Tess – Chapter One. [MF] [Non-Con] [Short Story]

“Hey honey. Lovely to see you, come in.”

Chris smiled at her as he walked in through the door. “Thanks Tess. Really hoping we can get this sorted tonight, save a lot of headaches in the next week.”

Tess led him through the house to her kitchen. As he walked along behind her, his hands quivered slightly with excitement, before he clenched them to regain control. She was the mother of the groom; Chris the best man, and he’d decided to invite himself over on any flimsy pretext he could think of. He’d known her since he was old enough to walk, completely inseperable from her boy, and he’d had a crush on her since he was old enough to fantasize.

The kitchen was a wide, spacious assault of white, polished to an immaculate shine, with a central island that was part work-top, part dining table for the informal evening. As she fetched them two glasses of red, Chris made idle chit-chat, admiring as he had so many times before. She was beautiful, there was no doubt. She was quite short, with long black hair that curled into soft, lazy ringlets, and her full lips and piercing blue eyes had gained her some traction in her modelling days. She was wearing a dark grey button up blouse with the top two buttons left open to showcase her large breasts, and comfortable jeans that caressed her hips. She wasn’t slim but was far from fat; she had some extra weight everywhere you’d want it. He decided she was plump, thick in all the right ways.

“So, how are you getting on with the speech?” she asked as she took a seat next to him. The sweet scent of her perfume filled his nostrils.

“Not great. I’ve written some parts, but… Ah, see what you think.” He fished a hastily scribbled piece of paper from his bag and passed it to her.

“… Right. Well, we can fix this.” she smiled at him. “I’ll just go and get my folder, be back in a flash.” As soon as she had passed through the kitchen door, he fumbled in his jeans pockets. He produced a zip-lock bag with two pills inside, shook them out of the packet and threw them into her wine with a trembling mix of anxiety and excitement. He’d spent weeks planning, yet it all rested on the dodgy bastard he’d met in a club in Guildford.

She reappeared and sat back down, all business. They spent the next twenty minutes talking about the wedding, and of old memories of Mike that could feature in Chris’ speech. With each passing sip he watched her closer, fidgeting more and more as she reached the bottom of her glass.

“I think it’s probably just safest to start with how they met and… You know the first time he introduced you to her and… Hm…” She hesitated, mumbling, and Chris smiled ever so slightly, as her voice began to trail off.

“Yeah. Just gonna run to the loo, back in a tick.” He got up and walked away, balling and unballing his hands into fists, struggling to remain calm. He strode into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. He placed his hands on the side of the sink, gripping tightly as he stared into the mirror for a moment, grinning in anticipation. He was hard just from the thought of what would come next. He splashed a little water on his face, took a deep breath, and went back out.

As he came to the open doorway to the kitchen, he froze. She was lying slumped on the worktop, her face mostly covered by her mass of thick curls. “Tess?” He asked quietly. And then slightly louder. “Tess?”


He tiptoed over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. Just the touch of her sent electric shocks through his body. He steadied himself and gently shook her. “Tess?” He moved her hair out of the way for a proper look at her face. Her eyes were closed, mouth slightly open. He saw her chest moving up and down with shallow breaths.

His breath caught in his throat. He had to move, quickly. Gently, he lifted her from her chair and placed her on the cool tile floor, her backed propped up against the side of the worktop. Unable to resist, he lightly brushed his fingers over her breasts and thighs, shivering in anticipation. He snatched his bag from where he had been sitting, rummaging around for the rope and tape he had purchased from a hardware shop way out of town. He’d driven over a hundred miles away to buy it; the devil was in the details.

He pulled her forward and put her hands behind her back, tying them together at the wrists. He tied the knot twice, then another time for good luck. And then another after that. Satisfied, he leaned her back against the counter, and grabbed her phone from the top. He frowned as it flashed, asking for a password, then smiled and knelt by Tess’s side. He reached around and lightly touched one of her index fingers to the sensor. His smiled widened as the phone unlocked. As planned.

With slightly trembling fingers, Chris undid the next two buttons of Tess’s blouse and twitched it as far to the side as he could, exposing the majority of her breasts. She was wearing a red bra, trimmed with a little lace, and the angle with which he had tied her hands led to her chest being slightly pushed out and more pronounced. He could feel his cock pressing hard into his jeans as he stared at her for a few moments, fingers lightly tracing over the material. He shook his head slightly and focused on what he was doing. The camera app on her found made a little noise as he opened it and flicked it to self-facing mode. Carefully, he angled the camera toward her and took a few fake-selfies, just of her exposed bra and breasts. He couldn’t resist giving them a little squeeze with his other hand; off camera, of course. He opened WhatsApp and sent the image to his own phone, with a little caption, “Come over”.

