[FM] About the time I hooked up with a guy I met online

Hi! I’m Cindy. This is a true story about what happened between me and a guy I met online last spring. I know it’s very long but that’s because I like to write these stories to keep my memories for safe keeping. I hope it’s not boring to read and I thank you in advance for being so patient with me!

I met Nathan online after I responded to one of his posts. Nathan was fairly local to me, which is somewhat unusual because I live in a small town and his town is pretty much just down the road. I’m divorced in my early 30s and at that particular time I was happy to be free of distracting, needy men. I put my energy into my career and my social life was mostly just chatting with guys on my phone late at night from under my downy covers, just before bed. To be honest, most of the time I fell asleep very disappointed and frustrated. I never messaged guys who lived anywhere even remotely near me just because I found it boring and not really part of the fantasy! For a little while I had a friend from Australia and another friend from Europe, but these kinds of friends tend to fizzle out pretty fast when the fun stuff wears off and personalities become part of the equation. I don’t know if that makes sense but that’s my experience with online “dating” for the most part. I have an old ex boyfriend that I would hook up with from time to time after my divorce but that was around the time I really started souring on his attitude too and it’s been ages now since we connected even in text. At work I’m all professional. I’ve only ever had one fling at work but that was a long time ago even before I started college.

Anyways sorry for all the background but I just wanted to give you a sense of who I am! So I decided to message Nathan not just because I was feeling a bit lonely but also because he wrote a really funny post and I connected with it on a superficial level. We started messaging back and forth and had a really great conversation and it went really well! He is younger than me and he was working in an office downtown and living in the same tiny studio apartment We eventually shared photos and long story short we had some video chats that were sexy and really funny too, we were both very nervous for some reason and kept making stupid jokes.

Nathan wasn’t pushy about meeting even though we talked a lot about what would happen if we ever did. Before we get to that part, can I just describe Nathan for a bit? In his post he didn’t really say much about his looks and it was mostly about his interests and stuff like that, so I wasn’t expecting anything when we shared photos. I am very photogenic with my smile and in terms of my appearance I am very fit, fashionable, and pretty, and confident too I know! I don’t share naked pictures or anything like that but I showed him some pics from weddings and other events where I wore really great outfits, but I wasn’t totally sure if he would like me because one never knows. For me, I was hoping for a picture of a real person and not a generic photo from who-knows-where, but the picture he showed me was a handsome face smiling at me, kind brown eyes, curly blondish hair and such a smooth looking jawline, he reminds me of a statue! His eyes are big and probing, even in photos, and I was very happy and a little bit suspicious at first! When we shared more photos, it looked really promising on my side but it was only when we finally did a live chat with his smile so magnetic that we really started to connect I think. I am petite and I love muscles and Nathan has a great body from working out with resistance training and stuff like that. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I had so many big ideas and I know he did too because we told each other all about it so many times already late at night!

The day we met I was so nervous and excited at first! I spent half the morning at the mini mall getting hair done, then a mani and a pedi. Then the other part of the morning was spent soaking in my bath oils and engaging in positive visualization ? My whole body was soft and creamy and ready! I took forever getting going with my makeup and last minute fragrances! For my outfit I thought long and hard about it but I finally decided to wear the very same yellow jumper dress that he admired in one of my photos and nothing else, nothing at all…. He told me more than once that he loved how my legs looked and he preferred bare legs to stockings or even fishnets, so I wore that dress and my legs were long, bare, and on display just for him! I didn’t wear underwear at all and I hoped my nipples would show beneath the loose fabric of my jumper, and I hoped the feeling would keep me focused! After much, much deliberation I chose a pair of white call it spring pumps as the icing on Nathan’s little cake. I hoped he would like me.

I drove too quickly and arrived at this little café in his neighborhood too early. The place is located in a square and the whole area was fairly deserted despite a cool but sunny Saturday afternoon at that point. I debated waiting in my car but decided instead to sit out on the patio and wait for Nathan to hopefully not stand me up! But to my surprise and nervous delight Nathan showed up before the server even took my order! I recognized him even before he saw me from across the street since I was scanning to try to spot him. He told me he would wear a black leather jacket and, at first, I thought there might be a million people who would walk past looking just like that, but upon finally glimpsed him I immediately knew it was my Nathan! He looked the same, only three dimensional! As he approached, I squirmed in my chair and tried to be comfortable and pretty for the moment when he would see me for the first time. When he reached my side of the street, approaching the café, I crossed and re-crossed my legs and eased back into my chair. In my mind, I pretended to be aloof, not a care in the world, but my heart was racing and I suddenly felt very exposed and vulnerable. Then he saw me, and he smiled. I smiled back, and that was it.

