What Happens in Quarantine…Part 1 [FM]

Lockdown Rule 1: “Stay 2m apart from anyone outside your household”

“Fuck! Have you seen this?” I ran into the kitchen, phone outstretched with the latest headline from the BBC displayed.

My flatmate, Liam, turned to look at me with his brows raised, “if it’s about COVID then I don’t want to know – I’m so bored of it now.”

I fanned myself, the bright sunlight from the kitchen window flushing my skin, watching the muscles in his back ripple beneath his shirt as he resumed washing up.

“Well, prepare to get a lot more bored.”

He groaned as he wiped his hands on his joggers and took my phone from me, beginning to skim the article. I smirked at the two handprints framing the outline of his dick in the grey cotton. It’s not as if he needed anything extra to pull the focus there, the unmistakable and constant bulge did that well enough by itself.

My eyes were dragged upwards by the anguished moan coming from my flatmate.

“Oh for fucksake even the fucking pubs are closed.”

His jaw went slack.

I nodded solemnly, extracting my phone from his hand and scrolling to the bottom of the article.

“Yeah, for three months apparently. I think the two of us are going to be stuck inside together for a while.”

I punched him lightly on the arm, laughing – but slightly offended – at how devastated he looked.

“I’m not that bad am I?”

He looked me up and down, “we’ll see.”

I grabbed two of the last bottles of red on display as Liam returned to the trolley with two crates, the wool of his coat taut around his arms.

“Should I get more than two bottles of wine or should we just get some spirits?”

By the end of the first week both of us had been furloughed from work, tonight was our leaving/commiseration party for two.

I leant on the trolley as I pushed it slowly towards the end of the aisle.

“Are those gloves really necessary?”

He pointed at the blue surgical gloves I was wearing.

“don’t come crying to me when you’ve picked up Corona from all these surfaces.”

He bent down to grab a bottle of Jack and a bottle of Spiced Rum, “you do realise if I catch it, then you’re definitely going to catch it.”

“Not if I stay 6ft away from you.”

He placed the drinks in the trolley and stepped so close I could feel his voice vibrate against my chest. “I think you’d find it hard to stay far away from me for long.”

I don’t know whether it was the lack of outside interaction, or the fact I’d been consuming so much porn I was starting to find sexual tension in an episode of The Chase – but I could’ve sworn there was a purr to his voice that implied something more. More than the fact our flat had all the square footage of a wardrobe.

I blinked and he stepped away, smirking. Thank god I’d put on make up, because I felt the burn in my cheeks as I blushed.

“I think you overestimate my tolerance for you.” I pushed the trolley sharply away and headed towards the tills, nipples embarrassingly hard beneath my jumper.

I swore under my breath as I searched through the kitchen drawers – I could’ve sworn I saw a pack of batteries in one of them. The prospect of not having sex for the indefinite future, combined with being stuck at home 24/7, had left me constantly horny and Duracell couldn’t keep up with the demand. I was determined to cum before I had to meet Liam in the living room for our thinly veiled excuse to get pissed all night. I know how I get when I’m drunk, and under quarantine conditions, I wanted to take every possible precaution to not fuck where I eat.

I’d be lying if I’d said I’d not gotten off to the thought of Liam and I before. I’ve seen him in boxers walking around the flat and it’s hard not to stare. He looked big, the type of dick that you’d be a little scared of, the type of dick that I regularly sought out in drunken late night Reddit posts. He was an attractive guy too, and he’d probably become even more so now he’s the only man I get to interact with in the flesh.

I loved my vibrator, god bless her, but there’s something about the feel of another body on yours, the hunger of sex, that she’ll never replicate.

