Sneaking off with my dream girl at a high school party [MF]

Thanks to the reception of the first Jules story, here’s more! There might be a part 3 if people like this enough.

Disclaimer: some details have been changed for anonymity’s sake, but all the plot and events are all true.

Part 1:[](

I woke up the next morning pinching myself, wondering if last night was a dream or if it actually happened. But the short text conversation from the night before confirmed it. Wow. Jules had really sucked my dick last night with skills I didn’t ever imagine her having. I wanted to tell my friends, but I convinced myself that I could blow (no pun intended) my chances of anything in the future if I outed her. At lacrosse practice, my mind was somewhere else. I spent hours trying to decide what to text her, still worried that one wrong step could fuck up, to quote Bob Ross, my “happy little accident.” So all of Saturday passed without a text. And so did most of Sunday. I finally got up the guts to send something to her Sunday night. Even though all I said was “hey :),” I was still so nervous that I threw my phone at my pillow and left it there for 20 minutes on silent. In that twenty minutes, I’d convinced myself that she’d never respond, and that she’d seen it, and that she’d shown her friends, and that they’d make fun of me for being clingy, and she’d never want to see me again…

I finally checked my phone, full of anxiety:

“Hey! :)”

Sent 18 minutes ago.

I breathed a huge sigh of relief. How many times was I going to self-sabotage?

I spent another ten minutes trying to decide how to respond. I finally settled on a “what’s up?”

Soo smooth.

Almost immediately I saw the three bubbles.

“Just slammed with scholarship apps, this English project, studying for the AP tests…” The laundry list continued but I’ll spare you. This girl was really business first.

“Damn. Don’t kill yourself over it. Maybe you wanna take a break sometime this week?”

I threw my phone at the pillow again. Did I blow it? I asked too soon, didn’t I. Why would I use an idiom that could be misinterpreted as self-harm? I checked back but didn’t see the bubbles right away. I started to sweat. But then:

“Haha :) I’m too busy this week but are you going to Nick’s party on Friday?”

Uhhh now I am. I didn’t know Nick, but that wasn’t going to stop me.

“Maybe ;) I’ll try to find you earlier this time.”

“Haha I hope so”

I didn’t know what to say to that. I went to sleep with dreams of those emoji smiley faces transfiguring into her coy little smirk.

I expected things to be different at school that week, but nothing much changed. It seemed that she hadn’t told her friends about anything either. I only saw her a few times in passing but never had more than a lingering glance. But those glances were enough to make my mind wander.

Friday finally came around and I still didn’t have a plan for this party. My friend group didn’t go out much, and I didn’t think we’d all be able to get in. And I wasn’t about to go with Jim again. I decided to invite Noah, a dude who I’d recently become friends with. He was the kind of guy who was down for anything, especially a party invite where I was driving.

I had to text Jules for the address of the house and began to wonder if we were going to get in. I’d never really met Nick before, but I’d always got the vibe that he was a little bit of a dick. Which could spell trouble for my plans to get into his party. This fear plagued me the whole time I drove up to his house. I tried to play it cool for Noah, too, since it was a little bit of a first date for us. I’d never hung out with him one-on-one before and wanted to play it cool. But fortunately, as we wound up the mountain towards the house, we could already hear Flo Rida’s “Low” and saw the bright lights as we crested the hill. The distant house spilled down the hill with multiple terraces, finally pooling at the bottom with a huge deck that held most of the action. Beyond that was a thick forest that seemed equally inviting and foreboding. The smell of pine trees and cotton candy vape clouds hung in the air. I parked and Noah and I walked in.

The parents were “cool” and prepared a huge cooler of pre-made margaritas for us all to get absolutely hammered on. I swear they were half tequila. Pair that with a group of thirsty teenagers, and you’ve got yourself a good time. I filled a Dixie Cup with one to try and calm my nerves. Plus, it’d made coping through a sloppy party a whole lot more manageable.

