The Business Trip Chapter 1

Miri is Bob’s assistant and also his neighbor. They’re on the road together making a sale … Mark is Miri’s husband, he is at home with Becky … making her dinner because she is a lousy cook? Nice plot line … There are a few chapters

“They got upstairs, and Miri used her electronic key to let them in. “I can’t wait to get out of this,” she said, unzipping the back of her dress and pulling it over her head.

“Miri!” Bob shouted, seeing his neighbor wearing only shoes, stocking and thong panties.

“*Oh my fucking god!*” She screamed, grabbing the dress and pulling it to her chest. “I wasn’t thinking. Oh god, I’m used to being in hotels with Mark, and I just– this is so embarrassing.”

The takeaway: two colleagues are on a business trip together, their spouses are at home together as well. It’s a sex story … you know exactly what’s going to happen. Enjoy getting there!!

