Space…The Final FUCKtier Part 6

This is a (mostly) smut free chapter. You can skip this if you are only here for sex scenes. I will provide a summary in the next part for what happens. Hope you enjoy!

Mckayla moaned breathlessly as she bounced her wide hips up and down her partners cock, grunting out pleas for more. Her hands rested on Will’s chest as she dug her nails into his flesh. Her huge breasts thrust up and down as she rode his thick meaty cock. She looked down at her handsome stud and grinned, leaning down to press her lips onto his while she gyrated her hips in a circular motion with his dick balls deep inside her. Will started to explore her thick thighs and toned ass as she clenched her legs around his waist; keeping him in position so she could feel his rod blast inside her. She squealed cutely and giggled when she felt the sharp sting of his hand striking one of her juicy cheeks.

The leader of the Valkyrie Squad leaned back to her upright position, proceeding the bounce up and down on his 10 inch rod; her hands moving from stabbing his chest to groping her large bust, holding each with both hands, she felt her nipples stab her palms as the relentless pleasure of fucking Will reached a climax. She threw her head back and let out a loud, euphoric moan as an orgasm overcame her entire body. It was only seconds later when she felt his warm thick seed invade her body, as each spurt of cum flowed out of his body and into hers she could only imagine the waterfall of cum which would come out of her once she dismounts her stud.

When she did, she was not disappointed; she sat back at the bottom of the bed, her hourglass body sweating and breathing heavy as she watched his cock shrink into its still heavy and delicious looking flaccid state. His cum leaked out of her and onto his bed.

“Sorry…” She muttered softly as she did nothing to stop his seed from leaking out of her. Will shook his head before resting his head on his pillow. Mckayla skulked up the bed on all fours to meet him, slowly resting her body onto his, one leg resting over his waist while her hand slowly caressed his chest. She felt his strong arm reach over her back as she felt his hand touching her toned back. She felt the rush from his touch, blushing lightly as she closed her eyes, tired from their evening together.

“Fuck I don’t think I’m ever going to get tired of this…” Will calmly stated, feeling this goddess’ bust rest on his body. Mckayla giggled cutely, biting her lip softly. She didn’t want to come off as a desperate bimbo but right now all she wanted was for him to get on top of her and go again, and again.

“Well…once you get to a Tier 3 I won’t need to keep using my camouflage when I come to visit.”

“I guess…we’ll be living across from each other though, I want one of those penthouses you guys get.”

“Mmm, I’ll make sure you’re next door to me…I could surprise you wearing nothing but a thin robe whenever I want to.” She brushed her lips across Will’s cheek, she felt the tingle between her legs just thinking about what they would do…the things which all his thirsty friends dream of every night, what they desire to do with her which Willingham does.

“I think I could get used-” Willingham had begun to talk, turning his body to face his fuck buddy before the lights in the room turned a deep red. Mckayla turned from the horny sex driven girl to the serious exterior which the outside world saw. She shot up from the bed and leaped to the center of the room.

A loud, droning alarm had begun to sound. The wrist device’s began to glow a shade of the same red as the lights.

“I didn’t know I could get mood lighting…” He muttered. Mckayla looked at him and sighed.

“You’re cute when you joke but get changed. And head straight for the armory. We’re on red alert Will. We’re under attack…or about to be.” She snapped her fingers and closed her eyes. Will observed as her naked body had begun to disappear and engulfed in her white nylon jumpsuit. Her hair went from an unkept mess to straightened and tied into a ponytail. She looked over at him and crossed her arms under her bust.

“Get. Up.” She ordered. Without a second to respond she reached out to grasp his wrist and powerfully pull him out of the bed. She looked at his body once more, her eyes lingering on his hanging cock. She blushed heavily and bit her lip.

“Don’t die ok? I want to feel that thing on me again.” She quickly leaned forward and kissed him before exiting the room in a blink of an eye.

