We Finally Met – Chapter 4 – The Distance

[Chapter 3 – Getting to know each other](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/fy5hw8/we_finally_met_chapter_3_getting_to_know_each/)

Wednesday was here, I woke up, didn’t feel like calling home, I just sent Jen a message: ‘Mocha and cheese-cream Bagel?’ I didn’t know if she was awake or not, but was worth the shot.
I got no answer. I took my morning shower, dress for the day, and checked the phone. Still no answer.
I went to the coffee shop, got my black coffee and plain bagel, and a mocha and cheese-cream bagel for her. It was almost 8.30. I texted her again: ‘Mocha and cheese-cream Bagel?’, after 10 minutes of no response, I called her, she didn’t answer.
I was starting to worry, but it was almost time to attend the event. I looked for the seat labeled with her name, and left there the coffee and bagel. Then I left to my meeting. Wednesday’s activities were divided by continent, so I was not going to see her throughout the day, if I was lucky, we could had lunch together.

I checked my phone once more, before going into the auditorium, Mary had just send me a message ‘You didn’t call, guess you overslept. Have a good day! I Love you’. And suddenly, I crumbled. Everything was crystal clear yesterday, and so blurry today. I texted Jen one last time ‘Lunch together? I miss you! I need you!’. Still, no answer.
The morning was boring, numbers here, numbers there. Sales goals, profit goals. New markets to look for, and that kind of stuff.
I replied to Mary: ‘Sorry, yes, I was too tired, barely make it on time. I’ll call you tomorrow’, I wanted to tell her we needed to talk, I wanted to tell her I felt something was dead, that our marriage was over. But again, she deserved better than a text saying goodbye.
I went to the dinning room, to get some lunch with my teammates, when I entered, I saw her there, sitting with her teammates, at a table just in front of the door. I froze there, and crumbled again.

– “Hey Rod, you coming with us? or do you prefer to block the entrance?” – My boys shouted.
– “Coming!” – I said while I rushed to them

I got my food, and sat in the only free table, with my boys. I sent another text to Jen ‘You are beautiful today’. They thought I was texting Mary. which was fine with me. I had spent 10 years working with them, the knew me every well, and they wouldn’t understand. For God sake, I didn’t understand what the hell was going on.

– “Please, stop” – was her reply.
– “We need to talk, I need to know whats going on. Can we step out 5 minutes?”
– “5 minutes, not a second more, I’m busy.”

I excused myself from the table, and went to the lobby, I said I needed to call Mary. And waited for Jen. She approached me, she seemed angry and upset.

– “What’s going on Jen? what did I did wrong?”
– “It was not you, It was not even me. After you left, I called Mike back. And…”
– “And it’s complicated?”
– “You know very well it’s complicated. Or is it easy for you to talk with Mary?”
– “No, it’s not easy. Today for the first time in almost 20 years, I didn’t say ‘I love you’ to her.”
– “Look Rod, I need some time, some time alone, I need to understand what the hell is happening.”
– “Did you like the mocha?” – I asked.
– “You know I loved it, and I loved the fact you bought it, even if I didn’t reply.”
– “Can I hug you?”
– “Here? in front of everyone? what if anyone sees us?”
– “I don’t really care, Jen. I…” – a got closer to her, and hugged her, before whispering – “I miss you, but won’t bother you any more.”

She got back to the dinning room, and I waited a little bit longer. I wanted to cry, I wanted to run away, I wanted to be with her, I wanted to call Mary and tell her it was over. I went back and finished my lunch.

– “Is everything OK, Rod?” – Peter asked.
– “Ya, everything’s fine Pete, just missing home.” – I lied.
– “Do you want to take the afternoon off? I mean, they won’t say anything interesting”
– “Thanks Pete, but I’m good, I’ll just go for a coffee to the shop down the street, and be back.”

As predicted, the afternoon was boring, more boring than the morning. Once it was over, I went to my room. Half and hour later, I received a message ‘Enjoy!’, and not 5 minutes later, someone knocked the door

– “Who’s there”
– “Room service, I have a package for Mr. MacNal”
– “That’s me”

The package, of course, was from Jen, it was the irish whiskey bottle she got me. I poured it in a glass, took a picture, and send it to her ‘Cheers! For you, for Mike, for me, for Mary!’.
I had my whiskey, and then went down for dinner. And again, as I entered the dinning room, I saw her, there at the table in front of the door, she saw me, and raised her wine glass. I simply nodded. I didn’t sit with her, I wanted to give her the time and space she asked for. She was still there when I went back to my room. I poured another glass of whiskey, and then another. For some reason I wanted to get drunk. But I stopped there, I had to get up for work in the morning. And when I was going to bed, someone knocked the door.

– “Coming” I shouted “who is it?”
– “Jen!”
– “What about the time alone you need?”
– “Open the damn door Rod!”

I opened the door, she jumped to my arms, hung from my neck and closed the door with her foot. She kissed me passionately, I hugged her, my hands moved frantically in her back.
She smelt to bourbon, and to be fair I was not completely sober, but I was not drunk either.
I unbuttoned her shirt, while she took my t-shirt off. I grabbed her head, and kissed once more, I wanted to bad to be with her.
We walked to the bed, while kissing, I took off my shoes in the way, and so did her. I threw her on the bed, and then jumped over her.
I kissed her, I bit her mouth, kissed her ear, went down to her neck. I could hear her moaning and sighing. My hands started roaming her body.
I took off her skirt, she sat on the bed and unfastened my belt and took my pants off.

– “See, thish woas the lasht part o’my shurprish”
– “Are you drunk, Jen?”
– “Nah, I’m nat drank, shust a lil’ipsy”
– “Look Jen, I don’t want it to be this way. I’m not going to fuck you while drunk”
– “Pleash, fack me, pleeash.”
– “It’s been a long day, Jen. Lot of things happened yesterday, lot of things neither of us is prepared to understand right now.”
– “I lav you Rodsh, I lav you!” – She interrupted me.
– “Having sex, having drunken sex, is just going to complicate things more.”

To be honest, the underwear she was wearing, made her look even more beautiful. Her bra held her tits together, and the low waist lace panties were really graceful with her ass.
But I couldn’t do it, not in the condition she was. I tucked her in the bed, and kissed her goodnight, she fall asleep really fast.
I laid just behind her, spooning her, and hugging her.

– “I love you Rodney MacNal” – I heard her say, in her sleep, and I fall asleep.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/fyug0y/we_finally_met_chapter_4_the_distance

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