How My Dream Vacation Turned Into A Nightmare Part 2 [Anal] [Non-Con] [Role-Play]


After the men were done using me, they left me there. Wherever it was in that house, I still do not know to this day. I lay there in the silence, a stark contrast to the moans of pleasure only but a few minutes ago, and wept. I had gambled and lost and now I was a slave. My face and body were covered in cum and I could still feel it leaking between my legs.

I gingerly brought a hand between my legs and felt the tenderness of my pussy. They had fucked me raw. They had used me. I no longer felt like the person I had been yesterday. I felt like a slave. Used for the pleasure of these six men who domineered me.

I inserted a finger inside me and it pressed into a puddle of cum that was still within me. Rubbing my inner walls, I recounted the multitude of times I had orgasmed while being gang-raped. They had brought me to my climax more than three times and had left me on the edge of another. Despite having been thoroughly fucked in all holes but one, I was still slightly horny and wanted to finish my last orgasm which was how Snake found me.

“I see you’re playing with yourself,” a voice arose and I instantly snapped my hand upwards. I heard Snake chuckle and shivers trembled through my body. Snake was so offsetting. I had no vision of him and had only met him today but he was the scariest of them all. There was something that was just unnerving about him and being this vulnerable made it even worse.

“Now that no one’s here, we can have our little fun.” Rough hands grabbed me and forced me down and I panicked. I knew I wasn’t supposed to oppose any of the boys but Snake was too much for me.

Snake laughed at this though and a hand wrapped around my throat and began to squeeze. My air supply was instantly cut off and I could hardly breathe. I stayed still hoping that this would assuage Snake but he persisted. Blood rushed in my ears as I realized he was well and truly going to choke me, maybe to death and with the last of my strength, I tried to fight him off.

Slowly, my consciousness seemed to be slipping. I could no longer hear what Snake was saying to me as the roar of blood rushing in my ears became too loud. My body started convulsing as the last few coherent thoughts were choked out of me.


I’m not sure when Snake relieved the pressure on my neck but I found myself restrained to a wooden table. I could feel the rough wood beneath my bareback and could feel a few odd splinters poking my sensitive skin. I was spread eagle and my lower body was propped up by a few wooden blocks.

I could tell that there was one light directly above me through the blindfold but that was it. My mouth had been taped over so I could hardly make a sound. Someone was rummaging around this new room and I was sure it was Snake. I tilted my head to see if I could glean any more information about the room but I couldn’t make anything else out.

“This is Experiment 1. Patient Whore is laying spread eagle on the operating table. We shall be performing a colonoscopy on it and recording our observations.” I froze when I heard those words. A colonoscopy? Where was I? Was this some type of role-playing? Snake had better be joking.

I bucked against my restraints to no avail as I felt hands touch my inner thighs. They were cold and each finger seemed to burn into my skin. A finger poked the entrance to my ass and I let out a silent cry. Snake slowly inserted his finger, pushing past my sphincter and into my anus. I tried to push him out with my muscles but they did little to stop him.

“Patient Whore seems to be resisting this treatment. Corrective measures are to be taken.” The finger left exited my anus and I felt Snake leave my operating table for a second. There was more rummaging throughout the room and then footsteps back towards my table.

A cold metal was pressed against my side and suddenly a shock jolted through me. Although my mouth was taped, I still let out a shrill shriek of pain. Another jolt of electricity rushed through me, this time right beneath my right breast. Did he have a cattle prod?

“Corrective measures seem to be working adequately and more shall be applied when necessary.” I panted through my nose as I sagged back down on the wooden table. This whole ordeal was exhausting me already and I was sure we weren’t even halfway done.

Snake returned to his position between my spread legs and resumed his prodding of my anus. Each insertion felt strange and my sphincter hugged his fingers tightly. He pushed two fingers in before applying a third and I felt like I was losing control of my bowel movements.

