A Perfect Fit [M/F] [EXH, Prostitution]

I guarantee that if you read until the end, you’ll be satisfied. It’s pretty short. Be gentle!

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**A Perfect Match**

Lauren drank–heavily. 

She shifted uncomfortably in her brilliant yellow micro-dress. Was she really going to do this? Lauren hadn’t provided services to clients since her time in university. She shimmied the slithery fabric down her length and tried not to flash the whole of the bar in the process.

Beside her, a hologram virtualized and a Japanese businessman in dapper business attire materialized. He began joking with the man sitting two seats to her left. 

“I’m sorry,” she interrupted, “this seat’s taken.”

The man looked at her and slight digital artifacts showed up as tiny boxes on his face as he turned. He laughed, his portley face trembling slightly, before turning back to his business partner. 

“Fine,” she grunted. 

Lauren Ortiz shook her head and shifted over directly into the hologram. She seated herself within his body. The man objected in Japanese and waved for her to leave, but she sat surrounded by the blinding three-dimensional projected brightness as she sipped her orange juice and vodka. It was a triple, and more vodka than juice, but she would need it if she was to go through with it.

A moment later, after the man stopped fussing, the hologram dissolved and re-materialized two seats down. He looked at her and made an x with a pair of his index fingers as he growled something that was most certainly profanity before turning to his business partner. 

“Aye? Fuck you too, bawbag,” she sighed.

“Rum and Coke, please,” a man said from beside her.

Lauren’s heart seemed to stop. She went slightly pale. He was here. Of course he was. It was the entire reason for her visit. She steeled herself. She nervously brushed her fiery red hair away from her right ear as she rotated to face the man.

“Lucky me, sitting beside such a handsome chap,” she smiled, her Scottish accent flowing through. “D’ye come here often?” 

Fucking hell. D’ye come here often like it’s my first time talkin’ to a stranger, she thought to herself as she shook her head. 

“No, but I figure I might need to with women like you sitting about,” he answered in a low voice. 

Lauren giggled. The tall, dark, and handsome man in a silver blazer oozed confidence. She liked that. The man knew how to slice her defenses open with a single word. She felt a bit more at ease as she retorted.

“I dinnae usually go for Americans. They shag like fishes and have no sense of humor.” 

Elias smirked and set his drink on the glass bartop after taking a swig that emptied half of the glass.

“Well you are certainly half-right. I have no sense of humor.”

Lauren blushed. She hadn’t done this in quite some time. This was the way it had to be. She understood that. It just felt like deja-vu. She reached out hesitantly at first and placed a hand on the top of his left thigh. The man turned his head.

“I don’t remember telling you to touch me.”

“I dinnae remember askin’, love,” she grinned.

It was Elias’ turn to change color ever so slightly. He had an idea of what she was. 

“Is it–” he stammered slightly, seeming to lack confidence for the first time that night, “taboo to ask how much it will be for the night?” 

“Ooh,” she purred. “Bargain hunter, aye? Three-hundred quid and worth every tenpence.”

She leaned in a bit closer as she moved to whisper into the man’s ear. Her hand crawled up his thigh slightly as she leaned her slender form into his almost-metallic chest.

“But ye’ve already thought about how we’d shag about ten times, am I right?”

The man’s right leg jumped by reflex as her fingers walked themselves a bit higher.

“I know I have.” 

Elias’ confidence faltered slightly as he struggled to maintain composure. 

“If you keep this up I’m not going to be walking you anywhere, at least not without causing quite a scene.” 

“What if I want to cause a scene?” she growled, like a tigress stalking her prey. 

The well-dressed man caught her off guard as he grasped the back of her neck and drew her in for a passion-drenched kiss. She melted in his embrace. Every ounce of hesitation evaporated as the man touched her the way she loved. She knew this was right, even if temporary.

“Upstairs, now,” she spoke flatly.

Elias nodded with a wide smile as he rose from his seat with a sizable bulge sticking out from his trousers. Everyone in the bar alternated between staring at the man’s semi-erect pants and Lauren’s filthily flirty microscopic dress. Her ample bosom spilled out the top while her ass was barely covered by the skirt. Most of the men, and women, seemed to settle on her alluring form.

Lauren was a once-in-a-lifetime beauty. She had no reason for what she was doing at this stage of her life. The woman, in her mid-thirties, had once been a prostitute to make ends meet. She’d considered that side of her to be dead. She’d become quite successful. But as she made her way toward the elevator with her Joe, Lauren felt nothing but excitement. 

His hands eagerly clawed at the hem of her straight dress as the doors closed. Lauren knew elevators were monitored by surveillance, but she really didn’t care. He pulled up the rear of her skirt slightly and groped her full ass. The woman couldn’t handle his touch. She felt like her clothes would disintegrate as a paying client touched her for the first time in years. It was especially potent with this client.

She shot sideways, kissing down his neck by instinct as she wrapped her arms around his waist and slipped her left leg around his thigh. The dress fully rolled up to her hips as she breathed raggedly. She thrust herself into him. She needed his touch. She begged for it.

“Eli,” she whispered, feeling his large hand clap loudly over her ass. She nuzzled her nose into his chest, taking in his delicious–almost familiar–scent. She squeezed him so tightly that she almost tried to drag his body into hers, as if to subsume his very essence. 