Satisfied, he put her phone back onto the work top, and double checked his own to make sure it had sent correctly. Whilst there, the temptation was too great and he snapped a few quick photos of her lying there, propped up, sleeping; helpless.

His phone vanished back into his pocket. He sat against the wall facing her, a few feet away from her dainty feet, and waited. He couldn’t start now. He wouldn’t want her to miss anything.

It took another ten minutes. Her foot twitched. Then her lips parted ever so slightly. Her toes curled a little. Dark, smoldering eyes blinked slowly open, rolling around until they settled upon the sight of Chris massaging one of her dainty feet. He grinned at her. “Welcome back. Took you long enough.” The confusion settling on her face set the desire stirring in him like an animal.

“Wh.. What’s going on? Chris?” She mumbled at him drowsily. “Why am I on the floor?”

“We’ll get to that soon,” he assured her. “You just relax and settle into it.”

“Settle? What?” She made to move an arm, only to find them trapped. She began to struggle feebly against her bonds. “Chris? What’s happening? Why are you touching my feet?”

Chris smiled at her, eyes almost glowing. “Because they’re so beautiful. I’ve wanted to do this for years. There’s a lot of things I’ve wanted to do for a very long time.” He moved forward, gently running a hand along her calf, eventually resting on her inner thigh. “And tonight, we’re going to do all of them.”

Tess’s struggled became more pronounced, jerking her leg away from his grasping hands. “No. No. This isn’t right. Chris. No.”

Chris sat beside her, listening disinterestedly to her mewling, watching with intense fascination as her dark eyes winded, shining as they gazed at him, full of fear. “Just relax Tess.” He brought a hand to her face, gently stroking her cheek with a finger. “We’re gonna have a great time.” His hand moved to grasp the back of her head, pulling her face toward his. She squirmed as he kissed her, her soft pillowy lips not giving him an inch. He kissed her regardless, his other hand sliding up and down her jean thigh. He probed forward withg a little tongue, but her lips remained firmly shut. He pulled away in annoyance, hand tighening on her inner thigh. “This’ll be much better for you if you don’t fight me. Just enjoy the ride.”

“Don’t, Chris. Just untie me. Please, just untie me and we’ll never speak of this. People make mistakes, I un-”

“This isn’t a mistake Tess. You asked me here yourself.” He spent a moment, relishing the confusion on her face. “You even sent me a risky little photo, don’t you remember?” He grabbed his phone and showed her the photo and text, sent from her number. She gaped at the photo in shocked silence. Frantically, she looked down, only now realizing that her top had been halfway undone. “Yeah. And there’s no doubt. I’d know these tits anywhere.” He grabbed one of her breasts, giving it a firm squeeze.

“Don’t touch me!” Tess shouted, shaking her head to clear it, straining ever harder against her bonds. “Get the fuck out of my house!”

Chris’s hand moved with frightening speed, grasping her throat in a cruel, vice-like grip. “Quieter Tess.” His face was barely an inch from her own. “I don’t want to hurt you, but if you scream, you’ll wish you hadn’t.” Tess stared at him, shocked into terrified silence, his fingers crushing her windpipe. “Do you understand?” As she gave a tiny, almost imperceptible nod, Chris’s smile returned, his hand loosening on her throat, but not letting go. His cock was throbbing against the confines of his jeans, all he could see was Tess. He stood, dragging her up with him, one hand under an arm, the other still locked around her throat.

With a quick movement, he ripped open her top, the few remaining buttons flying off. He was light headed from the excitement, hands shaking, blood pounding. He traced a line along her stomach with a finger, running his hands across her bra, her every whimper widening his smile. Tess let out a horrified squeak as he went to his bag and fished out a small, curved knife. Chris raised an eyebrow. “I told you Tess. I’m not going to hurt you, not unless you force me too. And you’re a smart woman, you don’t want that.” He moved behind her and began to cut her blouse apart, relishing every shiver she made as his hand touched her skin. Once the shirt lay in tatters on the floor, he stepped back to admire the beautiful woman before him.

“Chris… Please…” She was trembling with fear, wide eyed and desperate. The look suited her.

