The Incubus (part 1)

**The Incubus**

**Part 1**

It is nearly midnight in the city. I lurk in the shadows, waiting, watching, hunting. My name is Urox, I am an incubus trapped in this realm. In order to survive I must feed, and the only thing that can sustain me is human sexual energy. My last victim has finally been drained so I have chosen a new girl to bring under my spell. I have been watching her, tracking her movements, and tonight is when I will take her. I wait in the woods near her house, knowing she will soon leave for a party she will never arrive at. Soon I see her leave, a stunning vision named Elyse. She is a shorter female, but she is very sensual. Large, perky breasts, full hips, toned legs, firm ass and a smooth stomach. She has her long, red hair tied back in a ponytail and is wearing a short black dress with heels.

As she reaches the end of her drive I move quickly and silently from the woods. I run faster than any human, swooping in behind her. I grab her ponytail and pull her towards me, quickly covering her mouth with one hand. She is smart and tries to stomp my feet and shins with her heels but the pain does not affect me and soon the flimsy shoes fall off her feet. I drag her back into the woods as she continues to twist and kick at me. She also bites my hand but my skin is tough and the pain from the bite does nothing to deter me. I drag her far enough into the woods where we cannot be seen then whisper into her ear.

“Hush girl. Do not try to scream or fight me for you are mine now. Calm yourself, if you cease to struggle you will not be harmed. I am going to bind you and carry you off with me.” Elyse’s struggles ceased, but she was still terrified and trembling. The power of my voice could calm a human, much like a drug, but it could not completely bend her to my will. That would come later.

I pull iron cuffs and shackles from under my coat and bind Elyse’s wrists and ankles, then throw her over my shoulder and run through the woods towards my home. Elyse is shaking and crying. When my run reaches full speed she begins to scream in terror, however we were moving too fast and too far into the woods for anyone to hear. After several minutes we are many miles into the wilderness and arrive at my home. When I first arrived in this dimension I lived in a megar cave, hiding like a wild animal. However through the milenia I learned not only to imitate human form, but also how to accumulate their wealth. In recent decades I have purchased thousands of acres of wilderness and built a sprawling mansion in the middle of it. It contains everything I could possibly need to break down and drain my victims, is completely secluded, and very well protected by several minor demons I have summoned and controlled. One of them opens the gate as I approach and I quickly move through the grounds and take my victim to her new home, a large dungeon located directly beneath the main house. Once inside I drop her on a padded table and remove the cuffs and shackles. When free Elyse shows me her strength again, kicking me hard in the chest with both feet then leaping off the table and sprinting for the door. The kick surprises me and is strong enough to stagger me back so she can make it all the way out of the room. I chuckle, then quickly catch up to her in the hall outside. I grab her by the back of the neck and hair, then drag her back to the dungeon.

“I see you’re strong, and a fighter.” I tell her, still laughing.

“Fuck you” she screames back, still trying to twist from my iron grip.

“Wonderful.” I reply. “Such vigor and spirit, you will sustain me for a long time girl.” I drag her back into the room and throw her onto the table again. She continues to kick and scream but rather than use my voice to calm her I simply sit on her torso, pinning her to the table and making it difficult for her to breath. Then I grab her right wrist and secure it to a padded leather cuff that is attached to the table. I do the same to her left wrist before getting off her. As she gasps to catch her breath I secure her ankles in the same fashion, leaving her bound spread-eagle to the table. As she thrashes against the cuffs and screams I extend one long, razor sharp claw from the end of my finger. I grab the top of her dress, and with the claw cleanly slit the garment down the length of her body and rip it off of her. While she stares at me in horror I do the same to her bra and panties, leaving her naked and spread wide. I retract my claw and slowly run my hand up her smooth body, relishing the feel of her soft skin.

“Ah so lovely.” I sigh. “Yes, I will enjoy you very much.”

“Go fuck yourself you freak.” she tries to spit on me as she screams. I simply chuckle again. “Yes, I am really going to enjoy this. You do not yet understand what is going on, so I will explain it to you girl. Perhaps knowing your fate will cause you to struggle even more. As you know doubt surmised during our journey through the woods, I am no mere human. I am what your humans refer to as an incubus, although the mythology you have built around my kind is not entirely accurate. I am a demon who feeds off of human sexual energy. Normally my kind comes to this realm, feeds, then returns home to our own world. However, because of complex reasons I will not get into now, I became trapped here. I have survived by finding victims and slowly draining them of the energy that gives them life. I will break down your will and use you for my pleasure until you are drained of all life. I am able to do this because my semen is highly addictive to humans. Once I orgasm inside of you, your body will absorb my seed and you will be my willing and eager pleasure slave. Your individuality and spirit will be gone forever.”

“You can go back to hell if you think you can do that to me.” hatred and spite drips from Elyse’s voice. “ I will fight you with everything I have, you will never violate me.”

“But I will.” I reply slowly. “It is impossible to resist the drug in my semen, it is far more powerful than anything a feeble human mind could conceive of. However a weapon that powerful always comes with a price, and I will tell you mine. You see I cannot just rape you and inject my seed in you. I cannot fuck you unless you beg me too, likewise I cannot cum inside of you unless you beg for it. You have to want my seed with your entire being before I can give it to you.”

“Then you will starve motherfucker. I will never let you stick your filth cock inside of me. Now let me go!”

“Very good little one.” I smile as I look down at her. “I told all of this to you in the hope it would make you fight even harder. The more you fight me, the purer the sexual energy will be when I do feed off you. I can give you the greatest pleasure you have ever known, I can also give you the greatest pain you have ever known. The choice will be yours girl. But remember this, I have been doing this for thousands of years. The end is always the same. You know I will fuck you to death, yet you will still beg me to fuck you and fill you with my seed.”

My grin widens as I stare down at Elyse, for the first time seeing fear and uncertainty in her pale green eyes. “Now, shall we begin?”




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