Sneaking a look behind me to ensure Liam’s door was still closed, I bent down to look under the sink. I was only wearing a thong and a t-shirt, and I’d be mortified if he came into the kitchen and saw me so exposed. Although, the thought of Liam sneaking behind me; hooking my thong to the side, and running a finger teasingly up and down my pussy was unbearably hot. I could almost feel his breath on my neck and my body adjusting as he slowly pushed every inch inside me. I slid my hand between my thighs, feeling how wet the thought of my flatmate fucking me hard against the sink, a strong hand around my throat, had got me. I gently stroked a finger over the soft material above my clit, breathing in sharply at the pleasure it gave me.

I checked his door, thankfully still closed.

“Perfect,” I finally spied the batteries behind a pack of sponges and ran back to my room, wondering if I’d even need to look for porn.

The bourbon burned in my chest as I leaned out of the window and took the joint from Liam. We were shoulder to shoulder, the bare skin of my arm against the soft cotton of his shirt.

“Did you iron that for tonight?”

He flexed, “gotta make an effort right?”

I let the smoke roll in my throat as I held it back before exhaling it through my parted lips, enjoying the slow buzz through my body.

“I really love that you’ve not even complimented my outfit for tonight.”

I gestured towards the silk, low cut, belted dress, the split falling either side of one of my thighs, as I knelt by the window sill. He gazed at me appraisingly, his eyes lingering along the curve of my bare thigh and red lips.

“Yeah, you clean up alright.”

I raise an eyebrow, “Wow. It makes so much sense now why you don’t get any.”

He laughed, “I get plenty. I just don’t often need to use my words.”

“It might be big, but your dick isn’t magic Liam.”

“Well, you would say that if you’ve never had the pleasure of trying it.”

I choked on the smoke, trying to contain my coughing as I handed the joint back to Liam. I stepped back from the sill and swigged some of his wine, finishing the glass.

Liam looked bemused, “thats more of the reaction I’m used to.”

I rolled my eyes, “oh fuck off, it was the weed, not your dick.”

“Yeah but I bet you can’t say you’ve never thought about it.”

I bit my lip, trying to carefully consider my next words, but the fog of weed and wine made it hard to think with any clarity.

“Well,” I started as I slowly got back on my knees underneath the windowsill, “it’s only natural if you spend a lot of time with someone, you might imagine them in certain ways.”

I saw the corner of Liam’s lips jerk upwards as I gave him a sideways glance.

“Especially if said person doesn’t stop bragging about his dick.”

“It’d be rude to keep it myself.”

“Yeah I’ve seen your Reddit history, you’re certainly being very polite.”

He laughed, turned to me and studied my reaction, “you’ve seen my Reddit posts? I was sure I saw you on there a few times.”

I frowned, “I didn’t comment on them.”

“You’ve got a couple of distinctive tattoos you didn’t think to blur out Soph, the kind of tattoos your flatmate would probably be able to recognise.”

“Oh damn.”

I took a shot.

“So, you’ve seen me naked?”

I could feel his eyes all over my body, resting for a few seconds too long where the fabric of my dress pooled between my thighs.

“I’ve seen every part of you, except one – and that’s a part I’ve imagined very well.”

He flashed a smile and moved his gaze up quickly to meet mine, “and I’m very curious to find out if I’m correct.”

I raised my eyebrows, “you and a couple others as far as I can tell.”

With the kind of confidence only a bottle of wine and a few shots on the head can give, I leaned forward, my lips only an inch or so from his ear.

“Have you thought about what I taste like too?”

I heard his breath hitch in his throat, his breath warm against my neck as he exhaled slowly.

“I can’t say it’s not crossed my mind.”

He rested his palm on the bare skin of my thigh, his fingertips barely slipping underneath the hem of my dress.

“I bet that I taste even sweeter than you’ve imagined, and -“

I took his hand off my thigh and unfolded my legs, standing up.

“I doubt you’d be disappointed if you ever got the opportunity. Another drink?”

I’d planned on walking away, letting him get a good look at my arse swaying under my dress. I’d planned on it.

But Liam grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him. I fell on top of him, my knees clumsily landing on his thighs. Groaning, he roughly grabbing my hips and shifting me forward so my legs fell either side of his hips. His lips were on mine in moments, hot and hungry, pressing his body hard against mine.