Almost a minute passed when Will emerged from his room, the red lights extending from his room to the hallway. He had quickly changed into his uniform and proceeded to sprint down the hall as fast as he could; as he past every room others emerged from their quarters with the same determination which Mckayla had when she left to play hero.

The hard sprint to the closest armory was a quick but grueling one, pushing by the slower people who traveled in the same direction as him. The piercing drone of the alarm continued to violate the ears of everyone who had the displeasure of hearing it. His heart raced as fast as his legs ran, sweat begun to trickle slowly down his face. Shouting over the alarm were senior officers calling and ordering everyone to suit up into battle armor and to receive designated protection against the unknown attackers.

Captain Rays stood proud and firm on the main bridge, arms crossed with a scowl on his face unlike his usual angry expression. He was almost insulted at what lay before him. Around the bridge pilots were frantically setting up the necessary defenses for what they saw from the deep abyss of space.

“What is it Captain?!” A voice called from behind him. Immediately recognizing the voice of the Senior Investigator Angela Bishop. She was in her usual tight uniform and inappropriately small pencil skirt. Her ears flicked with caution as she noticed the fleet of almost antique ships painted with bright yellow colors. Rays grunted, shaking his head at the oncoming force.

“I’m almost insulted over what they’ve sent.” He muttered. Angela walked up and stood beside him.

“Pirates? Trying to pillage a space station? They must be crazy…”

“Shall we humor them and let them come aboard?”

“C-captain?!” Angela gasped, eyes wide with surprise.

“I bet they haven’t thought far enough ahead to think what they would do if they got on board. HEY!” The grizzled captain turned to one of the pilots, who was motioning to fire the main cannons.

“If you fire I’ll dump you in janitorial duty for the rest of your career.”

“Captain are you sure? We might lose people.” Angela rested her hands on her hips, which were not housing a small holster with a large pistol. She was getting worried about the eccentric decisions which Captain Rays was making. Like he wanted a straight fight.

“I never doubt my strategies Bishop. They won’t fire unless fired upon. Pirates are dumber than the fleet of Dorfs which attacked Alaska last week, they won’t shoot unless shot upon, they don’t want to damage anything worth plundering…” He grinned to himself, an expression which was almost unheard of for the captain.

“Y-yes sir…If you’re sure.” Angela replied sheepishly, she scanned her thoughts for possible attack plans.

“Don’t think Bishop. I pay you to investigate rule breakers and to look pretty. Order the inner defenses to be erected, and tell the Valkyrie Squad to lead the force to hold them back. They’ll use drills to dock, once they come in deploy fighters to destroy their ships. Trap them like the rats they are crush them!” His eyes spoke volumes for anyone who looked at him, he relished in battle; it was clear he wanted to make sure there were no survivors.

“Very well Captain. I’ll relay the information.” The elf turned and took a deep breath; she raised her hand and pressed on her wrist device. Immediately a holographic screen shone in her face lighting up her pretty eyes, on the screen were a number of faces belonging to officers.

“Captains orders gentlemen. Activate the defenses and call the Valkyries to the main square, attack once you know they can’t retreat.” the officers nodded and called out to do what she said. Closing the hologram she rubbed her forehead softly.

“You can speak freely Bishop. I’ve lived through more terrifying situations than you when you’re pissed off.”

“I think you are being reckless Captain.” She snapped without a second to waste.

“It is not difficult to just blow them away using the main cannons. The Valentine can hold back way more than just a few ships filled with humans with a death wish…” She trailed off, eyebrow raising slightly as she watched the ships approach the hull of the second tier.

“Oh…thats it.” She started. Rays nodded once, shoulders broad and ready for the breach.

“You want them to breach because you want to see how the new people can react against their own kind… you want to test them to see if they can kill people!” She scowled at him, her face turning red with anger.

“Growing attached to them are you Angela?” He replied coldly. Angela’s mind went to Wendy’s younger brother…that man who rocked her world; that rough and passionate young man.

“Of course not. I know the rules.” She snapped at him. Some of the pilots on the bridge looked toward her, trying to concentrate on their work rather than her impressive figure.

