The Breeding Machine (Chapter 3 – 4)

**[Incest] [Pregnancy risk] [Coercion] [Kidnapping] [Exhibitionism] [Girl / Girl] [Girl / Boy] [DD/LG] [Oral fixation] [Light BDSM] [Interracial]**

If you’re new, you can read Chapters 1 – 2 here: [](


And so, here we are.

I look across to you, resilience in my eyes. We’re sitting there, on our bed, on our first week of the chamber. The air is still, and warm, but your hand feels cold. I see the worry in your eyes.

“Hey” I whisper “It’s gonna be ok, we don’t have to do anything. We’re gonna be fine”

“You don’t know that” you reply, without turning your head. You just sit there, facing forward at the large metal door, wishing you had the key. And you were right. I didn’t know any of that. Running your fingers through mine, you turn to me.

“I’m scared… that…” you falter, pursing your lips and shaking your head before continuing “I’m scared that we’re going to give in”

The thought had crossed both our minds. The rules were simple. Just play by the rules, and no one gets hurt. But disobey the overseers, and we’d go hungry for days.

“Ari, this is our first time. We can do this, right? Look at me, we can do 48 hours right?”

You look into my eyes, sincere and vulnerable “We *can* do this, James. We can go two days without food. The first time. But the second… the fourth… the tenth” you move in closer, huddling into my chest as if to comfort the both of us “How long do you think, James? How long until I *want* to end this? Until I *want* you to give in?”

*knock knock*

My hand tightens around your shoulder as we look up in shock.

An overseer stands there, peering at us from under a long black plague doctor mask, through the thick metal bars of the hole in the door. We hear the rustle of cloth and jangle of keys as they unlock our door. This is it. Week one.

The door swings open, revealing a black pinstripe suit and similarly black shroud. This was something of a uniform to them, the suit and cloak combo, something that belonged in an issue of Vogue from 1656.

“Come with me”

As we push off the bed, your long auburn hair bobs up and sways over your shoulder. Somehow your eyelashes were just as fine, and your smile just as pretty, as the day we were thrown in here together. That is, when I got to see your smile. You had no reason to smile as we stepped past the overseer and out into the dimly lit hall. At 6’4” I have a habit of ducking through doorways (just in case, right?) but at 5’0” you didn’t seem to share that problem. Mostly just the problem of me hiding your favourite cereal on the top shelf. The overseer guides us through the long grey halls, lined with doors just like ours. Many had already visited the chamber before us, but we wouldn’t be the last. We’re holding hands as we follow him. Back in the outside world, I would never, you’d always been the bratty little sister, teasing me and getting on my nerves whenever you had the chance. In here, though, we’re all we’ve got.

At least one thing hadn’t changed. I’m calm and silent in thought, calm enough for the both of us, because I know that the moment I freak out you’ll follow swiftly after. I shoot you a look of reassurance. You glance back with a slight smile, seemingly tracing your eyes over me. My athletic physique hadn’t deteriorated too badly despite being locked up in a little 3m x 4m cell. I’d still do pushups in our room, which you’d often help count – I mean it wasn’t like there was much else to do. You got a good view of my jawline from down there; My short trimmed blondish brownish beard was above your eye level. I kept my hair trimmed into a skin fade. You’d commented nicely about it one time, that guys were just hotter with short hair like this, so I kept it. Not that the opinion of my little sister mattered to me. Certainly not that I cared what my little sister thought was hot, or what you like in a guy. It was just innocently reassuring to know that you thought I was attractive, because you are too. All I mean is that, if I could sleep with a girl that looked like my sister, I could probably get any girl I wanted. That didn’t sound innocent at all did it? Seriously though, some had compared you to Ariana Grande, and to be honest I saw the resemblance. I always did have a massive crush on Ariana Grande.

“I’m glad it’s you I got locked in here with” you admit shyly, squeezing my hand.

The overseer comes to a halt. With another swift jangling off keys, they unlatch an even larger metal door, swinging it open as they stand to one side and gesture us in.

