I cheated on my husband [F]or the [F]irst time with a woman I met at a New Year’s Eve party (Part II)

I had always meant to write a follow up for [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/eio6in/i_cheated_on_my_husband_for_the_first_time/) but life kept getting in the way. Having an affair is time-consuming! :) Then when the Lockdown began, I had even less time because if I wasn’t caring for my child, I was trying to catch up on sleep and the basics of maintaining any semblance of order in my life!

First things first: I know people will want an update on Craig. He is still a loud Scottish man, but now, instead of mansplaining Brexit to anyone who will listen, he has now become Britain’s premier amateur epidemiologist. Having an affair with his wife behind is back is objectively a *bad thing to do*, but you have to admit that if anyone is going to be done in that way, you want it to be the guy who smugly pontificates about herd immunity, curve-flattening, and how 5g towers are innocuous, even though he wasn’t aware of the existence of any of these concepts before Valentine’s Day.

I left off at that point where I had gone to a New Year’s Eve party, ended up getting a little drunk and feeling very attracted to a woman – Lucy – I had just met. I had accepted her offer to share a cab and I ended up joining her for a drink in her house and [long story short](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/eio6in/i_cheated_on_my_husband_for_the_first_time/), she ended up stripping me naked and making me come on her sofa. As I remember it, to call it an orgasm is under-stating things. I felt like years of burden were lifted out of the core of my body. My hips still shift in instinctive arousal when I recall the sight of her face smiling up at me after I had relaxed, covered in my wetness.

There was a moment of acute anxiety at that point however. She made me laugh about how much I clearly wanted that and then I realised with a cold start that it was _my turn_. I was laid out naked on her living room furniture while she was still fully dressed, albeit with hair and make-up testifying to her conquest. Whatever concerns that might have built up were undone as she lifted herself towards me. She paused an inch or two from my lips, and smirking widely, she quipped, “You have no idea how _good_ you taste.” At that point she pressed her tongue past my parted lips and shared the tangy flavour. Obviously, I have kissed my husband after he has gone down on me, but there was never anything as brazen and possessive as this. In this one gesture it felt like she cemented our positions in this relationship. She would take and she would give as she wanted and that’s what I wanted. There was no time here for a calm down. I was furiously aroused again and my hands found her hips and her bum and her breasts and greedily savoured every inch of her as my thigh slid between her legs. I could tell from how she responded to that pressure that she was in similar state and I just let instinct guide me. Her dress was bunched up towards her hips and much too tight for the kind of teenaged make out session that we’d begun. Again, she knew just what to do. “Let me help”, she whispered, as she stood up, unzipped, and stepped away, leaving the dress in a heap on the floor. She stood there, in the soft light of the living room, and pouted dramatically as she removed her bra and her underwear, making me laugh and feel utterly at ease. She was entirely shaved. The word that comes to mind to describe her breasts is _heavy_; she is a 1950s bombshell wandering around in office casual-wear. I loved every inch of her body.

I almost asked her to turn around for me, like a performer, but she again took the initiative. She joined me on the sofa and placed my fingers exactly where she wanted them. She shifted so I knew to kiss her breasts, and from her reactions, I knew she wanted her nipples licked, then bitten, all the while, my fingers were finding a rhythm as if her hips were guiding them. She wanted me to alternate between massaging her clit and stroking deep inside her. She was that kind of wet where there is an unavoidable sound with every motion of my hand. Her breath was quickening, the sighs deepening, and her hips thrusting with ever more force. For my part, I had lost myself. Any performance anxiety was long gone as I focused entirely on reading her pleasure and seeking to grow it. That I was naked in the living room of a woman who was an effective stranger, while her husband slept upstairs was distant knowledge that I recognised but it was irrelevant. All I wanted was for her to feel the release she had shared with me. I wanted to see her cheeks blush and her pupils dilate and feel her muscles tighten around my fingers as she gasped my name.

And I got what I wanted.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/g2yiaf/i_cheated_on_my_husband_for_the_first_time_with_a


  1. That was fucking hot. Was this a one time thing or more? I miss being with another woman and cant wait for the quarantine to be over…

  2. Really hot, I have been wanting to find a woman to cheat with. My husband wants me to but I’m not sure I want to share when I finally do. I have never been with a woman but find myself thinking about it all the time.

  3. Please tell us more about your exciting experiences with this woman! You sound so very hot just by the way you write. Or is that just my imagination?

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