Getting her costume ready [MF]

Warning: Long

This story happened a fairly long time ago. I was a virgin at the time.

I was starting to get ready my first comic book / anime / gaming con. A friend of mine, Rebecca was trying to get a costume together in time for the con, and hadn’t really thought far enough ahead. We were trying to come up with something simple but effective, and we are poring over everything we can think of, movies, comics, manga and anime alike, looking for something that was both suitably easy and suitably impressive. We eventually settled on Morrigan from Darkstalkers, because it was simple colors, and could be fashioned from simple and inexpensive components.

We were quickly able to find purple, semi transparent leggings and a black lycra bodysuit, as well as some material to make the gloves (since they are fingerless, it was way easier to just stitch something that find gloves the right shape and color). She got herself into the bodysuit, and when she came out into the room, her nipples were quite prominently pushing outward from under the incredibly thin material. I did my best not to notice, and we were starting to make the necessary alterations. We cut the heart out, revealing even more of her gorgeous breasts than was already exposed. I managed to not stare and continued. We feathered the straps, giving me a few more glorious peeks at the significant swells of her breasts.

We got the gloves fitted and stitched, and I had her go and try it all on as a unit and come back so we could judge the result. She disappeared into her room, and came back in the entire outfit as we had constructed so far.

“It looks great!” I say.

“No, it’s all puffy and pointy” she says.

As far as pointy goes, I was able to figure that out immediately. I told her that could be easily managed. As for puffy, I wasn’t exactly sure what she was talking about, because this thing could not have been tighter / more form fitting on her if had been painted on. I tell her that I don’t have clue one what she’s talking about, and that it’s exactly how it should be.

“No, it’s puffy where her suit isn’t.” she insists.

I ask her to show me what she’s talking about. She takes her hand and sort of awkwardly taps her fingers above her crotch. It took me a minute to see what she was talking about. The suit had what looked like a small but noticeable rise just below where her fingers were sitting.

“Oh, uhh… I see.” I say, not quite sure what one says at a moment like this.

“Any ideas what we can do about it?” she asks.

“I’d say shave it off, it’s hotter anyway.” I manage to blurt out before even stopping to think about what I was saying.

“I’ve never done that before, wouldn’t even know where to begin.” She said.

“Well, I know how to shave my face / head, and I can’t figure it’s any harder than that. I have some clippers at home if that’s easier.” I say.

“Sure, go get them, and we can figure it out from there.”

I ride my bike home (it wasn’t that far,) and I grab my clipper case. I toss it in my backpack and head back to her place. When I get there, she’s changed out of the outfit, and is sitting on her bed, a long t-shirt pulled down over her knees. I toss the clipper case to her, and tell her to have fun.

“Oh my god, I can’t believe I’m doing this, but, do you think you could maybe help me out?” She asks.

Now, at this point in my life, I had seen plenty of porn, and some breasts in real life. I had fingered one girl with my hand down her shorts (just once), and that was about it on my list of prior experiences. I was a bit shellshocked, but managed to get out “Sure, i guess. That is, as long as you’re OK with it” before my mouth just kind of stuck shut, still completely blown away by the fact that this was happening.

She blushes really hard, and tells me that this will be the first time anyone has ever seen her naked below the waist, other than her doctor, and her mom when she was a baby. I gravely nod, knowing that being serious about this is going to be the best way to make it smoother for both of us. I run and get a towel, and tell her to put it under her butt, take off her shorts/underwear, and lay back.

She stands up, puts the towel down, and lays back on the bed. I can see enough to know that she’s not wearing anything under the shirt, but the shirt is still covering all the fun bits. After a moment of us both looking at each other like we were totally lost as to what to do, she closed her eyes, reached a hand down and pulled the shirt up. The topmost part first pussy I had ever seen came into view slowly.

She had a relatively thin patch of fine blonde hair above her slit. I stopped for a second and marveled at how she looked like that. I then plugged in the clippers, and began to take the patch away.
Her legs were still together tightly at this point, and she was clearly shy and nervous, but as the hair began to come off, starting from the top and working down, she began to loosen up the tension in her legs a little. The lower I got (I’m moving by maybe 1/2cm at a stroke at this point), the more relaxed she seemed to become. Her eyes were still closed, but they began to flutter.

In retrospect, I should have realized what it meant that I had an electric clipper that was vibrating strongly enough to make my hand numb after a few minutes, and I was moving it all around her pubic region. Somehow it never added up in my mind, and I assumed that she was just starting to feel more comfortable about it, now that the initial embarrassment was over.
When I started to get very close to the top of her slit, her legs fell open just a little, and she let out a tiny sound. I thought I had hurt her, so I stopped and pulled back immediately. She just opened her eyes and looked at me, and asked me why I stopped. Rather than answer her, I just went back to work.