Stepping into the room for the first time, the gravity of our helplessness sinks in. The rear wall stretches maybe fifteen metres ahead of us, and the ceiling almost half as high. At the centre of this great square room lay a hollow glass cube, this time only four metres in every direction. Inside that cube is a rug, a wall-mounted flatscreen TV, a cabinet, and a king size bed. We look at eachother knowingly. This is it, that’s the breeding machine.


The metal door swings shut behind us, and we hear the familiar jangle of keys.

“You must be 0388BR22 and 0389SI19”

A figure steps out from the shadowed side of the room to our right. Looking over, we see a viewing deck jutting out into this hangar-like space, a private sound-proof room hovering halfway up the wall. Inside are four chairs, all seating an overseer. All but one. The figure approaches us, their beak jutting out into the light.

“Please” they gesture across to the centre of the room, towards the glass cube “After you”

Your grip on my hand tightens as we step closer and closer to the cube. The dim lighting glints and flashes across it’s smooth polished surface. As we approach, followed very closely by the beaked figure, the door opens on an electronic hinge. No more keys. This place felt a bit more modern, like an oasis of cleanliness and technology in chasm of concrete and silence. We step inside.

“Please, make yourselves at home”

The door closes behind us.

You’re tense, I can feel it. With good reason of course. I walk across the room and fall into the bed with a comical thump. Digging my elbows into the sheet, I raise my upper back from off the bed to face you.

“So, what brings a lovely lady like you here, zero eight three eight S nineteen?”

I grin with a wink to emphasise the joke. You exhale, shaking your head and rolling your eyes at your silly big brother, and run over, throwing yourself onto me. Anyone would think we were delirious from confinement, but I feel like we used humour as a coping mechanism. Apparently, if you smile enough, you can make yourself happy. I heard that one time.

“You big idiot, that’s not even the right code!” you giggle “It’s zero three eight nine S I nineteen, and youuu Mr” tapping me on the nose “are zero three eight eight B R twenty two!”

“Oh my bad, trust me to get locked in with my sister, the Queen of having a decent memory! We aren’t all as blessed, you know” I retort

You roll off of me to one side with a sigh

“So, this is it eh? The fuck… cube” you snort, forgetting the name and replacing it with words that seemed to escape your mouth involuntarily

“The fuck cube!” I howl “Yeah, that’s definitely what it’s called. Look at them up there” I gesture at the overseers watching from the viewing deck “The whole fuck cube committee”

Our laughter dies into nervousness as we remind ourselves of the situation, of being continually observed. They’re all *waiting* up there. They’re waiting for us to give in to each other, to see you climb onto your big brother. Waiting to watch us have hard, raw, unprotected incestuous sex. Real biologically-related grew-up-together incest.

“Huh… I wonder what they got on here”. Breaking the tension, you get to your feet, and approach the TV. “Where’s… fu- bro, where’s the remote?”

“Hold on” I interject “must be in this cabinet”

I shuffle my way to the end of the bed, and tug on the handle. Oh. Boy. The door swings open to reveal an assortment of items – a vibrator, a tube of lube, handcuffs, four bottles of water, sexy lingerie, a box of chocolates, two bottles of wine with matching glasses, his and hers eau du parfum, a collar, a paddle, and, thank fuck, the remote.

“Woah” I hear you whisper from over my shoulder “They’re expecting us to, um… have a pretty good time in here, aren’t they… ” your whisper evolving turning into a nervous laugh

I grab the remote and hand it to you, swinging the door shut as soon as I can, and before intrusive thoughts corrupt my mind.

‘That was a lot. A couple of horny adults could do a whole lot with what’s in that cabinet. Could anyone blame them? God, shut the fuck up, she’s your sister’

Unbeknownst to me, you were having similar thoughts

‘What the fuck, that was so far from vanilla. Was that a paddle? And a collar? Why would they put those in there if this is just a breeding thing… they’re expecting us to *enjoy* this. Fuck, I want those chocolates though’

You turn to the TV, remote in hand, and it flashes into life.

