Girlfriend Gets Jealous During a FILMED Threesome (MFF) (Full Story) (Open Ending)

Hey, guys, I have been working on this story on and off for the past 8 months. I hope it’s going to be worth! As always I am open to feedback!


The moment was finally here! His biggest fantasy was about to become a reality. He was about to get in the same bed with his girlfriend and another woman. Although he had been picturing this for a long, long time and he had played it in his mind hundreds of times he had a moment of hesitation whether he should go through with this or not. It was probably his last chance to back off. This was a crucial moment for his relationship with Amy. It could save their relationship or it could put a start to the end. He knew pretty clear that he wanted Gina more than he wanted Amy. He couldn’t help but glance at Gina more than he wished he was. His excitement was mixed with guilt.

On the other hand, Amy never had fantasies of sleeping with a man and a woman at the same time. It took her more than 4 years to finally agree to this. She wasn’t sure whether she actually wanted to do the threesome and she never had fantasies about women. She had never had any sexual experience with women either except for a few make-outs while being drunk. That was up until a couple of months ago. There was a period that lasted a couple of weeks in which Nick and Amy decided to give each other a break. With the freedom she had, Amy started going out and drinking and one night she ended up in bed with another woman. Ever since then she started looking at women in a different way. After the experience, she knew that she would enjoy a threesome physically but she wasn’t sure whether she would have to fight for Nick’s attention when there was another woman in bed. Moreover, she wasn’t even sure whether he would give her enough attention to make her feel safe during the threesome. With all those thoughts going through Amy’s mind, everything was about to start. Gina got up, picked her phone and started filming. She instructed Nick and Amy to “Start”.

Seeing Nick glance at Gina so often was discouraging for Amy. She met Gina a couple of years ago, right before she started dating Nick. At the time both Gina and Amy were both single and initially, the two of them clicked but as Amy got serious with Nick, she and Gina lost touch over time. They hadn’t seen each other for a couple of years up until a couple of months ago when they ran into each other during Amy and Nick’s break. Amy didn’t expect things to go past a one-off night out but somehow she ended up in the same bed with Gina and her boyfriend.

Amy started kissing Nick as a way to distract Nick from Gina who was now filming them. Initially, the kisses felt forced and the presence of another person really didn’t help especially the fact that there was a camera pointed at the couple. They have filmed themselves having sex before but this was a completely different experience. Nick had spent a lot of time before the threesome trying to persuade Amy to get it filmed. Eventually, Amy agreed and she brought it up to Gina. Gina was surprised by Amy’s request but she wasn’t opposed to it. Quite the contrary, she immediately agreed. They agreed to film the threesome with either Amy’s or Nick’s phone. With both of them being nervous about the whole thing though they didn’t notice that it was Gina’s phone that was pointed towards them. As they would later realize, this time they didn’t have control over the video. What if the video ended up online? What if they got blackmailed for it? What if they never saw the actual video? They were going to ask themselves all those questions after all of this was over.

After a minute of awkward kissing, they started to get more comfortable. Amy was standing on her knees on the edge of the bed as Nick was standing right by the bed. He grabbed Amy’s ass, bent a bit, and started kissing her body. Clearly, things were starting to look better than they had initially. Despite seemingly giving his full attention to Amy, Nick was still glancing at Gina for a fraction of a second from time to time although he was trying hard not to. Watching things unfold and clearly seeing Nick and Amy getting more comfortable Gina decided to get closer. As soon as Gina started approaching the bed, Nick immediately fixed his eyes on her for a second before shifting his attention back to Amy. To Nick’s delight pretty soon Gina was right next to Amy. Gina was still filming but the camera was sloppily pointed towards Amy’s body where Nick was kissing as Gina wasn’t looking at her phone anymore. Her eyes were fixed on Amy. Gina had this devilish look on her face with a barely visible half-smile looking at Amy’s body before finally locking eyes with her. Seeing all this Nick got really turned on and it was slowly starting to look exactly what he had pictured in his fantasies. As he wasn’t completely focused on Amy before now he was completely focused on the two women and the tension that was building between them. It seemed like even the slightest doubt he had whether this was a good idea was gone. The desire in his eyes was evident.

