A Visit With a Friend [MF]

I get to your door a little earlier than we agreed on, but I decide to knock anyway. I hear some rustling around and then hear you call “come in, it’s unlocked!”.

I open the door and walk in. You’re sitting on the couch under a blanket, looking very cute and cozy. You’re watching a romantic movie — the one with the protagonist that reminds me of you. The whole scene before me is basically perfect.

I put my bag down by the door, remove shoes and coat and settle into the chair across from you. I’d rather sit next to you and share that blanket, but that’s not really what we agreed to so I try to be content just being there. The movie is on and you seem to be enjoying it, so I don’t really say anything to distract you.

I’ve already missed most of the movie, and it’s been years since I’ve seen it. I’m just starting to get into the plot again when I hear a quiet sigh from over in your direction. I glace over and you’re looking straight at me. We make eye contact and you blush slightly and look back to the TV. I’m not really sure what to make of that, so I tell myself that it’s all in my head and try to focus on the movie.

A while later I become aware of a buzzing noise, but I can’t tell where it’s coming from. Thinking I’ve left my phone in my bag I get up and walk over to the door. On my way over there I see you looking at me again, still blushing and now biting your bottom lip. Both your hands are hidden under the blanket.

It dawns on me what’s happening.

“Do you need some help?”, I ask, jokingly.

You hesitate for a moment. This is far beyond anything you were prepared for tonight. Just as I’m beginning to regret asking, you just nod at me with innocent eyes.

I can’t believe it. I was expecting too hear “we can’t”, or “that’s against the rules”, or some other charming variation of “part of me wants to but I know we shouldn’t” like I’m normally met with. I guess tonight you’re feeling reckless.

I sit down next too you on the couch, careful not to disturb your blanket. I look you in the eyes and ask,

“Are you sure?”

I want to give you every opportunity to back out, because I know sometimes hormones get the best of you. It happens too me to, and It’s one of the things I love about you. I don’t want to give you anything to regret though.

I’m sure you’re thinking pretty much the same things, but you just smile and say,

“I’m sure”

My heart is racing. I place one hand on the back of your neck and move to kiss you on the cheek but you move your lips to meet mine. I stop for a second out of surprise, but then dive right back in. You part your mouth and our tongues start lightly playing with each other and you throw your arms around my neck.

While this is happening I move my other hand under the blanket and start caressing your inner thigh. You’re not wearing any pants, which explains the blanket. I start to wonder what exactly I interrupted by arriving early, and what else is missing under that blanket. You part your legs and I start moving my hand further up your leg, gently running my nails almost up to your panty line, but not quite, then back down to your knee.

I slowly move my hand from the back of your neck to the small of your back, then begin to run my finger tips gently up to your bra clasp and back down. Your kisses are becoming more insistent so I know you’re enjoying yourself. Finally I move my hand all the way up your leg, but where I expect to feel the edge of your panties I instead feel just the hint of stubble.

You moan and push against my hand, urging me on. I start kissing your neck, my beard tickling you. One hand on your back pressing me closer to you, the other between your legs teasing your labia. You quietly whisper in my ear,


That’s all I have to hear. I slowly sink One finger all the way into you, my thumb gently resting on your clitoris. I begin moving in and out of you, slowly massaging your clit, trying to find your rhythm. You start pulling at my shirt, wanting to feel skin against skin.

I pull away for a second to pull my shirt off, not worrying about the buttons. I can smell you on my fingers, and it’s wonderful. I need more. I pull the blanket away from you and kneel down between your legs. You’re already sitting at the edge of the couch, so I push you back against the couch and grab both of your legs, lifting them onto my shoulders.

I look up at you once more before continuing. At this point I want you bad — I need to have you right now — but I also need to know you’re comfortable. You lock eyes with me and smile, then thrust gently up towards me. That’s all the encouragement that I need, so I immediately lower my head and get to work.

You can’t just go straight for the prize with these things. You have to “beat around the bush” for a while. With that in mind I start kissing up both sides, right by where your legs meet your torso. Then I move over slightly and lick up both labia. You moan softly and it’s music to my ears. I move my tongue right to the center and carefully lick the length without actually entering. I do this a few more times until I sense that you can’t stand it anymore. Finally I start at the bottom and press into you, entering as far as I can when I find your opening. I linger there for a few heartbeats, moving slowly in and out. Then I continue up and circle around your clit until your hands find their way to my head. I allow you to guide me to where I need to be, content to stay between your legs forever.

Eventually your pleasure builds and you push strongly against me. I push back and allow you to ride me until you’ve had your fill.