“Let’s see… Oh shit, ok! Uh… no, yeah it’s all… it’s all porn. All… porn…”

As you flick through the channels it becomes quickly apparent what the TV is for. How naive of us to think they would provide any sort of non-sexual distraction.

“This is… Oh god this is funny, it’s um… a lot of it is incest porn” you note, blushing considerably “There’s so much incest porn, that’s crazy, huh. Wow, ok. There’s some lesbian threesome stuff in here though. I don’t remember, I uh… yeah there’s a few types though… whatever, I’m gonna switch this off”


“Right” I affirm, with a sigh of relief. There was no easy way out of that. “We’re gonna have to entertain ourselves then”

You shoot me an inquisitive look, one eyebrow raised

“So we’ve got wine, some chocolate, and our imagination. I’m sure we can come up with some games to pass the time, Would You Rather or I Spy or something”

“Oh! Yeah, no that’s, yeah”

Your falter almost sounded like you expected me to suggest something else.

“You didn’t think I meant…”

“No!” you reply, shocked “No of course I didn’t think that… you know, that you’d suggest anything else. No, Would You Rather and a glass of wine, that’s perfect.” your expression shifts from embarrasment to a playful grin as you remember something “Oh fuck, lemme get those chocolates”

You jump over me, back onto the bed, reaching for the cabinet.

“Oh no you don’t, those chocolates are mine!”

I pull you back over me, just as your fingertips grazed the handle. Throwing myself to the cabinet, I grasp the door and pull it open. The gust of air shifts something thin and lightweight. A laminated instructions card flutters around inside.

“Oh… hey look, it’s a piece of paper. It’s got something written on it, I think it’s a set of instructions? Some kinda guide maybe…”

Lifting it over the perfume bottles, I read it silently.

‘Welcome to your physical bonding facility. We hope you enjoy each other, as much as you enjoy the amenities provided. You will find a home entertainment system, which has been mounted on the wall for convenient viewing. The remote control can be found within this cabinet. Your system comes customised with the pornographic viewing history of the user, displaying only the most relevant content for each double…’

I look up at you, shifting to sit upright on the edge of the bed with me.

“What does it say?”

“It says… uh, it says where we find the remote. In the cabinet, same place as this, pretty dumb right” I chuckle, waving the paper

“Oh. Yeah, pretty dumb” you chuckle calmly, almost relieved.

I remember watching that threesome video. I don’t remember the others.

“So… look” you sigh, leaning on my shoulder “What happens when we, you know… I’ve just, I’ve been thinking about things, imagining what we’re gonna have to do to each other. And… I just want you to know, I trust you. You’re my protective big brother, and you’ve always done what’s best for me. You get on my nerves, a lot, but… I do, I trust you. And whatever you want to do to me… I’ll understand”

You look up at me with a sincerity I don’t think I’d ever seen before. I pull you in tight for a cuddle, reassuring you with a tender kiss on the forehead. You return the affectionate snuggle, burying your head under my chin.

“You got that damn right. We’re siblings, that’s a biological bond for life, and that means I’m gonna do whatever it takes to get us out of here. Whatever it takes”

With a final squeeze, you pull away, kissing me on the cheek. At least, I think that’s what you intended before your kiss landed on my neck. You blush and turn away, so I rest my hand on your thigh with a soothing stroke.

There’s more written on the card.

‘Some participants may choose to dull their senses with the wine provided, in order to increase their willingness or enjoyment. This wine will also reduce the fertility of the participant by an undisclosed amount, for a short period of time. Therefore, reducing your sensation of the experience will also increase the risk of experiencing it again, as you reattempt fertilisation. We hope you enjoy it’s nutty aromas and smoky full-bodied texture.