“Shh, Tess… Just enjoy it.” He slid the knife under her bra, cutting open the central bridge between her breasts. As the red lace gave way, he breasts spilled out, the hard, dark nipples pointing to attention. He filled each hand, losing himself for a moment in his teenage fantasies, lightly rubbing her nipples with his thumbs. “Such a delicious weight…” He kissed her again, the scent of her perfume stoking the fire in him, as her lips still stubbornly refused to part. She turned her face away from him, but he carried on kissing her neck, her shoulders, her breasts. He took a nipple in his mouth, rolling it gently with his tongue. His hand had moved to her butt, kneading a plump cheek through her jeans. He moved downward, kissing her stomach, until his face was level with her crotch.

His erection was throbbing to the point of pain, as he began to slowly unhook the top button. Tess’s trembling progressed to full on shaking, twisting her pelvis away from him. “Get away! Chris, stop! Please!” she begged. Too loud.

Chris shot up, rage etched into the lines of his face. His right hand grabbed a handful of her hair, yankly it back savagely, forcing her face to stare at his own, barely an inch away. His left hand cruelly pinched her face together, the whites of her eyes exposed in terror. “Shut. The fuck. Up. You’ve already had your warning.” He wrenched her around so that she was facing the table, pressing her legs against the edge. He tore the remanants of her bra from her arms and back, ignoring the whimpering it elicited. He reached down and undid the other buttons on her jeans, yanking them down and tangling them around her feet. She was wearing matching red panties underneath; he took great pleasure in cutting them off with his knife. He balled them up and threw them onto the worktop. He reached around to feel the warm wetness between her thighs, smirking to himself. He dropped his own jeans and boxers, kicking them off to the side.

Tess started as he began to rub his thick cock against her butt. She squirmed as if to move away, but one hand was on her hip, the other guiding his cock as it glided along the cleft. He reached up from her hip and grasped the back of her neck, forcing her face down onto the worktop. He lightly rubbed the head of his cock along her swollen lips, coating it with her wetness. “I know you’ve wanted this. I’ve known it for years, every time you look at me. Ugh, Tess.”

He grunted as he forced his head inside of her. Her whimpering rose to a fever pitch as he began to fill her slowly, inch by inch. Once he had eased himself in up to his balls, he stopped still for a few moments, drinking in her tight, warm wetness, savouring the sound of her gasping breaths. He lightly traced a line along her back with a finger, working his way from her hips to her hair. He placed his hand on the back of her neck once more, holding her firmly to the table, and slowly began to grind his hips back and forth. He could feel her walls gripping him along the length of his shaft, each thrust rewarded by a yelp or squeak. She squealed as he wound his hand into her hair and pulled on it, hard, lifting her body slightly. He shifted his stance and began to thrust harder, still slow but deep, to the base of his shaft and back. Her butt jiggled and shook with his every movement, and he watched, mesmerised by the rippling.

He pushed her head back down onto the worktop, and doubled his efforts, driving into her hard and fast, her breathing becoming erratic and tears stinging her eyes. He raised his other hand and delivered a stinging slap to one of her jiggling cheeks, eliciting a short, loud shriek of pain.

Chris froze in his tracks, a cruel grin plastered over his face. Tess gasped for air in ragged breaths as he withdrew, before he dragged her up to stand straight. His other hand curled around her torn panties, still bunched into a loose ball. “I told you Tess,” he whispered into her ear. “I told you, and you haven’t listened. Make sure you listen now. You clearly need to be gagged.” She began to whimper again, and made a noise as if to speak, but her ploughed on, cutting across her before she had the chance. “Shh… Just open your mouth. Now.”

As she saw what he intended to gag her with, she recoiled into his chest. “Chris, please Chris, no, I- mmffph!” He forced her torn, lacy red underwear into her mouth, ignoring her struggles, until they were fully submerged between her teeth and lips. She couldn’t close her mouth properly, and saliva began to pool as the panties moistened in her jaw.

“Good. Now, Tess, listen carefully. If that gag leaves your mouth tonight, I promise you; you’ll regret it.” With those words, he pushed her face down to the worktop once more, her right cheek flush against the cool marble. He leaned forward to whisper in her ear, “And now for your punishment.” Tears began to well in her eyes as Chris stepped back to give himself a good view. The left cheek of her arse had begun to glow slightly red, a faint outline of his palm presenting itself. She moaned as he placed his hand directly onto the stinging redness. “I really think you need to match, Tess. Symmetry, and all that.”