A minute or two (and god knows how many small moans) later, the patch was gone. I cracked a joke about how she was now bare everywhere that I could see. She just relaxed and let her legs fall open wide and asked me to “get the rest.” At this point, I got my first look at the rest of her pussy. I’ll never forget how it looked. It was tiny. It was nothing like any pussy I’d ever seen in any magazine. To this day, I’ve never seen a pussy so small. I could have fit the entire mound in half of a tennis ball. It was a brownish-pink, with full lips and a clit that begged for attention. It also was shiny with wetness, from the buzzing it had been getting.

I began trimming closer to her clit, and up and down her outer lips. She pretty much gave up any hint of pretense, and started moaning softly, but near constantly. Eventually, the direction of growth was making getting any more of it off difficult. “Is it OK if I, um, touch around there to get the skin where I can shave it?” I ask. “Please.” She replied. “Don’t want to leave the job partially done.”

I reached down and used one of my fingers to manipulate her lips to where I needed them. The minute my fingers touched her skin, I could feel that it was red hot, and incredibly damp. She jumped visibly, then relaxed with a little moan. I finished the shave job, and then told her I was going to “check my work.”

I reached down with both hands, and I spread her pussy wide open. The heat radiating off of it was insane, and it was so wet that when I pulled the lips apart, strands of wetness strung between them. At this point, I don’t think either of us were having any doubts as to what was happening, but we were both playing along anyway. I ran one finger over her clit, to “brush off some stray hairs.” She gasped when I did, and her body shuddered a little. I did this a few more times, saying something like “pesky hair just won’t go away.”

After a little go at this, I moved one finger down to the entrance to her pussy, and let a finger tease her entrance, again saying that I was trying to get a hair out of the way. Eventually I couldn’t take it any longer, and pushed one finger just inside her. She gasped, bucked her hips a little, and her pussy clenched my fingertip almost hard enough to hurt. “Umm, ok, this is different.” she says. She doesn’t tell me to stop or that it’s bad, so I continue to push my finger inside her.

This girl is TIGHT. Every move I make, my one finger is being squeezed like a lemon. I begin slowly grinding my finger in and out of her. Not having had much experience in these things, I’m sure I was awkward at it, not knowing anything about clitoral stimulation at this point. She certainly doesn’t seem to mind though. I’m getting hard as a rock doing this, cock straining at my zipper.

After what felt like an hour, but was probably about 30 seconds, I knelt down between her legs and kissed her pussy. She again bucked sharply, jerking her pelvis up, and into my nose, which immediately started bleeding. I flew up to my feet, and dashed off the the bathroom to handle it. She was chasing after me a few seconds later (having grabbed the towel used to catch the hair on her way) apologizing profusely. I suggested she may want to shower and wash off all the loose hair.

I proceeded into the living room, where I sat on the couch, tissue against my nose, waiting for her to finish showering so we could finish the costume, figuring the mood was completely wrecked now, and completely unsure why there was a mood in the first place (I was oblivious when I was younger.) Eventually, the shower turns off, and a couple minutes later, she comes out in the long t-shirt again.

“So, should we finish what we started?” she asks.

“Yeah, of course, you go get the bodysuit and we will try it again.” I reply. She just laughs and disappears into the bedroom. A few moments later, I hear “Hey, can you come help me with something?”

I walk into her room, only to be greeted to the the sight of her, lying on her back, legs spread, in almost exactly the same position she was in before. She was toying with her clit, and she said “I meant finish this…” I didn’t have to be told twice.

This time, considering she was expecting it, I didn’t wind up with another nosebleed when I leaned down to taste her. I licked at her pussy a bit, having ZERO clue what I was doing. I think she must have sensed that, because she decided to try and help me do it “correctly.” In this case, it was the blind leading the blind, but I wasn’t going to bring that up.

Eventually I got into a rhythm where I was running my tongue down one side, across the tip, and up the other side of her clit over and over, while pushing one finger in and out of her steadily. At one point, I tried a second finger, but there was NO WAY that was going to fit. This kept up for no less than an hour. And that’s not bragging standard time, we legitimately looked at the clock at one point and said “Holy shit, we need to stop and make it look like nothing happened, right now.” I never managed to make her cum, but I found out years later that no one else had ever managed it since, either.

That was about all that happened that day. We went back to fiddling with the costume, and that was it. I never saw her breasts that day, but eventually I lost my virginity to her, 2 years later. But that’s a different story altogether…



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