Our selection of chocolates come with a variety of biological and psychological side effects, in several delicious flavours. Try our dark chocolate praline for increased energy and libido – up to 4x the sexual hunger! Or perhaps you’d prefer the milk chocolate truffle? Last up to five times longer with boosted endurance, for that long-lasting love-making experience. Our white chocolate strawberry will physically enhance the human physique. Would your sister look cuter with a rounder ass and larger boobs? Would you prefer your father’s penis with extra girth or length? This is the one for you!’

The list went on and on. It even came with a handy little guide:

* Pink base – Libido booster
* Brown base – Endurance booster
* White base – Physique enhancer
* Cream base – Truth serum
* Red base – Sensation enhancer
* Leaf green base – Sub / Dom reversal
* Lime green base – Sub / Dom intensifier
* Blue base – Gag reflex reducer
* Orange base – Fertility reducer
* Black base – Random effect(s)

There were three of every chocolate in the box, 24 in total, each denoted by a colourful dyed layer across the bottom. And, right at the bottom of the laminated paper, there was one final note:

‘Warning: Up to 3 chocolates in total from this box may have dramatically exaggerated side effects, several times greater than intended.’

“It’s like a game” I laugh, looking up at you “they all do something fun, I mean, not *fun* but sick and weird in a fun kinda way”

“Let me see!” you pout, leaning into my shoulder to look round at it before smiling “Ooh fuck! No bro, they do look kinda fun…” trailing off, almost mesmerised in thought, you snap back “but so weeeird! Yeah, so fucking weird. Like, imagine me reducing my gag reflex for you, and you getting a *super thick* boner over me. And then if you ate a white one? Oh brother!”

You cheeky little tease. I could only shake my head and exhale – one of those little nose exhales, for when something isn’t quite funny enough for a proper laugh.

“But… would you mind if I…”

Reaching past me and into the cabinet, you pull out the box. With a toss of the lid, I watch in shock as you take a pink chocolate and place it delicately in your mouth.

“Henhation enhawncer” you explain, with a full mouth. Swallowing it with barely a chew, you continue “I kinda wanna make the most of that vibrator, you don’t mind do you bro? You hear me playing all the time, so…”

My jaw drops in realisation “Sis, that wasn’t the sensation enhancer… that was a libido booster…”

Your eyes widen as a strange, tingly sensation courses through your body, increasing your heart rate, shortening your breath, planting the seed of deep, carnal hunger. You lick your lips, unable to look away. It’s not food rations you’re growing hungry for.

It’s me.

Biting your lip, you grip me by the arm as your eyes dart up and down my body.

“Ew what the fuck!” you cry out.

“What? What’s up Ari, you feeling OK?”

“No! You look hot as fuck! Something’s wrong… I don’t wanna stop looking though…”

Your other hand flys to my thigh with a firm grasp. I watch as your brows furrow into a pout, and your jaw quivers, barely able to force your words out as a whisper.

“Oh… brother… holy shit. I’m so fucking hornyyy! Help!”

Gasping for breath and grinding yourself into the sheets, it’s clear you’re already under the influence. Diving back into the cabinet, I draw out the vibrator, and hand it over to you – although it’s becoming more and more clear how strong your feelings are by the second. Your legs are beginning to quiver, not violently by any means, but just enough to tell how bad you need that sexual release. Just enough that you’re struggling to pull down those cute little booty shorts I dressed you in this morning.

“Fuck, fuck! Help me pull these off!” you beg, struggling to undress yourself.

‘Jesus, you sound like my next girlfriend!’ I think to myself, laughing silently ‘Wait, I mean last, my last girlfriend’

I take hold of your waist as you fall back into the sheets. With a firm grip around you, I pull down your shorts. They trace your petite little frame, over your perky round ass and down your gorgeous glowing skin, on their way to those little dangling feet before I toss them across the room. In that short space of time, it’s clear something wild has come over you.

