Uncharted: Samuel’s Fortune (Chapter 1-Crossing Miss Ross) [Fanfiction] [BDSM] [Bondage] [Rope bondage] {Cleave gagged[ {Tape bondage] [Sock gagged] [Tape gagged[

This is the first chapter of my 2nd Uncharted novel: Samuel’s Fortune. This first chapter features Nadine Ross (from Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End) getting herself kidnapped by Eddy Raja and his pirate crew (Eddy’s from Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune). Meanwhile Samuel Drake (also from Uncharted 4) and his girlfriend Chloe Frazer (Nate’s ex and fellow treasure hunter) plan their adventure to Brazil to investigate the Portuguese Golden Ore. Enjoy the story!

**Four days earlier; in the middle of the Amazon jungle in western Brazil.** 

Nadine Ross was stationed at yet another client’s demolition site when unknown attackers came and raided the spot. The South African   mercenary had already been through a lot in the past year and a half. Teaming up with American millionaire Rafe Adler and attempting to   claim the Libertalian treasure only to have Rafe betray her by bribing her Shoreline mercenaries to turn against her along as well as him   and the brother duo of Nathan and Samuel Drake wiping out most of her major battalions in Scotland, Madagascar, and the island itself.   She luckily had escaped the burning Gun-sway ship and left Rafe to have his fate at the hands of the Drakes. 

  Then in the aftermath, her now 2nd in command (after the death of her original 2nd in command, Knot on the burning ship) Orca had   revealed his treachery and usurped her out of her own family’s PMC just to gather the few survivors of the Libertalian failure and start   selling weapons and a bomb to her former employer and wannabe lover Zaid Asav’s insurgency in India. She then teamed up in   desperation with notable treasure hunter and as she put it, “fellow selfish dickhead” Chloe Frazer after her initial partner in Samuel Drake   had his cover blown infiltrating Asav’s inner circle leading him away from the Tusk of Ganash. Despite being captured at one point by the warlord and even coming into contact with her rival Sam, they persevered and overcame the warlord to get the Tusk and start the   friendship between her and Chloe as well as somewhat clear the air but not all the way with Sam. 

  Nadine was a tough and capable young lady who had worked for the worst of the worst; including the infamous British gangster Gabriel   Roman, the Serbian madman Zoran Lazarevic, and even Katherine Marlowe’s Hermetic Order had contacted her looking for her services.   Unfortunately, she had blew bridges with Roman by fleeing the Spanish island where Roman and his hired crew were looking for the gold   statue of El Dorado as well as Lazarevic where his English 2nd in command Harry Flynn attempted to kidnap her and rape her as   punishment for not stopping Nathan Drake from finding Shambala. But it wasn’t just those reasons why she was so picky about choosing   clients. It was also her infamous “pay up front for association” policy where she demanded payment up front and even then, she would   only choose to backup her client’s hired guns at her say so. 

  Back to the present, and she was hunkered down in the grass waiting and watching the unknown assailants set the warehouse of her   client on fire. “Ja, I’m outnumbered”, she whispered to herself after the assailants had killed her fellow hired goons charged with   protecting the warehouse and its goods. She then snuck up and snapped one of the assailants necks with a stealth choke. “One down, a   million more to go.”, she said softly. She wanted to use her Enforcer26 pistol but unfortunately she forgot a silencer. So it was stealth only with her knife from here. She then came up on a patrol of three assailants setting fire to the warehouse. “Mr. Raja wants this warehouse   gone.”, one of the assailants exclaimed. “Eddy will kill us if we don’t get rid of the warehouse.”, another thug responded. 