Lauren blindly fumbled her wrist against her hotel room door as her lips remained locked with her man. As the door clicked, the frosty tempered glass panel swung wildly against her weight. They both laughed as they crashed down toward the floor and Elias caught the pair of them, being careful to protect her body. He was protective. She felt her heart flutter. It had been so long since she felt cared for by anyone but herself.

She didn’t need the money, certainly, but in a much larger sense she would die without the more intimate interaction. She could shag random men in bars until she collapsed of orgasmic exhaustion, but nothing compared to a hand-picked target, especially Eli, even if he had no idea who she was.

“Eli, baby,” she moaned as she hooked his right leg under hers and dragged it out of the way of the swinging door so she could kick it shut. She immediately rolled down her strapless shimmering apparel and brought her breast to his mouth. 

He sucked greedily and Lauren entwined his black curly locks in her fingers as her legs felt weak. She wouldn’t take long, and that was quite alright. He tugged at her velvet black thong. Lauren moaned with impatience as her knees cried out from the hardness of the polished tile floor.

She stood and giggled as she walked away from the man, dropping her panties as she strode away. She stepped out of the tiny undergarment as she crossed the threshold to the bedroom. She heard his jacket hit the floor and a buckle unfasten as he gave chase. Lauren crawled her way across the bed and felt him slam up behind her as he forced her back to the mattress. He entered her suddenly, without giving her time to think about what was happening. She gave in to his powerful thrusts, gripping the bed and crying out with each powerful slam from behind. She came so quickly that she began to laugh with joy. 

As she recovered, she pushed herself back on all fours and hooked her left arm around the man’s neck. She used her powerful thighs and rolled him in a self-defense flip toward the head of the bed. Her aggressive move surprised Elias, but he hardly stopped her. She rode him eagerly, bucking desperately. 

“Oh, God, Eli!” she screamed out, not caring who heard her. She was in a trance, enraptured by the man she’d almost forgotten. 

When her second orgasm fell over her, she slammed her hands to his chest and stretched upward as her legs quaked like trees in a thunderstorm. She felt him reach his climax along with her and began laughing. It was all too much. It was almost the best thing she could have imagined. As she crashed beside him, she smiled so widely. She didn’t even realize that tears had begun to flow from the corners of her eyes.

Elias saw the woman’s emotion and his face changed. 

“Is everything okay? Are you alright?” 

Lauren began to openly sob as she stared at the familiar face. It was perfect, almost real.

“Aye, babe,” she nodded, rolling her lips inward. “I love you so much. I miss–I couldn’t–”

She stammered as she looked on the confused man. She didn’t want to ruin the mood any more than she already had.

“Cease all motor functions,” she announced in a sad and shaky voice.

He paused where he lay, frozen by her command. 

She clapped a hand over her mouth and sat up in bed, throwing her legs over the side. 

“You’re not him,” she whispered, “but I’m not sure it matters.”

Elias Ortiz had been taken far too young. He was the picture of health, a handsome successful businessman. He died of a heart attack one fateful morning. There was no fanfare or fuss. He was simply–gone. 

She wept loudly as she wrapped the dress back around herself. An android was hardly a substitute for a husband. Her best friend thought she was crazy. So did everyone else. For that reason, she knew that if she was to truly try to live with her mechanical substitute, she’d have to move far from everyone else.

Lauren uprooted and transitioned to Los Angeles, an ocean away from her friends and family. She purchased the Jones Computing android with part of the colossally sized estate she’d been left with. He wasn’t Eli, but he was something. 

They had originally met in a bar much like the one downstairs from the ornate hotel room. She really was his whore, once upon a time. She came back to him over and over. One day, she never left. She realized that in the midst of a business transaction, she’d found the man she intended to spend the rest of her life with. 

Lauren walked to the bathroom and washed her face. She stared at the streaking mascara and shook her head.

“Fuck are ye doing, love?” she asked, looking at the pathetic reflection in the mirror.

Lauren wiped away the makeup and saw a slightly red face staring back. She cleared her throat.

“Right. I’m giving myself this once,” she lied. “I’ve got tae pull it together. No going back now. Got a fuckin gorgeous robo-man out there on my bed. Cannae keep him waiting.”

She cracked her neck back and forth and drew in a long, refreshing breath. She turned to the spacious jacuzzi tub behind her and turned on the water. As she re-entered the bedroom, she rolled her dress back down the way it had been when she left him. She lay beside the still-frozen android and stroked his cheek. 

“Undo last fifteen seconds of interaction,” she ordered. “Reset and activate.” 

She smiled as she looked at the man she loved. He blinked and made eye contact with her. His hand dropped to her ass and he gave it what seemed to be a congratulatory squeeze. 

“Holy-fucking-shit,” he laughed. “You weren’t lying about being worth it!” 

“Aye, no. I told you, fuckin’ dynamite between the sheets, I am.” 

Elias laughed and rolled onto his back. Lauren traced a finger around his muscular chest and kissed his shoulder tenderly. 

“Listen, love,” she smiled. “I don’t usually do this, but would you mind terribly if I stayed the night? I could make ye breakfast and maybe we make a day of it after.” 

Elias turned his head and chuckled to himself. 

“Leave that much of an impact on you, did I?” 

Lauren nodded, trying not to let any heartbreak shine through.

“Aye. Irreplaceable.” 

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/fz74ef/a_perfect_fit_mf_exh_prostitution

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