Captain Rays shrugged. She moved swiftly beside him, examining the ships begin to breach the Valentine. A piercing screech erupted inside the bridge, large white words appeared over the glass which read “TIER 2 CENTRAL SQUARE COMPROMISED.”

“Well here we go.” She muttered to herself.

Down below, the ever familiar city of the Valentine had changed. The large, seemingly endless spread of buildings were coated in a bright green glow; laser shields which would protect anything inside the light from most catastrophic attacks. The flat streets had raised walls used as protection, behind them stood a number of soldiers kitted in heavy armor along with a standard beam rifle. Opposite the wall of the station which the fleet of pirates were drilling sat the main bulk of the defense force. Will stood behind one of these walls, behind him many of the same walls housed his comrades. Next to him Lucy stood with her red hair tied up into a high ponytail. She clutched her rife, shaking slightly as she peered over the side of the wall, locking eyes with others who were posted in front of her. She took a deep breath every so often; He noticed her doing this every time they were deployed down to Earth…A way to cope with the pressure perhaps.

In the distance he spied Mckayla with her squad, clad in those eye catching outfits; they stood on top of a building closest to the entry point the pirates were going to take. She squatted on her heels and watched the wall, the drilling sound grew louder and louder as she held her long claymore-like beam sword still strapped to her back. Leaning forward slightly she gestured to her underlings.

That’s when the battle began.

Exploding out of the wall were three large drills, the machines created a large hole which allowed dozens of pirates into the Valentine. They all charged shooting lasers of a bright yellow shade at the ones who kept them from their plunder. All hell broke loose as officers from all round called for bloodshed. Cries of pain were heard all around Will and Lucy. Their comrades were getting shot at left right and center. They both shot back with high precision. Will aimed down his sights and caught a dark skinned woman with long oily green hair in the knee; the pirate fell and proceeded to be shot by other soldiers. Lucy was now calm and focused on the task at hand. She looked in front of her and saw the familiar face of Troy fall onto his back. Smoke raising from his shoulder. His armor was seared around the point of impact, he writhed around in pain as the oncoming force pushed forward.

The Valkyrie Squad made their move. Leaping impressively from the building they cut off the exits for the pirates. The well oiled machine of a unit were more than a match for the unorganized and chaotic force of pirates. Mckayla drew her large blade and leaped toward a burly man covered in bight blue tattoos. She wrapped her legs around him like a snake choking its prey. Her legs tightened around his waist as she ran the bright pink light sword through his chest. Leaping off him once she saw his pitiful life leave his eyes she untangled herself from him and sprang off him, thrusting her legs out to dropkick an unsuspecting man who gripped two large beam knives. She knocked him off his feet from the impact as her heels dug into his chest. Looking up at her desperately, Mckayla saw the fear in his eyes once he realised who was on top of him. She smirked and raised her claymore and brought it down on his temple which cut through his head like a hot knife on butter.

It was only a few minutes later when Angela’s wrist device beeped. She raised it up and there appeared the projection on Mckayla. She looked to be standing right in front of both her and Rays. She crossed her arms under her impressive chest, resting the side of her body lightly on her claymore which was piercing a lifeless corpse.

‘Willinghams other plaything….’ Angela thought to herself.

“Jobs been taken care of sir. None escaped.”

“Good.” Captain Rays boomed, clapping his hands together in triumph.

“I suppose the escape routes were taken care of?” The Squad leader calmly sighed.

“Fighters dealt with them when you were taking care of them.” Angela responded.

“Good. Then I guess we can go to sleep?”

‘Sleep…of course thats what you were getting up to.’ Angela’s diverted thoughts kept her from talking.

“Just keep posted for another hour. Just to make sure there’s-”

“CAPTAIN!” A thick Russian accent cried loudly, cutting off the Rays’ order. He looked to the man and grunted.

“Another ship inbound…Its…Its big sir!”

At that moment a giant ship warped in from hyperspace.

