[Buildup] Space…The Final FUCKtier Part 10

Another smut free chapter. Start of the final act, hope you enjoy!

It began like every other Friday for most people on the Valentine. The call to awaken by the Captain boomed through every speaker across all three tiers. Those on the bottom floor would start their daily workout with their drill sergeant, while those on the second tier would probably be in one of the many mess halls across the city having their breakfast before being assigned tasks to complete throughout the day; whether that was training sessions or target practice, each day was different for everyone. Tier 3’s had the pleasure of being able to get up any time they wanted unless there was a major issue. Willingham laid in his bed, unable to sleep for the same reason why he couldn’t sleep properly for the past few weeks. He let that Selena go…that shape shifting slime creature whom he sensed was more trouble than she made herself be. Still though, the sex with her was indeed interesting, feeling her soft blue skin self lubricate with that slippery lotion like substance…and how she could take him anywhere he put it in her. He tired to shake it off him once he recalled her curves, apparently taken right from his mind as his perfect body type for a woman.

He had no clue where she went afterward, his time with her left him unable to move until the morning came. He gritted his teeth as he tried to recall the face she formed as she disguised herself as a crew member before she left him alone. No concrete image formed after minutes of interrogating his mind. “She’s probably using a different face anyway…” He muttered to himself as he slowly pushed the warm sheets off him; rising from his bed only in pyjama bottoms which strained against his member. As he paced from the bedroom to the living room area he looked over toward the window wall which overlooked the city below. He could feel it come alive as the people below awoke with it.

Will’s eyes were heavy and bagged, thanks to his lack of sleep, his hair was a mess as was his beard which he had decided to grow a little, a change which garnered a very positive reaction from his three very close friends. He felt a buzz across his wrist, with a soft beeping noise filling the empty and silent apartment. Looking down to his wrist device a strong of blue lettering formed the word ‘Lucy’ projected in a holographic form. Raising an eyebrow he pressed the name, and with a muttering beep the hologram disappeared. Quickly as it went, a screen was projected from the device to a small holographic window in front of his face, appearing on the other end was the petite red head looking back at him with that usual cute grin. Behind her Will could see the people talking among themselves whilst eating their provided food.

“Hey you… you look awful.” She teased, pointing out his clear lack of sleep. She herself looked quite unkept, hair tied back in a loose ponytail, glasses resting on her nose without any makeup on her face; not like she needed it, her natural beauty spoke volumes and the morning look honestly amplified her cuteness.

“Likewise. Why the early call?” Will retorted moving into his kitchen area to brew a cup of coffee. The holographic window followed him as he stepped across the carpeted floor to reach the long and pristine kitchen counter.

“Why not an early call? Have someone over?” She smirked softly with a light nibble on her bottom lip, she wouldn’t ever want to admit that she found his sexual conquests with Mckayla and Angela kinky, but her face alone told a thousand words. Will shook his head in reply, moving his attention to the coffee maker which had started to work its magic. “Either way, I just thought I would check in, you’ve been quite distant for a few days…Kayla thinks so too, said you’ve been on autopilot more often than not.” Will stayed quiet as she spoke, mind flashing to the night with Selena once more. He didn’t know why but the entire situation couldn’t and wouldn’t leave his train of thought recently. He felt that dark part of him think that there was going to be major consequences.

“Just been sleeping shit, thats all.”

“Oh…well maybe I can come over after my duties are through? I can think of a few things to make you relax.” She giggled and winked at him, eyes darting from him to anyone passing her to make sure no one was eavesdropping on her flirty conversation.

“Can’t today, Angela needs me to sign some reports, I dunno how long it’ll take.” Lucy nodded swiftly, pursing her lips as she took in his excuse.

“I know thats code silly. Although maybe I could tag along for the eventual after party? I bet she won’t mind given what you three did at new years…” Will raised an eyebrow as he poured the coffee into black mug branded with block white text reading ‘Galaxies #1 Tier 3’ He felt the pyjama bottoms shift slightly, the thought of another threesome was appealing; plus it would certainly take his mind off the major fuck up he had.

“She’ll like that secret you’ve been hiding thats for sure.” He chucked softly, Lucy followed with another giggle, moving her finger to her lips as she softly rubbed it over her lower lip with her index finger. Willingham had known her long enough to know that she was turned on, and going through the day with that on her mind would drive her crazy.

“Mhmm I bet she would. I would love to be acquainted with her, think she would overlook the clear illegal action? Actually who cares she lets you get away with anything. Plus its not like I’m going to be a Tier 2 for much longer…”

“What do you mean?”

“Hm? oh I thought you knew, I’m being considered to join the Valkyrie Squad. Ever since the pirate attack and losing one of her girls Kayla’s been scouting. Apparently I’ve been n top of their recruitment list for days now.” She couldn’t contain her grin as she spoke. Will grinned back feeling a sense of pride in his close friend.