Gina’s hands started going all over Amy’s body while Nick was still kissing it. Having two people’s hands on her and feeling so strongly desired by two people at the same time was something Amy hadn’t experienced before. She was enjoying all the attention as that made her feel desired beyond any point in her life before and the feeling of doubt was slowly starting to fade in her as well. It seemed like all three of them were getting into this.

Slowly Gina moved one of her hands towards Amy’s face, put her hand on her cheek, and gently pulled Amy’s head towards her. Gina leaned slowly towards her and kissed her softly. That was the moment Nick was waiting for. Although he knew that Amy had kissed other women before he had never seen it himself. Another soft kiss followed but this time Amy responded. And then another one as Amy was the one to go for it. The kisses were getting more and more passionate. Nick was trying to keep kissing Amy’s body but he couldn’t keep his eyes off the two of them kissing. He started going up Amy’s body with his now impatient kisses until he reached her neck. As he got there he leaned in an attempt to kiss Amy but he got shoved by Gina. She handed him the phone and pushed him back. He got a bit confused for a second but pretty soon he pointed the camera towards his girlfriend making out with another woman.

As the kisses started as soft and quick they were now slow and passionate. They both had their hands on each other’s bodies slowly removing the remaining clothes they had on. Pretty soon they were just in their underwear. Gina unhooked Amy’s bra while Amy had her hand on Gina’s panties slowly bringing them down until they got to Gina’s knees. Amy’s bra was now off and Gina pushed Amy on her back before slowly going to Amy’s breasts. Gina kissed Amy’s breasts very slowly before running her hands from Amy’s neck to her breasts and grabbing them. Amy was now laying on her back with Gina on top of her as her panties were still around her knees and her ass slightly upwards right towards the camera. As she was kissing the side of Amy’s breast Gina was turning every kiss into light biting for a fraction of a second before slowly ending it with another kiss. The kisses were getting longer with Gina slowly moving her lips through Amy’s skin but the biting was still light barely felt by Amy. In the middle of this Amy tried to unhook Gina’s bra. She couldn’t do it though so Gina stood up on her knees and unhooked it herself. Amy then got up on her knees as well, reached for Gina’s panties which were still around her knees, took them off, and threw them to the side. Gina was now completely naked while Amy had only her panties on. This wasn’t going to last for long though. Gina put her hand on Amy’s panties, ran her hand through Amy’s pussy through the panties, and slowly started pulling them down. As she got them off she turned towards Nick and threw them in his face. He couldn’t help but start breathing heavily as Gina turned back to Amy and continued kissing her.

For Nick, this was the beginning of a dream come true but he didn’t want to just stand on the side and watch. He slowly got closer and leaned towards Amy in another attempt to kiss her but again Gina prevented him from doing so. This time though she didn’t shove him off but rather pulled him towards her as she shifted her attention to him. Gina grabbed her phone from Nick’s hands and gave it to Amy by now shoving her back. Pretty soon Amy had the camera pointing at her boyfriend and a completely naked woman in their bed. Gina put her hands all over Nick’s body while Amy was looking nervously unsure what to do. Gina lifted Nick’s shirt trying to get it off as he immediately helped her by impatiently taking it off himself. Her hands went all over his body. She looked into Nick’s eyes with an inviting look. Their eyes were locked for probably no more than a couple of seconds but to Amy that seemed like hours. Nick hadn’t even glanced once at Amy after she got shoved to the side. While still having her eyes locked with Nick, Gina started to unhook his belt. Without any hesitation, Nick got his hands on Gina’s waist and pulled her towards him as she was pulling down his pants now. She took them off and tossed them to the side. Gina still had this inviting look on her face almost daring Nick to go for a kiss. He didn’t wait much as he pulled Gina even closer and went for a kiss as Amy looked stunned.

Right at this moment, Nick thought of the time he met Gina a couple of years ago and how he lied to Amy about not finding her attractive. From the moment he met her though he felt this insane attraction towards her. He didn’t admit it even to himself. He even tried to rationalize in front of himself how Gina wasn’t his “type” and how he wouldn’t do anything with her. Now his lips were just millimetres away from hers. They were just about to kiss when Gina backed off at the last possible moment. Maybe that would have been way too much closeness between the two of them way too early and Amy wouldn’t have handled it. At least not now. Amy was clearly jealous. All her instincts were telling her to shove Gina and jump Nick’s bones.