Tess tried to shake her head and squirm away, squealing against the gag, but the wiggling of her butt made it all the more inviting. Chris raised his hand and slapped her other cheek hard with his open palm, bring forth another muffled shriek. “Mmmmffff!” The sounds of the slap, the shriek, and the sight of her jiggling cheek almost pushed him to the edge, and he plunged his cock back into her, resuming with a hard, fast pace. She moaned and whimpered into the gag as he slammed into her again and again, Chris grunting as he did so. He smack her arse again, each of her cheeks, now glowing bright red, bringing forth those muffled cries of pain. “Mmmff! Mmmff!”

Tess strained against her bonds, but he was far too strong for her. Tears swam in her eyes, as he pounded her over and over. He could feel his orgasm building as he took her, rising in him like a tide, begging to break. Tess must’ve felt a change, a tightening of his muscles, a difference in his breathing, and she began to struggle much harder, screeching into her gag, “Mmmmm! MMMMM!” Chris pressed a hand against her back, holding her completely helpless and he thrust into her with speed, over and over, faster and faster, her struggling only causing her vagina to squeeze him tighter, his breath growing ragged, his teeth clenching, until;

Tess screamed into her gag as Chris let out his breath in a shocked gasp. Pleasure wracked his body as his cock felt as though it was exploding inside of her. He continued to thrust, slowly but impactfully, filling her with his cum. Tess’s tears flew freely as he continued to orgasm for what felt like hours. Chris leaned back slightly, his cock still immersed in her up to the base, breathing slowly, filling his lungs and letting his mind process what had just happened.

Tess started to wriggle and moan, bringing him back to reality. He stared down her for a moment, before slowly pulling out of her. He noted how wet she was, her thighs slick.

She spat out her gag, greedily sucking air into her lungs in great draughts. “You bastard,” she spat, trembling from rage and shock. “You utter bastard. As if this wasn’t enough, you finish inside of me as well?” You bastard!” Chris stood silenty for a moment, gazing at her. She looked back at him with unmasked hatred, tears still rolling down her cheeks. It suited her. “You’ve had what you want, let me go. Please, let me go.”

Chris smiled, leaned forward and grabbed her hair in a savage grip. The sight of her ravaged, tear-stained face brought a stirring of fresh desire back to him. “Oh Tess.. What makes you think we’re done?” The dawning look of horrified comprehension was all he could’ve asked for and more. “And your lovely little gag left your mouth. Was I not clear about that?”

“Please, Chris, please, just let me go, pl-” Chris placed a hang over her mouth, silencing her. He picked up her torn panties, soaked in her saliva and held them in front of her nose.

“I’ll say this one more time. This does not leave your mouth. I hope you understand.” He took his hand away, and before she could bleat a protest, shoved them back into her mouth, forcing them between her lips and teeth. He leaned back and knelt down, freeing her legs of her jeans, before getting back up and yanking her hair, bringing her to a standing position. “Beautiful.” She regarded him with loathing, tears once again welling in her eyes. She mumbled at him, “mmfph”, quietly this time. At least she’s figured that bit out, he thought.

His hand still entwined in her thick curls, he picked up his phone and dragged her up the stairs into the bedroom, throwing her onto the bed. Her hands, still tied, were trapped beneath her, as Chris forced her legs apart. He took a number of photos of her on his phone, grinning to himself. “Look on the bright side Tess; dependant on your actions, these may well end up on PornHub. You could be famous.”

She mumbled incoherently into her gag. Chris smiled. “You know,” he said, and idly began to stroke the lips of her vagina, still glistening wet. “I could probably just sell them. Make some good money, the market for this sort of thing’s really taken off.” He slipped a finger inside of her, using his thumb to pressure her clitoris. He rolled his thumb in slow, rhythmic circles, Tess’s feet curling slightly beside herself. “Well, I’ll have to think about it. It all depends on you really.” He leaned forward and kissed her neck and shoulders, making his way down to her breasts once again. He took a nipple in his mouth, sucking on it and gently biting down, slipping another finger inside of her, his thumb continuing to circle all the while. Tess writhed beneath him, fighting against any pleasure she may have felt. Her legs kicked out as she struggled and wriggled. Chris laughed and continued to work his fingers in and out, his thumb maintaining it’s pressure and rhythm.