“No way thats awesome! You’ll love having one of these to yourself rather than just being in mine.”

“I know! It’s not all confirmed yet though, I heard Tracy Harlett is a close second, but she’s been on Mckayla’s bad side a few times in her training sessions. So hopefully I-” Lucy was cut off by a sudden alarm, Will could see the red lights strobing through the blue filter of the hologram window. Concern grew on their faces as the people around Lucy began to confusingly stand and look around.

“An attack?” Lucy muttered as a hard buzzing feeling was felt on Will’s wrist, three names turned up on the device: ‘Mckayla’ ‘Angela’ ‘Captain Rays’. Pressing the names all at once he watched as the window Lucy was in was split into four quadrants. In the top left was Lucy now standing and moving towards the armory, the top right was a mad looking Captain Rays, scowling angrily as he moved down what seemed to be the corridor which lead to the bridge. The bottom half of the screen was filled with Mckayla and Angela, both in places Willingham could not recognize.

“The hell if going on Captain?” Will called as he paced straight toward the window trying to see what was happening out in the deep abyss of outer space.

“Fuck you think is going on? We’re being attacked!”

“It’s different this time…Nothings out there, its an inside job.” Angela spoke up as she was also on the move with a fastened pace. Willingham’s heart sank…Here was that major consequence he was thinking about.

“Any idea what it is?” Mckayla called out, noticing the Lucy was in the conversation also. She passed by a number of worried looking grunts who made their move toward the closest armory. “Lucy whats the panic like down there?”

“It’s all good I-”

“Who the fuck let this pixie in this conference?” Rays boomed as he came to realize that it was four people in the conversation rather than the intended three.

“Leave it Captain, she’s friends with Willingham. We don’t know, obvious guess is that slime creature your squad brought in but we found no evidence that it can form thoughts.” Will stood quiet, he knew that it could. Even form a body, read thoughts and god knows what else Selena could do. “Whoever it is, It’s killed our defenses, we got no shields which usually means-”

There was a loud rumble as the entire station shook, the metal hull creaking; from the darkness came a large ship, then another, then another. More ships flew in from hyperspace and began to fire upon the Valentine. Blue beams of light emanated from the ship as it pierced the hull. There was more than a dozen of them, approaching quickly to breach the station.

“God fucking fuck!” Rays moaned. Angela rolled her eyes and felt her elven ears flick impatiently.

Mckayla piped in over Rays irritated grumbles of endless curses directed at Willingham “Will meet me at the captains office. Were the closest and we need to make sure whatever is attacking us doesn’t get its hands on the Anti Body protocol.”

“Bishop, you’ll be in charge of the ground defense. I’ll order the pilot squad to move out ASAP.” Rays had come back to his senses after his tirade before turning to Lucy “Pixie! You’re on the Valkyrie shortlist yes? Gather them and help defend the city!”

Lucy with a serious and determined expression nodded, looking to Will once more before she turned off her screen to follow the captains orders.

“Orders received captain. Good luck everyone.” Angela said before signing off. The captain followed suit without saying anything. Mckayla kept hers on as she sprinted, Willingham could hear the high heels of her bodysuit clop on the metal floor as she ran.

“Put a shirt on please hun. It’ll be distracting when we rendezvous…” She curled a small smile as she looked into his bright eyes. Will followed her suggestion, running out the door while reaching over to his uniform jacket which he draped over a stool the night before. Running out to meet with Mckayla.

When all of this began, Selena sat in the mass driver room within the deepest parts of the ship. She was formed the same as when she laid with Willingham: bright blue toned skin with eyes a bright purple, clinging tightly to her curvaceous body was a standard female uniform which was clearly too small to fit her thicc figure. She stayed quiet as a smile was branded across her lips, mouthing words softly. The purple in her eyes glowed brightly as she spoke telepathically to her allies in the ships. Her plan had worked and was almost too easy to execute. Surely part two would be more of a challenge.

“Free to engage. Destroy the small tier first. Then move to the top. I’ll wipe out the rest.” She muttered to her allies before slowly and casually sauntering her way towards Rays’ office, body morphing quickly to blend into the environment as a member of the Valentine.

The station rocked and shuddered furiously as Willingham sprinted as fast as he could through the narrow straight corridors, bumping past people who were getting to positions. He hadn’t taken a second to catch his breath from the elevator which lead to the top tier, his legs strained and burned in agony, sweat streaming down his face. Finally it was in view, the large opening which had played host to the battle between he and the pirate captain so long ago. Looking to the left of him he noticed Mckayla standing there, her white jumpsuit clad body resting on the wall of the office. “Been waiting for ages. Where have you been?” She asked in a concerned and slightly irritated tone. Will held his knees as he panted hard, huffing out.