Gina glanced at Amy’s face and saw her nervous and slightly angry expression so she stepped towards her and took her phone from Amy’s hands. She then stepped back as to tell her that Nick is all hers. At least for now.

Almost having kissed Gina, Nick was burning with desire. On the other hand, Amy’s jealousy made her want Nick like she hasn’t wanted him in a long time. Both were desperate to kiss each other and they didn’t wait for a second. Nick put his hands on Amy’s face kissing her passionately and ending the kiss by lightly biting her bottom lip. He gazed into Amy’s eyes before going for another kiss as he tried to bite Amy’s bottom lip again. Amy didn’t let him do that though as she bit his lip instead. She was biting Nick’s lip a lot harder than it was comfortable or pleasurable for him. He tried to pull back but this only made Amy’s grip tighter. He stopped trying to pull his body away thinking that Amy was going to let go any second now. She didn’t though. “Is this because I almost kissed Gina?” Nick was thinking. “That’s how threesomes work” he kept thinking to himself while still hoping that Amy’s going to let go any moment now. With every passing second, the pain was getting more and more excruciating. He tried to pull back again as his eyes were starting to water and when this didn’t work he started physically pushing Amy’s body away from his. Finally she did let go and Nick immediately got back for a couple of seconds. He looked at Amy’s face defensively almost asking her why she did that as Amy was looking almost proud of herself. Seeing this Nick thought to himself “Two can play this game”.

As a way to get back at Amy, Nick grabbed her and pushed her to the bed. He went on top of her so she couldn’t move and ran his hand through her neck. He then forcefully pushed her head to the side exposing her neck. He kissed Amy’s neck slowly, then looked her in the eyes and seemingly went for another kiss. Amy felt his hot breath on her neck before he placed his lips on her neck and started sucking on Amy’s skin lightly. Amy didn’t realize what Nick was doing at first but as soon as she realized that he was trying to give her a hickey she tried to get away. She hated having hickeys especially in visible places and Nick knew that. He was still on top of her holding her neck though and didn’t let her pull away from him. After a couple of more seconds, he let go. He looked at Amy with a smirk on his face almost telling her “now we’re even”. Amy wasn’t happy with what Nick did and she pushed him away from her neck further. Instead of backing off though he started kissing under her neck without trying to make any more hickeys on Amy’s body. When Amy realized that he wasn’t going to give her more hickeys she relaxed and decided to let it go as she didn’t want to ruin things. Nick was slowly going lower and lower with his kisses until he reached Amy’s breasts. He kissed the outside of her breast while slowly moving his hands through her body until he reached her breasts. He stopped kissing, lifted his head as he grabbed her breasts. He ran his hands through her breasts massaging them gently before squeezing them. He put his thumbs on her nipples and started rubbing them slowly while having the rest of his hand on the outside of her breasts. His touches were starting to get rougher before he suddenly stopped. He put his hands on both sides of Amy’s body, not allowing her to move as he kissed her breasts really lightly as this was tickling her. Amy tried to move her body but Nick was holding it tightly as he kept kissing her breasts really slowly, which was tickling Amy more and more. While trying to tease Amy he unintentionally glanced at Gina once again. He quickly shifted his attention back to Amy but now he went for Amy’s nipples. He kissed one of Amy’s nipples and finished the kiss by gently sucking it. He went to the other one but the kiss wasn’t so light now. He went for another kiss and as he kissed her nipple he swirled his tongue around it finishing the kiss by dragging his upper lip through it and kissing under it. Suddenly Amy put her hands on Nick’s head and ran her fingers through his hair. She shoved his head between her breast where he immediately started kissing and started making his way down through her body to her belly while slowly running down his hands through the side of her body. He reached her belly button, kissed it really slowly which was slightly tickling Amy again. Nick was still holding her firmly though not allowing her to move. He kissed her belly button one more time, slowly kissed right under it, and then he started going further down her body with his kisses. He kept going until his lips were almost touching her pussy while his hands were on the side of her butt. He kept on running his hands down until they were on the outside of her hips. He was just about to kiss her pussy when he moved his head further down towards her inner thighs without kissing them. Amy could feel his warm breath on her skin waiting for him to start kissing. He was biting his lips and breathing heavily trying not to kiss Amy’s thighs so he could tease her. By holding his kisses though he was teasing himself too until eventually, he couldn’t resist her anymore and started kissing her thighs. He pressed his lips onto her thigh, slowly ran his lips a couple of millimetres towards her pussy and kissed her thigh again. As he went for another kiss Amy could feel his breath on her skin getting heavier as he pressed his lips on her inner hip now and he finished the kiss by lightly pressing his tongue on her skin. With every kiss, he kept dragging his bottom lip closer to her pussy allowing Amy to feel his breath on her skin. His breath kept getting heavier as he was holding her body harder and harder the closer he was getting to her pussy. Soon his lips were just millimetres away from her pussy once again. Amy was expecting him to finally start kissing it. Nick went for a kiss as Amy could feel his breath on her pussy getting closer as she was ready to feel his lips there. She was about to tilt her head backwards out of pleasure when she suddenly felt his breath disappear. Before she had the chance to lift her head and see why Nick stopped he grabbed her body and turned it around. He left her laying face down as he went on top of her, leaned towards her head, and moved her hair exposing her neck and ear. He lightly pressed her earlobe between his lips before kissing her behind the ear. He caressed his lips on her skin and slowly started dragging them downwards toward the back of her neck. Pretty soon Amy started to feel his kisses going through her spine as he wasn’t missing a spot along the way. He kept kissing until he reached Amy’s lower back with his body now on top of her ass and hips.

