A pastor and cop walk into a bar… [MF] part 1

Monday –

The bartender hands me a drink and points to the end of the bar. I look up and see this incredibly hot man looking at me and I smile. He gets up and comes over and tells me his name is Ricky and asks what mine is. I tell him my name is Blair. I ask him if buying a girl a drink is his signature move and he laughs and says “signature move?” I say yes, you know, the the way you pick up women. He laughs again and tells me “who says I was trying to pick you up? You looked thirsty is all.” I laugh and roll my eyes and say ok Casanova, you’re really not trying to pick me up eh? He leans in closer and tells me he has a secret he wants to tell me. I lean in and he whispers in my ear the word no. The rejection stings but in a good way. The heat from his breathe against my neck makes me flush. I look at him and say not much of a secret, playing hard to get I see. He smirks and stands up as I follow. He kisses me and his mouth is at my ear again and he tells me he couldn’t leave in good faith without giving me something to remember him by. He smells amazing and his cologne lingers while he walks out of the bar. “Bye Blair” he says as he disappears into the Chicago night. I sit back down turned on and in shock about what just happened. I laugh, finish my drink and leave.

Flash forward to Sunday and I’m in church for the first time in years. The music is done and they’re saying their announcements before the pastor comes out. I’m in my own little world thinking about the rest of my day when the pastor walks on stage. My mouth drops open and I laugh and shake my head, he’s a fucking pastor. Out of all churches in Chicago and I choose to come to this one, what are the odds. The topic of today’s conversation: lust. How ironic. He looks so good in his gray slacks. I can see the outline of his… “let’s pray!” he says. Distracting me from my own inappropriate thoughts. I bow my head and realize how terrible I am. I’m thinking about his cock in church. Get it together I tell myself.

The service ends and coincidentally they’re having a meet the pastor lunch. I knew I had to go so I leave the auditorium and head to the room where this lunch would be. I walk in and sit at a table with a few older men and women. We are chatting and about 10 minutes go by and Ricky or should I say Pastor Gomez walks in. I turn around and he looks directly at me. His smile fades and surprise replaces it. I bite my lip and turn around. This is gonna be fun I think to myself. One of the older women at my table asks me what I do for a living and I tell her I’m a cop. “A cop huh?” I hear a familiar voice say, not knowing he was standing behind me. I turn around, stand up and reach my hand out. I say yes Pastor, Officer Blair Black, it’s nice to meet you. He smiles and shakes my hand, “it’s nice to meet you too” he says. He asks how long I’ve been a cop and I tell him 3 years. I just moved here 6 months ago from Houston. He asks how old I am and I tell him I’m 25 and soon I find out he’s 32 and has been a pastor for 2 years. He talks to my table and I for a few more minutes before he excuses himself to go talk to other people. The older ladies at my table tell me how pretty I am and how Pastor Gomez is single. I laugh and think about all the possibilities.

I go home, nap, shower and get ready for work. I left my info on a welcome card. Let’s see if he takes the bait. My shift starts at 10 PM and when I get to work my first call is a wreck. Great. I arrive on scene and step out of my squad car. It’s a small wreck, barely any damage. No one is injured and the airbags didn’t even deploy. I’m talking to the 3 people involved in the accident about insurance and everything gets squared away and I leave. As I’m driving around trying to find a spot to park I notice I have a text from an unknown number. I open it and it reads: “Good evening Ms.Black, it’s Pastor Ricky from Mercy church. I know it’s late but I felt like our conversation earlier got cut short. I’d love to continue it if you’d like. If not but have any questions about the church, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Remember Jesus loves you.” I laugh at how proper his text is. Very professional. I’m on shift so it’s ok that it’s late. I have so many questions. Specifically about the elephant in the room. I reply. He asks when my shift ends and I tell him “6 AM” but it’s not guaranteed. He says that’s fine, let’s meet for breakfast when you’re off, then you can ask me all the burning questions you have. I agree and get another call.

