Quarantine Pt4[Truth or Dare]

[Pt3]( [https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/gejvpp/quarantine_pt3teasing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/gejvpp/quarantine_pt3teasing/) )

After the second round or two of our little game of Truth or Dare, the truths slowly faded away and the game simply became ‘Dare’.

We were all three drunk on the hardwood floor of my living room sitting cross legged like a bunch of teenagers giggling and laughing at the semi naughty fun that was transpiring. April had one limp hand laying on my thigh which would occasionally brush against my cock through my underwear, teasing me and keeping me on edge. Now remember that hunger I told you, I saw in Matts eyes? It was now in the air. There was a heaviness lingering on everyone right now that no one was really acknowledging.

“Alright my turn” April chimed in just before taking a sip of her glass. Her eyes looked over the glass first at me…..then Matt….then back at me again. “Lets see…..MATT! I dare you…….to give me a back massage”

I felt my back stiffen up at the idea of Matt’s hands on my wife in such an intimate fashion but before I could protest, April was already pulling her hair into a ponytail and placing it over one shoulder while taking position between Matts legs with her back to him. She looked me straight in the ey as she settled in, and I watched as Matt’s hands came down on her shoulders with the thin tank to separating his skin……from hers.

“Mmmm” She purred. “That feelsss really good.” She was still slurring her words but I could tell she knew exactly what she was doing . Her bare thighs came together and her legs lightly twisted back and forth as Matt’s hands went across her backside. I couldn’t see from where I was sitting but I was guessing she had her ass pressed firmly against the bulge of his cock. “Right there….thats good.”

My heart began to pound. Rage, jealousy and awe all started to flow through me. I could feel my anxiety building…..but I also felt something else. My cock. My cock was starting to creep between my legs, pushing against the rough fabric of my underwear.

“Here, You rub my feet.” she said pushing her tiny little feet across the floor and firmly between my legs. Her feet shifted slightly in my lap squeezing my growing cock against me.

Like I said, she knew what she was doing

I looked down at her red painted toes that were gently kneading away at my cock,then back up at her. She smirked and let out the faintest little giggle as I picked one foot up and began to work the arches of her foot.

“Baby that feels so good” she remarked as my thumbs pushed and released. But I didn’t say a word back. I just worked her.

As Matts hand’s got comfortable with my wife, he slowly started letting his hands drift further and further around her soft sides, getting closer and closer to the waistband of her lace panties.

Aprils face grimaced slightly. “Hold on just a second” she stopped Matt before crossing her arms, hooking the bottom of her wet tank and tugging it over her shoulders. She didn’t peel the whole shirt off. She just pulled it up far enough to cover her tits but expose the entirety of her back.

“Fuck” Matt whispered at the exposed skin. I didn’t even have to see it to know. It was a backside that I had been looking down at for years , everytime I had her down on all fours. I knew he had to be hard as a rock right now with my wife between his legs.

“Don’t stop” she groaned. “Right here!” she said pointing to a spot on her shoulder.

The tension was growing more and more. I knew this was wrong. I knew I shouldn’t fuel this fire. But I couldn’t help it. I raised her foot up to my mouth and began gently kissing the arch of her foot while Matts hands started slowly moving to her soft sides again, inching closer……..and closer to the sides of her soft motherly tits.

“God that feels so fuckin GOOD!” she groaned leaning her head back against Matts shoulder.

I watched his fingertips just gently rub the edge of her tit before he finally expressed, “I think its my turn now.

Her eyes rolled over and looked him dead in the face , her bottom lip pushed out and she made her sad puppy face. “Finnnneee. Your turn” she replied before pulling herself up and taking her spot between us again and tugging her shirt back down.

He surveyed the room, looking at both April and I. “I’ll be right back” he said standing to his feet. As he did I could see his hard cock pushing out against the fabric of his black underwear aching for escape. He ran into the kitchen and came jogging back. He placed a cold can of spray Whip Cream between the three of us. I nearly rolled my eyes, knowing that he was going to dare April but to my suprise, he let out “James…….I dare you, to sspray this on April, onto a body part of your csshoosing and then lick her clean….but April…you have to keep your eyeesss shhut.