Gina was on the side filming and enjoying what she was seeing but she felt like this was going for way too long now. She slowly got closer to Nick and Amy and soon she was right next to them. She slowly ran her hands through Amy’s back before kissing the back of her neck. Gina slowly started going down with her kisses following exactly where Nick was kissing just moments ago and her lips were getting closer and closer to Nick’s. She flipped the camera and started filming herself kissing Amy’s body. When Nick saw Gina kissing Amy’s back slowly going towards him he suddenly started kissing Amy’s back upwards going back to where he was kissing seconds ago. Amy laying face down feeling both Nick and Gina kissing her body was starting to feel more desired than ever. Soon though Amy started feeling the kisses on her back getting lighter and lighter when she realized that Gina’s lips were going towards Nick’s. In the meantime behind Amy’s back, Gina and Nick locked eyes while barely kissing Amy now as their lips were getting closer and closer until they were kissing almost the same spot. Suddenly Amy stopped feeling Nick’s lips on her back and a second later she stopped feeling Gina’s kisses as well. Amy started to wonder what’s going on. She stopped breathing for a second as she wanted to hear what was happening behind her back. There was absolutely no sound though. After a couple of seconds of holding her breath, she took a deep breath breaking the silence. While she did that though she thought that she heard them kissing. She held her breath one more time allowing her to hear if something was happening. A second of dead silence followed when suddenly she heard them kissing. She hesitated for a second whether she should roll and see the obvious. Another second passed as she was still unsure what to do as she heard another kiss before swiftly twisting her body. As she turned her body around though that pulled Nick and Gina away from each other. By the time she turned around, they were already apart but she knew what had happened. Again Amy felt insanely jealous. As she rolled her body, she got up, wrapped her hands around Nick and pulled him on top of her and away from Gina. Now Amy was laying on her back with Nick being on top which left Gina on the side once again. Gina didn’t mind though as she wanted to accelerate things and it worked. She stepped back and flipped the camera just in time to capture Nick and Amy starting to kiss. Pretty soon Amy got her tongue around her fingers and then with the same hand grabbed Nick’s dick. She made sure it was wet and slid it halfway inside her impatiently.

