A Price to be Paid [D/s] [spanking] [no sex]

Edited because I forgot numbers. Three- you’re so magical and I’m so sorry I forgot you. Please don’t spank me. I don’t think I can take any more.


Your eyes are cold and dark, seeing right through me. I open my mouth speak but your eyebrow raises. One tiny gesture, hardly any effort behind it, freezes me in my spot. How do you have this power over me when we’ve not even touched in over a month? I take a deep breath and slowly exhale, steadying myself for what’s to come, a backlog of infractions for which I must be punished. I mistakingly thought you’d forgive them; I mean, it’s not the first time lack of, errr, contact has been the root of my misbehavior.

I am standing by the bed, my feet aching in the heels you commanded me to wear, and nothing else. I expect you to kiss me but from the look on your face, my misbehavior gets top billing. You stand behind me, over me, in spite of my shoes. I feel your breath on my neck when you finally touch me, placing my hands on the edge of the bed, bending slightly at the waist. I turn to look back at you but you snap and point, making it clear I wasn’t to look at you.

Only one word is spoken, softly but firmly. “Count.” The sting of your belt shocks me, causing me to forget your command.


You grab my hair, pulling, and growl into my ear. I choke out the number pathetically repeating you. The belt lashes again.


You smile behind me, thinking how much you missed this, hearing those gasps and whimpers that always make you hard. You swing again.


I clinch my jaw, fighting the urge to let the brat out to play. She’s ruled the roost as long as we were apart and she’s not gonna be caged easily. I inhale, waiting for the next blow.


The bedsheets are grasped tightly in my hands as if grabbing for one thing I can still control. I brace myself for the next hit but it doesn’t come in rhythm with the first four. As a breath of relief escapes my lips, the crack of the belt breaks the silence.


You pause again, this time admiring the pink welts that are rising in patterns across my pale nakedness. You put your hand between my shoulder blades and press me down so my forehead rests on the bed and move my arms straight out across the bed in front of me, almost as if I were in worship. You rare back again, this time aiming lower.


I gasp for breath this time nearly cry out. You were so close to my thigh, nearly striking much more sensitive areas. You see me fighting the weakness, not wanting to break. That’s just where you want me. You wrist flicks again.


I whisper. You see my body trembling, not quite where I deserve to be but almost. I hear the belt cut the air.


My body is screaming at me to say it, one word to stop everything. But my heart knows this is where I belong, what I deserve. Driving the point home, you swing again.


Tears spring to my eyes. My slight trembling has given way to shaking. You’re impressed at my fortitude this time, not thinking I’d make it this far. Your princess is trying so hard to be a good girl for you. It’s almost a shame that you have to go one more. You know this one will break me but you also know I’ll not give into it. Deep down I want to please you. One last time you rare back, a little farther this time, landing the hardest strike of the night right where my thighs part.


You immediately drop your belt and scoop me up in your arms and lay me down on the bed with you as I sob into your chest. You kiss my forehead, stroking my hair. As I come out of it, and am slipping away to sleep, I faintly hear you whisper, “good girl.” As I drift off to sleep, you grin, knowing it’s only begun.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/g5thag/a_price_to_be_paid_ds_spanking_no_sex

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