What Mom Can’t Remember 2 {M/F Drugs Drunk Incest

It was that same Saturday that I had a brilliant idea. She was wearing a turtle neck to hide what was a pretty clear bite mark but it was going into the 80’s today and I wanted to see my handy work. I came in and told her to get changed we are going to take the Whaler out, she loves being on dads boat but I could see the hesitation in her face. I look her in the eye and said “Now woman!” just as I had seen my dad do so many times, she was up and headed to her bedroom to change. I got a bag together for the boat and headed down the dock to lower it in the water.

I had just got the boat fired up when my came down the gang way. She was wearing a black one piece suit, with a blue jacket thing women wear, a big straw hat and had a blue scarf tied around neck covering where I marked her last night. We got underway, I was headed to one of the sandbars that we would play on as I was growing up. Mom asked if we could go somewhere not crowded and I saw why, her jacket had blown open in the wind showing the cleavage she couldn’t cover up. I could see parts of the hickys I put on her last night and while she won’t mention them, there is no denying what they were. I did a good job marking mom and she was trying hard to ignore the marks.

When I got into the May river we found a sand bar to beach the boat and explored our little island. It was then that mom broke down and removed her jacket and scarf because of the heat. She is fair skinned, so I knew she would need sun block soon. I turned to ask her about it and saw the mark on her neck for the first time since last night. I could clearly see the outline of my bite surrounded by the hicky I sucked on her neck. She was acting totally carefree even though I know it had to hurt.

We found a few shells and things but mostly we just talked about old times and nothing heavy or important. I got out the bag with the sun screen on it so I could apply it mom, along with a joint and some beers from the cooler. She was waist deep in the water and told me to bring her beer, when I got there she took it and got on her knees with just her head above water. My dick got hard, I couldn’t stop it, her face was only 18 inches from my crotch so I know see saw it grow. I just rode with it and said “shouldn’t we wait till we are behind closed doors?” She got the joke, jumped up, splashed me and called me an Ass. I had the joint in my hand and said don’t splash and showed her my hand with the weed and lighter.

I stood there with my hard cock pushing my trunks out and made no move to hide it. She looked at me, the joint, my tent in my shorts and back to my face, and said “we can’t have a repeat of last night so soon, so you go ahead.” I tell her to loosen up and say “I will make sure you get to bed at a decent hour.” She gave me that mom look that said I was pushing it and only hit the joint a few times. As I finished smoking she asked me to sun screen her. I got the lotion and got behind her, she shrugged her shoulder straps down and said “no funny business”. The lotion was warm and I started rubbing her more massage style then apply lotion style. As I did the top of her shoulders and neck I could see down her top, it gapped open with straps down, so I started rubbing the lotion her chest to see what I could get away with. She was super relaxed and let me get to the hicky before she something about her being well covered and got back in the water.

Mom kept trying to look at my dick without me noticing but was failing miserably. She turned redder every time I caught her even though nothing was said about it. The tide started coming in and our sandbar was quickly going away, it was time to go. Mom let the swim ladder down and it came apart when it hit the water, “I told your dad this ladder needed to be fixed! Now help me get in the boat!” She just wasn’t tall enough to get her leg over the side without stretching way out, as she did this in her suit her pussy was once again outlined. With one leg in the boat and the toes of her foot touching the sand she couldn’t get any momentum to get in, she is bent over hugging the boat being forced into a split. She yells at me to grab her leg and help her roll into the boat, so I grab her ankle on the ground and I put my right hand where her ass cheek and leg meet with my thumb pressing on her pussy. I felt the air come out of her when my thumb landed, her knuckles turning white as she held on to the boat, she was totally at my mercy. I teased her a little by asking if she was just going to lay there, while pushed her ass and leg. My thumb was steady moving around her pussy too, trying to find the right spot on her when she tells me in her mom voice to stop playing around and push.

Push is what I did. The fingers and pads of my right hand pushed her ass cheek over and my thumb pushed past her suit and into her pussy the same time I lifted her left leg. When she felt my thumb she froze and yelled ”STOP” so I did what she said. She was half way off the ground with my thumb violating her pussy. She gets her breath and says just put me in the boat. When she is in I look at my thumb and it is wet, as she settles in I stick my thumb in my mouth to clean her off of it. She looks my way as I am pulling it out of my mouth “what I had something sticky and sweet on it” she looks away turning shades of red.

As we were in the wake zone near the dock she leans over and says she had a great time and besides the broken ladder it was perfect. I tell her the broken ladder was my favorite part! She slaps my chest and tells me to behave.