“Look big brother, no panties!” you brag, giggling as you spread your legs wide apart and cling onto your feet like a cute little koala. Holy fuck sis, what a view. The sultry curves of your calves and thighs guide me to, what appear to be, my little sisters even littler pussy; An intimate stroke of pink beneath your playfully triangular landing strip. It’s so wrong of me to admit, but that’s a fucking tasty little pussy, and I’m getting hungry. I mean, I *would* be getting hungry, but we’re so *so* closely related that I would never. We’re biological siblings, so I *can’t* be attracted to you, right? Although, there was nothing physically stopping me from tasting you right now. But I *couldnt*, right? Just because I have a cock, and you have a pussy, that doesn’t mean I *should* put myself inside you. I’d never felt more conflicted than right at this moment. You’d never been so playfully bold. I feel so wrong admitting this, but you look pretty with no panties on. It’s then you notice the growing bulge you’re making in my joggers and jolt to your senses.

“Oh! Shit, what the fuck!” you pull your knees into your chest, blushing “I’m so sorry bro, that chocolate is SO fucking stron-nnnnnng” you shudder.

The effects haven’t worn off, not even close. You’re doing an admirable job at resisting though, I’ll give you that, but it’s overpowering. I might give you something else if you keep looking so adorably fuckable.

‘Fuck! What am I thinking, that’s still my little sister, calm down you pervert’ I mentally scold myself.

Grabbing the vibrator, I go to hand it to you but you grab my wrist. Without a word, and all while looking me straight in the eye, you guide my hand. Running it sensually down your bare little pussy, caressing yourself up and down, alternating tender and firm strokes between your sweet pink lips and back over your aching clit. You rock backwards in pleasure. My other hand finds its way up across your side to massage your breast from under the crop top. At this point, you’re so turned on I could swear I see your nipples poking up into the shirt.

“Ohhh that’s gooood!” you moan unashamedly, letting me watch “Bro can you find… uh! Fuck, sorry that felt really good… uhh, is there a remote for this too?”

“Oh? Oh!” I snap out of my daze and lean back to the cupboard.

Fishing around, I find this little white box with a few different settings, and a big pink ‘on’ button at it’s centre. Kinda like yours (fuck me, that was inappropriate!). Quite feminine, there’s no mistaking what this is for. I go to press the button, checking it does exactly what I would expect.

“Hey bro, did you find iiii-fuuuuuUUUCK. Ooh! Shit, baby. Yeah big brother, keep do-oing that. Mmm THA-at’s the one, OOOOH fu-uuUUCK!”

It does exactly what I would expect.

Your moans are so fucking sexy. You always did have a sweet little voice, but now, hearing you physically convulse in pleasure, my animal instinct to mate was growing wild along with my brotherly desire to protect you from harm. And judging by how you were crying out, I definitely had to fix that for you. You fanned your legs out once more, driving that little toy in and around yourself, pushing yourself into ecstasy in the way only you knew how. Maybe I could learn? I must have taken a wrong turn at the junction between sex and love, because suddenly I had an animal instinct to inflict playful harm, and a brotherly instinct to mate with you.

Something in me snaps.

Flying into a daze, I reach back and pulled out the collar and paddle. I stand upright, and turn into your outstretched legs, leaning over your petite little body as you gasp up at me. My hand runs upwards, over your stomach, under your shirt, and up to your neck. With a firm grip, I lean into you and whisper in your ear. Close enough I could kiss your ear lobe.

“It’s time for your collar, isn’t it baby?”

“Y-yes, daddy” you stammer, in a mixture of shock and excitement.

I wrap the collar around your neck – a thin pink strip of leather, with a small but pretty love heart under your chin. A sweet little reminder of who you belong to.

“I like that word a lot, sweetheart” I continue, kissing your neck and raising the power on your vibrator.

“Ooh… oh fuck baby. Oh GOD yes, mmmmm! I wonder how many sisters get to call their own big brother Daddy…” you chuckle shyly, getting bolder as you see my filter failing. The filter that stops families becoming sexually attracted to one another was gone.

Running both my flared hands over your bare waist, I grip you like a playtoy and flip you onto your front.

