My Promotion pt.2 ( Female Boss)

This a continuation of a previous story , My Promotion .

It had been two weeks since the Friday of my promotion and I was forced to Thank Vanessa profusely for going to bat for me with the executives. Well , let’s be honest, she didn’t have to do much forcing at all and she and I both know it. Even so , since then our encounters have been mostly professional. I get the sense she is giving me an inviting eye every now and then , but it quickly fades, interrupted by “work” of all things. Either way, all is good. The promotion is legit and Vanessa is now my peer even though the reporting structure has not changed. I actually don’t mind, who wants to prove themselves all over to a new boss anyway. I have also begun to enjoy the added perks: the new corporate expense account, increased pay, and I am just starting to interview candidates to fill my assistant position. In the meantime Michelle, Vanessa’s assistant has been happy to schedule travel, meetings, and organize my calendar. 

It’s Monday and to my surprise as I look at the calendar on my phone,  the week looks pretty light. I walk in and am greeted by Michelle who is looking hot as always. These summer months really bring out the best sex appeal in the office. It is as if there is an unspoken fashion competition going on among the women. Each one trying to outdo the other week by week, with a new outfit, shoes, and accessories. Makes for a vibrant environment and quite the show. 

Today Michelle is wearing a crisp white blouse that buttons down the middle tucked into a peach mid length flowy skirt and accented by the perfect pair of peeped toe high heels painted with a floral design. Her toes are freshly manicured with a milky white polish highlighting her overall look, sexy and professional. She greets me as I walk by her desk, “Good morning David, how was the weekend?” , “not bad I reply,  How about yours ?, any weekend adventure stories to tell?” I shoot her an inquisitive look with a raised brow and half grin. She catches my drift, laughs and says, “ just a quiet relaxing weekend” We both laugh and her response implies that it was anything but innocent. 

I reach my new office and start sifting through my inbox. Consulting has it perks, but as with any job there are downsides  How does that saying go? Oh yeah this job would be perfect without the people. Demanding clients, especially the ones who pay top dollar, feel the need to barade my inbox over the weekend. I will reply to some of the urgent ones, but to keep the relationship balanced I have to make some of them wait until Monday. Another “** Ping**, the oh so familiar sound of a meeting notification. I switch screens to see what has been added to my calendar but before I open the message, Michelle pops her head around the corner after a quick knock, “David , I just added a meeting with Vanessa to your calendar that starts soon”. “No problem I reply” I look at the invite and it reads” Something to share”.. Oh really?? That is the exact same title she used for my promotion announcement meeting , or should I say my pussy eating appointment that she made a couple of weeks ago. Just the thought of advancing that session further, caused my dick to leap in my pants. 10 minutes to start and I am feeling anxious. I search my desk for a mint, check my appearance in my phone camera and decide to show up early. 

Walking down the office hall , I catch myself walking too fast and try to slow down so I don’t appear to be running to her summondsl. Just before entering her office I notice Michelle is not at her desk, so I just knock and push the door slowly to enter. To my surprise and disappointment , Michelle is seated in one of the two seats in front of Vanessa’s desk head down, laptop open, taking notes as Vanessa talks. Vanessa motions for me to come in , and the reality that this is a real meeting , slowly floods over me.  I reach the chair and realize I was in such a rush and anticipating a different kind of meeting that I failed to even bring my laptop. Vanessa is making plans for a conference we are attending in two weeks. It will be held in Palm Desert, CA and we will have a packed agenda negotiating,then wining and dining some of our top clients. I reach for a sticky note from Vanessa’s desk and she shoots me the snarkiest look. Staring at me as if I were a summer intern that just brought everyone decaf coffee instead of what they really ordered. What could she expect? I literally just devoured her essence on this desk just 2 ft in front of me. 

 She continues to speak, as Michelle types quickly, “And we need to make sure we all arrive on Sunday before the conference starts so we can go over our pitch” .“David I want you to take lead on the Wexman’s pitch.” “Got it”, I reply sharply to convince her that I am here now to work. She spouts off a few other requests and stands from her desk looking off into the distance. At this moment her voice goes mute in my head, because all I can do is stare at her, imagining what she looks like completely naked. She is wearing a similar style skirt as Michelle but in baby blue but much shorter and with a fitted cream blouse made of some  high end fabric that I am too designer inept to name just off the look. If I wouldn’t know any better, I would think they called each other to coordinate their outfits. Like a tag team of sexiness to win this week’s “top office model contest”. 