Nick almost slid it out when he slid it halfway back in slowly. Really slowly. He was teasing Amy with those slow probes as he wasn’t giving her his whole dick. Suddenly though he shoved it all in. Then again just the tip a couple of times. Then he shoved it fully twice. After a couple of more, slow partial shoves, he shoved it fully three times. At this point, Amy was getting impatient so she wrapped her legs around him, and pulled him closer. He started shoving his whole dick with every penetration now. Amy started moaning straight away while he put his hands on her face holding it gently but firmly. Nick was slowly starting to get faster when he grabbed Amy’s hands and pinned them above her head holding them tightly. Amy tried to free herself but Nick was holding her too tightly so she stopped trying. As Nick felt Amy’s resistance disappear he moved one of his hands away from hers while still holding them with his other one. He ran his free hand through Amy’s body and then he grabbed Amy’s breast. At first, he was massaging it gently through the side but little by little he was going to the centre. He put his fingers on her nipple and then squeezed it gently as Amy’s body shivered. Suddenly, he moved his hand away from her breast and grabbed Amy’s face and kissed her by lightly biting her bottom lip again. He went for a second kiss as Amy was ready to bite his lip once again but he backed off in the last possible moment. While still holding her face he turned it to the side almost forcefully exposing Amy’s neck as he pushed his tongue on her neck for a fraction of a second before finishing with a kiss. As he was kissing her neck, Amy’s moans were getting louder and louder and he was starting to fuck her harder and harder. He slowly moved his hand towards her neck. He stopped kissing Amy’s neck and wrapped his hand around it and started squeezing it lightly. The light choking didn’t last long. As he was starting to fuck her harder the hold on her neck was getting tighter and stronger. He let go of her hands and put both his hands on Amy’s neck. Amy kept her hands exactly where they were almost not realizing that Nick wasn’t holding them anymore. Now instead of going fast, Nick went slow but hard. He shoved his dick as hard as he could and then he slid it slowly out then suddenly shoving it as hard as he could again and then sliding it out slowly. While this was going on his grip on Amy’s neck got so tight to the point where Amy couldn’t breathe for a couple of seconds. She tried to moan but nothing came out of her mouth as she tried to twist her body gasping for air. It was getting too much for her but at the same time, her eyes rolled back to her head as she was feeling Nick’s dick inside her deeper and deeper with every probe. It was just about to get unbearable for Amy when Nick loosened his grip on her throat but he kept pounding her hard, as Amy started moaning once again. At this point, Amy realized that her hands were free so she stuck her nails into Nick’s back and wrapped her legs around him even tighter. He squeezed her neck pretty hard once again which drove Amy’s nail even deeper into his skin. He soon let go of her neck but started fucking her fast once again. As he was fucking her faster the trails on his back from Amy’s nails were getting longer. She wasn’t moaning anymore she was almost screaming.

Suddenly he shoved his entire dick in her and kept it there for a couple of seconds while letting a big grunt out. He then got his dick out and just rolled to the side of the bed. Both Amy and Nick were laying on their backs trying to catch their breath while suddenly they realized that Gina was still there filing them. This was the best sex they’ve had in a while and now it was on camera. Gina was waiting patiently up until this point but she wanted in. She went to the bed and got on her knees right between Nick and Amy. She handed the phone to Nick and then put one of her hands on Amy’s pussy and the other on Nick’s dick. She started rubbing Amy’s pussy with one hand and jerking Nick’s dick with the other. Both Nick and Amy were still trying to catch their breath and Gina knew that she was never going to get much resistance from either of them at this point. Gina had this almost evil smile on her face while she was doing this as Nick was happy to film everything that was happening. Slowly, Gina stopped touching both of them and looked at Amy. She leaned in for a kiss and twisted her body in a way in which her ass got almost in front of Nick. He was now filming Amy and Gina making out again not realizing that Gina’s ass was right there and all he had to do was stand up and start fucking her. At one point he glanced and realized the opportunity that he had. He got up and stood behind Gina almost looking for some reaction from Amy. When he didn’t get one he ran his hands through Gina’s ass ready to start fucking her when Amy had a look. Her kisses immediately became distracted and Gina felt it straight away. She stopped kissing Amy and turned around swiftly almost saying “No” to Nick.