“Patient Whore appears to be very tight and must be dilated before the colonoscopy can continue. An enema procedure shall be performed on it.” I knew better than to protest this. Unless I wanted to be shocked again, I had to shut up and take it. I was glad the blindfold covered my eyes because the shame I felt was overwhelming. I generally considered myself a pretty conservative person and these invasive procedures were humiliating.

A rubber tubing was pressed against my sphincter and I tensed. This only caused me more pain as it was shoved up my anus, further than any finger had ever gone. I whimpered quietly as the discomfort of this tubing set in and I tried not to think about what would be happening next.

I heard the water before I even saw it. It was obviously in some type of bag or bin as it sloshed around. The tube inserted in me was attached to the source of water and I braced myself. I had never once played with my ass let alone had a medical procedure performed in it. This was all new to me and I wasn’t sure what to expect.

The scalding heat of the water hit my sphincter first as it passed through the hose. I had a split second to register what was about to happen before I let loose a closed mouth scream. Hot water shot into my orifice at a high speed, burning the insides of me. I thrashed and bucked in an attempt to alleviate the pain but there was nothing I could do. I was at the mercy of Snake who was laughing at my discomfort.

I will never forget the feeling of heat spreading through my lower abdomen from the inside. It was like nothing I had ever felt before and I felt like I was burning from the inside out. The pressure of the water jet began to increase and a bloated feeling grew within me. I was sure this was going to kill me and the amount of pain I was in was immeasurable.

The hot water was stopped and my sphincter, which had been the first casualty of this watery assault, relaxed. I still felt bloated and full but the temperature was starting to become bearable. I let out a half-strangled sob as I hoped this part of the ordeal was over.

The tubing was wrenched out causing me to let loose another strangled cry. My sphincter was now raw and sensitive and it hurt to have anything touch it.

“Patient Whore took the enema well. We shall now drain the liquid from its orifice.” I sighed with relief at this news as I hated the feeling of being bloated. I waited to see if Snake would lower my abdomen so the water could drain out but confusion filled me when he didn’t.

A shock was suddenly applied to my right breast and I screeched in pain. Simultaneously, I clenched my ass causing some of the water to shoot out. Another shock was applied, this time to my left breast just under the nipple. Another jet of water shot out of my anus and I cried out. A third shock was applied directly to my nipple and a large torrent of water shot out of my anus.

Snake continued on with this for another ten or so minutes until I had nothing to shoot out. Even so, he continued it for fun before finally stopping. At that point, I was sobbing and hysterical. Snake wasn’t just humiliating and degrading me, he was actively torturing me for his own pleasure.

Another thing that I will never forget is the smell. After ejecting all that liquid, a horrible stench wafted through the room and I could only figure that it was due to me. But ever since then, going to the bathroom and smelling that has always given me flashbacks to this day.

“Patient Whore successfully rid its system of the water. Its anus is properly dilated and we shall proceed with the colonoscopy.” This was the part I had been dreading and I had no idea what to expect.

I felt something warm and tubular-shaped press against my sphincter and I involuntarily clenched. I didn’t want this to happen but I had no say as I mentally forced myself to relax again. The tubular-shaped object pushed past my sphincter and into my anus. From there it was pushed further up, heedless of the change in direction of my intestines.

I groaned and whimpered as this object forced its way further up my ass. If I had ever felt stuffed during vaginal penetration, that was nothing compared to this. I could feel this thing seemingly crawling through my intestines and was sure that if I had not had my blindfold, I would have been able to see it’s progress creep through me due to the bulge in my abdomen.

The sound of a door opening at the back of the room shattered the silence and suddenly the sounds of the outside world came pouring in. I heard cars in the distance and birds. A terrible sense of regret came over me as I realized I could’ve been traveling at this instant if I had not made such a terrible decision. My next coherent thought was of how full I felt with this tubular object in me.

“There she is, we were wondering what you were doing to her,” came Wolf’s voice.