As I lay in bed that night by myself I try and figure out what the fuck she is thinking and how far I can take this. She has to know that we fucked last night. I made sure she would see the marks and my lord at the cum that ran out of her holes this morning but she is acting like everything is okay and normal. She really acts like she is oblivious to what happen last night. Today in the boat her pussy was moist and slick when I stuck my thumb in her and she acts like it didn’t happen. What else will she pretend didn’t happen I wonder. I think I will push some limits tomorrow and see what happens, thinking of what I could do I drifted off to sleep.

It was Sunday morning a little after 6 AM when I woke up. I could hear the shower running in mom’s room so I went and made 2 cups of coffee and headed back to her room. I bumped her door open with my foot and called her name, she was standing in front of her mirror looking at the hickys on her tits. Mom made no move to cover up so I walked in like I was supposed to be there. I walk up to her reach out and touch our hicky and said ‘That was some fall, are you sure you are not hurt” I start feeling the hickys with my fingers rubbing as I go. “no I am fine they will go away in a few days, I just can’t believe the are some many” I counted 3 real big ones and 4 medium sized closer to her nipples.

I kept rubbing her tits as long as she let me, maybe a whole minute before she turned back to the mirror are said “are you gonna let me dress” without missing a beat “I am not stopping you.” She had her panties on already, they were lacy, green and cut high on the sides. She grabbed a bra from her drawer and winced as she was clasping the front, “mom leave it off today if it hurts.” “Son I cannot run around all day with no bra, I would feel exposed and you would be looking at me all day.” I decide to push the issue. I got behind mom wrapped my arms around her waist and reach for the clasp in between her tits, mom grabs my hand to stop me. “Now Woman! I said in a firm voice, shit I sound just like my dad, she let go of my hand, locked eyes with my in the mirror and I undid her bra. I made a point to drag my hands with the cups over her tits, and down her arms, “now isn’t that better?” Still locked with my eyes she says “yes son, it does now can you let me get a shirt?” I had pushed enough for now and this was her way of telling me.

I was in the kitchen a few minutes later when mom came in and went cabinet with the medicine in it. “You have a headache?” She said no just a little tense this morning as she took whatever she was taking this morning. I came up behind her and started kneading her shoulders and neck, “that feels so good, you have magic hands” this went on for a few minutes and when I was done I kissed the side of her neck and asked if she wanted to go to breakfast.

“NO!” “I can go anywhere like this”, I wasn’t sure if she was talking about no bra or the hickys on her neck. “fine let’s just make it” I said. 20 minutes later were sat down to eat, mom was visibly more relaxed and started talking about chores we needed to do today. Her nipples were hard and poking through her shirt, it was all I could do to pay attention to her. All throughout eating she would look at me and touch her neck where her hicky was, “Mom you are one sexy lady, you should start dressing to show of your assets better” she looked at me and said “ for who? You, young man should not be calling your mother sexy or trying to get me dressed provocatively! I am 52 years old and I dress that way, I am comfortable in what I wear” the tone she used sounded upset but I swear her nipples looked more pronounced than few minutes ago. “Why not for me? what’s wrong with wanting to see how hot you can be?” Mom had turned a little pick as I said this to her, “I will tell you what’s wrong with it, you are my son and should not want to see me as hot or sexy! And while we are at it, I don’t needed you watching me dress or touching me like you did this morning!!”

I sat there with my mouth open wondering where this came from. I could see fire in her eyes, and rage in her body. It felt like she was yelling at me when I was 10. I was shocked at first, then it was kinda funny knowing what we had done already, then I remember dad telling me once that sometimes when you mom gets in her moods the best thing I can do let her know I am in charge and put her back in her place. So with dad in mind I got up and said “Mom, remember who you are talking to, I am not 10 anymore. If I want something then you do it, or tell me in a reasonable tone why you won’t. You are not going to speak to me like a child and expect me to be the bread winner! I just wanted something to look forward to after a hard day of work!!!” “ Fuck this I will see you later.” Dad was always better at keeping his cool, I will have to work on that.

I pushed the chair over as I left and headed to the dock. I heard her call me as I closed the door but kept going. I took the boat to a bar with a dock and proceeded to drink and throw darts. I left my phone at home when I left so no one could bother me. I was at the bar till 3 that afternoon and left feeling no pain and $300.00 from my dart skills. Mom was at the dock when I tied off, she came running down and gave me a huge hug began to apologize about her outburst that morning. As we separated I held her by the shoulders and looked her up and down, She was wearing a yellow tank top that pulled under her tits, it made them more pronounced, a pair of white shorts that showed her camel toe and had done her makeup and hair. “That is exactly what I am talking about Woman you look good enough to eat!!”

She proceeded to tell me that she had taken meds that morning and that may have loosened her tongue, she thought about what I said and saw where I was coming from. She was scared that I would leave alone again and she would lose the house when I stayed gone so long. I pulled her back in for a hug and told her not to worry I was not leaving any time soon. We stayed like that for a few minutes like that when she whispered “I don’t care if you watch me dress either, you have seen most of me anyways.” I just held her for a while before I worked my hand to her ass and started slowly squeezing it, ”you can do this all you want too” she said in a soft voice. “what hug and hold you?” She said yes and “you rubbing my butt makes me feel just like your father did.” I wanted to ask what else I could do that dad did but I held my tongue.

