European Rave Adventure [FF] [FFM] (long) pt.1

So I’ve always thought about posting here before but I’m usually entertained by reading what everyone else gets up to so I never really got around to it. I haven’t read a story lately that really satisfied me so I made a burner account and decided to add my own – with this whole pandemic thing, I’ve been horny as hell and thinking about my escapades with men and women going back decades. For some reason, I’ve had a lot of luck getting up to no good and I’ve just been trying to enjoy it as much as possible till inevitably my charm and my luck run out. This story is about one of the many times I’ve picked up a woman on a night out. I love catching a woman’s eye out in the wild and getting her wrapped around my finger(s). Pun definitely intended :)

This particular story happened when I moved to a major European cosmopolitan city that is known for a great music scene and free people. I had just moved there to be with my long distance (male) partner. We had gone out to celebrate the move and being able to finally live together after over a year apart (it’s a long story). But essentially, we met while I was travelling in my mid-20s and just couldn’t quit each other. The chemistry with him has been a raging fire for several years now, and while some of that might have had to do with the distance, I like to think we just have a special effect on one another (I will have to save those stories for another time though).

I’ll start with a little bit of background about me. I’m a mixed woman, tanned, 5″7, shapely thick ass, and what I’ve been told are perky B cups. Not skinny, but more fit and soft. My style is somewhat alternative and apparently, people always think I want to fuck because of some heavy bedroom eyes. My partner, Max, is a few inches taller than me, big brown eyes, beautiful dark wavy hair and some facial hair with an easy going and likeable nature about him. Haven’t met anyone yet who had a bad thing to say about him. In bed however, he takes control and I’m like putty in his hands, very much in contrast to my dynamic with women. He has a perfect tanned above-average cock that perks straight up and can go for hours. Due to the distance, we decided to be non-monogamous and we ended up having many fun escapades together over the years. Yes, I know how lucky I am :).

So we were heading out that night to a rave on the other side of town. To be real, I was really fucking exhausted from the recent move and I just wanted to relax at home. We got drunk at home and Max convinced me to go out to meet some of his friends, and suggested that maybe we could have an even wilder night, with a wink. As intriguing as that sounded, all I wanted to do was stay in, smoke some weed, and have his skin all over mine. I eventually willed myself out the door and decided that I was on a mission to make the most of this night, especially when we already could’ve been at home fucking each other’s brain out.

We got to the spot and it was going off. You could feel the vibrations of the bass shaking the building. There are people hanging outside smoking and some beautiful women walking around in interesting outfits, with the type of confidence that made me do a double-take. It was a hot summer night and the air was thick and humid. We walked inside and the smell of sweat and sex filled my nose. Max’s friends somehow found us despite the cavernous darkness. There were 4 of them, two guys and two women. After some chatting, we learned that the second girl (Marta) was a friend of the Max’s girl friend, and had also just met the rest of the group that night. Marta was a few inches shorter than me, skinny blonde very feminine alternative European girl. She was friendly looking with warm eyes. It was hot so she was wearing shorts and a t-shirt with some trainers. Her and I locked eyes for a moment as we exchanged names, and I swear I could’ve felt some energy there but wasn’t sure if I just had too much to drink. I’ve learned that there’s a way that women look at you when they want you, and most of the time might not know it themselves. I love the not knowing, that’s definitely part of the thrill for me – trying to find out how right I am about that intuition. Soon after, his friends offered us some mdma. I suddenly had a feeling this night was going to be worth it.

I’m going to fast-forward a bit. Let’s just say the party was better than expected. The music was great and everyone was in a happy, friendly mood. I started to come down from the pill that I took earlier and Marta noticed that I was getting a little tired so she offered me another one. I wasn’t sure if that was a good idea but Marta convinced me saying that she would take another as well. It was hard to say no to a beautiful woman, and I started thinking that I wasn’t the only one getting some ideas about where this night could go. I offered Max some but he declined because he seemed to still be feeling it and was deep in what appeared to be a loving conversation with his other friends. Looked like we were on our own then and I went back to Marta and told her that I was game.

She tells me to open my mouth and I say, right here?! She asks me if I’m scared. I tell her no, but I prefer a little discretion. Little did I know that discretion would be the last thing to happen tonight. Looked like I wasn’t the only one who could be a little mischievous. I wasn’t sure, but I thought I could sense a little bit of flirtation in her tone so I went with it, curious about what was at the end of this sexy little rabbit hole she was taking me down. I stared straight in her eyes, walked up right up to her, and opened my mouth, taunting her. She’s not the only one who can tease. For a quick moment, I thought she looked slightly taken aback by my boldness and I wasn’t sure if I went too far or misread things. Then she relaxed and locked eyes with me and all of a sudden looked very very hungry. She bit her lip and smiled as she placed another pill on my tongue. That touch made me salivate and sent electricity through my body. We started dancing to the music, not taking our eyes off each other.

She pulls out a hand-rolled joint/cigarette that’s a pretty common way to smoke here and ask me if I want some. I don’t care for tobacco but I’m always down for some weed and say yes. Between the music, her, the drugs, I was hypnotized. We continued to dance close and I could smell her sweet perfume mixed with sweat and smoke. She looks up at me and tells me that I’m so fucking beautiful, in disbelief almost. I took the cig from her and gave her a smile. I was so turned on and amused by her playful confidence. And while I’m used to being the one wrapping women around my fingers, she seemed to be the one doing that here. I took a big inhale and slowly brought my mouth close to hers. Our lips touched and I could taste her sweet fruit flavored gum as I exhaled into her mouth. I don’t know what happened but it was like a valve had been released that had been building up over the night. We started making out. As our tongues swirled around each other in deep kisses, I pulled her hips into mine, pressing our bodies together as we grinded to the to the beat of the music. I felt a heady rush and lost track of the room in that moment. Needless to say, I was soaking wet.

After a while, I felt a strong body gently pressing up behind me that brought me back into the room. Max! I turn around and see him smiling at us and his friends behind him grinning. Turns out we had put on quite the show. This snapped us out of our trance and we were able to catch our breath and have laugh. We rejoined the group and tried to keep our hands off each other for a second. I could sense her watching me even as she interacted with the others. It felt like there was a magnet pulling our bodies back together. After a while, Max’s friends decided to head home but I wanted to stay out a little longer as I was still feeling that second pill and Marta told them that she didn’t feel like calling it yet and she would stay with Max and I. I told them that we would make sure to take good care of her and caught a knowing grin from Max’s friend Ben as we said our good byes.

The three of us spent a little while longer dancing but I could tell that we were all starting to get restless. I wanted to get back so I could accomplish my initial plan for the night, now with a little extra perk. At that point, it was all but said where this night was going and I decided to make the move to take this party back to our apartment. When I asked Marta to come back with us, she looked like she had been waiting the whole night for me to ask and smiled and said she would love to…

(I feel like that’s long enough already. Let me know if you enjoyed the story and I’m sure that will be enough motivation to finish it soon xox.)



  1. you have a way with words much like you have a way with women. hope you have loads more fun after the pandemic :)

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