At Your Request [solo] [MF]

I miss my lover in this time of separation. Seeing him and talking to him remotely is nice in its own way. It reminds me he thinks of me, still loves me, and even misses me. However, this doesn’t substitute the raw need to touch, hold and fuck who you love. Being alone where I dwell offers plenty of opportunities to deal with the frustration this inevitably makes.

My body and mind , however, are not satisfied with this for long. I know I could pleasure myself but anymore my own touch feels like when you slide your finger over a surface encrusted with dust. Old and unused, unloved and forgotten.

My lover gave me a break from this experience when he sent me a video of him using my toy. The pang that ran through reminded me of how long it’s been to the extent I feel it in my back. I’m pleased that he thinks of as he strokes his shaft. Though I can’t stop the petty wish that he was closer and I could sit in his lap and remind him of how I feel.

I’m wet at this mere thought, my breasts are also tender needing to be pinched and teased. I begin to feel this down my legs, how badly I want to lock them around him as he thrusts into me. Thankfully, he doesn’t know I miss his touch this much or he might tease me to the point of madness whenever we do get a moment. At least I hope that’s how he takes it.

I sent him a picture of me with the toy. He’ll not know I’m dry and irritated with myself for trying to at least make the cramps from need go away.

Like I hope he’s amused. 

“Have fun!”

I roll my eyes a bit. Fuck I wish it was that easy.

“Tell me what you want then I will.”

He requests my ejaculating toy, with a hentai wink? I actually laughed out loud, cheered up enough that I wanted to play along. I prep it, deciding to fill the plastic syringe to capacity. I may as well make a show of it since even if I won’t be satisfied I can amuse myself and give him something to think about.

I get my phone set up on the tripod the toy suctioned in place. I lower myself onto it and find I’m wet enough that the full length of it goes in easily. Yet, it doesn’t feel right. The tip is too pointed and all the ridges feel wrong. A small tear slips out, my body wants to reject the toy upset with this offering. It begins cramping up so I roll into my back and slowly start to use it to fuck the lower half of my body.

I remember his rhythm and use it trick my body as much as I can. I let my mind wander to the soft noises he makes, the feel of his skin, his strength especially in his hands when he grabs my throat. There’s his scent as well, especially the day that on rare occasion that I wore a dress to get his attention.

I found hours later that I succeeded. He tricked me into going where others wouldn’t see and kissed me with such passion and force I dropped what was in my hand to grab him closer. In a swift motion I was bent over my underwear teasingly being pulled down.

For all the haste, he teased and entered me carefully, but once he eased in, my hips reacted at once. I pushed into him moaning as I do after I’ve hungered for his attention. The position was perfect at the time my body tightened around as though he fitted perfectly and belonged there. My lover had to thrust even harder to stay inside me and I only got wetter from this. I wished he spanked me in that moment.

Every thrust though made me grow tight enough it was like my body didn’t want to let him go almost like it knew. As he continued thrusting I had to hold onto the wall and bite the corner of my lip to keep the moans under control. We were for once truly alone but this was habit. I came when he did. His cum warm and filling. My orgasm was mild going mostly through my clit and down my legs in a mold wave. I though was incredibly happy, my body is just made to take more and is greedy.

These thoughts are all I have of times I didn’t realize how happy I was. Without thinking I used the syringe and felt my body be filled with sticky emptiness. I took some pictures for him hoping these tokens would please him which thankfully they did. 

My belly felt distended from being overfilled. I was pleased though that I made him happy which contented me. Then like now as I write this I have to compose myself separate from my body and wants. 

I just hope to feel him again and that he will want me.