Being pretty buzzed, I asked her if she knew where this was headed she didn’t say anything, just nodded and squeezed me tighter. When we broke our embrace she grabbed my hand and headed up to the fridge on the dock and grabbed us both beers. We sat on the swing and she says, “ I know you have given up a lot since dad died, I can’t thank you enough for being here for me. I know what you want our relationship to be but you have to take things slow with me, this is a huge line we are crossing and it’s not easy for me. You are a handsome man and you are so caring I find myself getting further from the fact you are my son and closer to thinking of you as man. I never thought I would have to deal with this but now that I do, I am torn between being you mother or becoming your lover. I know things happened Friday night and I hate that I have to be messed up so bad I can’t remember but that’s how I have to do it right now. Please give me time and help me get passed the incest thing so we can be happy together.”

As I sat there listening to my mom I got hard and started rubbing my cock through my shorts, mom looked down at what I was doing and said “if we go inside I will give you a hand with that, it is the least I could do for all you have given up for me” and put her hand on mine.

“You mean” as my eyes got big She said “easy now just a hand for now”. This was a huge step and one she offered without me pushing her. She got up and asked me if I was coming? “Soon I hope” she giggled and said lets go before I chicken out. We got in the house and I could tell she was nervous when she asked where we should do this. I pulled her towards my bedroom and when we got there she just looked at me. “Mom take my shorts off” her hands was shaking as she undid the button and pulled the zipper down, my shorts feel and she could see the outline of my cock in my underwear. “do you have lotion you use?” I grab some from the bathroom, it’s hers and has a lavender smell, she takes it with an unsteady hand. “do you want me to take these off or do you want to do it?” She told me to.

Naked I laid on the bed with my dick sticking straight up. Mom climbed on the bed with me and asked me how to start, I put so lotion in her hand and guided her hand to my dick and closed her fingers around it, mom closed her eyes, she was red as I have seen her. I moved her hand up and down with mine showing her the pressure I liked and said “just like that mom” and moved my hand. It was amazing having mom jack me, as she got more comfortable she started twisting her hand at the head.

After maybe 10 minutes of jacking me she switched hands, so I told her to hold my balls, it might help me finish faster, as she grabbed my nuts and rolled them in her hand she asked if there was anything else that would help me cum. I said maybe seeing or touching your tits will push me over the edge, she looked like she was going to say no when I told her to get closer and blow on it. Mom rolled her eyes and leaned forward and started blowing warm air on my cock while she played with my balls and jacked me. Seeing her face so close to my dick with her lips puckered blowing on me was more that I could take, I should have warned her but I didn’t and started blowing sperm everywhere. I am sure I passed out, because when I opened my eyes mom was still stroking me and squeezing my nuts pretty hard, all I could do was moan.

Mom was talking to me but my hearing hadn’t returned, when it did I started shooting again, I never knew that was possible. She was saying things like “cum for mommy” “mommy wants to see you squirt” she had cum all over her face and she was still talking and jacking me off, she was in her own little world. I grab her hand and say enough and she brings her hand to her mouth and licks cum off her fingers. Mom must have realized what she was doing and quickly jerked her hand from her mouth. She was breathing fast, color flushed in her face and chest and nipples were on point.

She moved from the bed as I said “Mom I have never felt that good from a hand job before! You are so sexy and amazing doing this for me. I love you more than ever!” She looked at me and the mirror, and back to me, “My god son I have never seen so much sperm! It shot 11 times, have you been saving it up?” “Only since Saturday!” Without thinking she grabs the bottom of her shirt and wipes the cum dripping from her hair and face, exposing her boobs in the process and her nipples are engorged and bright pink. “do you always shoot so much? And why didn’t you warn me?” I tell her “I always have big loads but never this much and when it started I couldn’t talk, seeing you face so close to it sent me over the edge and when you started talking I came again.” She pulls the shirt away from her face that still has a coat of sperm on it, looks at the shirt and her exposed chest “It’s all over me, my hair, my face and my chest!” She looks at me and her mouth opens and eyes get big “YOUR STILL HARD!!! I AM NOT DOING ANYMORE RIGHT NOW!!”

I at this point am spread eagle on the bed with my hard dick waving around like Wacky Inflatable Tube Man and my mom is standing there wiping my cum from her face and chest. I start jacking my dick and when she see me doing it she starts to the door and said she is leaving to shower. “Woman” I yell and she stops and turns around “you said you were going to help me with this” I say with a firm voice. “Now help me, all you need to do is take off your shirt and talk to me like you were a minute ago” she is still frozen in place and looks like she is ready to bolt. “NOW” I yell and she moves to the bed and pulls off the tank top very quickly, in a timid voice she asked what should she do. I put my hand on her head that doesn’t have my cock in it and tell her to talk dirty to me.

