Arrival and some wine Part 1(MF)

I hadn’t seen Anna in a few years. At least not in person. We messaged every once in a while about random facts, birthday greetings, and even the occasional drunk message. Anna even ‘accidentally’ sent me a risque picture of herself on a Friday night or two. There had always been just a hint of sexual tension, but there was never much more than that. I recently accepted a job offer, and took a month vacation in between for myself. Why not take the opportunity and fly to another country. Especially when someone offers you a place to crash while you take your vacation.

The plane landed around noon on a friday, which gave me about 2 hours to go through customs, pick up my bag, and head to the pickup area. I gave Anna my itinerary, and she told me that she could pick me up around 2pm. She might be able to get there earlier, but told me that I should not go ahead and take public transport. She wanted to pick me up, and that if I came out early, that I better wait for her. I wasn’t going to object. A free place to stay, a free ride, and some great company! Who would turn that down?

Everything at customs went quick, and I found my bag almost instantly. It was one of the weirdest arrivals I had ever had. It was almost as if everything on the way was set, and ready for me. I pick up my bag, and head to the pick up spot. It was only 12:45, and I was already out. Wondering what to do in the little over an hour of time that I suddenly had, I went to the side, and took a look around.

“Chris!!” I heard a shout to the left. Anna was there, holding a sign square in the middle of the room. I must have missed her since I was expecting to have extra time.

“Did you forget what I look like or something?” she said on her way over.

“Well, you *are* covering up a lot more than the last picture you sent me.” I said with a smirk while reaching for my phone. “Hold on, I think I still have it here.”

“Hey, I told you that you had to either delete that one, or send me something in return.” She said, slowing her pace. “You still haven’t sent me one back, but I guess you can make it up to me in person!”. With that, she laughed quite hard, and gave me a huge hug. I gave her a quick lift before putting her back down.

“Alright. You are here early, let’s get out of here and start this adventure!”

It was an hour’s drive from the airport to her place. We caught each other up on our lives, and told a few jokes. We got out of the city, and were driving along the countryside. This was a beautiful country, and I didn’t realize how much I actually missed it. I was happy to be back. After a quick grocery stop to get some beer, wine, and barbeque sticks, we were at her place. It was a small apartment, with one bedroom, a combined kitchen/living room, and a bathroom with a deep tub. She did have a sofa facing a TV, and I guessed that this is where I was going to sleep. She gave me ‘the grand tour’ of the apartment, where we exaggerated each room, and appliance. It was however pretty cool that she had her laundry/dryer in her apartment. I put down my bag in the corner of her living room, and was about to open it.

“Oh no, I hope you’re not too shy to share a bed with me!” Anna smiled. One thing that did not change was how much she loved to tease me. She took off her jacket, and walked to the entrance to hang it up. She was wearing a thin red blouse. It was so thin that I was sure that I could see through it. As she walked away from me, I could see her tight jeans hug her hips. Her round ass bounced with each step, and I could see the outline of her hips disappear as her slender sides took their place. After hanging up her jacket, she turned around and walked over to me. I looked up to see her nipples peek through her thin shirt. She was not wearing a bra, and her perky breasts made the fabric sway side to side with each step.

“Well…..” She said as she stood in front of me. “Are you going to bring those to the bedroom, or did you want me to bring you a blanket out here?” I finally took my eyes off her tantalizing breasts to see she had a cheeky grin on her face. She caught me red handed, and there was nothing I could say to convince her I was not staring at her breasts.

“You know what? I think the bed does sound a bit cozy now that I think about it.” I picked up my bags, and brought them over.

After getting set up a little, I took out a bottle of red wine and walked over to her in the kitchen.

“I brought you something to say thank you.” I said, handing over her gift.

“Oh perfect, you already have what I was going to charge you for picking you up at the airport!” She took the bottle from me and took out two glasses. It did not take her long to pour us a generous pour before leading me to the couch.

“Cheers, on finally spending some time together again!” she said, raising her glass. We clinked glasses before taking sips.

“Wait…” I said as what she said settled in my thoughts. “Are you going to ask for odd payments throughout the week?” I was surprised at her laugh at my accusation. It might not exactly be a free stay for me, but I might be alright with the odd requests that she might end up having.

“Well, yes. I shouldn’t just let you stay here completely free!” She said with a smirk. However, she rolled it back a bit as she saw a bit of concern spreading across my face. “Oh, don’t worry. I’m sure that you are going to like some of these…. Requests!”

We chat, and flirt while drinking our wine. It was tough not to look down at her breasts in her thin red blouse. I was sure that she caught me at least three times while we were sitting there. It might have been the alcohol, or that I was finally getting comfortable in her apartment, or that my curiosity was getting the better of me, but I had to ask.

“So, these odd … requests… that you are going to make.” I said as I put down my empty glass. “What are they going to be like, and what am I going to be getting for fulfilling these requests?” Anna took a second to think about it. She leaned back, and took a good look at my body before looking back into my eyes. Her bright green eyes seemed to pierce my thoughts as she grinned just a little.

“I think you need another glass of wine before I tell you more!” She stood up and went to get a bottle from the fridge, poured generously and sat back down.

“So let me tell you a little about what I was thinking, and a bet I have going with some of my friends.”