“Fuck me thats a big fucker.” The Captain muttered. The trap was taken by the Valentines crew. The capital ship was massive, its guns slowly turned to point at the bridge. Angela gasped and stepped back, Rays angrily stomped on the ground.

“Activate all shields. Every last scrap of energy we have divert it to the second Tier!” He shouted. Pilots around him nodded and quickly swiped on their machines. Beeping filled the room as Rays turned to face the exit.

“Everyone out. NOW!” He forcefully grabbed Angela by her arm and yanked her forward. She sprinted out of the room, not stopping to see what they were running from. There was a booming explosion from behind her, launching her forward into the wall. Her vision was blurry, blood slowly dripped from her forehead, soaking her silky purple hair. The heat was intense, slowly crawling away from the damage. Her mind was overflowing with thoughts: What happened? Is the Captain still alive? What about the pilots? Am I dead?

Suddenly she felt the back of her uniform pull back as she was raised to her feet. Looking up, she was certain who this was. Her vision may be blurred and head muddled, but she knew the imposing presence of Captain Rays.

“C-captain…” She muttered.

“On your feet Bishop. They’ll break through the automatic airlock soon, and a good looking girl like yourself won’t want to be taken away by a gang of those vermin.” She nodded slowly as she gripped onto the Captains shoulder, trying to keep herself up.

“Mckayla!” Will called from across the Central Square. He panted and breathed heavily as Lucy trailed close behind.

“That’s their capital ship.” She responded, taking her blade and holding it up toward the ceiling, there the ship could be seen, along with the flaming remains of the bridge close by. From there the group could see the docking tunnel from the ship begin to lock onto the entrance to the ship.

“Officer Redfox!” She called, catching the attention of a muscular woman who slowly approached. She seemed disinterested.

“Yes…my Empress?”

“Tend to the wounded. I’m taking my squad and these two with me to the Captain. If he’s still alive we have hope of winning.” She spoke with determination, something which Will and Lucy admired about such a strong and sexy woman.

“Ok. Why is her majesty telling a lowly officer this?” Mckayla rolled her eyes stepping up to the officers face.

“We’re outnumbered now. We need everyone to make a stand here and give us time.”

“So her excellence can play the fearless hero?” She sarcastically replied.

“Shut up. And you call yourself and officer?!” Will scathingly spit. Lucy, Mckayla and Officer Redfox especially looked at him shocked.

“We don’t have much time, any idiot can see that we need to hold the line here. We can take the route from the hangar, they’ll come from the front and through the main square. Redirect the defenses to the north and keep the wounded in the Tier 2 entrance room.”

“Who the fuck do you think you are?!” The officer spat back at him, red faced with fury.

“He’s right Redfox. Do it and maybe ill just think about giving you a spot in my squad.” Mckayla gave a smirk and sassy expression to Redfox as the officer spun on the balls of her feet and went to follow the plan. Mckayla looked at him, biting her lip lightly as her eyes lingered on him.

“Come on Kayla we need to move!” A Squad member called. She shook her head lightly and returned to her zone.

“Alright. Lets move ladies…a-and you…” Mckayla blushed before sprinting off in the direction of the hangar, the rest of the group followed close behind.

Angela staggered on her feet, gripping the captain with all her strength to keep herself up. Her uniform was torn and showing skin, her stockings ripped across her thighs.

“They’ll have docked by now. Making their way to the Central Square.” Angela muttered.

“My office is just around the corner Bishop. We need to get there.” Rays spoke smoothly, he seemed concerned for his Senior Investigators health.

“You’re necks on the line if we survive this…” She spoke softly.

“I’ll get a slap on the wrist by that Wendy woman and take a small suspension…I’ve been looking for a vacation for a while.” They approached the end of the corridor, their surroundings opened up to a more spacious clearing. To the left of them was a large black door. Rays grinned to himself, they had reached his secret weapon. immediately Angela grunted and dropped to the floor. She screamed and felt a rope wrap around her body, constricting her arms. Rays looked down and leaped back, reaching for his sidearm. From behind the elf was a large shadowy figure. Rays raised his gun and felt a searing pain on his knee. He cried in pain and sank down, gritting his teeth. The shooter approached, passing Angela as he lowered his gun.