“Long…Run…Too…Much…Movement.” Rolling her eyes Mckayla approached and put her hand on his tensed back, a frown formed on her plump lips, she hoped those who were below were ready for the fight.

“BREACH IN THE COMMONS! PREPARE FOR BATTLE!!” A voice cried out over the loudspeakers through the city. There was a whooping HOORAH from the people below, knowing that her squad was down there probably leading the charge.

“They’ll be fine, We won’t lose this.” He said after clearing his throat. There was still fatigue in his voice. Mckayla looked up into his eyes and her frown turned into a smile.

“I don’t think that’s going to happen.” A voice spoke from around them, they both put their guard up, turning toward the origin of the voice. They looked confused as a woman stood before them, pale with long black hair and rose red lips. Will knew who it was before they even said another word. Slowly changing Selena’s appearance changed once more, back to her blue humanoid form.

“You’re the slime creature I presume? The one who escaped during the last attack?” Mckayla said as she drew her large claymore and pointed it toward Selena. The alien paid no attention to her, only pulling her uniform down to attempt to cover her body.

“You need to be a stick to fit into one of these…How do you human females fit in this?” She shook her head and gave up, surrendering her exposed skin to the cool air which was being pumped into the ship. Mckayla pulled out a smaller weapon on her hip, pressing it on Willingham’s chest as he took it.

“You won’t live long enough to know how!” Immediately Mckayla lunged at Selena, rotating her body to try and land one of her high heels onto the chest of the alien. In a moment Selena’s eyes glowed brightly, Mckayla gasped as her entire body was thrown across the room, slamming into the wall winding her. She clutched the back of her head, blurred vision overcoming her. Will turned back to check on her…it was a silly mistake.

He was launched across the room, crashing through the door which lead to the office. He grunted in pain as his body smacked against the console which operated the Anti Body Protocol. He looked toward the entrance to see the alien approach, hands crossed under her ample bust as her eyes glowed purple through the dimly lit room. Slowly he felt weightless, body moving up and floating in the air. His eyes widened as she grinned evilly at him, her seductive voice speaking to him as he felt his back press hard on the large window which overlooked the city. “I must thank you for that wonderful night we spent together…You taught me that humans can be very…passionate lovers.” He noticed a hint of red brush across her pale blue cheeks as she raised an eyebrow. “If we were in a different circumstance I would have taken you home with me so we could do it every night…But alas we are enemies. So my stallion must die.”

“Y-you won’t win…We don’t give in easily…” Will grunted, he felt the invisible force push back harder against the window, a light cracking noise sounding off into the office.

“We have many more ships on the way my stallion. Your comrades are already overwhelmed, I can hear my brothers and sisters’ triumphant calls. Within the hour your station will be ours as will Earth soon after…Not even the other stations orbiting Earth can stop the horde.” She blinked once and pulled Will forward to her, so close they felt each others breath on their lips. Leaning forward Selena kissed him, moaning slightly as their lips pressed hard on each other. A moment later she stopped before muttering “One for the road my stallion.” And with a forceful push Willingham screamed as he was thrown out the window, falling to the city below.

“NO!” Mckayla cried as she stumbled into the room, she relentlessly continued her assault, throwing her body forward to attack from behind. Selena sighed and flicked her wrist, sending Mckayla barreling toward the left wall. The woman rose back to her feet, adrenaline pulsing through her veins as she ignited her beam weapon, the small buzz and pink light filling the room. Selena scoffed and balled her fist. Mckayla froze in place. Eyes wide with surprise she desperately tried to move, ordering her limbs to start moving to attack the enemy. Shaking her head Selena began to type on the control panel. Gritting her teeth hard Mckayla watched helplessly as Selena worked on the second phase of her plan.

“Ant-Body Protocol activating in 5…4…3…2…1…” Selena grinned and turned toward Mckayla, stepping close to her and adjusting loose hair which had been messed up in her battle.

“I can read everything in your head Mckayla Petrova. The Stallion I just killed…you loved him? no…not love. Lust. You put up this fake persona, tough like iron, cold as ice…yet all you want is a man who would make you feel they way he made you feel. You got jealous when he spent time with this Lucy girl…and Angela Bishop. Mmm the things you would do, its enough to make my toes curl, he made me feel like that too, only I built this body for him to play with…you only have your rather nice body. And one you call Jessica? I like her too…It’s a shame you will die right here right now.”

“F-fuck you…Bitch…I’ll kill you!” Selena felt a searing pain on her forearm. She gasped with surprise as she felt her blue oily body sear with pain. Angrily she looked upon Mckayla who had moved just slightly, breaking the stun lock the alien had her in. Eyes glowed purple once more; Selena screeched and threw her arm to the side sending Mckayla soaring through the window as she did with Willingham.