“Really guys? I was in the middle of a session and you all just come barging in?” I heard Snake huff. There was the sound of something metal being thrown to the floor and angry footsteps. “Tell me when you’re done so I can resume.”

I heard Snake leave and let out a sigh of relief. The tubular object was still in me but at least the sadist who put it there was gone. I stilled as I felt the other five men circle around me again.

“What is that God awful smell? What the…”

“Did he actually put that in the slave?”

“I can’t believe it… “ I felt something prodding my anus. “Yup, it’s all the way up.”

“God, he’s kinda messed. Should we take it out?”

“No, leave it in. Snake probably knows how to remove it properly.”

“Take the tape off, I want to fuck this slave now.”

The tape was ripped off my mouth and all five men went right to business. A cock was immediately shoved up my mouth and I gagged but started sucking and swallowing as best as I could. In fact, I did it a little too eagerly as I was relieved to have this change over what Snake had done to me.

Someone rammed their cock into my cunt and started jackhammering it in. This caused shooting pain as the cock competed for what little space there was left in my tight body. I could feel the tubular object with every thrust and it ached and throbbed. My hands were again used to pump the men who weren’t getting any action.

I was starting to feel overwhelmed again. The man face-fucking me took most of my attention and concentration as I had to force quick breaths in between each thrust. I hardly paid attention to the man fucking my cunt for my nether regions were in far too much pain to derive any pleasure from this. The men I was pumping on either side of me took the last few ounces of my concentration so I had no control over what happened next.

I felt myself losing control and a warm stream of piss erupted from me. It had been a whole night and a bit since I had gone to the bathroom and being stuffed this full had done its toll on me. It took about twenty seconds for the stream to stop and by then, the man at my pussy had jumped out in surprise.

Laughter circulated the room and again, I felt humiliated and shamed. They had degraded me to a thing that shat and pissed on itself and others in under one day. How far would they degrade me next?

The guy who had previously been between my legs cried out in a fury. I knew I was in trouble and that trouble made itself apparent in the form of a metal rod shoved painfully up my cunt. I recognized what this metal rod was a split second before the shock of electricity hit me.

I screamed and gagged onto the cock still shoved in my mouth. My body convulsed as I strained against my bonds to getaway. My most sensitive area was being overloaded with the painful sensation of being electrocuted. My eyes rolled back into my head as the pain from the cattle prod slowly overtook all other sensations.


I can thankfully say I passed out after that. But what came next almost made me want to go back to that cattle prod scene. When I awoke, I could feel the cum that covered my body. It was sticky and hardened and as I moved ever so slightly, it cracked and broke off me. My mouth seemed to be full of the sticky, stale substance and I gagged as I swallowed what was left in my mouth.

“Patient Whore is awake so we shall resume our colonoscopy. Observations. Patient Whore has a distended abdomen that clearly outlines where her intestines have been stuffed. The colonoscopy is in all the way and shall be removed soon after concrete evidence is taken.” There was a lull as Snake scuffled around the room but I was sure I heard the sound of a camera clicking pictures.

“Patient Whore shall now have the colonoscopy removed.” I braced myself for the slow removal of this tubular object as I felt Snake grip the bottom of it. Snake pulled on the object violently and I screeched in agony. My insides were still raw from the burning water and whatever this object was, it slid in easily but it felt like sandpaper coming out.

The more Snake yanked, the harder it became to pull the object out and the more violent his yanking became. At some point through my agony, I thought he was going to pull my intestines out. The pain was very real and I felt like my body was being ripped in half. Inch by inch, this object slowly came out of my body. I could feel air rush into my rectum as my gaping hole yawned open, It would take a long time for that to return to normal.

“We have successfully performed a colonoscopy on Patient Whore. Snake signing out.”

I screamed myself hoarse over that ordeal and still to this day, I have no clue what kind of scope Snake shoved up me. But the memories and pain will always haunt me no matter what and that was only one of a multitude of ordeals with the man named Snake.