I stood to greet him as Nathan climbed the wooden patio stairs, and when he took my hand I felt so small next to him. We ordered our coffees and talked, but we had a chemistry and after a few minutes I was already snuggling up closer to him on the bench and my fingernails scratched his jeans ever so softly. He kept complimenting me and smelling my hair and finally he kissed my shoulder and then we started to kiss! I tried to be demure but it was too much fun.

You’re such a good kisser, I cooed near his ear, still smiling, giving his lips another quick peck.

So are you, he managed. I didn’t expect much conversation from Nathan from that point onward, but he’d surprise me yet again! Such a confident, handsome man! Anyways, after our kiss, I looked into his eyes with as much eagerness as I could project and asked Nathan if we could go. Of course, suddenly he was in his feet like a marine. He rather awkwardly paid for our coffees and when everything was finally sorted out and everyone got their 15% I took his arm and Nathan lead me to the sidewalk where we walked a few short blocks to his place. We didn’t say much, he just kept nervously insisting it was only a few seconds away, and suddenly we seemed somehow rushed and awkward. My heels clicked and almost seemed to echo the whole way and I felt so conspicuous even though nobody was around.

We reached his apartment fairly quickly, a second-floor walk-up right off the sidewalk of a busy street. He unlocked the door and held it open for me and I turned my hips slowly as I balanced my way up the stairs with Nathan close behind me, my skirt short but not so short as to reveal my little surprise. At the top, he unlocked another door and we were inside his warm, cramped, hideously carpeted apartment. The air was thick with Mr. Clean, a fragrance I know well, and it warmed my heart somehow to imagine Nathan scrambling to clean his bathroom on what he must have thought was the slight chance that I’d go home with him. Yet there I was, in the middle of his living room clutching my heels in one hand, bare feet sinking into the carpet, and wondering how long until he would finally take me.

To my delight, Nathan held my hips from behind and began kissing my shoulders. I sighed and sank into his touch, running my fingers through his hair and arching my back into him. His hands ran along my sides up to my breasts and cupped them while I gripped him tight, holding on for dear life. His mouth was all over my left shoulder and my neck, kissing and tasting me, and I couldn’t help but moan his name over-and-over the whole time. He massaged my breasts and pinched both my nipples at the same moment, shocking my body and causing me to stand straight, as if on instinct. I gasped and turned to face him and fell into his chest as he took me in his arms. We kissed deeply and desperately, his hands all over me in a frenzy, as if he couldn’t contain himself.

I took a step back and unzipped the side of my dress, allowing it to tumble to the floor at my feet, revealing my naked body. He gazed upon me but his eyes did not cause any modesty in me—instead, I felt his joy. He finally smiled and I smiled back and then I shoved him hard, pushing him back onto the futon, where I hopped into his lap and allowed him to explore my body. Nathan sucked hard on my nipples and I gasped again at his eagerness. Oh Nathan, I whimpered, trembling as his strong hands roamed my body, gripping my butt and finally holding me like that while we continued kissing and tasting one another. I felt so naked against him since he was still fully clothed, and I felt his cock hardening through his jeans so I started grinding on him as best I could, but Nathan had a better idea and cupped my pussy in his palm so I could rock back and forth on it. Our eyes were locked as I bit my lip and rotated my hips in little circles. His bottom of his palm was pressed hard against me and his wrist was so strong I could grind on him like that and make myself cum if I tried. But I had other ideas.

I curled down into his lap and lowered myself to my knees, unbuttoning his shirt and running my fingernails all over his chest. To the touch, his body was hard but yielded to me. I kissed his chest, leaving soft marks of ruby lipstick as I descended, finally unzipping his jeans to reveal his very, very hard dick. I held him in my fingers and kissed along the shaft, eyes on him the whole time as he stared back at me awkwardly. I popped him into my mouth and before I knew it I was working him hard and really giving everything I had to pleasuring him. He smelled like baby powder. As I was blowing Nathan, he held the back of my head and I just closed my eyes and tried to relax, he was tense and seemed to be bracing himself as I took him deep with each bob of my head. I finally popped him out of my mouth and smacked his dick against my tongue, giving it another wet kiss.

