From Tinder to PornHub (MF)

Hey guys, I have gotten into writing short sex stories about 8 months ago. This is one of the first stories that I have written and I just decided to see if anyone’s going to like it. I have a couple of more stories ready that are a bit longer with more and longer sex scenes that I just have to finish editing before posting. I tried to edit this one to the best of my abilities but I might have missed out on a small error here and there. I hope you enjoy it and I am open to feedback! :)

There he was doing what he said he wouldn’t do. Downloading Tinder and taking the easy road. So many of his co-workers were using the app that he finally decided to give it a shot himself. He set up his profile and started swiping. Almost like in a trance he kept swiping for 15 minutes which felt like 15 seconds when he finally ran out of likes. He put his phone away expecting nothing but in a couple of minutes there was a notification on his phone. ‘You’ve got a new match!’. An hour later he had another one. He was trying to resist the temptation of checking his phone but after receiving another notification he couldn’t anymore so he opened the app. There were three women that he liked that have liked him back. Was it that easy?

Over the next couple of days he continued swiping as he was getting more and more matches but not messaging anyone yet. Tyler had over 50 matches after a couple of days but he hadn’t messaged a single woman. When his co-workers saw the matches that he was getting they kept asking him why the hell he wasn’t messaging anyone. He didn’t even know himself but he decided to message some of them and see what happens. He messaged a couple of his matches but he didn’t get a response from any of them. In the next couple of days he kept messaging the women he had matched with. As he started getting some responses, he started to figure out what got women to respond and what didn’t. Unfortunately, he blew up most of his matches while trying to figure out what was working and what wasn’t. Moreover, after about 2 weeks he was getting almost no matches anymore. He was swiping twice every day but he was getting either no matches at all or maybe a match or two from time to time.

After one more week he was about to give up on the app as it wasn’t matching him with anyone anymore when he stumbled on an interesting profile to say the least. Amelia, 21. She was a pretty girl but that wasn’t what drew Tyler’s attention. Her bio was the following: “I am looking for a guy to start filming porn with as I want to get into the industry. I have a couple of requirements before I agree to meet with you. Message me on Instagram if you are interested.” Tyler was a bit confused. He didn’t think that this was serious but decided to look at Amelia’s Instagram profile nevertheless. He copied her username and pasted in the search box. The first profile that came up was hers but it was a private profile. He thought “What do I have to lose? I will follow her and then I can always unfollow her if it’s weird”. He sent a follow request.

30 minutes later his request was accepted. He scrolled through Amelia’s profile as he saw some pretty hot pictures of her. There was a picture of her on a bed almost completely naked. There was a picture of her on the beach where she was completely naked covering her breasts. Tyler hesitated for a second but decided to message her anyway.

“Hey I came across your profile on Tinder and I was wondering what you are looking for exactly.”

He put down his phone, expecting nothing but 20 minutes later he got a notification on Instagram that someone had messaged him. It was Amelia. He checked the message which was a blunt “Where do you live?”.

“Bristol” – he responded.

“Where exactly?”


Two hours passed but there was no response. Tyler thought she wasn’t going to respond anymore so he stopped checking his phone every two minutes. The following morning when he woke up though he saw that Amelia had messaged him back. Another blunt response.

“What do you do daily?”

“I work as a recruiter and in my free time I like to dance salsa, do Muay Tai, and read. What about you?”

After they exchanged a couple of messages, Tyler got a pretty forward message:

“I want to be straight with you. I want to find someone to have sex with on camera on a regular basis and I want to upload the videos on PornHub and get to do my living doing that. Are you interested?”

The response came so quickly and it took him by surprise. Becoming a porn actor was never in Tyler’s goals but he was so freaking curious and he was in a dry spell so he decided to go along and see what happens.


“Send me a pic of your dick”

He hesitated for a second but he tried to rationalize it. What’s the worst that can happen? Someone has a picture of his dick but no one will know that it’s his. He scrolled through his phone and found a picture of his dick that he had sent to his ex a couple of months ago. He selected the picture but hesitated for a good minute whether to send it or not. Finally he barely pushed the ‘Send’ button. Now he had to wait. For the next 30 minutes he tried to distract himself in whatever way he could as there was still no response when suddenly his phone vibrated. It was a DM on Instagram. He quickly picked up his phone and saw that it was Amelia who messaged him.

