2. The debauchery of an Indian girl [FM] during quarantine.

[Part 1/3](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gfbaai/1_the_debauchery_of_an_indian_girl_fm_during/)

Saturday morning, I woke up earlier than him. Probably because his apartment was new to me. Still naked, I went to the balcony to see the rising sun above the cityscape. Lounging on his deck recliner chair, I had a moment to ponder what just happened the day before.

I just entered a new realm. A domain of sexual freedom and expressions. I loved how he was uninhibited but not exhibitionary. I realized that I had been feeling the same, but had been holding up my sluttiness for too long and my religious beliefs and the culture in me will not dissolve even if I had sex. Or even if I had sex with multiple people.. I slowly drifted onto dreams about what I am going to do today with him/for him and how far was I willing to go. I knew couple of sex acts and popular sex themes form watching porn. But, never have I ever expressed my interest/desire even to my college friends or my current roommate. I also worried about how to get it started and how to overcome the pain.

With the hope of having an amazing day ahead of me, I walked in and went to the bathroom to freshen up and text my roommate the updates. She was not awake by then and did not reply. No problemo.

Walking back into the living room, I got to see Mathew in his full glory. Birthday suit. Morning boner resting on top of his tummy.. balls hanging below. What a sight. Nature is one hell of an artist. By the way he was resting, I could see that he had a relaxing sleep. I went down and laid down beside him a few inches away as to not disturb him. Watching him sleep is like watching a baby sleep. So blissful.

I slowly moved closer and rest my head near his arm and put my fingers over his boner. Within few seconds, he stirred and looked at me with hazy eyes and asked, “ready?” haha.. First thing out of his mouth is a loaded question. I laughed and asked had he been thinking about this in his sleep.. He said, of course.. but, I knew he was lying. When I started pumping his cock, he said, not now. He wants to pee first.. I told him I wanted to see and hold him while he peed.. “Why not. Let’s go” he said. ;) :)

Holding his semi erect but very heavy cock in hand, I pulled back his skin as directed and pointed to the bowl. Hard to get the target right but, figured out within seconds. No wonder the seat is always up. He peed a bucketful and I could feel this pee rising out on my fingertips.. So hot to watch. He washed himself and freshened up while I sat on the countertop and watched.

Once he finished, he literally picked me up and walked over to the kitchen to make coffee for us.. We had a light breakfast of eggs and toast on the balcony and basked in the morning sub for a while. I called my parents on phone and he called his.. My roommate texted me asking for juicy details and we exchanged few naughty bits.

**Scene 3**

Mathew wanted to go to his apartment gym. With this lockdown thing going on, he usually goes to his apartment gym early in the morning before having anything.. I on the otherhand, usually go jogging with another friend of mine. Anyway, I wanted to go with him if he was planning to go later the day. So, just before noon, we went down to his gym. He got me a guest entry and I used the treadmill. The gym was nearly empty, so we continued chatting all along. Moreover, we both spoke a language that is not very common in the city we are living in now. So, had no worries of being overheard. I just wore my shorts from the day before and felt underdressed for the location. He however was having a nice view of my ass from where he was working out.

We came back to his apartment after a good work in. Drank some water and he plopped on the floor. I walked over, stood over him legs on either side and started teasing him. He was enjoying the view from below and reached up through my shorts to get to my ass cheeks.. After few giggles, I sat down behind his head and kissed him from above. He pulled me down and stated cupping my boobs with his mouth and nibbling on my nipples over my bra.. I pulled up my t-shirt and unclasped my bra to give him full access.. He sucked like a hungry baby while I kept kissing his chest and tummy while trying to move up to his dick. He pulled on my shorts while I was gliding over him and I pulled down his shorts on the way.. We both were very sweaty and his musky scent wafted through his underwear. I am pretty sure he got mine through my panties as well.. I was not bothered and actually, I wanted him to get my smell !!!

