The Party – Part 2 (watersports and humiliation)

Nothing more was said as Jake emptied himself into the jug, his thick cock hardening, until it was almost fully erect by the time he’d finished. He batted Rachael’s hand away and shook himself off, before wiping the tip of his cock across her cheek, leaving a faint glistening trail that shimmered in the light.

“Well done sweetie,” said Julia, beckoning her back to the sofa with a slight flick of her head.

Rachael beamed with pride as she retook her seat. She and Daniel exchanged a look, and she couldn’t stop herself from smiling again, her cheeks reddening as she looked down to her lap.

Three more times Julia asked for ‘volunteers’, and each time she was met with a desire so eager it bordered on desperate (exactly as was expected). Demure facades vanished as beautiful, elegantly dressed women, shot their hands into the air and craned forward, like competitive children in class.

Before long, all four of the suited men had relieved themselves into the glass jug that was now sitting on the table, and conversation had resumed again. Jake had sat down next to Rachael, and they were talking about her life as a lawyer.

Rachael and Jake continued their surprisingly normal conversation when Julia returned from the kitchen with a bunch of mint, some limes, a bag of sugar, and a large bowl of ice.

Rachael found herself giggling as she looked into Jake’s grey blue eyes, their conversation punctuated only by the sound of ice cubes cracking as they were added to the jug.

Rachael’s relationship with Daniel had been an eye opener into the world of kink, and when they had heard about Jake’s parties, they both knew it was something they had to experience. She just hadn’t realised that the chance would come by so quickly.

She glanced across at her friend Sarah, whose breasts were in danger of spilling out from her lilac dress, her ginger hair splashed over her bare shoulders. She was chatting to Marcus, and sitting to the other side of him was Megan, another blonde, who was smiling ferociously, despite only having Marcus’ back for company. Rachael was struck by a pang of jealously at Sarah’s confidence. She seemed so at ease in this world.

“Who wants to taste?” announced Julia.

“Me!” Rachael squealed, surprising both Jake and herself as she whipped around and thrust her arm into the air.

“Good girl,” said Julia, handing her a glass of ice cold cloudy liquid with mint leaves floating on the top.

‘Good girl’. Just the utterance of those words sent a wave of pleasure through Rachael that she wasn’t expecting. Was it really possible to have to stop your whole body from shaking at the sound of two words? Yes, apparently it was, she realised, as she raised the drink to her lips, the glass shaking in her hands.