“Only the good ones, baby” I reply calmly, drawing the paddle up above my head.

“Daddy?” you enquire, unable to see what I’m doing above and behind you “B-Big brother?”


“OH!” you cry out, blushing immediately. You feel a big strong hand take hold of your left ass cheek with a forceful squeeze. The air swells gently behind you.


“A-ah!” you squeek “Oooooh, FUCK yessss mmm!”. Still gripping your ass, I feel you shiver with adrenaline. I drop the paddle on the rug at my feet and lean over you further. With one hand at your side, steadying myself on the bed, the other comes up underneath your neck to hold you by the jaw.

“I bet you’d like to feel my bare hand instead of that nasty paddle wouldn’t you, sis?”

“Mmhmm!” you nod, unable to open your mouth. I ease my grip as I continue.

“And why is that sweetheart?”

“Because I want to feel you get rough with me, big brother” you gasp “You’re always so caring and gentle with me. Stop being so sweet! Play with me! Enjoy me! I want you to manhandle me, throw me around, leave red marks on your territory in the shape of your hand…”



Burying your face into the sheets, I see that hit the spot. Somehow, even in here, this leviathan dystopian prison seemingly separated from the outside world and all it’s comforts, you’re still that same bratty sister who gets what she wants.

You roll over onto your back once more, bringing your legs up as they swing past me. Now facing upright, you stretch your legs back down either side of me, and sit bolt upright, bringing us face to face.

“I need you to finish me”

Your tone is serious and yearning. The animal instinct in me wants to bury my cock inside you, but the brotherly instinct? That also wants to bury my cock inside you. I really *really* want to fuck you like a brother. Not in spite of our biological connection, but *because of it*. Despite it all, we’d made a promise to ourselves back in our dorm room. No matter how weird or heated things get in here, we would resist with everything we’ve got. We’d already gone way too far. You were under the influence of what I can only assume to be a dramatically overpowered libido booster, otherwise I could never imagine my sweet, innocent little sister behaving like this – and certainly not initiating the whole thing! I was still sound of mind, and I had the will to make sure we kept our promise.

No matter how good you would feel around my shaft, I will *not* cross that line.

“We can’t” I reply through gritted teeth “If we do this, they win”

“Trust *me* to have the silliest big brother” you giggle, tugging down my joggers but leaving my trunks intact “I can still feel you through these!” you continue, placing one hand tenderly on my crotch, stroking up and down just firmly enough to tease me “You can still make your little sister cum with that big *thick* cock, even if you’re not filling me up with it!”

Your filthy little pout drew me straight back into my urges. Placing one hand on your shoulder, I push you down into the sheets and lean my waist into yours, pressing myself firmly between your legs. Up, and down, and back up again. Tenderly sliding the ridge of my clothed shaft along your naked clit. Even through the barrier of my trunks, we had never felt so close. You take my arm, guiding my hand to massage your tits, running sensitive little circles around your nipples to enhance your sensation. Never letting my heavy cock leave the warmth of your aching pussy. My trunks are growing wetter from rubbing against you, seeping through and directly onto my cock. I guess I really could feel you after all. You were soaking into me. Placing my massaging hand down onto the bed, the other rises to your mouth, providing a nice pacifier to suck on in the form of my thumb. Trust my sister to be a little slut with an oral fixation. I could only imagine what you’d do if I put my cock in your mouth. You’d never let me leave. I’d be stuck in your mouth forever, and I didn’t *really* have a problem with that. As my motion grows firmer and more rapid, I feel your moans ripple down my thumb, sending shivers down my spine with an incredible sensation I’d never expected. Something I’d never quite felt before.

That’s when I feel you on the edge. That’s when I make you cum.

With a final forceful thrust across your waist, up go your legs, flying over my shoulders. You roll into a spiral, convulsing as you lose control and squirt over my chest, up to my chin and across the rug. Violent shudders constrict your body. Powerful ripples flow through you like a wave of ecstasy. Down you go, face first, into the sheets, having rolled completely onto your front involuntarily. There you lay, for the following fifteen seconds, shaking, enjoying the aftermath of your pleasure as it dies into a satisfying ember. A deep, *heavy* sigh.

