My new part-time job [FM]

Hey everyone! I’m really, really, really enjoying college :) I have a part-time job for a couple weeks now. I work at a massage parlor that encourages happy endings lol. I don’t even know the first thing about massaging lmao.

There have been lots of awkward, old, fat guys, but its not so bad and I make a lot of money. Plus, my parents still give me money so I’m ballin! Oh yea, bitches!

Anyways, so I figured you guys don’t care about all the normal guys that come in, so here is a story about one of the weird, awkward, old guys that comes in 3 times a week (I mean, he must be rich to afford it lol).

The first time that he came in that I was working, he went back to the room. When my boss told me which room to go to, she said, “Have fun with this one”. This was weird to me, cause she never said that any time after I had been there a couple days.

So I come in the room and he’s leaning against the massage table, still fully clothed. I introduce myself and he says that he has been coming here for years and he likes when new girls are hired. Ok whatever lol so I ask him what he wants, and he tells me to come over and take off all his clothes for him. I went over to him and took off his shirt, shoes, socks, belt, pants, then underwear.

He must have been like 60 or 70, and his balls hung down pretty low. They were bigger than the average balls I’ve seen, surprisingly.

I then asked him, “So, what would you like?”. He told me to massage his balls. So I started to, then he starts asking me about different stuff I’ve done, like blowjobs, if I ever had sex, stuff like that and I answer his questions while still massaging his balls.

Then, he just stares at me while I’m massaging his balls while I ask him questions. That was awkward. Then, out of the blue, he asks me to squeeze his balls. So, I lightly squeeze them.

Nope, he asks me to squeeze them harder. So, I squeeze harder (I didn’t want to hurt the guy!). He grunts and tells me to squeeze them harder, so I did. His dick at this point looked semi-hard, but when I squeezed his balls hard, that got his dick totally hard.

He then lays down on the table and tells me to “slap my balls”. I say, “Uh, ok” and proceed to slap his balls. With each slap, he grunted. I ask him if he wants me to do anything else, like jerk him off or something. He then said, “Keep doing what I say, like a good girl”. I say, “Ok” then continue to slap his balls.

All of a sudden, he yells, “Stop!”. I immediately stop and ask if he’s ok cause I’m thinking I hurt him. He told me he’s ok, and to just wait. So I waited and then he tells me to slap his balls again. I start slapping them for a little bit and he yells, “Stop bitch!”. So I immediately stop and am like, “Uh, I’m sorry”. Then he said, “No, its good. Keep doing what I say”.

I then say “Ok” and think to myself, wtf is wrong with this guy? Then this happened…

He tells me to like his balls. I started to lick them, then suck on them. After a little bit, he yells something like, “Stop right now, slut!”. Ok, so I immediately stop. I heard giggling in the hallway, the other girls must know that I am in with this guy. He then tells me to come stand next to his head, so I walk beside his head. Then he asks me to show him my tongue. I’m thinking, uh ok, but I stick my tongue out. Then, he tells me to spit on his face.

I am very confused at this point, but I spit on his face like he asked. He tells me to jerk him off and keep spitting. So I start jerking him off and continue to spit on him. He then opens his mouth and licks around his lips and starts to squeeze his nipples with both of his hands.

After a short time of doing this, he starts grunting. Then, he yells, “Keep jerking me off bitch, but hit my god damn balls when you’re doing it!”. I made the necessary adjustments and he starts making his cumming noise, it sounds like he’s trying to pick something up that’s too heavy for him.

And with that, he cums. A little oozed out, then a couple little spurts, then nothing. But, once he’s done spurting out cum, after a little bit, if you squeeze his dick from the bottom to his shaft, lots of cum just oozes out again.

So yeah, that was one of the weirdest guys that goes there, and guess who is stuck with him until a new girl comes in… yup, me! But he tips a lot, so I don’t know lol its worth having to deal with some weird shit I guess.



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