“Anti Body Protocol has been infiltrated and activated brothers and sisters. Targets changed to all organisms of human and elven origin. Victory is indeed ours.”

Willingham’s eyes slowly opened as the chaos around him continued to a horrifying conclusion. Fire engulfed the city in which he called home for over a year and a half. He felt an immense pain on his arm, broken probably. Thankfully he could feel his legs. Turning onto his back he felt the crunch of the glass on the floor; wondering how he survived he noticed a smooth feeling. Yes he had crashed through the thin ceiling, but he was mostly unscathed. He slowly rose his body to a seated position. He scoffed with disbelief as he realized that he had landed in the mattress store…the one which sold the shock absorbing king sizes which would absorb any force.

He heard a slight whimper from beside him, seeing Mckayla laying beside him he moved over to her, putting weight on his injured arm in which caused him excruciating pain. Shaking her softly she remained breathing, but still unconscious. It defiantly was not the first time he had seen her passed out on a bed with him, and if he had anything to do about it, it wasn’t going to be the last.

A voice cracked onto the their wrist devices, Angela Bishops voice cried out “Ordering a full retreat, launching all pods now. There’s nothing we can do. The antibody protocol has malfunctioned and turned on us, all Valentine crew members still on board must get to the escape pods immediately.”

Will grunted as he moved off the bed, moving Mckayla’s body across the bed and over his back, hooking both arms under her thick thighs and draping her limp arms over his shoulders he began to walk out of the store, hoping that the robots had already swiped across this area of the city. His arm was hurting, so much so he felt like putting all her body weight on one side of him; but he knew that would only slow him down, it didn’t look good. He felt her breasts press on his back with each staggered step, his head was hurting, legs straining.

“Mckayla I am reading your location. Get your ass to the pods now! That’s a direct order!” The voice of Captain Rays boomed from her wrist device. Willingham looked down as he could barely believe that there was anyone left.

“Captain, its Willingham, ships gone to hell man Mckayla’s out cold…the Anti-”

“I know…listen you’re only a few minutes away from the last pod. It seems Angela got everyone who’s still alive out and heading to Earth…The last fighter squad is still evading enemy fire…once you launch they will escort you down to the World Council Building, like the others.” Rays acted differently, his angry emotions had gone, only a sorrowful voice remained.

“Sir I don’t think I can get there, the protocol will-”

“Shut up and walk son. I got that all handled. I have a secret program which adjusts their target. All of those robots are outside my door, Once you get away I’m opening the door.”

“Sir that’ll kill you in seconds.”

“I know. My only request is that you tell the Council that I said something cool when I go out.” Scoffing humorously, Will felt the sadness overcome him. He turned the corner of the street and faced a large wall which was honeycombed in multiple hexagons. The only one which was filled out was closest to them. The last escape pod.

“Thank you sir…I won’t forget your sacrifice.” He muttered as he felt Mckayla stir, eyelashes brushing on his cheek as she breathed onto him.

“You better not son….Now go.”

Mckayla had came back to her senses, her body aching as she felt a tight rope across her waist, and another engulfed by her large breasts. She looked beside her so see Will alive and well, clipped onto a seat as he typed on a holographic keyboard. “Will…you’re alive?”

He looked over to her as the escape pod hummed. Nodding gravely he sighed and rubbed his face with his uninjured hand “Alive and well. Arms either broken or dislocated though. What about you?” He asked watching her intently.

“What happened?” She asked, ignoring his question.

“We’re in an escape pod. We got out. Heading to Earth with an escort of a dozen fighter ships. I don’t think the aliens are bothered with survivors though.” He explained gravely. Mckayla looked to the port side window where the Valentine should have been. She gasped as there was nothing. Only flying rubble which spotted the abyss of open space…

The Valentine was no more.

Angela was ok for the most part. Only a few cuts across her face which would fade quickly using some scar removing makeup. Her battle armor was scuffed and worn, the battle had really taken it out on her. Lucy stood beside the Valkyrie squad, muttering to themselves over the thought of Mckayla being gone. Their pod was coming into earths orbit. The last pod to go before Willingham and Mckayla. Both Lucy and Angela thought if he was ok, hoping to whatever thing people would call a god that he was ok. Beside Angela was a woman, Angela looked at her seeing as she was the last person to get on the pod before they launched.

“You’re lucky to get a seat, we were about to leave you know.” She said to the woman. She smiled thankfully and pulled at one of her long curls in her hair. “Whats your name?” Angela asked rubbing her hands together.

“Jessica…It’s Jessica.” She said. Her face showed an expression of dread and sadness…But Selena was anything but as she stared back at the elven beauty sitting opposite her….

Part 11 coming soon!

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/gerirj/buildup_spacethe_final_fucktier_part_10