Moon ritual gangbang (part 1) – [female gangbang] [msub] [fdom] [enthusiastic consent] [POV]

Every bump in the dirt road inches my white shift slightly higher up my thighs. I’m driving like a madwoman and you’re holding onto the armrest of the old sedan like you’re worried I’m going to kill you.

*Aw, babe. You can trust me, pet.*

“Are you ready for the ritual?” I ask you, smiling at you seductively through hooded eyes.

“Yes,” you manage through gritted teeth as we fly over another bump. “I think so.”

“Darlin’, I understand that this is a lot. I’m more than happy to talk you through everything again, as much as you need. We won’t go through with the ritual unless you are 100%, entirely on board. It’s important that you want this. That you’re ready.”

You nod. *So obedient.* The gears turn in your head as you think about everything I’ve told you about what will happen tonight. The importance of this celebration. Its meaning. Your role.

“What are you worried about?”

“If I want to stop…?” Your voice trails off. Higher pitched than you’d expect for a man of your size. You’re nervous.

“If you want to stop, we’ll stop. Your comfort is more important than any silly moon ritual. Always.” *You can trust me, pet.* “Is there anything I can do to make you feel safer? More comfortable?”

I can feel your eyes on me. Looking me over. Drinking in the red curls cascading down my back, the white dress, my pale freckle-covered skin.

“You’ll be there the whole time?”

“The whole time. Pinkie promise.” My right hand leaves the wheel, pinkie extended toward you. Our pinkies intertwine with a zap of electricity. *You can trust me, pet.*

“I’m ready, Mistress.”

“I’m so proud of you, pet. You’re perfect. You’re so good.” You lean over and kiss my cheek.

My hand squeezes your thigh tightly as we pull into a trailhead parking lot. It’s late at night and already quite dark, but you still can see several other cars. When the headlights dim, you can only see me smiling at you through the darkness.

“They’re waiting for us, love. Shall we?” You unlock your car door and come around to mine, letting me out. You’re the perfect gentleman. You tower over me. You bow your head as I stand on tip toes to kiss your forehead. “This will be fun, I promise. And remember, if at any time you need things to stop or slow down…”

“Just ask.”

“Good boy. Let’s go.”


We’ve made our way down the wooded path, with only the light of the full moon through the forest canopy as our guide. When we come to the edge of the meadow where the ritual will take place, I can feel you tense up beside me. Your calloused hand in mine, I give you a tight and reassuring squeeze. *You can trust me, pet.*

The waist high grass tickles my bare legs as I lead you to the center of the field. The full moon is bright and majestic overhead. She is beautiful. Glorious. She illuminates everything with silver light, bringing the magic of this moment –of this night, of you, my special guest of honor– to fruition.

The path through the meadow opens into a circular clearing: the place where our ritual will take place. Around the circle are eleven women, each more beautiful and interesting to look at than the last. They all wear white– the material almost blinding in the Moon Goddess’ radiant glow.

At the far side of the circle is a throne woven tree branches. In it sits a regal and timeless older woman. She is ethereal and beautiful. Her silver hair is threaded into a crown around her head. The queenly Crone beckons to me. I squeeze your hand, *I’ll be right back,* and go to kneel at her feet.

“Is this him, my Maiden?” She asks me, the timbre of her voice husky and melodic. I nod, kissing her hand. I nod in affirmation. “Blessed work, child.” I look up and she smiles, the crow’s feet in the corners of her eyes are deep from years of laughter.

I turn to you and extend my arms. You tentatively walk toward me. I twine myself around your neck, tangling my hands in your hair. My lips reach for yours and I kiss you deeply. You melt into me– *you always do, pet, you always do.*

I lean up to your ear to whisper under my breath. “This is the last time we can talk out loud for a bit, cutie. Remember when I taught you a different way to communicate?”

*Yes.* I hear your silent reply reverberate in my head.

*Good boy. If you need anything…*

*Just ask.*

I kiss you again on the lips. “Stay.” I say aloud.


Standing in the middle of the clearing, you shiver as a breeze rustles the grass. I had outfitted you in a plain white linen shirt and brown pants. You look ageless. It’s a warm night, no need for goosebumps. The electricity of the magic in the air raises the hair on the back of your neck all the same.

You watch as the ten other women converge on the Crone and me, the Maiden. From under the throne of branches, we pull richly decorated blankets in dark jewel tones, embroidered with leaves and flowers and berries in gold and silver. The blankets line the clearing, serving as our floor. Out comes a basket. Antlers. Masks.

Soon we are ready.


A woman in a beautiful red mask comes up to you holding a chalice. Her feet are bare. Her kinky curly mane catches the moonlight, casting corkscrew shadows against her bare shoulders. The Goddess Moon is almost overhead. The woman offers you the cup and gestures for you to drink.

*What is it?* I feel you nudge against the back of my eyes.

*To give you an awareness of every sensation. I promise that it won’t hurt, pet.* You nod, trusting me.

