A Dif[F]erent kind of lock down [MF] [NSFW]

These strange times reminded me of a prior “lock down” experience from many years ago that I thought I’d share.
An ex and I had hired a cottage in the English Lake District for a midweek break and at the last moment she had invited her elder sister who had just gone through a bit of a tough break up.
The first two days passed pleasantly, each one of us enjoying the countryside walks and scenery, our evening meal in the village pub washed down with a couple of local ales adding to our pleasure.
The morning of the third day the weather was horrendous, torrential rain and thick mist ending any ideas of going hiking. To make matters worse my ex received a call from work saying it was imperative she went in to sort out some major crisis.
“I’ll try to get back tonight” she said as I walked her to the car.
“Drive carefully and let me know you got home safe” She promised she would and I watched the rear lights of the car disappear into the weather.
Dawn, my sister in law, met me with a towel in hand as I walked back into the kitchen “Get yourself dry and I’ll put the kettle on”
I stripped off my wet shirt and quickly dried my hair, grabbing a dry tee shirt. Dawn handed me a mug of tea with a smile “Looks like me and you for a bit”
Dawn was an attractive girl, slim figured and short mousey brown hair but not my type at all. Her sister was polar opposite, curvaceous, long blonde hair and a fantastic pair of boobs.
Dawn and I whiled away the hours chatting, I cooked us a nice pasta dish, and it was the first time we’d opened up to one another in any detail. My ex eventually phoned and said she was way too tired to drive back that night but would be there first thing in the morning to pick us and our gear up.
The cottage was clean but very minimalist, an old style TV and VHS player the only electronic entertainment available to us, so we decided to find a movie to watch. After a couple of old Hammer House horrors I excused myself and went to the bathroom. Upon returning to the lounge Dawn was sat on the floor searching through a box of VHS tapes “I wonder what’s on these?” she asked pointing at the selection in front of her.
“Where were they?” I asked
“In that cupboard under the stairs”
“Stick one in the machine and we’ll see”
The picture quality was terrible but it was pretty clear it was some old school porn.
I reached forward to stop the tape “Leave it on” Dswn said “I could do with a giggle”
I sat back on the sofa at the opposite end to Dawn and settled in to enjoy the film. As porn goes it was pretty tame but I did start to feel the effects in my groin. Dawn was quiet and I kept looking at her to she if it was effecting her in any way. She caught my gaze “You okay?” she asked
“Yeah why?”
“You keep looking at me”
“Just checking you’ve not nodded off” I kidded.
“Hahaha no I’m good thanks”
“Good good”
Moments later I needed to pee and left to use the bathroom, my thoughts flicking to Dawn as I held myself resisting the urge to wank.
Dawn had changed position on the sofa and as I sat down we were a lot closer. On screen a very well endowed chap was doing his best to impale a big breasted nun, and I couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Whats so funny?” asked Dawn
I smiled at her “One of my fantasies is to do a nun”
“Yeah. Don’t you have any fantasies?”
“Well to be perfectly honest I’m dying to know how big your cock is” she replied moving closer.
“Help yourself” I said easing out of my tracksuit bottoms, my semi erect member popping free. Dawns mouth enveloped it fully, my hardness growing in her mouth as her tongue expertly went to work. My hand sort out her small breast, her nipple bullet hard, as she continued to suck me. I knew it was wrong to be doing this with my sister in law but a line had been crossed and there was no turning back now. I lifted Dawn off with ease, her shorts pulled off, and began exploring her wetness with my tongue and fingers, her back arching as the flood of orgasm ran through her. When I entered her there was no resistance, our passion increasing as we moved together, a choreography of pure lust. Our dance continued, the positions changing effortlessly as we explored each other, no hole left untouched until in a crescendo of desire we orgasmed together. We laid together for several moments, our being as one, juices mingling. Dawn broke the silence “That was incredible” she said. I looked at her face as a single tear rolled down her cheek “We can never do that again ”
I held Dawn in my arms for another hour, no words being exchanged, before we both retired to our respective bedrooms.
Our journey home, my ex arrived early the next day, was quiet and myself and Dawn remained close but we never repeated our moment of passion

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ga5ari/a_different_kind_of_lock_down_mf_nsfw