I was Slut Shamed at a Divorce Deposition [MF]

A while ago, I was dating this guy, Sam. Well, we weren’t exactly dating… we were fuck buddies. Sometimes we would grab a drink, or a bite to eat. But most of the time, we would meet at his hotel, fuck, and then leave. It was fun, simple, easy and most importantly drama free. Sam was pretty kinky too, sometimes he’d buy me some lingerie and I’d dress up as his little fuck doll for our dates. But yeah, it was what you would expect from a typical fuck buddy hookup.

All of this came to a bloody halt, when I was summoned to an attorney’s office. Apparently Sam was married, and his wife discovered his adultery with me. Grounds for divorce. Bloody hell… I had no idea he was married. I didn’t mind that he was, but at least have the courage to be honest with me. I hate surprises, and being compelled to speak as part of a legal matter is such a surprise. Apparently, the legal term is a deposition, for a divorce proceeding between Sam and his ex wife. I’m supposed to tell the truth, including my perspective on our dates and hookups. The dinners, the gifts, the hotel dates… all of it. His ex-wife will be at the deposition, bloody hell.

Sam of course, was of no help. His concern was with his marriage, and trying to salvage any future with her. He basically confessed, begging for forgiveness. In doing so, Sam volunteered all his text, emails, credit card statements, that she (or her attorney) wanted. She now had all the dirt on him. Prat. He wouldn’t even return my calls. I’m on my own here.

The deposition itself was at the ex-wife’s attorney’s office. Very fancy and likely expensive. We’re in this glass walled conference room. The husband, the ex wife, and myself, with our own separate attorneys. Plus some staffers and this typist who was recording everything. Honestly, I wasn’t expecting so many people. My own attorney kept on reassuring me. It’s not about you. It’s about them. Just speak the truth and don’t volunteer any information you weren’t asked about. During this meeting, I was expecting some sort of confrontational shouting match, like on TV. But it was somewhat cordial, though embarrassing. Her attorney was asking me questions, and I would answer. Everybody else was listening or taking notes. Of course, the topics were personal, intimate, embarrassing, revealing. The husband made the crushing mistake of volunteering all of his secrets to the ex wife. So there was no hiding.

This question and answer session was extremely humiliating for me. Everybody was professional of course, but I felt that the ex wife was trying to embarrass him, through me. Her attorney went through every single fuck date I had with the husband. Every time we got together. All the sexts and raunchy emails with one another. She knew all the times he bought me lingerie, so I can be his little fuck doll. Hell, I swear she even knew how many times I came and shouted his name.

The husband had a bad habit of sexting after each date. He enjoyed ‘recapping’ our activities. Fun at the time sure… but embarrassing when you are confessing that you were his fuck toy in a room full of attorneys. Her attorney went through each and every date. Reconciling the dinner, with the hotel, with the credit cards, with the lingerie, with the sex, with the texts. In that room, everything was out in the open, and everybody in the room could clearly read and hear my perverse confession. It was brutal.

During this meeting, it was strange, but I was getting turned…. incredibly turned on. Each time her attorney asked me to describe a date, I was almost reliving the night in my mind. How I was this complete slut for this man that I hardly knew. How this man just used me, fucked me and lied to me. And now his lies are now slut shaming me in this perverse legal manner. I was his little slut, his fuck toy that he often dressed up and fucked out.

And to confess this, admit this publicly was a complete mind fuck for me. Everybody in the room knows why I’m there. What I did. My role in all this. How big of a slut I was, and still am. In that room, I was objectified – by the men’s smirks, the women’s judgmental looks, the wife’s anger and husband’s guilt. I have to admit, I was completely turned on in this hours long mind fuck. Pussy wet, nipples hard, mind spinning. It was incredibly erotic, powerful and humiliating for me.

As part of this deposition, I was told to bring any gifts that the husband bought for me. Mostly this was some lingerie and heels for me to dress up in. Now, everybody in the room is professionally dressed. Suits, ties, etc.. Myself, I’m dressed extremely conservatively. Trousers, a blazer, flats. My hair is up, makeup minimal.

When the conversation turned to specific dates, her attorney asked me to bring out his whore lingerie gifts to me. I was surprised really, but again it’s probably part of the ex wife’s plan, to humiliate him through me. So from my bag, I pull this slutty strappy bondage lingerie thing. Embarrassing, it was so startling to see such a item on top of the conference room table, in this fancy office. Along with this bondage thing, was a pair of clear stripper high heels. Those that a dancer would wear on stage. I swear, I must have heard a chuckle squeak out from one of the spectators. Then the Q&A. Her attorney, in some perverse legal conversation, essentially had me confirm that Sam had bought me the lingerie and he fucked my brains out. (Paraphrasing). My embarrassing sexts afterwards only further buried him and branded me with my Scarlet Letter.

