A Price to be Paid: Part 2 [MF] [D/s] [orgasm control] [bondage]

[Part 1](https://reddit.app.link/goUraPJVU5)

I awaken with a start, my mind struggling to keep up. Laying on my stomach I reach back to pull you closer to me, and realize that I’m alone. Confused, I turn over but grimace as the sheets remind me of last night’s punishment. I inhale sharply and look over towards your empty side of the bed wondering where you went, but I don’t see you because the moonlight doesn’t shine bright tonight. Instead, I hear heavy rain falling outside and the crackles of lightning mix with the percussive thunder outside.

You are standing in the doorway watching me from behind, your eyes long since adjusting to the dark. You know that after a session like last night, my mental facilities aren’t going to be working very well and you plan to use that to your advantage. Squeezing a button in your hand, my body jumps with a start. I land on my wounded rear, tears springing to my eyes, distracting me for a moment from the device you’ve hidden inside me, not very far from the aches and pains your belt provided. You push another button, startling me again, and I roll over to my stomach, moaning from the pain of my bruised and tender skin.

The controller you hold is connected to a vibrator you slipped inside of me when I fell deeply asleep. It doesn’t just go internally, it is “U” shaped so it squeezes against both sensitive areas that make me practically drip. You can just imagine lapping up my juices but it isn’t about my pleasure this time. A list of my misbehavior for the past month, especially the last week, runs through your mind.

*Correcting my grammar and spelling: God, I hate when she does that. It makes me feel stupid and she knows it; that’s why she does it, to take away some of my power.*

You press the button again turning down the motion on the toy. I don’t get to enjoy myself this time, even though it’s my favorite and newest toy. Barely able to control your anger your voice fills the room, “Do you know why you were punished last night?” My eyes haven’t adjusted to the darkness but I look toward where your voice came and your silhouette becomes clear to me with the next bright flash of lightning. “Do you?” Your voice, the storm, the pain, and the vibration happening inside of me aren’t helping me to be able to process your question and to form an answer. “Answer me, brat!” I find my voice, only a whisper, “Yes.” “Excuse me? That isn’t how you answer your Daddy.” “Yes Daddy.” I expect to hear you reply, “Good girl,” but only hear the rumble of the storm still raging outside.

*Posting our text conversations online on r/bratlife: I can only imagine that smirk she’s wearing as she baits me so she can have another popular post. Karma, that’s what she wants? Then that’s what I will give her.*

You press the off button and then I see the light of a phone screen illuminate the room. The toy comes to life again, this time the pulsing inside is more of a rumble and the outside vibrates in even waves. My hips are beginning to rock ever so slightly. I find my voice, “More Daddy.” You raise an eyebrow at me. Your finger slides across the screen and I groan in frustration. “Please?” Another flash of lightning shows what you already know, that I’m looking up at you with pleading, innocent eyes. You smile at me, unconcerned if I saw it or not.

*Talking back to another dom on r/bratlife and really pissing him off: My sweet girl should learn to never talk to another man as she did to him. She insulted his intelligence not once but twice in just a few phrases. Then when he called her out of it, she had the audacity to be upset about his rudeness.*

You turn both vibration up to max. My body tenses up, laying on my stomach, both enjoying and hating the control you have over me. I can’t stop the moans that escape from my mouth. You enjoy controlling me against my will. You just watch me struggle against my body’s natural reaction, as if I were fighting myself, losing out to the pleasure you control. My moans are getting louder and my hips are pressing my lower torso against the bed. My hands slide down the bed and you know exactly where they are headed. “No!” You command my hands to stop and I freeze, hips still unconsciously looking for that pressure.

*Neglecting to tell me that you came when I’ve given you permission: You seem to think that because you earn it, you have complete control over it. You don’t have control, none, whatsoever.*

I’m getting louder and you know I’m very close to ‘la petit mort.’ I feel myself just near the edge when suddenly the toy turns off. There’s a beat of silence, broken when I whine, “Daddy!” You audibly scoff at me. “You think you’ve earned that? No, you don’t.” You turn the controller on high again, knowing you ruined my orgasm when you stopped, knowing that now I feel more pain than pleasure. I press my face into my pillow as I stifle the frustrated growl I know will further my punishment. You finally move into the room. In just two steps you are right beside the bed, yanking the pillow from below my face. “I want to hear you suffer. I want to hear how uncomfortable you are, how painful this is. Most of all I want you to remember how this feels.” You know I’m going to cum soon and you pulse the vibrations between the two ends just to stretch it out a little longer. My hips are gyrating with the movement inside of me. My hands claw at the sheets and you push a button. The toy stops pulsing and the vibrations climb to high, then they don’t let up. You can practically see the heat moving toward my stomach from my arms and legs.

*Cumming without permission: You wrongly believed that since we couldn’t see each other, that I didn’t know you were finding release whenever you felt like it. Oh, I knew. I knew because you stopped asking almost completely, maybe asking once a week. You think I don’t know you want much more than that? I know that body better than you realize. I know exactly what response I will get when I touch you. I know when you need release and when you just want it. And you’ve been dishonest with me. You’d say you weren’t lying. But lying by omission is bad, very bad, when it comes to something you know you aren’t allowed to do.*

The release finally comes and my body locks up, my head thrown back in ecstasy. I ride the wave, crying out when I find my breath. You take this opportunity to slip unnoticed beside me on the bed and reach for both of my hands, pulling them behind my back and tying them in place. You lay your hand on my bruised and beaten skin, mixing sharp pain to contradict the pleasure I was feeling. You move slowly towards my feet, tying them spread apart at the bottom of the bed. I’m still enjoying the last bits of release, but you know that will be short lived. The toy is still on high and you lay down my phone and the remote just out of reach on the edge of the bed but where I can still see them and slip a blindfold out of your pocket to tie around my head. You estimate the toy has about another half hour before the battery dies and make a big show of getting your keys so I know you’re leaving me there for a while. I feel you kiss my forehead head and hear your footsteps die as you walk down the hall. I lay there, still vibrating, but no longer feeling the euphoria I experienced just moments before. I scream for you over and over and then hear the front door slam shut. Tears stream down my face as the pleasure once again becomes pain, pain that feels like it will never end.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/g6kr1b/a_price_to_be_paid_part_2_mf_ds_orgasm_control

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