“Whw” you mumble into the bedsheets, completely muffled.

“What was that?” I laugh, enjoying the sight of your sexual relief. Rolling over, you try that one again.

“Wow” you smile. A look of affection and respect washes over your face, like you were pleasantly surprised at my enthusiasm. “You’re pretty ok in bed, bro”

“HA! You can’t say that yet, we didn’t even fuck” I laugh, still very much appreciating the compliment.

You shoot me a sideways glance, inquisitive and playful.


I realise what I’d just said, and look away. This had become a lot more serious… and a lot more fun… than I’d anticipated. At the best possible moment to interrupt our post-*’coital’* flirting, a familiarly dull voice sounds over the PA.

“Time elapsed: sixty minutes. Session failed” scolds the voice, somehow without a hint of emotion “Nutrition has been cancelled for 48 hours. You will now be escorted to your dorm.”

We both sigh.

“Fuck. I guess… here we go. Time to go test our patience, bro”

“And our stomachs” I add.

The door swings open with a faint breeze. There at the door is the overseer from sixty minutes prior, to see us out. You pick up your booty shorts from the side of the room, where I’d flung them, and hurry out into the wide hangar-like indoor expanse – for some reason without pulling them back on. Was it the expectant silence of the overseer hurrying you out? Did you just want to give me a good long look at your perky little handful of an ass? Because either way, I got the latter. It certainly didn’t help to calm my still-throbbing boner. I’d have to take care of that back at our dorm.

As you dash over to the far door that leads back into our hallway, I hang back just enough to whisper a question to the overseer closing the cube.

“Hey, that *was* one of the super strength chocolates she ate, right?”

They turn to me, cold and expressionless.

“Incorrect, 0388BR22. There were no super strength chocolates in that box”


The following two days were agony. No food, no water, for two days. That same sentence ran through our minds more times than we’d like to imagine. What we hadn’t considered was that, to enforce the punishment, they’d switched off the water in our en-suite bathroom. We can’t even wash our fucking hands. I think we’d taken pseudo-luxury for granted; Everything could be taken from us in an instant. There was no humanity in this place.

That wasn’t the only thing running through our minds, though. Actually there was something *far* more interesting that transpired just as we’d left that chamber.

This was that encounter:

Stepping through that second door, and into the dimly lit hallway of cells just like our own, we were greeted by a familiar face. *Three* familiar faces, to be exact.

“El… Eloise!?” you gasp, jaw dropping, completely dumbstruck.

“Ariana!” she gawps back.

“Oh my god, you’re all here!” I exclaim, looking over at the three faces barely illuminated by the strip lights hanging overhead. Standing beside our ‘long lost’ 20 year old cousin Eloise, was her little sister Sirena (19) and their big brother, Nate (25). A moment of clarity illuminates my mind, concluding in a sudden, stark realisation.

“Oh, my god… you’re *all* here. You’re *here*. That means…”

Eloise nods at your inference “Yup, it sure does. You’ll get used to it though, we were in the queue for four months! It’s kinda nice to stretch your legs in the big ol’ cube in there, watch some wholesome family TV, eat some free chocolates. I mean, it’s not all bad!” she chuckles.

“Yeah, I… wait… what?” you reply, startled at her forthcoming attitude “You’ve been here six months, so… you’ve been using the Breeding Machine for like, two whole months?”

“Two months” smiles Nate, continuing in his deep, gruff voice “eight times… well, this’ll make it nine”

“I can’t *wait!*” cheers Sirena with her arms up in the air.

You and I share a look of complete bewilderment. Are they… They’re completely fucking *loving* it in here!

