[MODPOST] State of the Sub – Settings update and changes, please read.

Hi all,

I wanted to talk about a couple settings that have been implemented recently after the amount of spam links in the comments we’ve seen increase dramatically as well as quite a few spam/troll accounts posting derogatory comments.

The most important one being the addition of **tags now being required** in your post title. A list of tags is in the sidebar and submission pages for review. If there are any others you feel should be added, please comment below and I will review and add as appropriate.

I’ve added some auto-mod settings to alleviate the amount of spam accounts, links, and trolls. I will be actively reviewing these processes going forward and make adjustments as needed. The biggest change was to the use of new accounts. Accounts less than a day old will be unable to post currently. I know this may conflict with those wanting to make throwaway/alt accounts to post but it’s not too restrictive enough to stop that, just delay.

General notes:
Reporting is your friend, however, reporting a story as fake because you think so is not the intention. Report a story as fake in two cases: 1. OP says it’s fake because they didn’t read/understand the subreddit 2. It’s spam/clickbaity and obviously fake (i.e. google image search, new account). Please keep reporting, this is the best way for you as the community to moderate yourselves, which is way better than leaving it up to me or a group of moderators in general.

People are entitled to their opinions, and just because you don’t agree doesn’t mean they’re not being civil or harassing. However if you’re posting a story about cuckolding or a kink in general you should feel safe to do so. I will more actively try and moderate these comments. On the commentor side, why comment when you don’t have anything nice to say? If you’re not into what OP is, why were you reading it in the first place?

Yes, please use paragraphs, but not doing so is not enough reason for a post to be taken down. It’s just annoying.

For like the bajillionth time, **posts containing participants under 18 will be removed and you will be banned**. Just because you say “Let’s say we were 18” doesn’t omit you from this.

Finally, I am entertaining the idea of bringing on other moderators. Ideas for going forward with the sub are appreciated in the comments as well, but “I’d like to be a mod!” will not get you anywhere. I’m currently the only mod because the rest were not doing anything.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/574bza/modpost_state_of_the_sub_settings_update_and


  1. Think a “cheat” tag would be appropriate to add to the list? Most of the time I see a cheating story there is at least one negative comment about the fact that OP is cheating. Adding it to the list of tags might make it easier for those people to avoid those stories altogether

  2. Thanks for modding!

    Considering the number of throwaway accounts we have posting, that’s probably my biggest concern, but you say you’re keeping an eye on it so that’s good.

    Also, what’s the source of your thing about posts about under the age of 18? Has an admin poked you about it, or is it just a personal thing? Seems like an unnecessary rule- about half of our posts are “Here’s a hot story from my past,” which is often back when the poster was under 18.

  3. Stupid question,but is there a place to hook up with writers to give them your ideas or kinks and have them write a story out for you?

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