her swimsuit off and didn’t bother to cover up at all !

As she was drying herself ( I tried not to look or make it obvious I was sneaking a look , had sunglasses on ) every time I looked she was looking at me . And she was not just not bothering to cover up it was deliberately not getting dressed ( even sat and dried her feet legs wide apart nothing on ) Libby ofcourse had not bothered to much but had put her underwear on as soon as she was half dry .

Then I drove home and Lexie left and went home . About an hour later Lexie text me . Asking ” did I still thought she was pretty know I’d seen all of her .”
I text that ” I really shouldn’t have been looking but I couldn’t help but look at her and that I thought she was even more beautiful than I could have imagined”
She text that ” she had noticed I’d got aroused ”
I didn’t reply and 2 days later she got back with her boyfriend.

I was disappointed but also relieved.


1 comment

  1. Should I have been more descriptive about Lexie? Would you have liked me to describe her ?

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