 Suddenly, another unit of the assailants pulled up in a 4×4 and Nadine knew she was in big trouble. “Barrel. Gotta shoot it to create a diversion and get the hell outta here.”, she said pointing to a explosive barrel right next to the assailant trio. Nadine then shot the barrel and all three of them were killed in flames. The others then heard the explosion and Nadine ran straight for cover with a million bullet flying at her. Seeing another 4×4 the previous assailants had pulled up to the warehouse in across from her cover, “Here goes nothing”, she quipped. Nadine than ran and gunned her way to the jeep and got in, only for it not to fire. “NEE, NEE, NEE, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT”, Nadine yelled in frustration as the jeep would not fire and then another 4×4 with more assailants pulled up. Nadine knew she was going to have to surrender.

   Nadine then slowly got out of the jeep, put her gun away, and put her hands up in front of at least 20 to 30 of the thugs. “Men, this has to be a misunderstanding, ja?”, she asked. “No it isn’t”, one of the thugs said. “But I was assigned to this warehouse and you just killed my fellow guards!”, Nadine yelled in her usual demanding tone. The lead thug then revealed the truth; “Didn’t your client tell ya madam? No one but Eddy and Rika Raja smuggle goods in this region!” “Eddy Raja? The crazy pirate who failed to kill Nathan Drake back on the Spanish island? Isn’t he dead?”, Nadine asked. 

  “That’s what you and nearly everyone else thinks, Miss Ross!”, Eddy Raja suddenly yelled having pulled up in his personal jeep with his sister Rika in a fanatical voice. “No one messes with Eddy Raja! Pay up or die!”, Eddy yelled at Miss Ross pointing his golden Desert Eagle at her. Look, Mr. Raja, with all due respect to you and your pirate crew, there’s no way in hell you’re the big *skelem* (gangster in South African btw) around here. Someone’s gotta be paying you a cut. Who is it?”, Nadine demanded an answer from the Indonesian pirate. “We’re not telling you, Nadine Ross. Come with us if you really want to find out”, said Rika Raja in a low-key angry tone. With Eddy’s pirate crew holding her at gunpoint, Nadine decided it was best to meet their client and maybe sneak out of this mess. Nadine then hopped in with the Rajas in their jeep and their pirate crew stayed behind to clean up. 

**Havana, Cuba: Samuel Drake and Chloe Frazer’s house.** 

Meanwhile, back in Havana, Cuba, Samuel Drake and his new girlfriend Chloe Frazer were getting ready for a job that Sully had told     
 them about in their 2 story house on the beach. “Sam, sweetheart, you sure you want to do this?”, asked Chloe at the coffee table with   Sam looking at historical documents and a map of the Amazon. “Chloe, I’m not backing out now.”, replied Sam in a low-key annoyed tone   with his classic smoking of a cigarette. Chloe then proceeded to take the cigarette and threw it outside.  “No.”, Chloe said, angry with Sam for once again smoking in the house. “Aw c’mon that’s my last cigarette. Anyway, check this out, hun. The Portuguese hid this amulet,   The Golden Ore of The Gods in a temple somewhere in this region of Brazil. Victor has already found clues in Lisbon hinting of this region   being it as far as where the Ore is concerned. I betcha we find the Ore somewhere here.”, Sam lectured with confidence, being a expert  on Portuguese history and culture, both in Portugal and Brazil. 

 “But Sam, what if Victor is bloody wrong or got his evidence wrong? I love him and everything as Uncle Sully and all but you don’t know if he’s got it right.”, Chloe said with worry. “Chloe, has Victor ever gotten anything wrong?”, he asked. “Yes but not very often; this is coming from a guy who didn’t trust him for years because he was a dad for Nate while you was inside.”, she responded back wittingly. “I’m willing to overlook that and have faith in him despite her rocky friendship, sweetheart.”, Sam said. “Besides, he reminds me of me. Now, give me a kiss and let’s have some fun while we wait for him to call back.” “We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it, eh?”, Chloe smiled at her boyfriend. Sam and Chloe then kissed and walked upstairs to their bedroom for sex. 