Mmm, I love your dick baby.

Thanks, he managed. I tried not to laugh as I went back to work, sucking him until I was worried he would cum if I kept it up for much longer. I finally let him go and his cock flopped to his chest and I tongued his balls, scratching my fingernails on his thighs and teasing him even more. I was more than ready for sex and I didn’t want to wait, so I reached into my purse for a condom. He seemed really tense and nervous as I rolled the condom down his dick, but he was so hard and definitely ready for me. I climbed back into his lap and sank right down on his cock in one motion. Nathan felt so amazing inside me and it had been so long since I felt that way. He was so incredibly hard and straight, it felt like I was impaled on a tusk. I rocked my hips in little circles again as I adjusted to him, and in his eyes I could see surprise and even a little fear, even though his body seemed to betray those emotions. Nathan was more than ready for me, obviously. I started to ride him slowly and our rhythm increased every time we moaned. A few moments later I was bouncing on Nathan’s cock and riding him to a deep, satisfying orgasm that I rode out the whole way. When I finally came around, Nathan held my trembling body in his strong arms and I came down slowly and beautifully, as if floating on a cloud.

I kept rotating my hips as we kissed and I was ready to turn around and let Nathan take me from behind, but I felt him stiffening up right then and I made a decision. I sank down even deeper and he began to tremble. I bounced in his lap and held his shoulders, whispering in his ear: “Cum for me, baby….”

It didn’t take much coaxing for me to get what I wanted. Nathan stiffened up and released me from his grip, roaring as he exploded. I continued to rock back and forth and I could feel his dick spasming as he ejaculated pulse-after-pulse. I was so tight around him I felt every delicious pulse. Nathan held me in his arms again and we kissed. I slipped off him and he removed the condom, then I fell into his chest and we kept kissing. It felt so wonderful to be with him, sharing that moment, all the pent-up frustrations and anticipations all released in one beautiful instant. We kissed and kissed. He sucked my breasts again and explored my body. I kept stroking him in my hands, waiting for his cock to soften but it never did. Before long, I was grinding my pussy on his dick and ready for much, much more.

You’re still hard, baby, and he could only smile. I positioned his bare cock under me and lowered myself just enough to feel his bulb on my pussy. I eased down on him and let him fill me up. He felt so much warmer and real, so wonderful, and I fucked him bareback just like for a few minutes until I came hard! He held me tight as I trembled in his arms, screaming his name. It was such an intense, quick orgasm that I could barely catch my breath. I decided right there to go further, don’t know why, so when I finally opened my eyes I just smiled and slipped off him, eased myself further down until he was against my ass. He gazed up at me in astonishment as I pushed down until the bulb popped into me. I gasped when that happened and I almost came again right there. His cock was so slick and sloppy from my cum that I managed to slip right down onto him in a grip still so tight Nathan grit his teeth the whole time. I fucked him like that, eyes locked, intense.

I love you in my ass, I whispered, increasing the pace. Nathan grunted agreement, trying to hold on. Fuck me, baby, fuck my ass, I moaned into his ear, and he was eager to do as he was told. I wondered if he would last for hours now, but it didn’t take long for me to feel him stiffening up again. My eyes were wide and I gazed down on him, grinding my ass on his cock and I prepared for him again. Cum again, Nathan, I whispered, cum in my ass, oh please cum in my ass, I want it. Nathan didn’t roar that time—he merely bit his lip and made what sounded like confused grunts. I felt his sperm flowing into me and I pushed down as far as his cock would let me, absorbing everything I could get. Nathan, spent and then some, could barely open his eyes when I climbed off him and hopped barefoot over to his bathroom. I used his brand-new box of tissues to catch our fluids before they spilled down my legs, and I suddenly regretted not wearing any underwear!

After we cleaned up, I hung around for a few minutes before I reminded him that I couldn’t stay. Nathan didn’t put up too much of a fight… he seemed like it would take a few months for him to get his strength back after I was done with him! So I left, and that was that.

Anyway, that was what happened with Nathan, pretty much. I won’t lie and pretend that we never got together again—we did, a few times– but it was never like that first time and I honestly doubt I will ever have such a hot and crazy experience like that again. That’s why I decided to write about it, so I can remember!

I hope that was okay to read. Thanks so much for your attention and I hope you have a happy, healthy, and safe spring during these crazy days!

Cindy xoxo

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/g0rbze/fm_about_the_time_i_hooked_up_with_a_guy_i_met


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