They say that history repeats itself, and this sure stuck to that script. As soon as I made it to the deck, I got roped into a game of Rage Cage (Noah drank for me, don’t worry), preventing me from finding Jules. I’d texted her, but the poor service prevented her from getting it. I worried that maybe her plans had changed and I wouldn’t know about it, and this party would be a waste…but about halfway through, I felt a tap on my shoulder and a shouted whisper in my ear.


I knew exactly who it was and my heart rate jumped immediately. Jules looked stunning. She had on a black crop-top paired with white cut-off jean shorts that held the best ass in the grade. Her pale skin shone in under the incandescent string lights. She’d also curled her blonde hair, which I loved. And her lips popped, even in the dark, with that same red lipstick that she’d worn last week.

“Hey! There you are.”

“Come join me in a game of beer pong! Are you any good?”

“Kinda…I’m in.”

I left Noah and followed Jules to a nearby table. We played her friend Kate and Kate’s boyfriend, Derrick, who also happened to be my teammate. We exchanged a facetiously formal handshake before the game when he commented to me:

“So you and Jules, eh?”

I smiled, shrugged, and tried to play it off like it was nothing. But he raised an eyebrow and gave a look that said: “damn, okay.” Then we squared off.

I hadn’t spent a ton of time with Jules. Outside of a few classroom interactions, I’d mostly admired her from afar. But now I got to see the intensity that she brought to the classroom up close. She took this game more seriously than I took a lacrosse game. Huge celebrations when cups were made and unfettered disappointment when we missed. I loved every minute of it. The game took a while due to the wind, which heightened the tension even further. But towards the end, I made two cups in a row, prompting Jules to squeal with excitement. She gleefully clapped fast and stood on her tip-toes to plant a kiss on my cheek. I was in shock. So was Derrick. I could smell the tequila on her breath and had a feeling that her bright red lipstick left an indelible mark on me. I playfully tried to wipe it off, prompting a playful but noticeable punch to the arm.

“Oh stop, don’t act like you don’t like it.”

There was finally only one cup left each and Jules was as into it as I’d ever seen anyone at a party. She waited almost half a minute for the wind to die down. Lined up the shot. And sank it right into the heart of the red Solo. Jules let out an exclamation that made people around us turn their heads, and I couldn’t be happier to be by her side. I thought that this night couldn’t get any better, but then I heard Jules’ party volume whisper in my ear again.

“Come with me.”

She grabbed my hand and led me down the steps off the deck and over to the woods. My heart raced…what exactly did she have in mind?

“Where are we going?”

“Oh I’ve got to pee and I’d rather just go out here,” she responded in a voice that hadn’t yet calibrated for the fact that we’d left the noise.

“Okay…what do you need me for?”

“Just keep watch and make sure no one comes near.”

This isn’t what I expected, I thought, but there’s no way I refuse. We made it about fifty yards into the woods before Jules decided we’d gone far enough. Fifty yards might sound far, but I could still make out the faces of everyone on the deck. Rihanna’s “Shut Up And Drive” was almost as loud as when we left.

“Are you sure this is far enough?”

She smiled as she tucked out of sight behind a tree. “Yeah, I don’t care. I’m gonna go now, turn away?”

I did. I was very tempted, especially with that margarita buzz at its peak, to turn and sneak a glance at my dream girl’s ass, but I managed to think straight and watch the party. How did I end up here? I reflected on all the stuff that had led me to this point. Was this all because of the rumor of my big cock? Is this how easy it would be in the future? Is Jules going to tell her friends? Did she already? I heard her zip up behind me.

“Thanks for waiting. And for carrying in pong.”

“Eh it was nothing, no worries.” I turned to head back to the party.

“Wait.” She grabbed me. “You think I brought you out here just to watch over me?”