“you sure do have a big cock and mommy loves it. I bet you would love to put that big thing in mommy wouldn’t you? Would you make me kiss it? You know your mom has never done that before, I never would suck your dad, but mom will suck her baby boy” the entire time she is saying this I am pulling her closer to my dick and she is pushing away. She keeps talking while fighting not to do what she is talking about, we were in a battle of wills! “Yes I will suck that big boy and drink everything you give, cum for momma, cum all over mommas titty’s son!” Don’t make me suck you, just cum on me please” she went from to seductive to begging so quick I almost lost control and she knew it! I am pounding my cock now and she is only inches away from the head with her mouth, “please baby don’t make me suck you, please don’t rape momma’s mouth!” First shot of cum hit her nose, the second went right in her mouth along with number three, her eyes were closed but her mouth open, when she said that about rape. Three shots is all I had left in me and my cock started to wilt, mom open her eyes and said “let go of my head now, you are soft now, I helped.”

When I let go of her she went to the shower pretty quickly, before I could do anything else I suppose. After putting on shorts and grabbing a beer I stopped by the bathroom door to ask her if she was okay, I heard her whimper and the sound of her vibrator going, so I tried the knob, locked damn! I listen while the sounds get more hectic then I knock “are you okay? Need anything?” Nothing for a second then in a shaky voice she says “no, I cumming, just a second.” Did she really just say that? The door opened enough for me to see her head “I asked if you were okay and if you needed anything” Her breathing was heavy and erratic as she said “no I am fine just need to clean the this stuff out of my hair.” I could still see where her hair is mated down from my sperm and it was starting to dry on her skin. “Okay mom, just let me know if you do, I will be glad to return the favor, I owe you big time!” Mom yelled at me to go away so she could shower in peace.

The rest of Sunday was really weird we were both comfortable together and no awkwardness about what we had done earlier today. Mom had put on a pair of my boxers shorts and a tank top after her shower and she looked hot, she blushed when I said this to her. We talked and made dinner, after dinner we headed to the dock to get high or that was the reason I was going there and she was coming with me. I noticed since she jacked me off that she was clingy and seem a bit more timid, like she was around my dad. I got beers and we sat down in the swing, she curled closed to me and pulled my arm over her shoulder and put my hand on her tit, just like the night she told me what Xanax did to her.

As we got high, I asked if what she said about dad earlier was true? She looked up and said “of course it is, when you rub my butt it feels just like he is here” “No mom what you said you never did with him” she looked kind of sad when I asked about. She put her head back down and said “ he said when we started dating he would never ask me for that and I was never to ask him to do it to me. So I never did it or had it done to me, you can’t miss what you never had I guess. I hear it’s all the rage now. Have you ever had it done?” I almost laugh, but I tell her “I have given and received oral sex and my last girlfriend like my pussy eating better than dick, that’s why she left me for a lesbian!” Mom got her shocked look again and said “I didn’t know Wendy was gay now, I just thought it wasn’t working with you two.” “No mom, I came home from work and caught her with Cindy and she tried to play it like a surprise for me but Cindy wanted no part of me or my dick. She told me about the two of them and both left.” I let mom pity me for a bit, while groping her tit. Mom says it’s getting late and we start to head inside when she says “Did you really turn Wendy gay by doing that to her?” “what eating her pussy? I like to think so, because she was with that uptight Baptist asshole from 1st Baptist on Church St. Before me she thought it was a sin to have sex for any reason other than getting pregnant and when she caught him fucking the fat lady that works there she started fucking the first nice guy she met, ME! It was never going to last.”

“You poor thing, that girl just used you to get away from him. I hope you got all you wanted out of her! If someone did that to me I would never leave them!” “from your lips To gods ears Woman!” She slaps my chest softly and says “let’s go inside before you tempt me besides we have to work tomorrow.” As we started our separate ways, Mom says “ Thank you for a great weekend, I had fun and feel so alive again and it’s all your doing, I feel like a different person. Don’t let me forget to get my meds refilled tomorrow.” Trust me I won’t, come over here and give me a bed time kiss” she hesitated for a second “Now Woman!” and she comes to me and puckers for a kiss, I kiss her softly and pull her tight, her lips part and we kiss deeper but with no tongue when she feels me getting hard she pulls away and says “That’s enough of that of this, we have all the time we need next weekend!”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/g90p3d/what_mom_cant_remember_2_mf_drugs_drunk_incest


  1. Wasn’t trying to manipulate just don’t wanna waste time if it’s not a good read. I appreciate the advice though.

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