Now Nick was standing on his knees while Gina gently pushed Amy towards him. Gina grabbed Amy’s hand and put it on Nick’s dick and pushed her head towards it. Gina got her head towards Nick’s dick as well. While Amy wasn’t sure what to do Gina knew exactly what she was going to do. She gave Nick’s dick a really slow lick and looked at Amy. Although a bit confused for a second she followed Gina’s example and licked Nick’s dick as well. Nick pointed the camera towards his dick right in time capturing everything from the beginning. This was the part he was most excited about. Gina grabbed Amy’s hand and put it on Nick’s dick again almost telling her to start stroking it while she put her other hand on Nick’s balls gently massaging them. Gina tried to lick Nick’s dick again but Amy pushed her slightly and started sucking it. She then grabbed Nick’s balls herself which pushed Gina’s hand away from them and started massaging them herself. Nick was enjoying what Amy was doing but in his fantasies, both women were sucking his dick. Gina shifted her attention to Nick’s abs running her hands through them before kissing them. Seeing this Amy ran her hand across Nick’s abs exactly where Gina was kissing and prevented her from kissing them. Amy tried to make it look accidental as she was desperately trying to get Gina away from Nick without ruining things. Gina tried to kiss lower than where Amy’s hand was as Amy wasn’t paying attention for a fraction of a second. Gina continued the kisses down Nick’s body until she reached his dick again. Amy wasn’t sucking it anymore as she was licking it from the side as Gina started licking it from the other side. This was it. Finally, Nick could feel both women’s lips on his dick. They would start licking from each side and their lips would meet at the tip where they’d take turns sucking it. This didn’t happen though as Amy put the tip of Nick’s dick in her mouth and started sucking it once again but this time trying to fit it all in her mouth which pushed Gina away once again. Nik was starting to get frustrated. This wasn’t how things were supposed to go. Gina got her head back away from Nick’s dick realizing that Amy wasn’t going to let her do anything.

Seeing Gina getting away from Nick’s dick, Amy got up and gave Nick a slow passionate kiss. He wasn’t particularly enthusiastic about it and Amy felt it immediately. It was evident to her that Nick wasn’t happy. She smiled at him pretending like she didn’t notice and she bent over inviting Nick to start fucking her in their favourite position – doggy style. Gina saw how unhappy Nick was and she knew that the entire threesome was about to end right then as Nick was ready to say something. She didn’t want things to end before she got fucked herself though so she grabbed Nick’s dick and slid it in slowly inside Amy. She then gave him a soft, quick kiss, and then she grabbed her phone from his hands. She pointed the camera towards Amy and Nick as she smiled at him and gave him a wave to start fucking Amy. Nick hesitated for a second but then he started fucking Amy. He was pretty annoyed at her so he started pounding her as hard as he could from the very beginning without easing in like he usually did. He grabbed her waist and started pulling her body back and forward while he was going back and forth with his own body as well making every shove even harder. Gina was once again on the side filming them but she was getting closer and closer to getting fucked herself and after seeing what Nick was capable of she was starting to run out of patience. Was Amy going to let her, though? In the meantime, Nick pulled Amy’s hair which pulled her neck back. He kept pulling and as soon as he could reach her throat he grabbed it with his other hand pulling her head even further backwards as Amy’s neck was bent so far back that she could almost see Nick upside down. Amy tried to moan but the pressure from Nick’s hand on her throat and the angle it was in wasn’t allowing her to make any sound. She couldn’t help but get her hands to grab whatever she could. She grabbed a pillow that was nearby almost tearing through the fabric with her nails, as she opened her mouth trying to get whatever sound she could out. Again nothing came out. She was so turned on and so tight that she could feel every vein on Nick’s dick as she rolled her eyes back her head. Soon though Amy felt that she couldn’t last anymore as she tried to twist her body in whatever way she could so she could get out. Nick was holding her pretty tightly though and she couldn’t do much so she stopped trying to get out. Almost as soon as Nick felt Amy’s resistance disappear, he let go of her hair and neck and pushed her head down burying her face in the sheets. Amy immediately took a deep breath while her body was shaking as Nick was still pounding her as hard as he could as she lifted her head a bit trying to get as much air in her lungs as she could. As she breathed out she made a moan-like sound as her voice was trembling before taking another deep breath. Before she could breathe out, Nick grabbed her hands and put them behind her back, crossing them at her wrists and started to slow down a bit. Gina felt that this was her chance to interrupt and finally get fucked. She went right next to Nick and flipped the camera. She pointed the camera towards her and Nick’s face and went for a kiss. Nick responded without any hesitation as Gina captured the kiss on her phone. Nick immediately let go of Amy’s hands and moved them to Gina’s body. As soon as this happened Gina backed a bit but Nick turned his body towards her straight away.