I could tell he was nervous. His slurred speech was even worse than Aprils. He kept looking at me as though he was making sure I was okay with this. And I was.

April almost immediately busted out in drunk laughter, covering her face in embarrassment. “Okay……Okay” I nodded, accepting the dare and climbing to my knees. “Lay down baby and don’t open your eyes until I tell you I am finished” I could feel the confidence in me starting to build. I was actually starting to enjoy ‘playing’ with my wife in front of Matt.

“Oh my God!” she remarked, laying down on the cold floor on her back.

She was still laughing as she placed both hands on her eyes and laid flat. Matt picked up the whip cream and shook it to life before handing it to me. I walked on my knees to her side. Now my wife is no supermodel. She had that short soft curvy little figure. A small pooch that I just loved to squeeze at night, muffin top, fat motherly tits that sagged just slightly, a few stretch marks on her ass and thighs……no supermodel but to me and just about any man who looked at her, she was still sexy as hell. And her laying her with her hair sprawled out around her head, her soft tits laying at each side of her chest, her belly button peeking out from under the tank, and that soft mound just aching for a hand on it….she looked like a goddess.

I started at her neckline. She was laughing uncontrollably as I leaned over her and sprayed the tiniest dollop on the fleshy neck near her collar. Then a second in the cleavage of her chest. I then hooked the waistband of her lace panties and tugged them down just slightly and sprayed a third, then a fourth on her inner thigh.

I sat the cold can down between her legs and leaned over her body. “Don’t open your eyes” I said again, looking at her covered face.

“I won’t”

I started at her chest. I lowered my hot mouth down on to her salty skin and with a loud *slurp* sucked most of the white cream from her skin. Again she giggled and slightly kicked her legs when I began to lick up the remaining. Instead of just moving to my next target, I instead walked a trail of kisses up her chest until I was in her neck line. I opened my mouth wide and bit down on her neck taking the cream with me but not letting go until I heard her whimper “Ahh!” Her body squirmed as I held onto the light bite for just a moment too long.

She kept her eyes shut but her hands were tensing up and grasping for sheets but none were found on the hardwood floor. I pivoted back around and again hooked her waistband, pulling it even further this time just before her slit. Before I lowered my mouth, I looked up at Matt whose eyes were intently looking down at my wife’s soft mound.

My mouth came down on the soft area just below the dab of cream. I kissed a large circle around the dollop circling it like a lion would circle its prey. Her whole body tensed up and she was giggling even more but clearly enjoying herself. She finally took a deep gasp as I opened my mouth wide and sucked the creme off with one big swallow.

Her body was twisting and writing on the floor at my kiss. I could tell I was driving her into a frenzy. That’s why I saved the inner thigh for last. I knew what it did to her every time my mouth came down on her thigh like that. It was an old trick I used anytime I was going down on her. I called it “Preheating the Oven” because I knew how wet it made her. I knew how it would drive her into a frenzy.

I lowered my mouth down between her thighs. Her pungent scent permeated through her panties and filled my nostrils making my blood boil and my balls churn. I gently blew wind up and down either thigh, teasing her before lower my mouth to kiss just above the knee.

Then another kiss, this time further up

Then another

And another

Each kiss slowly inched closer and closer to the small dab of cream. Her legs were stiffening up. She was trying not to buck and kick but I knew she wanted to.

I finally made it all the way up her leg to the small dab. I looked up at her face one time then lowered my mouth to devour the sweets.

Her head shot back and she covered her mouth, letting out a most intimate “Ahhh” while her other leg kicked out on the floor uncontrollably. My lips curled upward , satisfied with what I had done just before I kissed and sucked her one more time only this time letting my cheek brush against her pussy with only the thin lace panties there to protect her.

She was still laughing when I rose up right. Her eyes were glazed over in tears of joy and drunkenness.

I couldn’t help but be proud of what I had done.

“Did you enjoy that?” I asked looking down at her face.

She nodded quickly.

“Want me to do that again?”

“MmHHmmm!!” She said.

“Close your eyes.”

She did.

I picked up the whipped topping and shook the bottle again. I sprayed my four dollops once more. Only this time, I looked at Matt and nodded my head at him, granting him my permission…..

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/gf8rjt/quarantine_pt4truth_or_dare