“We’re a triple, not many of us around” Eloise explains “Sometimes it’s like, two brothers on one sister, god bless her sore lil’ pussy, and other times it might be a dad with his two daughters…”

“Pretty rude how they don’t offer equal opportunity for mothers playing naked with their daughters unless there’s some dick involved” huffs Sirena “But to be honest, I don’t think a HR complaint would travel far around here”

“Who knows! There’s actually *plenty* of lesbian relationships around” reassures Eloise “The overseers just don’t know about it, it’s not in thier breeding directive I guess. Fucking lame. But yeah, it’s fine really, triples get a 50% bigger room… 50% bigger bed…”

“Silence” scolds the overseer, gesturing the triple into the chamber “You will now enter”

The five of us shift awkwardly to face the overseer. Even that brief moment of social interaction helped us forget where we were.

“Oh right, yeah, well see you around!” waves Eloise, with a kiss on our cheeks. Family dynamics sure are different around here. The three of them file past us, and into the great concrete chamber that housed the little glass cube.

Once inside, Sirena held them both by the hand and tugged them over to the bed. She’s the youngest, the spunky and playful little brat. Her afro hair bounced as she threw herself onto the sheets. She and Nate were full siblings, same black mother and black father, and as related as they possibly could be. Eloise, on the other hand, was their half-sister. Same black mother, but with a white father. None of this had any bearing on their relationship as a triplet of happy and affectionate siblings. They had loving, passionate sex just as any other siblings should.

Eloise sat with her sister and smiled. What a lucky girl to have such a pretty, adorable, and downright fuckable slut for a little sister. There was no hesitation between these three. Their boundaries were already long gone.

Leaning in, Eloise tenderly took hold of Sirenas jawline and guided it to her. A passionate kiss between sisters is a beautiful sight to behold. Bucking her jaw softly forward, Sirena yearns for more, and brings one hand up to lay on Eloise’ chest, the other gripping her thigh. Eloise takes hold of her sister by the shoulder and falls back, pulling her on top of herself. The pair break their passionate embrace in playful laughter as they hit the sheets.


Nate’s t-shirt collides with the back of Sirenas head. She turns to see the ripples of his abs, dangerously close to her face as he stood at the edge of their bed.

“Ooh fuck bro, I never get tired of seeing you shirtless” she flirts, licking her lips.

Nate chuckles with a wink “Then maybe I should get you topless to make things fair”

Leaning over his lithe little sister, he holds her by her sides and pulls up, revealing nothing at all underneath. She didn’t feel like underwear that day. Or ever, at this point. Neither of them did. Not when they had a fit older brother with a nice wide cock to make use of. Her petite ebony tits bobbed free of their linen prison. Beautifully dark skin on show, she shuffled forward to meet him, pressing her chest against his as they made out at the side of the bed. It’s a rare and precious sight, seeing a big and handsome dark-skinned guy kissing his sweet little blood-related sister on the lips, as sexually as any romantic couple. Eloise could only stare in admiration. He was so sweet, taking care of his hungry little sisters like this. What more could a horny, perverted girl like her ask for? Perhaps to get stuffed to the brim with cock. She was no weather girl, but she predicted a pretty high chance of that too.

Sirenas hand slid down her brother’s abs, to his crotch, gently clasping her prize through his jeans. Biting her lip in anticipation, she whispered.

“I think it’s time for the cupboard, Daddy”


[OOC: Hey everyone! Glad you’re still loving this!

The story is now so long that it wont all fit into one Reddit post. What do you suggest?

I planned to finish Chapter 4 before posting but it’s been a week and I really wanted to get you an update before I head to bed. At the very least, you can see where this chapter is going! Finally, some lustful, unprotected, incestuous vaginal sex. That’s what we all want. Actually there’s gonna be a whole lot more than that, but consider that a promise at least.

I’ve also added a *lot* more to Chapter 3 than last time, so if you read everything last time, it’s worth rereading Chapter 3 to get your bearings again.

See you fellow perverts soon!]



  1. Man I’m loving this series I hope the two of them go for it next time

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