I find myself getting lost in the gaze, daydreaming about bending her over her fucking desk  so she knows that while I endulged in licking her pussy , that she should not mistake me for the submissive or timid type. Just as I imagine her soft moans in my head she turns and looks at me, but this time in real life ,”David!?, are you listening?” , “ Oh I am sorry I respond?” “ Where are you today?, she snaps. You must have had some weekend. That comment even drew a giggle from Michelle who obviously recalls my morning joust at her regarding the same subject. Before I could respond again she looks at me and grins, as if to let me know she has just read every single dirty thought in my head, and approves. She keeps talking and moves behind Michelle and I as she continues to dictate instructions about the conference to Michelle. I don’t know if you have ever had anyone stand behind you, but it can be quite awkward, but there she is dripping in her sex appeal standing rigt behind us as we sit. Michelle seems unbothered and maybe I would too, if I hadn’t just sucked Vanessa’s clit, bringing her to orgasm, in this very office. 

She touches my shoulder, and I get the suspicion that she is now intentionally toying with me. My suspicions are confirmed when she squeezes in between our chairs to lean against her desk in front of us. She continues talking with her legs crossed at the ankles and her arms folded just below her breast. She knows I am looking her up and down, staring at her strappy pink heels, tracing her glistening legs to the hem of her dress, and resting my eyes on her plump upper lip that is glossed to perfection. She is leaning against the desk in the very same position where she started, when she was giving me the promotion speech.  She stares right into my eyes, as if to say “remember this?”  

She keeps talking and a Michelle keeps typing , but Vanessa keeps staring at me with fuck me eyes and as she finishes her sentence she slides a few inches in my direction. Moving ever so closely to wear she spread her legs and dug her heels into the arms of the chair. I’m stunned at how bold she is , but now I know she is teasing me. My heart is racing and just then she slid again , and then again! Now she is leaning up against the desk right in front me with Michelle right beside me still typing. I’m looking her dead in her eyes and she parts her legs just slightly and suggestively. What the fuck is she doing ? Does she really think Michelle is just going to keep her head down while we repeat the activities of our last meeting. At that very moment she slides back propping herself on the desk and spreads her legs even wider flashing her bare pussy to me. 

In shock my mouth drops open and I snap my neck to the right to see what Michelle is doing , her head is still down typing I look back up at Vanessa and she has a devilish grin and her mouth is slightly open. Before I can move I feel a hand on my shoulder and Michelle is standing up walking in front of me in between Vanessa and I . She faces away from me and pulls her skirt up slowly revealing her smooth ass and peak of her pussy from the back. Lleaning in , she kisses Vanessa on the neck. Vanessa is still staring at me with a smile and then Michelle sits down on my lap and dives her head in between Vanessa’s legs. She lets at a giggling moan escape her mouth while still staring at me. She leans forward, running her hands through Michelle’s hair, and Michelle is grinding her bare as into my trapped erection. My erection is like a captured animal, caught by surprise unsuspectingly now pacing or in my case thumbing against the fabric of my pants pressing into Michelle’s pussy..V

Vanessa’s eye lock with me is a part of her pleasure, and now once again I am being used to bring her to orgasm, but this time merely as an observer. I watch in jealousy, and the envious pain on my face must have really got to her because she came quickly, shivering just slightly and keeping her eyes locked with mine. The sounds of trailing kisses cleaning up Vanessa’s pussy is all I hear as Michelle begins to rock back and stand up. Still stunned, I’m looking at both of them , and Vanessa breaks the silence. “Well , why don’t we see if we can grab your attention out of that weekend fog” 

Maintaining her stare,  she reaches down to grab my cock rubbing the length of my erection through my pants, before undoing my belt and snaking my dick through the front of my briefs. She runs her smooth fingers up my shaft while licking her lips and says , ” her mouth is fucking amazing ” she then looks at Michelle and she start moving towards me. Getting down on her knees she gives my dick a long slow lick, that sends goosebumps along my arms up to my neck.. Vanessa removes her hands putting one on my shoulder and the other between her legs.  Michelle starts to show me her talents. It starts getting really good as she slowly massages my dick with her tongue and mouth firm and steady I look down at her as I take in a deep breath, but my head is quickly snapped back to the right by Vanessa’s hand on my chin , ” keep your eyes on me , she says. I want to see your face when you cum ” Those words were like a magic command because as soon as they were released off of her tongue, my muscles contracted and I started to pulse my cum into Michelle’s mouth. As I come down from my orgasm, still staring at Vanessa, I feel Michelle hands gently tucking my member back in place and giving it a “goodboy” pat as she stands up and smiles at me with pleasure. 

Vanessa’s voice once again sounds out, “There is a lot I need to teach about being a VP. Why don;t we start by hiring your assistant. Michelle has a few recommendations that she would like to share with you later this week, that I suggest you interview. She stands up and starts to return to her side of the desk, Michelle smiles at us both and starts to walk toward the door. I stand up, my legs still weak from the spell Michelle put on my dick. I start to turn and walk.. “David”, Vanessa calls out. “ I haven’t came yet, so after lunch you need to come back and show me if you can fuck as good as you can lick…” I will have Michelle put some time on your calendar…. 



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