My [MF] Freshman Horror

Hey y’all, first time posting so if my post doesn’t abide by the community’s rules apologies in advance.

So it was the week before Halloween during my freshman year of college earlier this school year. I 19[M] was at a party with a couple newfound college buddies when all of a sudden I see a chick from my freshman seminar class. We got to talking and having a drunk conversation when suddenly she starts grabbing my dick in front of everybody. Immediately recognizing the signal, I decided to invite her back to my dorm since my roommate was gone for the weekend. So we start making out in my dorm and eventually get to her blowing me and then finally sex. I ask her if she wants me to use a condom and replies no since she’s on birth control. With that being said, I rawdogged her for a solid hour while she was moaning loud, like hear it from the hallway loud. After an hour of rawdogging and trying to get off, I finish in her mouth, we get dressed, and she leaves.

Here’s where it gets fucked. After she leaves I turn on the lights and there’s shit on my futon, floor, and my dick. After drunkenly realizing this horror, I hear a buddy of mine yell in the hallway “what smells like shit?” I immediately go to another buddy’s dorm and he tells me I smell like shit, so I hurriedly take a drunk shower and clean my room with towels, ending my night of horror.

After a few a days I start to hear the story spread across campus like wildfire, furthering my PTSD and weird pride I have from this experience. About a month after this happens, I get paired up with the SAME CHICK for a group presentation. Turns out she was cheating on her boyfriend with me and was banned from entering our dorm as she got shit on her gay friend’s wall. Anyways, that experience was definitely the craziest memory of freshman year, but not the worst.


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