Her legs were flailing madly, her muscles grasping Chris’s fingers in a desperate grip. Chris’s cock was rock hard and throbbing again, and he pulled his fingers out to reposition between her legs, balanced on his knees. He grabbed his phone in one hand and started a video, taping the action as he slowly slid his thick cock back into her with a groan, Tess moaning into the gag. He began to pump his hips back and forth in slow, deliberate action, the camera moving up to capture the jiggling of her breasts with each thrust. After a few moments, he put his phone down and reached down, his thumb reapplying pressue to her clit. Almost immediately, the same grip re-emerged, now grasping the length of his cock in a warm embrace. He leaned over her so they were face to face, smiling at her through deep breaths. She made an attempt to glare at him, but her face was screwed up in concentration, and she could only manage a vaguely reproachful look.

He pulled her arm back up, and leaned heavily on his elbow, his hand finding its way to the back of her head. He shifted his weight to his other elbow, located the other side of her, the weight of his body pinning her down as he quickened the pace of his thrusting. He moaned in her ear as he forced her head into his shoulders, his cock pounding back and forth as he listened to her ragged breathing. He could feel the blood coursing through his veins, his muscles tensing with each thrust. His cock ached with the need to release, but he fought against the urge, wanting to savour her for as long as her could.

He slowed slightly and propped her body back up onto his hands. He didn’t want to finish yet… At least not this way. His thrusting slowed to a crawl, until he stopped altogether, deep inside her up to his balls, and grinned at her once more. She took a moment to breathe as deeply as she could under the circumstance, and glared. He withdrew from her, and stood up, moving to the side of the bed. He reached over and pulled the gag from her mouth, moving her head to the side. She gasped, again drawing in great draughts of air. He snatched his phone back up from the bed, and started a video. He grabbed his cock with his free hand, and guided the tip into her mouth. She tried to jerk her head away, but he forced himself further in before she could. He had a brief moment to experience the warm sensation of her tongue, listen to her slight gagging choke as he touched the back of her throat, before he lost control, firing another load into her mouth. He hastily pulled out midway through, and massaged his cock with the free hand, another thick rope of semen trailing from her mouth to the bridge of her nose. He took a few deep breaths, before stopping the video.

He stepped back and took a few more photos quickly as she lay on the bed, panting. Her head was on it’s side, cum and saliva pooling slightly in the corner of her mouth. He moved to her side again, and wiped her cock against her breast, the sticky, glistening wetness now coating it. Too exhausted to comment, she just looked up at him with rage. He met her gaze. “We’re done. Stay here, I’ll be back in a moment.”

He left her on the bed, striding back down to the kitchen. He grabbed his clothes and threw them on, his mind on fire. He had to move carefully now. He picked up his bag, knife and Tess’s bra, before heading back up to the bedroom. To his satisfaction, she hadn’t moved, and was still laying dazed on the bed. She looked up as he walked back into the room, her eyes lingering on his knife.

Chris placed his bag on the floor, and walked to the bed. He flipped Tess over so she was lying on her stomach. The sight of her arse raised in from of him made him pause, and he quickly snatched his phone from his pocket and took a few more photos. She groaned as he cut the ropes tying her hands, the blood rushing back into them. Chris stepped back and stashed the knife in his bag, before gathering up her torn bra and panties.

He waited, watching her as she pushed herself onto her side, propped up on an elbow, gently massaging her wrists. After a moment he began to speak, his voice low, slow and deliberate. “Think very carefully what you do next Tess. I have the photos. The videos. The texts you sent me.” Her eyes snapped toward him. “Not only that. I know where you live. I know where Mike lives.” He smiled coldly.

As she watched, he placed her bra and panties in his bag. He stood up, walked over to her and leaned into her face. “Think about it. I’ll see you at the wedding.” He kissed her forehead, and left the room, relishing the feeling of her eyes burning into the back of his head. He closed the front door behind him, took a deep breath of the cool, night air, and strolled home.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/g9660l/tess_chapter_one_mf_noncon_short_story


  1. Hi all!

    Hope you enjoy my new story. It’s my second story, I released a little teaser about a month ago. Work has been nutty recently due to the Outbreak, but finally calmed down and I’ve had time to do some writing. It’s part one of a possible three-part series I have in my head – If I get the time! Got another story idea knocking around too. I, unfortunately, typed this up on WordPad and didn’t have access to any spell checking etc, so there may be the odd misclick in here.

    All constructive criticism is appreciated, many thanks!

  2. Love the self-incrimination angle with the texts. Brutal and economical storytelling. Only thing I would suggest is a skosh more character building. I find understanding a little more about the mental states of the characters connects me to the story. ( I probably ere in the other extreme in my writing so feel free to ignore this) Looking forward to where this is going. Well done!

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