When you’re done I pull back and look up at you, and you’re angelic in your afterglow. I decide at that moment that we can’t possibly be done, so I pick you up and carry you into your bedroom, placing you gently on your bed.

You reach up and grab at my belt, not fully coherent. I take the hint and remove pants, leaving under shorts. I reach behind you and undo your bra, remove your top and finally see you in all your glory.

I bend down and take one of your nipples into my mouth, twirling my tongue around it and flicking side to side. I don’t get any response from you, so I decide to move up to your neck, biting gently and nibbling your ear. I reach down and you’re still soaking wet, so I decide to see if we can move things along.

I remove my shorts and ask,

“Are you ready?”

“Yes” you gasp, just as my finger runs over your clit.

I center myself over you and start slowly rubbing the tip of my dick between my lips, feeling your wetness. After a few strokes I find your hole and trust into you without breaking my rhythm. You’re so worked up that I met very little resistance.

“Oh god that feels good” you tell me.

Encouraged, I pick up the pace slightly, wanting to send you over the edge again and again. Making you cum is my only goal, and nothing else matters. I start kissing your neck again. No teeth this time, because I know I’ll get carried away. One of my hands slips between us and my thumb finds your clitoris, providing just enough pressure to urge you on.

Your breathing is getting short now, and you’re getting wetter then I thought possible. Your head tips back in ecstasy and I switch to longer, more powerful strokes. Your hips buck and I feel you clamp down on me. This is my biggest turn on, and it’s everything I can do not to cum immediately. My dick is so hard it feels like it’s going to split in two.

It’s not time though.

I push as deep into you as I can and play with your clit while I wait for you to finish. You’re out of breath but I can tell you’re enjoying yourself. I start to wonder if you’re ready to go again right away or if you need a minute, but you start pushing against me again. No words need to be spoken. I know exactly what you want.

I take both your hands and pull you up into an embrace. I slide one leg, then the other, around you. I’m still inside of you, but now we’re sitting upright and hugging. My lips find your neck again and you start moving rhythmically against me. Nobody is going to cum this way, but that’s fine. It feels good and I need the time to cool down anyway.

After a few minutes of this I finally start to feel like I can take a little more, so I ask you to turn around and get on hands and knees. You do as you’re told, and the view is magnificent. I reach out and caress one ass cheek and feel goosebumps raise up under my touch.

I lower my head and find your clit with my tongue. After swirling around it a few times I lick over your hole and up your ass. You jump a little at the unexpected sensation, but I don’t hear any protest. I repeat this process twice more, then sink down into your now used hole. I press in as far as I can reach and linger for a moment, enjoying the taste. Then begin flicking in and out, pausing periodically to push deep into you.

While that’s happening I reach between your legs and find your clitoris. I begin rubbing it, first softly, then less so. I’m trying to find your limit. You start to groan, and I can feel your pussy responding.

I can’t wait any longer. I replace my tongue with my dick and push into you slowly but firmly until I’m as deep as I can go. I can’t reach your clit from here so I content myself with running my nails up and down your back, sending shivers up your spine. You start pushing back against me, matching my pace. You really know what you’re doing, and it feels so good I can hardly bare it.

“I’ve got to slow down for a minute,” I say.

“Don’t stop now,” you plead.

I just moan, get up on my feet and push your shoulders down on the bed. This position allows me to push even further into you, and now I need to be careful not to hit your cervix. It drives you wild though, because It makes me feel bigger inside you. Within a minute you’re struggling to move against me, but you’re pinned to the bed. I would stop immediately if you asked me to, but you have no interest in doing that.

Thrusting steadily into you, I’m about to give into my orgasm when I finally start feeling yours as well. This drives me over the edge. I thrust into you strongly one last time and let loose. The sensation takes me far away for a moment and I forget where I am.

When I get back you’re collapsed on the bed on your tummy. I’m on top, still inside of you, my head resting between your shoulders. I scoot to one side of you and you roll to face me, resting your head on my arm.

“That was nice,” I say, not having the words at this moment to describe exactly *how* nice it actually was.

“I agree,” you say.

I search your face for any sign of regret, but if there’s any there I don’t see it. I spend a moment admiring your beauty, then pull you close to me. I sigh contentedly and caress your back while thinking about what this means for us, or if I should ever expect to be here again.

After a moment I feel you relax, and your breathing had changed. I realize you’ve fallen asleep in my arms. Joy hits me like a truck and I feel a single tear form in the corner of my eye. I use my free hand to wipe it away, then place my arm protectively around you. You smile in your sleep and nuzzle close to me. I relax and decide that whatever happens in the future, I will always have this night.

As I contemplate that thought, my eyes slowly close and sleep takes me.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/57899v/a_visit_with_a_friend_mf