Now he was out of Amy so Gina pushed him and laid him on his back. Amy turned around and wondered what to do for a second as she was seeing Gina getting on top of Nick. She was seeing in his eyes the look he was giving her every time she was naked. That look that made her feel so special. Now he was giving that same look to another woman. She was still trying to pull herself together from what happened just seconds ago, almost physically unable to move while seeing Gina already on top of Nick. After a couple of more seconds, Amy felt that she could stand up but she didn’t know what to do and out of desperation she sat on Nick’s face so at least he couldn’t see Gina. Nick didn’t mind at all as this was the other main thing that he was looking forward to in a threesome – getting one woman on top of his dick and one on top of his face. Gina threw her phone on the side of the bed as she wasn’t going to ruin the moment trying to film what was happening. She put her hands on Nick’s chest and started moving her body back and forth grinding herself on Nick’s dick. Nick wrapped his hands around Amy’s hips and started licking her pussy while extending his back forward making his dick go deeper into Gina. She was finally enjoying Nick’s dick inside her as she was starting to moan. This didn’t last long though. Amy was seeing Gina grinding on her boyfriend’s dick as she was starting to moan louder and louder and she couldn’t handle it. It wasn’t more than half a minute when Amy bent over getting her head towards Nick’s dick. Seeing this Gina stopped grinding. Amy got Nick’s dick out of Gina and started stroking it really hard with one hand and put her other hand on his balls touching them the way she knew he liked. Then she put his dick in her mouth once again and started swirling her tongue around it like she hasn’t done in a long time. After a couple of seconds, Gina tried to get on again but Amy wasn’t letting her and instead, she stood up from Nick’s face and sat on his dick with her back towards him pushing GIna away once again. Amy locked eyes with Gina for a few seconds, almost telling her to go away. Amy started to grind on Nick’s dick as hard as she could almost saying to Gina “he’s mine”. Gina took her phone, pointed the camera towards the couple one last time, captured them for a couple of seconds more and she put her phone away.

Seeing Amy desire him so much made Nick attracted to her like he hadn’t been since the beginning of their relationship plus he really enjoyed Amy’s mean side during sex. He couldn’t help but be pretty disappointed though as he was picturing the threesome in a completely different way. He didn’t have time to think about that now as Amy was riding him harder than ever. Although being unhappy with her, what she was giving him at that moment was something that he had never experienced before. He was desperately trying to hold on as much as he could so he could extend this moment as much as he could but finally, he couldn’t anymore.

Despite everything, Nick was really turned on towards the end plus he was inside Gina for a couple of seconds before that. Amy knew that he wasn’t completely satisfied but she fucked him like never before and did her best to satisfy him as much as she could on her own. She was spent though. They both were. Both physically and mentally. They were laying on the bed breathing heavily once again trying to catch their breath.

Seeing all of this made Gina jealous. She wanted to experience the same thing as Amy and the envy on her face toward Amy was evident. She never had a long-term relationship and nobody knew her body, as well as Nick, knew Amy’s. That, in turn, made Amy feel better about herself and it reminded her how amazing Nick is. Although disappointed Nick was happy that Amy agreed to do this and nevertheless it was a pretty nice experience for him as Gina’s presence made them fuck like they haven’t in a long time.

Now it was the awkward part. All of them started dressing not saying a word to each other. After they had dressed Gina broke the silence.

– Well, I am going to leave you guys alone.

She gave both Nick and Amy a soft goodbye kiss on the mouth and headed to the door. After a couple of more awkward moments, Gina left. Now Amy and Nick were alone but the feeling of awkwardness was still there. After a couple of minutes of trying to talk about anything but what just happened Nick said.

– Hey, you have to send me the video. I want to have it as well.

– But she filmed us with your phone didn’t she? – asked Amy.

– No, she didn’t. I thought that she was filming us with your phone. – responded Nick while slowly realizing that it was Gina’s phone.

They both froze for a second…