She moved closer and backed me into the tree. Both her hands moved up to my cheeks. I did the same. She leaned in and immediately began kissing me hard. I could taste the tequila and smell her signature moody perfume that elicited a Pavlovian response I didn’t know I had formed. She started to grind up against me and I put my hands on her tight ass for the first time. It was firm and soft all at the same time. Most of it was covered with her shorts, but my fingertips felt the warmth of her skin. I felt her smile as I moaned from finally getting to touch what I’d jerked off to at least a dozen times. Without warning, she quickly slid down to her knees and worked on my belt buckle in what was almost one fluid motion.

“Uhh…right here? Are you sure?”

She stopped and looked up at me with mild concern. “Do you not want to?”

“Nonono…it’s just so close to the party…”

“I know,” she shot back. Her eyes looked mischievous. “Don’t take too long.” She’d already unbuckled and unbuttoned my skinny jeans. The boxer briefs I’d worn were stretched tight.

“God, your cock’s so big it’s hard to get it out.”

I still hear those words ringing around in my head. In hindsight, this is the cornerstone that my cock worship fetish is built on. No matter how many times I’ve heard it since then, it’s never hit like it did that night.

“Fuuuck…oh my god…”

Jules finally wrestled my boxers down and saw my cock spring free and dangle in front of her mouth. She looked up at me with delight. Then she immediately took my cock in her mouth and went to work. The combination of alcohol and exhibitionism drove her to suck my cock even harder and faster than before. Now, I’d done everything I could to make this blowjob last. I’d jerked off earlier that day. I’d practiced edging and taking a long time to cum. But I couldn’t account for just how sloppy and warm Jules’ mouth was. It was like she needed my cum to live. Her pace was so much faster than I could handle. She took my cock out of her mouth to breathe and started stroking it with her hand just as hard and as fast. I was at a loss for words as my balls tightened with every stroke. I moaned again, which only made her speed up.

“Slo–wait, I’m gon–“

It all happened at once. I felt a warm wave wash over me as I moaned and shot a rope of cum right on her black top. I staggered as she rushed to take my cock in her mouth and swallow the rest of my cum. I felt her genuinely sucking on my cock, swallowing every burst as soon as it landed on her tongue. She looked up at me with a mix of annoyance and that mischievous look again.

“Tell me when you’re going to cum, okay? Now I’ve got to wear your cum around.”

I sighed and apologized profusely, but she seemed to brush it off. She tried to clean up the stain with some spit, something that I didn’t expect to find as sexy as I did. But it was still noticeable. No one had to know *what* it was, but I did.

“Do you want my jacket?”

“No, it’s okay. Thanks though.”

We walked back towards the deck together. I worried that people would’ve took notice, but it seemed everyone was engrossed in their own little worlds. We found Jules’ friends, who’d been looking for her since they wanted to go to another party. She gave me a little side hug.

“Text me when you get home. Bye!” She smiled and skipped off into the night, her tight ass bouncing with every step and reflecting back the night.

I made the rounds around the party again, looking for Noah. Some people commented on seeing Jules and me together, but it didn’t seem like anyone suspected that she blew me in the forest and wore my cum home.

I stayed for another hour that I really don’t remember much about. My head was still a blur. Eventually I found Noah, took him home and made it back to my house. True to form, I texted Jules.

“Hey :) home safe! Thanks again haha”

“Me too :) that was fun”

I started to respond but the three bubbles remained on the screen.

“Ngl, it was pretty hot that I had to wear that top for the rest of the night”

Ok, now I must be dreaming.

“Fuck I thought so too”

“:) great minds think alike. Night!”


I got ready to take a shower and get to bed and had a mild shock when I looked down at my dick. Was I bleeding? A rash? Oh no. Did Jules see? Fuckfuckfuck…

But it was lipstick.

I decided not to shower. And I again had sweet dreams full of emojis and coy little smiles.



  1. That was a great follow-up. I really enjoy how the stories are building towards something special. I can’t wait to hear more. Thanks for sharing ?

  2. Ugh the considerATION in this post. Swear I can hear every woman creaming in the first paragraph rn ?

    Edit: dude, when you’re a writer, how do I follow your work

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