“Can you meet this afternoon?”

“Okay this was way too easy now.” He thought that this must be some kind of a scam or a joke. No way a girl so gorgeous would suggest meeting with anyone she doesn’t know especially if that same person has just sent her a picture of his dick. He put his phone to the side wondering what to do. After 30 minutes of racing through his mind he decided to see what she had in mind. He already had huge doubts if it was actually the girl in the pictures that was texting him or some creep using her pics for whatever he was intending to do. If things were shady he can just block the account, unfollow it and never think of it again.

“What do you have in mind?” – Tyler asked.

“Let’s meet at the coffee shop on Broadmead at 5:30”

Tyler thought – “Okay she’s not inviting me directly to her place or insisting on coming at my place. She suggested meeting at a public place. What’s the worst that can happen? She doesn’t show up and I get stood up.“

“See you there” – Tyler responded.

Tyler spent the rest of the day thinking of what was about to happen later that day. He was pretty distracted and ended up wasting the whole day. He couldn’t stop thinking of all the things that could come out of his ‘date’. He kept imagining different ways the whole thing could end up from going there and nothing happening to getting there and being blackmailed all the way to actually going home with this girl. As 5:30 was approaching he started preparing himself. He got dressed quite nicely and after spending a ridiculous amount of time on his hair he finally left his house.

As he was walking towards the coffee shop he had this voice in his head screaming “What the fuck are you doing? Go back!”. He wasn’t about to back off now though as he came a long way plus he had no plans for the night. He walked into the coffeeshop nervously but with a puffed-up chest trying to look more confident than he was. He looked around but Amelia wasn’t there so he went to the till to get a cup of coffee and he sat down at one of the tables at the corner. He kept looking around to see if he might have missed Amelia but he hadn’t. She wasn’t there. 5 minutes passed so he pulled out his phone and started scrolling through Instagram trying to distract himself in whatever way he could. He kept looking at the entrance door from time to time but there was still no sign of Amelia. Another 10 minutes passed and at this point he had almost finished his coffee. He had a final look around, downed whatever was left from his coffee and got up. He put on his jacket and as he was about to start walking to the exit when he saw a really attractive woman walking in. As he looked closely he realized that this was Amelia. The woman from the pictures was actually there. He suddenly stopped dead in his tracks. He got pretty nervous for a second as Amelia glanced at him. She recognized him immediately and waved at him. He couldn’t remember the last time he was so nervous as he instinctively waved back. He froze unsure what to do as Amelia started walking towards him.

– Hey, I am Amelia! Nice to meet you! – she said, smiling warmly.

– I’m Tyler. Nice to meet you too! – he said with a forced smile trying to hide how nervous he was.

They sat down at the table that Tyler just got up from and after an awkward glance from Tyler, Amelia said.

– I can’t believe you actually showed up. Usually I don’t get guys to show up.

– I wasn’t sure that you were going to show up either. Actually I was just about to leave when you walked in.

– Right on time then! So are you actually interested?

Tyler got even more nervous as if that was even possible. Of all the things that he thought about before coming to the coffeeshop he didn’t actually think of the most obvious thing. He tried to play it cool but ended up giving a quick, nervous “Yeah”.

– You don’t sound sure.

– This doesn’t happen to me every day. – Tyler responded with a nervous laugh trying to hold eye contact but looking away eventually.

– I get it! You probably have a million questions so just ask me whatever you are curious about.

Again Tyler went absolutely blank. How the hell didn’t he think of anything to ask? He looked around nervously and said the first thing that came to his mind.

– Have you started doing anything already?

– Yes. I can show you my PornHub account.

Amelia said that louder that Tyler would have wanted and he immediately started looking around if anyone had heard her. While doing so he quietly said:

– Sure.

Amelia got her phone, opened her account, and showed it to Tyler. He had a look and there she was Amelia completely naked having sex on camera. He noticed though that neither of the videos had the faces of the guys on camera.

