Carol and James, part 1: Chores [MF] [gentlefemdom] [chastity]

This is a story about a submissive man named James, and his partner Carol – a dominant woman with a gentle touch and an iron will. The story is written from James’s point of view, and takes place over one evening. This is part one of five; the second part will be published tomorrow. I hope you enjoy!

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You finish scrubbing the last plate, and place it on the rack to dry as Carol enters the kitchen. She sidles up to you and winds her arms round your waist, making you gasp.

“All done?” she asks cheerfully, her chin leaning on your shoulder.

“Yes, Ma’am,” you answer breathlessly. She chuckles at the nervous anticipation in your voice.

“Good boy. Just the floor left to clean now, and then you can come watch TV.”

“Thank you, Ma’am,” you say, relishing the praise – it always sounds so perfect on her lips.

She draws back as if to leave, but grabs your butt and squeezes it tightly in one hand before turning and going back into the lounge. You just hold back a moan, but can’t stop your cock from twitching in its cage, roused by her aggressive touch. Still, you know better than to get your hopes up too soon. You turn your mind to your next task.

You hear Carol’s footsteps, muffled by the carpet, moving into the bedroom. While you wait for the bucket to fill with water, you sneak looks towards the kitchen door, hoping to see what she’s gone to get. You catch a glimpse of her when she comes back into the lounge, and spot that she’s holding her wand vibrator. She passes your line of sight; you hear her flop down on the couch.

You finish filling the bucket and add the detergent, listening out for the buzz that you know will start any moment. Pleasuring herself while you do your chores is one of Carol’s favorite ways of teasing you – a reminder that you need to work to earn the right to please her yourself. When you’re good, she’ll just do it to get herself warmed up, and save her orgasms for you to enjoy together. But if you’ve misbehaved, she’ll finish the job by herself while you labor to atone for your mistakes. Sometimes as an extra punishment, she’ll make you watch as she gets herself off, showing you exactly what you’re missing out on.

The wand starts up loudly, but quickly becomes softer as Carol’s body soaks up its vibrations. You listen to her low, chesty moans as you mop, trying to gauge whether she’s coming or simply getting herself in the mood for later. You think you’ve done enough this weekend to satisfy her expectations, but she might decide to keep you on edge anyway just for fun – or she could just not be in the mood for sex. Of course, you chide yourself, you shouldn’t really be trying to deduce her intentions behind her back; you both agreed at the outset that your purpose would be to serve her pleasure exclusively, and that the how, when and why would be her concern, not yours. You can feel your cock straining to get hard, reaching out to the siren call of her moans, but as always the carefully-fitted cage holds it in place, a firm reminding you of your promise to her.

The vibrations become intermittent as you approach the end of your job, stopping and starting for several seconds at a time. You haven’t yet heard any of the high, gasping moans Carol normally produces when she comes, and you know from experience that she loves to drive you wild with them when she’s masturbating to orgasm within your earshot. You realize she must be carefully edging herself, approaching the brink but not tipping over. Her climax will be all the more intense for the wait, and if you’re lucky, she’ll permit you to be the one to give it to her. Your knees go weak at the thought.

You satisfy yourself that every corner of the kitchen floor is clean, and then wring out the mop and empty the used water down the drain before going into the lounge to report to Carol. She’s reclining on the couch, still wearing her top but nude below the waist. Her head is leant back, dark brown hair cascading around her face, which wears a dreamy look of pleasure – lips parted, eyes half-shut. Her feet are up on the cushions and spread apart, and the head of the vibrator is tucked under the drooping roll of her belly and pressed against her clit. You desperately want to walk forward, hold her, touch her – but you remember your place, and kneel in front of her with your head bowed, awaiting permission to speak.

She ignores your presence for a minute or so, but eventually switches off the vibrator and adjusts her position, putting her feet back on the floor. “Is the floor clean, sweetheart?” she asks matter-of-factly.

“Yes, Ma’am,” you respond, keeping your head down.

“Excellent. Stay there while I go and look.” She stands up and goes to the kitchen door. You glance at her sidelong and see her standing with her back to you, hands on her hips, surveying your work. You have a wonderful view of her ass from here, but you don’t dare admire it for too long. Checking out her body without prior permission is a risky move.

She gives a satisfied grunt and walks back over to you. “Get up.”

You obey nervously; her tone is impossible to read. She puts a finger under your chin and tilts your head up so that you’re looking into her eyes – her expression is stony, and for a moment you’re sure you’re going to be punished. Then her face breaks into a smile, and she ruffles your hair.

“Well done! That floor looks beautifully clean now.” She opens her arms, offering you an embrace that you readily accept. She hugs you tightly for a moment, and then softly massages your buttocks, one in each hand, while whispering in your ear. “Such a good servant. You’ve earned a treat.”

“Thank you, Ma’am,” you say softly, unable to keep the excitement out of your voice. Your dick, which had gone limp while you were cleaning, perks up once more, reminding you again of your imprisonment. You can see the thin chain that holds the key hanging around Carol’s neck; tantalizingly close, but still beyond reach.

“We’ll watch some TV now,” she continues, “then take a shower, but after that it’ll be playtime.”

“Mm,” you say, signaling your satisfaction.

“You like the sound of that, don’t you, pet?” she laughs. “I’ll have to decide what play it’ll be tonight. Something fairly gentle, I think.” She breaks the embrace and takes your hand, leading you over to the couch. “Come now.”

She sits down and motions for you to take your place at her feet. You do so without hesitation; you had some couch time yesterday, so you’re not surprised to be on the floor now. You lean against Carol’s thigh, and she strokes your hair absent-mindedly while flicking through the TV channels. You try to relax, but inside you’re buzzing with anticipation for whatever she has in store.

“I love being your servant, Miss Carol,” you murmur, caressing her bare calf with one hand.

“Oh, darling,” she croons, leaning down and placing a kiss on your head. “I couldn’t ask for a more perfect little treasure than you.”

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[Link to part 2 will be added upon publication]



  1. This was so beautifully written. Wow… you can tell you put a lot of work and love into this. Bravo.

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