Watching Rachel – Part 2

The intervening weeks went by fairly quickly.

My new job required a fair bit of intense focus to make sure I was doing it properly, so I didn’t have a lot of time to think about too much else too deeply….but the idea of catching up with Rachel again was constantly floating around in the back of my mind.

We stayed in touch very loosely during that time – nothing more than a “Hey, how’s it going?” but when it came time to head back to her city for the expo, I made sure I messaged her to check it she was still good for our ‘date’.

*“Hi Rachel, still on for tomorrow? I am heading up there tonight so I’m ready for an early start tomorrow, but won’t be leaving until sometime Saturday – no use getting up early if I don’t have to.”*

Her reply took a little while, but I assumed she was working.

*“Oh, you’re coming up tonight? If I had known, we could have organised something tonight as well. Never mind.*
*Where are you staying? And where are we going for dinner tomorrow?”*

I got back to her saying that I probably wouldn’t be up there until quite late anyway, so didn’t want to put her out, then added that I was staying right in the city, and that the hotel had a great restaurant as well, so we could go there.

Rachel: *“All good. Let me know when you’re up.”*

I got back into my work and then, as the day came to a close, packed up what I needed, went home and had a shower and headed north for a two-hour drive into the city.

Typically, by the time I got anywhere near the CBD, traffic was heavy – even this late in the day – and my two hour drive took more than three hours, so I was keen to kick off my boots, sit back and enjoy a beer before turning in to try and get some sleep.

It wasn’t long before my eyes got heavy, so I slid between the sheets, closed my eyes and hoped for a decent night’s slumber…which would have happened, had my phone not rung when I was almost asleep. I picked it up and looked at it and saw it was Rachel’s number, then wondered why she was calling so late. I hoped everything was ok.

**“Hi Rach…you ok?”**

*“Sure am….hope I didn’t wake you.”*

I lied **– “No, not at all. Not far from heading to bed though – will be a long day tomorrow.”**

*“That’s good. Would hate to have disturbed you.*

*“Hey, do you remember last time we caught up and I was telling you about my ex?”*

Fuck, of course I did – how could I forget that? **“Um, yep, of course. Why’s that?”**

*“Well, there was something in that conversation that you mentioned really turned you on.”*

“**Yeeeeeessssss.**” – where was THIS headed.

*“If you want to know more, get in your car and come around to my place. Park on the road, walk down the drive and around the back. I’ll leave my curtains open and my light on. You can stand under the tree and see exactly what I mean.”*


“*Now, you idiot.”*

**“It’s 1am….and we’ve got to be at the expo at….”**

I didn’t even get to finish my sentence. *“Well, if you don’t want to…”*

**“Hell Rachel, of course I do….what’s your address?”**

*“I’ll text it through – should take you about 15 minutes from where you are. I’ll see you soon…or rather, you’ll see me.”*

And with that, she hung up.

I couldn’t get out of bed quick enough, and quickly threw on some clothes, brushed my teeth (who knew WHAT was going to happen – and minty fresh breath might come in handy) and raced downstairs as quickly as I could. Hell, the elevator seemed to take forever; I was als=most ready to jump down the middle of the stairwell to get to my car quicker.

Her messaged address had already come in, with the addition *“Text me when you park…then walk down and enjoy.”*

I planned to enjoy all right….just how much was yet to be determined.

Traffic at that time of the night was very light and I made good time before I turned into a quiet, tree-lined street and crawled along, looking for her number. When I saw it, I parked, turned off the car and sent a one-word message – “**Here**” – before getting out and locking up.

“Ok, good. Come on down.”

I walked down a dark driveway and around to the back of her house where there was a pool of light shining from a large picture window, gently illuminating the ground under a large overhanging tree. I walked over, leaned against the trunk and looked directly into her room – curtains tied back to reveal a large bed against the wall opposite, the foot of the bed facing me, but no-one to be seen.

I stood…and waited. This, I suspected, was going to be interesting.



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