I couldn’t help but moan into his mouth, gently tugging at his bottom lip between my teeth and rolling my hips so I could feel his dick getting harder against my cunt. The lace of my thong was feeling even more insignificant between us, catching on his zipper as I moved against him.

My head was sharply pulled back, his fingers knotted in my hair, exposing my neck as my back arched. I wanted to feel his mouth there, I wanted him to move from my lips and kiss me on the spot above my collarbone that makes me melt, but he held off. I tried to force his head down, but he laughed, nibbling at my ear.

“Now who wants the opportunity?”

I tried to retort but he dragged out a moan instead, his lips finally hitting my jaw, my neck, along the strap of my dress. My hands were touching his chest over his shirt, undoing the buttons, slipping it off his shoulders. Occasionally I half remembered that this is something I should not be doing, but that was quickly forgotten when his fingers pressed at my pussy, softly stroking his fingers against the slick strip of material. Trying to press harder into his fingers, I ran my nails up his back until I reached his hair, pulling until his face turned upwards. I raised his fingers to my lips, looking him in the eye as I sucked the wetness off them. As he moaned I leaned forward, letting my tongue graze his jaw before I bit his earlobe, and kissed down to his neck. I let my finger nails trace his shoulders, down his chest until I found his belt buckle.

This is never the bit they tell you about in films, the awkwardness of trying to kiss someone whilst simultaneously being very aware of each second passing as you’re still failing to undress them. I couldn’t get the fucking thing undone.

“That’s it.”

I pushed myself off Liam and knelt between him to inspect the belt further, finally unhooking it and starting to work on the button.

He started to laugh, “can’t wait to get your hands on it can you?”

I don’t know who, but somebody lied to that boy several times and told him being a cocky little shit was endearing. As much as I really wanted dick. As much as my cunt practically ached with how much I wanted to be utterly ruined, totally drenched in cum and unable to move for a solid five minutes; deep down I’m a petty bitch.

That and I’ve lived with Liam long enough to know that his ego will grow to an unbearable size if left unchecked.

I continued to undo his jeans, making him shiver as I ran my finger tips under the waistband of his boxers.

“What do you mean Liam?”

He raised his hips and allowed me to slide his trousers down to his ankles. I slowly kissed my way back up to his thighs, listening to his breathing get faster with each inch my lips closer.

“You seem like you’ve been waiting to get me like this for a long time.”

“Oh, so long,” I slowly kissed up his shaft, feeling his dick twitch beneath his boxers. He moaned as I wrapped my lips around the tip, letting my tongue gently flick the head through the material.

But then I stopped and stood up. His eyes were glazed, dick throbbing and my lipstick was smeared over his jaw; it looked like I’d rufied the Joker. Except this time, I was going to be the one laughing.

I grinned at him.

“Actually, you know what? I’m super tired, so I’m going to head to bed.”

He stared at me dumbly, “I thought – but my dick,”

I leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek, before walking off to my room, “goodnight Liam.”

“What the fuck Soph?!”


Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/g2guyl/what_happens_in_quarantinepart_1_fm


  1. This was bloody brilliant, you go girl

    Also kinda wish you were my flatmate right now, please keep me company

  2. Dicks,dicks,dicks. That’s all you women think about. You give it the large about wanting a sensitive man that thinks about your feelings and can also bake microwave banana bread without looking up the recipe , but when push comes to shove , all you really care about is a huge hard veiny cock, uncontrollably springing into action every time you walk past in your skimpy outfit barely concealing your big sexy arse.
    Then that huge rampant shaft is no doubt expected to stay so hard a cat couldn’t scratch it , endlessly plowing you until you’re exhausted and spent and it then triumphantly explodes like a party popper showering you with cum that tastes like Manuka honey and then safely tucks itself away until you next need satisfying. Bloody typical.

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