– You don’t film the guys’ faces? – he asked.

– No. Neither of them wanted to have their face on and almost all of them stopped after a video or two.

Tyler took a couple of more seconds to look at the videos and then said a bit more calmly.

– So if we were to have sex on camera my face wouldn’t be there?

– Not if you don’t want to.

He pretended to think for a couple of seconds but all he could think was having sex with Amelia after seeing her naked. She was standing right in front of him ready to have sex with him… if only it got filmed and uploaded to PornHub. He didn’t know what to say. He locked eyes with her but no word came out of his mouth. Amelia finally broke the silence.

– Follow me to the restroom and I’ll show you something.

She got up and started walking to the restroom. Tyler was stunned. Was she going to fuck him in there? He got even more nervous as he looked at Amelia’s ass as she was walking towards the restroom. She turned around and smiled at Tyler as she was opening the door and then she got in. Tyler stayed at the table for a couple of more seconds debating in his mind whether to actually follow her or not but then he got up quickly and walked to the restroom. He opened the door and there was Amelia waiting for him.

– I thought that you weren’t going to come. – she said while biting her bottom lip.

She got closer to him, grabbed his dick, and led him into the women’s restroom. She got in and locked the door with one hand while still holding his dick with the other feeling it getting harder and bigger. She pushed him to the wall as she gave him a dirty look before starting to go down. She got on her knees and started pulling his pants down. Then she slipped her hand across his dick before pulling down his underwear as well. She grabbed his dick with one hand and started stroking it slowly while she pulled her phone out with her other hand. She opened the front camera and pointed the phone towards her face and started filming herself as she grabbed Tyler’s balls gently and put his dick in her mouth. She swirled her tongue around it before sliding her lips towards the tip and giving it a really hard suck. She then handed Tyler the phone as she put his dick in her mouth again. He got the phone and pointed it at her as she started sucking his dick. She tried to put his whole dick in her mouth but couldn’t take it all as she choked on it and got it out of her mouth. She looked at Tyler and then took her phone out of his hands, turned off the camera and put her phone away. She got up in front of Tyler while stroking his dick hard but really slowly and whispered in his ear.

– Are you in?

Tyler put his hand on the back of her head, grabbed her hair and pulled it back getting her whole head backwards and exposed her neck. He put his other hand on her neck slightly pushing her head to the side and whispered.

– Give me your phone!

She took her phone and handed it to him, He took his hand off her neck, took her phone and dragged her head down towards his dick with his other hand and started filming again. Amelia ran her tongue on the side of his dick, wrapped her tongue around the tip, sucked the tip really slowly, and ran her tongue across the other side. She then put his dick in her mouth, this time taking it all without choking, her nose touching his body. His grip on her hair was slowly starting to get lighter while she was slowly dragging his dick in and out of her mouth. As soon as he let go of her hair she got up again, took her phone, got really close to him and said.

– That’s enough for now.

She unlocked the door and said daringly before walking out.

– Text me if you want to do this properly.

She gave him a smile and closed the door behind her.

Tyler went home thinking that he can actually go through with this. There was this gorgeous woman that just sucked his dick in a coffee shop wanting to meet again. He just had to let her film them while they were having sex. He didn’t have to show his face so he could do it without exposing himself. Later that night he texted Amelia.

– I’m in.

After a couple of minutes she replied.

– Meet me at my place tomorrow at 7. – as she sent her location.

On his way to Amelia’s place the following day Tyler had the same voice in his head screaming “What the hell are you doing?”. As he arrived at her door he was once again nervous as hell. He rang the bell sheepishly and again tried to puff his chest and pull his shoulders back so he could seem more relaxed than he actually was. Amelia opened the door wearing nothing but dark stockings and a pair of black bra and panties.

– Wow! You look amazing! – Tyler exclaimed.

– Thank you! Come on in!

Tyler went into her apartment still nervous as hell. He stood by the door debating whether he should take off his shoes or not when Amelia grabbed his hand and started leading him to her bedroom. “I guess not” he thought as he was walking behind her staring at her ass. As they walked in her bedroom Tyler noticed a camera pointed at the bed, the same bed that Amelia was in on some of her pictures on Instagram. Amelia grabbed a carnival mask and handed it to Tyler saying.