“Well well…Rays.” The mans voice was raspy and dry.

“Fuck you.” The captain spat.

“Is that the way you treat your ex-husband?” he ran his fingers through his oily hair and raised his gun to Rays face. Angela began to tear up, horrified to witness what was going to happen.

Mckayla and her squad were close. A long glass tunnel which connected the city district to the pilot district of the Tier 2 section was all there was between them and finding out if Captain Rays and Angela were alive. Willingham and Mckayla lead the pack, with Lucy following close behind and the rest of the Valkyries behind her.

“LOOK OUT!” Lucy cried as she stopped in her tracks; as did the rest of the Mckayla’s squad. There was a large distance between them and the secret friends with benefits. Lucy pointed to the ship which was still docked peacefully onto the station. Lucy stepped back as one of the cannons on the ship fired a blue beam of light in their direction. Will grasped Mckayla’s hips firmly and leaped back to the end of the tunnel. The beam tore threw the glass like tinfoil. Shards flew everywhere before the vacuum of space started to suck air out of the tunnel, in just a second the automatic seals shut the deadly abyss from taking any life. Mckayla and Willingham were separated from the others.

She watched from afar as Lucy turned towards a squad mate clutching her chest. Blood was pouring out of her, spreading across the white skintight jumpsuit which the Valkyrie Squad was known for. Mckayla shook her head mournfully as the wounded member pulled a thick shard of glass out of her and threw it to the floor. “We need to keep moving…” She muttered helplessly as she felt the burning ball of hate and madness grow inside her; sprinting ahead without waiting for her partner to follow.

“STOP!” Angela cried as she uncomfortably tried to wiggle free from the tightening rope which clung to her. The man laughed and turned toward her.

“You know I have lots of men in my crew who just love a busty elf like yourself…once I’m done with my old flame i’m taking you to meet each and every one of them. And I know you’ll learn to love each and every one of their nasty desires!” He cackled loudly as turned back to the Captain.

From out of nowhere he felt a kick on his wrist, throwing his gun up in the air. Mckayla swiftly clenched her fist and gave the Pirate Leader a stiff uppercut to the chin. He staggered back, staying upright as his opponent lunged forward. He turned to stand in a defensive stance as she jumped onto him to attempt to wrap her legs around his neck. Feeling the smoothness of the nylon suit she pressed her thighs together and spun him around. She let out a grunt of pain when she felt his hands grip the lower back area of the suit and threw her powerfully onto the floor. Her head whipped onto the ground hard. She felt the air leave her lungs as she instinctively tried to get back on his feet.

He slowly rubbed the back of his neck and clicked his fingers. From out of nowhere the same type of rope which tied Angela up had begun to wrap around Mckayla, invading her backless suit to wrap around her bare skin. She grunted with pain as it wrapped her up and kept her in place.

“Looks like I have another one of your bimbos for my crew to break Rays.”

“Watch it creep I’ll kill every last one of your pervy men with my bare hands before they can get their limp dicks out.” The Pirate cackled and squatted down to get close to Mckayla’s battle damaged yet still beautiful face.

“My men like girls who fight back…” He sensed another presence entering the area. He raised up and turned toward the man with the piercing aqua eyes. He charged at the pirate, throwing his leg out for a kick to the chest. The impact threw the pirate back but he held onto the ankle. Willingham felt a sting on his cheek as the pirate threw a heavy right hook. Staggering back they separated before they stepped back to battle. Willingham was able to dodge a number of attempted strikes but was unable to land any of his own. Mckayla spun onto her front and turned her body toward his.