This meeting lasted all day, I was exhausted towards the end. As we were wrapping up, I was gathering my things and walking out the office. As I did, I walked past the husband, the ex wife and some staffers from the office. I could feel their stares at me, their judgmental thoughts, perhaps even some lust or envy. It was their version of a walk of shame. During that short walk to the elevator, I was revealed, outed, naked. Stripped of any dignity and respect. Fuck, I could have been wearing that bondage lingerie and stripper heels out, and that walk would have been exactly the same.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/gatl1y/i_was_slut_shamed_at_a_divorce_deposition_mf


  1. Sounds like they had a dead bedroom and the wife was pissed that he wasn’t as miserable as her. Also how can they force you to go to such a meeting?

  2. U should have nothing to be ashamed of, he got caught for being an idiot thats the reason why guys always get caught cheating. Dumd stupid mistakes always pay cash lol

  3. I’m surprised if it was such a surprise, how did you know to bring your own attorney?

  4. Well, i’m glad that it wasn’t bad for you, but legally speaking, you could’ve sued her attorney. You clearly weren’t necessary for the meeting, because they had all the evidence and didn’t depend on anything you said. And the way they went through it was a crime against you. Completely unnecessary and attacking towards you.

  5. In the movie version, you meet opposing counsel in a bar three months later….

  6. It’s kinda erotic letrature I have read here and .. the part remind me of G.O.T. season of shame walk with clothes .
    Plus – did you have planned any sweet revenge for the wife ??

  7. Not the same, but during my divorce, my husband tried to slander me and he seriously submitted pictures of my sex toys and lingerie as official evidence at our initial court hearing. To the judge, my attorney, and obviously his. I am beyond thankful that they were never even discussed, but the pictures were absolutely presented to us and my attorney discreetly tucked them under other paperwork. During my divorce I was also on the stand and grilled about the out of state relationship I had and whether or not I was exchanging sex for extravagant trips. So, my point here is, those saying they can’t slut shame you like this in court, etc, YES THEY CAN AND THEY DO. Sorry you had to go through that ?

  8. My bro got a divorce. But it was his exwife who did the cheating. When they were splitting up their money, he was ruthless. He wanted every penny he could get. So he kept on shaming and guilting her. Something like what happened to the OP. At the end, she caved and settled. So yeah, lawyers are scumbags but they’ll do anything for their client and to win the case.

  9. If the ex’s attorney already had all the emails, texts, etc., why did they need you? In all seriousness, I’d consider reporting her attorney to your state bar association, or getting a consult with a civil litigation attorney. There was no purpose in having you provide a deposition beyond inflicting emotional harm on you. She had all the evidence she needed to get whatever she wanted from the divorce, this just seems like simple malice.

    Family law is a very fucked up place, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the ex’s attorney makes a reputation to her clients on using every tactic to steamroll the other party.

  10. “*I have to admit, I was completely turned on in this hours long mind fuck. Pussy wet, nipples hard, mind spinning. It was incredibly erotic, powerful and humiliating for me.* ”

    My inner voyeur wants to know if you went home and pleasured yourself to the memories of the day?

  11. As a court reporter who sits through these types of depositions weekly, I completely understand. I feel for you, but at least it seems you slightly enjoyed it lol. We don’t just take notes/record it, we literally type every single word you say verbatim. And then we have to go home and work on the transcript and go through it all again ?

  12. If you had an attorney that allowed you to answer to ANY of that you were ripped off.

    My long term (still good friends) ex is a VERY good attorney. She taught me the most important lesson regarding legal matters I have ever learned:

    When you are questioned in this sort of setting, “I cannot recall”, “I don’t know”, “I don’t have any recollection of that” and all those sort of things beyond a simple “yes” or “no” are the only answers you ever give. Any “gifts” given (no proof of anything but a purchase which could have been for anyone) you don’t recall or have thrown away.

    She and her attorney were basically trying to get as much ammunition as possible to get over and get more mo eye and property in court. It’s a sad old fashioned tactic that is losing ground in states where we have moved beyond that kind of emotional crap.

    On the flip, glad it got you going there in a public setting!

  13. One of the funnier occurrences during my divorce proceedings was my ex’s attorney trying to kink shame me. The judge stopped him and asked him,”Hell, xxxxx, have you never had kinky sex before?” I about fell out laughing as my ex wife’s face turned red. I wanted to go down that road. I had plenty of pics of my ex participating willfully in that kink they were trying to use to make me look bad. Too bad the judge shut it down.

  14. He must have had some great qualities, you couldn’t have been attracted to him for his brains.

  15. This post is locked. The comments are off-topic and the story has run its course.

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