I’m finally off and head to the place we decided to meet at. I walk in and spot him immediately. I walk over and he looks me up and down. “So that’s what a hot cop is supposed to look like, damn.” He says, I blush and laugh. He hugs me before we sit down. So a pastor by day and hot guy at a bar by night eh? I ask. He smirks and says yeah about that. I’m just a regular guy who happens to be a pastor. I behave myself in public. I’m watching his lips hug every word he’s saying and can feel myself getting turned on. I wanna know how he misbehaves, if he does at all. I soon realize we’ve been talking for 4 hours and I tell him I should be getting home, I’m exhausted. He pays for the bill and walks me to my car and hugs me. He says “bye Blair” and his words sound so good. His voice makes anything sound good. Ugh

On my way home all I could think about is his virgin status. Is he or isn’t he still in the V club being a Pastor and all. I hope for my sake he isn’t, shit for his as well. I want him. I want him so bad. I wonder how hard it will be to sleep with him. Challenge accepted. I have to work this out perfectly. One wrong move and it’s done. I can feel my lust for him building with every dirty thought I have. Later that day he adds me on Facebook. Obviously I accept. I stalk his page and just can’t believe how charming and hot he is. No way he’s a virgin I think to myself. He texts me and asks if I’m busy tomorrow and I tell him no, Monday and Tuesday’s are my days off. He says he will be at the church all day and would like me to come by. I tell him I’d be happy to and go to sleep. I wake up the next morning super horny. I have to calm myself down before heading out. I look good and my confidence is high. I wear a v neck and jeans that hug my curves just right. Little mascara and chapstick. Thank God and genetics for good skin.

I arrive at Mercy church and he meets me in the front. He eyes me up and down again and doesn’t say anything. He leads me to his office and shuts the door. Tells me to have a seat and I do. He sits in his chair across the desk from me and tells me I smell really good. It’s light blue by dolce and gabbana I tell him. My favorite. I look around his office and it’s so churchy. Bibles and crosses everywhere. So naughty I think to myself. I finally ask why he wanted me to come to his office and he leans back in his chair and says “to hang out, why else?” I roll my eyes and say hang out uh huh. He has a puzzled look on his face and says, “ yes hang out, why do you think I asked you to come to my office?” I have to do this perfectly I remind myself. Go with his flow. I guess to hang out I answer. “You seem disappointed.” He says and I tell him not at all. He smiles and says well good. Let me give you a tour of the church.

I open the door and he’s behind me. He holds the door open and follows me out. He shows me the classrooms and Sunday school rooms. The nursery. The cafeteria. The auditorium. About an hour later we arrive back to his office. He opens the door and I walk in and sit down. “It’s a beautiful church isn’t it?” He asks. I tell him yes it’s a very nice church. Silence follows and I can’t do it anymore…. So you kiss me at a bar and act like it never happened spilled out of my mouth like word vomit. He looks at me and says “I’m not acting like it didn’t happen. But if I talk about it I’ll just wanna kiss you again and I have to behave myself. That’s why I haven’t brought it up.” I smirk and lean back in my seat satisfied with his answer. So you want to kiss me now huh? I ask. I look at him with a seductive smirk and he tells me yes but he won’t. “Please stop looking at me like that.” He says. Well since you asked so nicely. It all makes sense now I tell him. I stand up and tell him I’m gonna head home. He stands up and meets me by the door. “That’s probably a good idea.” He says. He’s face is so close to mine I can feel his breathe. Smells of mint. I get a whiff of his cologne. The same one he had on at the bar and I look up at him and ask him if he’s sure he doesn’t wanna kiss me. He looks me in my eyes and I can see the want in his. His breathing is slightly heavy and he doesn’t say a word for a couple seconds and pulls my face to his. I taste his lips again and my stomach churns. Butterflies, lust, desire whatever you wanna call it is rushing through my whole body. He pushes me against the door in his office and our breathing is in unison; heavy, and deep. He pulls his lips away and looks at me. He grabs my chin and pushes my face to the side so he has full access to my neck. He places his lips against my skin right below my ear. He stops to inhale my scent and moans. My moans follow as his lips gently leave their mark. He pulls my face forward again and kisses me. Deep. He pulls away and steps back and tells me I should really go. “I will fuck you in this office if I don’t stop now.” He says and I ask what the problem with that is? “I’m a Pastor Blair, I can’t just have sex especially not in my office.” He says disappointed. I look at him and say whatever you say Pastor Gomez with a seductive smirk. “ I told you not to look at me like that.” He says as he opens the door for me to leave. I say I’m sorry and it won’t happen again with a sexy giggle. He rolls his eyes and huffs, “bye Blair” he says as he motions for me to leave. Bye Ricky I say back. I walk to my car and my body is coming down from the rush of adrenaline he gave me. Lips tingling. Horny. I know he wants me I think to myself as I drive home. I trace my lips with my fingers and giggle. Pastor Ricky isn’t a good boy at all and I can’t wait to see just how bad he gets ?

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/g2pja8/a_pastor_and_cop_walk_into_a_bar_mf_part_1