“Take it!” She called as he spied her claymore strapped to her back. The pirate charged at him screaming his lungs out. With one swift motion Will reached down and pulled the weapon from her back, pressing the hilt to the pirates stomach before activating the weapon. The pink light blasted through the chest of the pirate as he gasped for air. He sank to his knees and stared at Captain Rays…the life left his eyes as he reached a hand out towards him. At that moment both Angela and Mckayla were released; the bonds which held them down untied themselves and slowly evaporated into thin air. Rays, still barely able to stand after surviving a explosion and a precise shot to his kneecap motioned for Mckayla to help him up. Angela tried to get to her feet only to be helped up by Will. She looked up at him, blushing lightly as she thought about mounting him right there and then.

“We have to activate the Antibody Protocol.” Rays called as they all shuffled slowly into the large office, similar to the same design as the rest of the station it was bright and filled with lights of differing shades. He limped to the large desk on the far side of the room. Angela sank to a chair beside the door, trying to pull her ripped uniform up to cover her large cleavage which was being exposed. Will lingered around her, eyeing her bust before Mckayla called him over.

“So whats this Antibody Protocol?” He asked wiping the sweat off his brow.

“It’s the Valentine’s ultimate defense system. It’s only programmed to answer to the registered captain of the station.” Rays started.

“It was designed by Wendy Willingham. Your sister.” Angela muttered from behind him. Will gasped with shock.

“My sister made it?”

Mckayla nodded and rested her arms on her hips.

“Yeah… She’s a force to be reckoned with. She designed the protocol to release millions of small machines with acid lasers. It scans the ship for anything deemed a threat by the captain and melts them on the spot. It’ll even destroy that capital ship out there…” Mckayla approached Will and looked up into his eyes, she slowly played with her hair as the captain pressed his hand onto the surface of the desk. The lights in the room turned off. Silence filled the room as complete darkness overcame them.

“Antibody Protocol has been released. Please wait until central power has been rebooted.” A small electronic voice spoke softly. Will breathed a sigh of relief. He felt a hand wrap around his wrist, he was being guided. He felt his hand press onto something large and soft. He squeezed lightly as the nylon suit made for a nice feeling on his fingertips. He felt the soft brush of Mckayla’s lips onto his as they kissed in the darkness, making sure to not make any noise.

“Power on in 5…4…3…2…1…”

The lights came on. The two were standing beside each other. Hands very much to themselves.


“So thats pretty much the apartment…Of course being a Tier 3 now you’ll have authority over your comrades. But we Tier 3’s act as a unit. We’re expected to get along and have each others backs when the opportunity presents itself.” Angela rested her backside on the back of the leather sofa which complimented to huge apartment perfectly. The outside balcony overlooked the city below, seeing it from high up was a beautiful sight, especially when the evening comes around.

Willingham liked his new home, while the dorm room was cozy, he quickly forgot all about its perks. The days since the pirate attack were hectic to say the least. The Antibody Protocol did its job and vaporized every last pirate on the Valentine. Only a few fatalities were recorded. Captain Rays was suspended and taken to the Earth Council to see whether he was going to be relieved of duty; Luckily for the stern captain, he was fined six months of pay and suspended for two months. Acting in his place until his return was the woman who was showing Willingham through his new Tier 3 apartment.

“And…of course you have all the best perks…like…” She stood up from her position and approached him, giving him the unmistakable look she had when she interrogated him.

“You can have me…or Mckayla…without the need to hide anything.” She slowly reached for the zipper of her uniform. Keeping the slow pace as she pulled the zipped down over her natural bust.

“Those are…certainly big perks Miss.Bishop.” He watched as Angela slowly revealed a black lace bra which held her impressive tits up, her toned body pressed onto his as he felt his third leg grow. She giggled and pulled her small skirt up over her large ass; rubbing her thick nylon stocking covered thigh up his leg.

“Call me Angela…and ill call you daddy…That bed’s brand new, do you want to break it in tonight?” She left him no time to respond when she pressed her lips onto him, moaning lightly as she let her lust for Wendy’s hung brother overtake her.

Part 7 Coming Soon.