With a bit of a fight and moving around, we wiggled each others innerwears out and just like that, our good bits were out, facing each other a 69. Nice !!! He started wiggling his tongue .. licking up my salty sweat and acidic smelly slime.. Not a pleasant thing now that I think of it. But, pretty arousing at that moment. In return, I started pumping his cock slowly.. I was mentally ready to try again, but I guess, was a bit apprehensive about how it will go about. With the sweat, slime and saliva, I was lubed enough I thought. So, I turned around still on his chest and faced him. Looked him in the eye and started pushing myself down slowly.. He understood and positioned himself ( a great skill to control that muscle I would say ) and started kissing me and nibbling my neck. I was determined this time and rocked ever so slightly dilating millimeter by millimeter.. I could feel the stretch. Sexual excitement aside, it was a physical exercise for me..

After a while of trying, it was getting easier and easier.. I guess it was because I could slowly relax better and release the muscles.. Anyway. He gently flipped me around with his tip still inside me and slowly went about the task himself. That was a great relief. I could just lay back and accept him slowly.. I could feel the push, the pulse and the slipperiness..

I distinctly and vividly remember his thickest part moving in.. I thought that I was about to be stretched thin and just like that, he crossed the threshold and pushed inside. I SAW HEAVEN. I am pretty sure I screamed, dug my fingers into his sides, and made some odd face.. I don’t remember any because that was the best feeling I have ever had in my entire life. He just stayed put.. didn’t pulse.. didn’t go out and in … He just stayed in. Let me soak it in completely and come down. An ethereal experience – painful, yes. But, something about it surpasses my ability to express in words. I mentally thanked the Gods for this, and finally understood why they say sex is beautiful when the person is right.

I could go on and on trying to describe the precise 1 second when he passed the threshold and bottomed in.. and I would still fail. The first time is a beauty. You pass the golden gates and enter the domain. It certainly is an experience to be had.. No wonder an entire book has been written on it.

He looked me in the eye, still deep inside me, and kissed me.. I could sense him pulsing his cock inside me. Like it had a heart of its own. Very slowly, ever so slowly, pulled halfway out.. THAT was painful. Every one of the next few thrusts were painful. His thrusts became shorter and slower as he also understood that I was in pain and have to recover. I don’t know why, but, I whispered in his ear a thank you.. He was not expecting that reaction I think.. because he looked at me quizzically.. I just smiled and kissed him deep. He pressed on me and relaxed for a while..


After a while, we got up to shower and have food. I was ravishingly hungry and thirsty, dirty and sore. I was lighthearted and hazy, but, I was in a trance. He got me some juice to drink and I plopped down on the deck chair outside to ponder. He asked me whether I was okay.. Probably because I was acting all hazy. He went in to make coffee for us again, leaving me to my thoughts.

I looked at the blue sky, the birds.. and I felt myself drifting off to a sleep. My hands instinctively went down.. I was not bleeding thank god. The soreness remained .. A reminder of the most amazing moment I just had.. A lot of philosophical thoughts ran through my mind which, was quite unlike me.. Sex made me a different person. Sex liberated me. Sex made me aware of my sexuality. Sex made me crave it more. Sex made me realize it was what was missing in me. Sex was painful. The soreness lingered. But, sex was b-e-a-utiful.

I was sore throughout the day. So, we both intuitively put a hold on teasing each other.. We showered after the coffee .. The coffee was helpful, the warm shower was helpful, and we slept together on the couch in the living room.

Woke up a few hours later, feeling very very hungry, and still sore. He enquired about my wellbeing and I told him I am fine.. Just need to relax ..

We put on some pants, went down, got some light snacks and a proper dinner meal for each of us and walked back in. Made another coffee.. lounged.. texted my roommate with the updates. Told her I popped my cherry !!! Exchanged some raunchy texts.. Watched some TV, talked more.. Had dinner.. And slept again.

Sex made me tired. I never expected..
No one cummed that day too. Condoms were still inside the box. What a pity. All along, I wanted to fuck. I wanted to be fucked hard. But alas, that has to wait.
I longed for it to be easy on me the next day, but deep down, I knew that I was expecting too much. Porn had twisted my mind to think that this was all a doddle.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gfx5tk/2_the_debauchery_of_an_indian_girl_fm_during


  1. It’s definitely an honest account. Sex, indeed, is beautiful when it’s with the right person. Congratulations on finding this out so soon. I had waited until around 48 to find out. I’m 60 now but I know there is more to discover.

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