– There you go in case your face gets on camera at any moment.

The mask wasn’t a full face mask but rather an eye mask covering only the eyes of the person wearing it but it was protecting the person’s identity just enough so nobody could recognize them.

– I don’t like scripts so let’s just wing it and see how it goes. – said Amelia while she was setting up the camera. – Let’s just start by me taking control – she continued – and if you are in the mood you can take control at some point.

Tyler was starting to freak out a bit. With a professional camera pointed at him he was getting more and more unsure if he wanted to go with this or not. Amelia noticed that he was nervous.

– Are you okay? – she asked.

– Yeah it’s just a bit weird. All I know is your name and we are about to film porn together.

– Do you want a quick glass of wine before we start?


They went into the kitchen where Amelia poured a glass of wine for Tyler.

– Aren’t you going to have one? – Tyler asked.

– I don’t drink. – Amelia replied as she quickly shifted the conversation. – So you told me that you like dancing salsa. How long have you done that for?

– Almost a year. I can show you the basic steps. They are really easy.

– Sure. – she replied.

Tyler took a big sip of the wine and started showing Amelia the basic steps. Then he showed her how to do the basic steps with a partner and then how to do some simple moves. Pretty soon Tyler started to get pretty loose and the two started talking about all kinds of things from food to traveling all the way to open relationships.

– So what’s your type? – Amelia asked.

– Actually you are my type. I was too nervous to tell you before but your face and body are exactly what I like. I can spend the whole night running my hands across your body and kissing it and I wouldn’t get bored.

– Let’s go then. – Amelia smiled and grabbed Tyler’s hand.

They were in the bedroom again and this time Tyler wasn’t as nearly as nervous as he was before as he put on the mask. He stood between the bed and the camera while Amelia was adjusting the angle. She pressed play, went to Tyler, and said.

– Are you going to start kissing my body like you said you would or are you just going to stand there? – with a daring smile on her face.

Tyler went on his knees with his back to the camera and started running his hands across Amelia’s hips. His breathing was getting heavier and heavier as he started running his lips across her hips. He pulled down one of her stockings and started kissing the outside of her thigh while running one of his hands on the inside of her hips and grabbed her ass with the other. He started bringing his kisses more to the inside of her thighs. He was kissing where his hand was just seconds ago as his hand was now around her pussy lightly touching it. He then turned her body around with her ass in front of the camera, slapped her ass, and then grabbed it with both hands. He started kissing her lower back, slowly making his way up as he let go of her ass and started running his hands across her back. Amelia could feel his hot breath before each kiss as he reached her neck. He got her hair to the side so her neck was now exposed. He pushed her body to the edge of the bed and then pushed his body onto hers as she could feel his dick on her ass as he started to kiss her neck slowly. He put his hand on the back of her neck as he firmly started controlling the way her head was moving while sliding his other hand across the front of her body through the belly button to her pussy. With his hand on her pussy he started running his fingers across her panties still kissing her neck as Amelia slid her hand behind her back and grabbed Tyler’s dick through his pants. She tried to unzip his pants as Tyler suddenly grabbed her hand and moved it away from his dick. He then grabbed her waist and bent her over, still rubbing his dick on her ass, grabbed her hair and pulled her head towards him slowly. He then turned her around as she was facing him, pushed her to the bed, kneed in front of her, and started taking down her panties slowly while kissing her belly button. As he took her panties off he ran his fingers across her pussy as he gently pushed her on the bed so she was laying and spread her legs. He started kissing her hips once again but this time on the inside slowly going upwards. He soon reached her pussy and he gently ran his hand across it and then he spread her pussy with his fingers. He got his mouth so close to it that Amelia could feel his breathing on her skin. He then pressed the tip of his tongue on her pussy and started swirling it slowly. He then pressed his whole tongue on her pussy and started to slowly pulse it while taking his fingers off her pussy and grabbing her body with both hands as she was starting to move. She grabbed his head while trying to twist her body as he was starting to pulse his tongue faster and faster. Tyler had to hold her harder and harder as she was trying to move her body more and more until she physically pushed his head away from her pussy.

