My girlfriend likes my friend Part 2 [MFM]

I posted a story here yesterday telling about how my girlfriend, who has been quarantined with my friend and I, has been more and more flirtatious with my friend, up to the point of showing off her nipple piercings and letting him touch her tits right in front of me. I got some shit for it, it’s strange i know, but it does kind’ve turn me on. Yesterday i saw her texting him saying that she wanted to cuddle with him that night and watch a movie while i was at work. I didn’t say anything, i was definitely jealous but the thought of them cuddling together was a bit of a turn on. I went to work later that day to start my night shift. A few hours went by and i didn’t talk to my girlfriend the whole time, but the anticipation killed me and i finally texted her to see what she was doing. After about 30 minutes with no response i was starting to get even more jealous, just thinking of what she could possibly be doing with my friend. She finally replied and told me she was about to watch a movie with my friend in his room, and asked if that was okay. I told her it was. I started trying to make small talk with her over text, but that was the last i heard back from her.

I was supposed to work until 4am that night, but due to everything going on work was really slow and i got out around 2am. I was relieved, and excited to go home and hopefully find my girlfriend waiting for me, horny as fuck from cuddling with my friend. I walked into my room and she wasn’t there, go figure. 6 hours after she asked if she could watch a movie with him and she’s still in his room. I heard them laughing in there. They definitely knew i was home, but she didn’t bother to come back in my room. I thought of an excuse to go knock on his door. i was gonna ask my friend for something back that i let him borrow. i knocked on the door and he told me to come in. i walked in and saw them under the blankets together, him behind my girlfriend with her butt pushed up against him. I asked if i could grab the tool i leant to him. he pulled the covers off and walked to his dresser to grab it. he was only wearing boxers which kind of shocked me, which you could clearly see the outline of his half hard dick in, which was still fucking massive. i looked at my girlfriend who was staring at my basically naked friend. she was wearing a thong and a tanktop. she told me she wouldn’t be much longer, and she was finishing another movie with him. i told her that was fine, and my friend closed his door behind me after i left.

I layed in bed for about 30 minutes until i heard their movie finish. i waited for her to come into my room but she never did. eventually i fell asleep, and she still never came. she slept in his bed all night long. i woke up this morning to the sound of her moaning. my heart sunk so fast. i went up to the wall and listened. there was no doubt she was getting fucked. she wasn’t even trying to hide how loud she was moaning his name. I heard her begging my friend to put his dick back inside of her and i just listened. she’s never been this loud with me, not even close. after about 10 minutes of listening to this i heard her tell him to cum inside of her and it sounded like he did. she’s still in his room.

I’m thinking about posting some pictures of my girlfriend that she sent me, without her face in it if people are interested.



  1. So fucking hot, you mentioned in the first part your gf has nipple piercing? Please post pics, I’m hoping for the story to develop somehow

  2. Poor guy, she clearly doesn’t respect you. Tell her that sluts don’t get to have boyfriends and that she is just a fucktoy to you from now on. And that you don’t mind sharing your toys with others. Just don’t stay committed to her if she is not committed to you

  3. You’re a little cuckold, just embrace it. You could never satisfy her like a bigger man and bigger dick could. Just accept your position and lick her clean after they’re done

  4. Next time you hear them fucking walk in and put your cock in her mouth! Might as well turn it into a threesome since she’s fucking him anyways

  5. Fuck that chick and your friend. You need to ball the fuck up my dude.

    Please don’t send ANYONE those pics. There are federal revenge porn laws and you’ve said here that is your intent.

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