**The Western Amazon Jungle; Brazil**

    Eddy, Rika, and Nadine had arrived at their destination. It was a giant abandoned shipyard next to a scenic but polluted waterfall. They then stepped out of the jeep and Nadine then followed Eddy and Rika into the main warehouse so that she could meet this “client.” “You sure your “client” owns this wreck of a shipyard?”. Nadine asked suspiciously. “Yes! Now stop asking for the millionth time!”, Eddy yelled in angered paranoia. They then proceed into the center of the warehouse. “Ja ,is anyone there? It’s Nadine Ross! “I was sent by a mutual china of yours to work for you!”, yelled Nadine. “Wait a minute, something’s not right…”MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! GTTTTT DAAAA HULLL URRRRR HUUUDDDDSSSSSSS UFFFFF MUUUHHHHH”, yelled Nadine as she was being grabbed, restrained, and muffled by a sack over her head. (“Get the hell off me!”).

  Nadine then blacked out in unconsciousness for a good 15-20 minutes. She then woke up stunned by a blunt force to her head.  “mmmmmmmmmm wut huppnd?” (what happened?) , she asked herself but when she came to, she realized that she was tied to a fence post. And that she had a rag stuck in between her teeth to gag her. “WUR UM I? LUT MUH GUH!: (Where am I? Let me go!), Nadine muffled somewhat incoherently through her gag. Rika Raja then returned to the camp that Nadine had woke up in. “She’s finally awake!”, Rika said in excitement.  “RUKA, U UN UDY, LUT MUH GUH NUH U BUSTRD!”(Rika, you and Eddy let me go you bastards), Nadine demanded from the pirate duo through her gag. “Miss Ross, I can’t believe you fell for our little trap. “We are actually working for someone though. Someone who is very familiar with you!”, Rika laughed at Nadine. 

  Not even a minute later and in his off-road luxury sedan, came out Eddy and his boss, the infamous British gangster Gabriel Roman. “Well, well, well”, your prisoner is awake.”, Roman said with deadly conviction walking out from his car towards the bound and gagged Nadine. Roman then proceeded to remove her gag. “Hello, Miss Ross, cheery day isn’t it madam?, he asked her. ” “Mr. Roman, I should’ve known you had something to do with this.”, Nadine quipped in a angry tone. “When Mr. Raja told me he had captured you, I was pleasantly surprised. Considering that he as with you had failed me back on that island to capture El Dorado, I’d consider this a bloody win for all of us.”, Roman lectured. “What do you want me for? I did what you asked me to do Mr. Roman. It’s not my fault that Eddy failed you on the island. It’s not my fault that Nathan Drake kicked your ass.”, angrily said Nadine. 

  “Miss Ross, watch your tone. You’re lucky I didn’t kill you on that island for betraying me.  Yes I know you betrayed me to that stupid American Drake and Mr. Sullivan. You’re a bloody prick for doing that to me. It’s a shame Miss Ross that we are no longer on the same side”, Roman said with a low tone displeasure. Eddy then walked up to Roman with his Desert Eagle in hand. “Enough of the damn speeches. EXECUTE HER!”, Eddy yelled in a maniacal manner and pulled his gun out. “Mr, Raja, put your gun away this bloody instant.” insisted the Englishman. “Enough of the violent and vulgar theatrics, Mr. Raja. You’re lucky to still be under my services despite the incident on the damn island. We have work to do. I know there’s gonna be additional treasure hunters coming down in a race to find the Golden Ore. I’ll make a deal with you thugs. “If you help me and redeem yourself, you can keep Miss Ross as a prisoner. But on one condition: Don’t kill Miss Ross. At least not yet. I want to see her die in agony when I claim the Ore.”, Roman lectured to Eddy and his crew. 