You take the proffered goblet and drink deeply. The aromatic blend is warm on your throat. Almost immediately, you feel the effects. The tingling starts in your forehead, right between your eyes. It moves down to your chest, your stomach, your groin. Soon every inch of you is alive, you can feel it, you’re aware of every sensation. You look to me and I smile gently. *You’re doing beautifully.*

Another woman approaches you. Her mask is a light violet trimmed with silver. It casts sparkles across her pale cheeks. She holds out her hand to you.

“Eat,” she directs. You take the small pastry.

*To give you stamina for tonight.* I answer your question before you think to ask. I can see your smile in the dark as you obediently gulp down the treat.

Your cock twitches. The warmth spreads deep in your center, extending down your legs and up your spine. The muscles that felt entirely alive before, now feel even stronger and more powerful. And yet you remain still, so calm, so reserved, so patient. The obedient boy I’ve trained you to me.

*You can trust me, pet.*


All around you, the group of women begin to remove their white dresses. Buttons come undone and ties are loosened. The white gossamer cloth becomes a pool at the feet of each of the twelve woman. Against every instinct, you keep your eyes on your feet. You don’t look up, don’t ogle a single breast, don’t glance at a single curve. *Oh pet, you’re so very very good.*

We surround you, removing the ties of the simple clothing I’ve dressed you in. Off comes the white linen shirt. Down come the tan linen pants. You step out of them. You’re completely undressed, naked before all in the bright moonlight.

I step forward, a smoking bundle of herbs in hand. *Extend your arms, darling.* You put your arms out to the sides. Slowly, laboriously, lovingly, I use the smoking bundle to cleanse you. I let the smoke sit at your heart center, then move the bundle down your arms and torso, your legs. I move behind you and allow the smoke to waft over every inch of you. It curls through your hair and leaves you feeling safe and pure. When I finish, I rest the bundle in a large piece of sea glass to smolder.

The ritual continues and the group of women excircles you. Our hands trace patterns over your body. The touch of each finger, each palm, each nail– sends a *zing* of electricity through you. You are completely at ease and completely aware of every action. The movement of each hand that touches your skin. We rub your muscles, anointing you with fragrant oil, and soon you glisten in under the Goddess Moon’s light. Your head is still down, your eyes are still closed. You’re in ecstasy, completely enthralled by the sensations we give you. You’re completely lost in the moment now. Waves of feelings wash over you. The hands explore you, touching and caressing.

Amidst the sea of hands, you feel one’s fingers begin a path across your hips, closer and closer to your rock-hard cock. The trajectory is steadfast as the heightened feelings part in the wake of a lone hand on its journey.

The fingers comb through your pubic hair and you arch into the hand eagerly, awaiting what comes next. One by one, the fingers wrap around your shaft, forming a loose grip. Ever so slowly, the hand begins to stroke you up and down, pulling at your stiff member.

Your gasps become more and more regular with each touch. You can’t help yourself. Up until you’ve been so good, so quiet. But now… now, you’re whining. You’re moaning to be touched more, held more, felt more– *used, even?*

You’re ready now.

The hands pull back. All but one. The grasp around your cock is firmer now, pulling on you, and pulling you. Your attention is drawn and your eyes open as you realize you must walk. You’re being lead.

You stagger forward, following the hand that gently but sternly grips your manhood. It’s me. *You can trust me, pet.* My fingers drum down the length of you as I walk you towards the tree branch throne where the regal crone sits. Her eyes are hooded. Her legs are spread wide. You know what you must do. We stop in front of her and I give a bow, lightly yanking on you so that you fall to your knees. *You can trust me, pet.*

“I accept your offering.” The crone takes a fist full of your hair, pulling you level with her face. The twinkle in her eye lasts only a second before she shoves you between her legs.


You can’t think. You don’t know what you’re doing. Between the drink and the pastry, you’re completely at our mercy. And you wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.

Eagerly, you drink in her scent, lapping up the nectar between her thighs. She is wet, overpowering. you kiss her slit, pulling her labia into your mouth with enthusiastic sucks. You reach her clit, drawing circles around it, flicking it with your tongue. She moans. You continue, pressing your face against her hot core and breathing her in.

You feel a touch on your back. A caress of a hand, only amplified by the drink you had been provided. You feel it rest on your hips. Another hand joins it, gently squeezing your ass. Already lube-covered fingers run down your crack, feeling your responsiveness. A finger touches the tight rosebud, lightly feeling at the folds. The sensation makes you moan deeply into the Crone’s cunt.

You continue to lick and suck as the finger explores your sensitive hole. It is so gentle as it enters you, you are so relaxed, it finds almost no resistance as slides inside. You groan as the owner of the finger begins to massage your prostate, rubbing along your smooth wall. You’re at her mercy. She slowly moves the finger in and out of you, and as you relax into the sensation, your body begins to grow warm.

A new sensation. You feel a kiss… on your cock. You gasp as the touches begin to overwhelm you. The stimulation of your head being gripped firmly between the thighs in front of you, the fingers probing and massaging your ass, and now the lips and tongue tasting you…

*You can trust me, pet.*


To be continued…


**THOUGHTS:** I am so excited to keep writing this one, so if you have thoughts/ideas/input/commissions/etc. feel free to leave a comment or send me a message.



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