She layed on the bed for a couple of seconds while Tyler wondered what to do next. Before he could think of something, she stood up, pushed him back a bit, and started to unbutton his shirt impatiently. As she unbuttoned his shirt she then quickly unzipped his pants and pulled them down including his underwear. She leaned over, put his dick in her mouth, and swirled her tongue around it. She then got up on the edge of the bed, put her hands around him, and pulled him over her on the bed. She impatiently grabbed his dick and slid it in her while wrapping her legs around him. He pushed his whole dick in her slowly up until the point where he couldn’t physically push it more as she got her head back moaning. He slowly slid it out before slowly sliding it back in this time only halfway. He then slid it out but now he only slid the tip in. He then slid it halfway again, slid it out before sliding it all again. He kept going slowly while running his hands across her body.

Tyler wasn’t the most attractive lover that Amelia had nor was he the most skilled but there was something about the way he was looking at her and the way he was touching her that was driving Amelia crazy. Tyler was starting to speed up as Amelia was wrapping her legs around him tighter and tighter before Tyler put his hands under her back, grabbed her and lifted her while he was still inside her. He was standing up with Amelia wrapped around him. He started pounding her even harder now as she wrapped her hands around him trying to keep her body as close to his as she could.

– I thought that we were going to start with you taking control? – said Tyler mockingly.

Amelia tried to say something but nothing clear came out of her mouth. She kept moaning louder and louder before her body started to tremble. Tyler started to get tired so he got to the bed and laid down on his back leaving Amelia on top. She tried to grind herself on Tyler’s dick but she was exhausted so she just laid on his chest. Tyler started to move Amelia’s ass really slowly up and down, hardly shoving half of his dick in her. He could feel her breasts on his body as her hands went on his face. Amelia went for a slow kiss as Tyler responded by softly pressing his lips against hers. This was the first time that they were kissing. Another kiss followed this time Amelia twisting her tongue around Tyler’s slowly while he was still holding her ass and slowly moving it up and down. Tyler was getting more and more turned on by Amelia’s kisses and he grabbed Amelia’s ass harder and started to speed up now and pushing her body enough to shove almost his entire dick in her. Amelia started moaning again. Tyler was pushing her body forward and back grinding her on his dick. He tried to keep this going for as long as he could but at one point he just couldn’t anymore. He got Amelia off and rolled to the side of the bed trying to catch his breath as Amelia rolled to the other side trying to catch her breath as well.

After a while, she got up and went to the camera and turned it off.

– That was amazing! I think that this turned out pretty good! – she said. – We can make it better though. Next time tell me before you’re cuming so we can get closer to the camera and you can cum on my tits or my face.

– Do you really want that? – Tyler exclaimed.

– Of course! That is what guys like to see in porn.

– Yeah, but don’t you hate it? My ex used to hate when I was cuming anywhere near her.

– It’s a bit early for us to talk about our exes don’t you think? – she said jokingly. – For now don’t worry if I like it or not just do as I say.

Tyler had been too nervous to ask any woman to cum anywhere on her as he thought that it would be disrespectful and now Amelia was encouraging him to treat her like a total slut. One part of Tyler wasn’t happy with this as he didn’t want to disrespect her, but then there was this other side of him that he had been suppressed, which was really turned on by the prospect of getting the ‘whore experience’ with Amelia. “Is she willing to do everything that porn actresses do?” kept thinking Tyler while he was putting his clothes back on.

After dressing up Tyler wasn’t sure what to do. Should he stay for a bit longer, should he go? He really enjoyed Amelia’s company before they filmed themselves having sex and the sex itself was pretty amazing. As he was trying to think of something to say, Amelia broke the silence.

– I guess you want to go home now.

– Yeah. I guess so. – Tyler responded unsure.

– I’ll walk you to the door.

While they were walking to the door, Tyler kept thinking of a way he could see Amelia again, when she asked.

– Do you want to do this again?

– Of course! – answered Tyler, almost relieved.

– Great! I’ll text you and you can come over during the weekend again.