  “Dammit!, alright you have a damn deal, Mr. Roman.”, said a disappointed Eddy. “Eddy, calm the living hell down!”, his sister demanded him. “Look, if we succeed in this for Mr. Roman, we can get a cut. And besides, torturing Nadine Ross will be a treat.” “OK, you’re right.”, Eddy said to his sister. Roman then came back from his car with some rolls of brown and gray duct tape during their conversation. “But to give you sports some help, let me help you with Miss Ross.”, Roman smiled devilishly as he freed Nadine from the pole just to have her arms and legs taped up. “YOU WOULDN’T DARE MR ROMAN…….”WHAT ARE YOU DOING? STOP IT? LET ME GO! GET THIS DAMN TAPE THE HELL OFF MY BODY! SCREW YOU!”, Nadine yelled in anger and distrust as Roman had tightly taped her arms behind her back and her legs together. “Now, for the final touches, Miss Raja, take off her socks and shoes.”, Roman told Rika. Rika then proceeded to untie and take off Nadine’s hiking boots as well as her socks. “WHAT THE BLASTED HELL ARE YOU DOING WITH MY SOCKS AND BOOTS?”, demanded Nadine. 

  “Miss Ross, I’ve had enough of your disrespectful attitude towards me. Miss Raja, I think you know what to do”, Roman evilly grinned at Rika. Rika then proceed to roll up Nadine’s smelly socks into a tight ball. “Open your mouth Miss Ross”, instructed Rika. “Never!”, yelled Nadine. Rika then pinched Nadine’s nose to open her mouth. “YOU WILLLGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NUVH GUT UWY WTH DIS” (You will never get away with this), Nadine incoherently yelled with her own smelly socks gagging her mouth. Roman then proceed to tape her socks in with some gray duct tape which he wrapped around Nadine’s iconic head with her infamous and recognizable Afro. “Much better, Miss Ross.” You’re much quieter now.”, Roman said. “U SCUMBG PSCE UF CHIT LUT MUH GUH, U WUH PUH FUR DIS! MMMMMPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”  (you scumbag piece of shit, you will pay for this!”, Nadine yelled incoherently with the taste of her own putrid feet in her mouth taped in with the discomfort of both the gag and the tight tape bondage. “Oh and one more thing Miss Ross, smell this.”, Roman then proceeded to take her boots and put her face in them to make her smell the reek of her own feet. “MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SUH DGUSTNG! U SUK PUH UF CHIT!” (So disgusting you piece of shit)  

  “I think I’m done here my subordinates. I got to get up to the local airport. I’m expecting guests. Again Mr Raja, remember our deal.”, Roman then proceeded to step into his car and drive off. “Thank God Mr. Roman is gone!:, exclaimed Eddy in his usual fanatical tone. “Miss Ross, time to have some fun with you, isn’t that right sis?”, Eddy smiled at his sister as he ripped off Nadine’s shirt, exposing her white bra, then pulling her breasts out and finally smacked her ass in her sexy khaki pants. Nadine incoherently yelled in intense and helpless pain, “MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH”  “Yes, brother, let’s torture this bitch.”, she responded back. Nadine struggled in her bonds waiting to see what would next happen to her.  “You ready Miss Ross?”, Rika asked. “MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPPPPPPPPPPPPPPHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FK U PUH UF PRVTDS ” (Fuck you perverts ), Nadine incoherently cursed at the duo. Rika and Eddy then took the struggling Nadine and pushed her at gunpoint to the other large warehouse as she could only hop, bound and gagged with tape all over her body, her big black boobs bouncing up and down,  and her own nasty and stinky socks taped in with a wrap around the head tape gag. 

                                                                                To be continued….(Uncharted: Samuel’s Fortune)

Here’s the link to the deviantART version of my story: [https://www.deviantart.com/nascargamer42/art/Crossing-Miss-Ross-Samuel-s-Fortune-Chapter-1-836744432](https://www.deviantart.com/nascargamer42/art/Crossing-Miss-Ross-Samuel-s-Fortune-Chapter-1-836744432)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/g4g3y0/uncharted_samuels_fortune_chapter_1crossing_miss

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