How My Dream Vacation Turned Into A Nightmare Part 1 [Abduction] [FxM] [Non-Con]


I had already planned the vacation. I would travel across the Atlantic to London, England first and hit all the popular tourist spots and museums. Then travel across Europe and sightsee. A lot of my friends and family had warned me not to. At least, not to do it at this time. With COVID-19 and all, everything was uncertain but I was determined. There wasn’t going to be another time where I had all this free time. I was going to utilize it.

I was big into history and loved to learn. While other’s dream vacations included beaches and tropical weather, mine included museums and galleries. I was nerdy like that but I didn’t mind. I also knew going alone was my only option because visiting museums with others always felt rushed. I could never take the time I needed because I always felt like I was slowing down everyone else.

That one night, many months ago, kick-started the domino effect of how I got to this point. In the wild throes of another night of vibrators and fantasies, I rashly posted on an anonymous account where I would be in Europe at what time. Almost instantly, I was flooded with replies but only one stood out.

The message was simply an address and a time. Nothing else. I looked up the address and found that it was actually pretty close to where I was staying in London and I kept that in the back of my mind for later.

The day of the vacation arrived and I hopped on my plane to Europe. I was excited, yet nervous. Here I was, all alone and going to a completely new continent for the first time in my life. My mind lingered on the address but I quickly dismissed it. It was crazy to just blindly show up at a spot because another anonymous user had told me to, right?

I arrived at my hotel safe and sound and relaxed on my bed. Instantly, my mind went to my nether regions. Thinking about that anonymous user had me soaked. I played with myself as I fantasized.

Would this man be tall and broad? Muscular and handsome? Would he be gentle or rough? Loving or brutal? Would he be domineering and take me without asking? Or would he be courteous and kind? Who knew? My mind whirled with all these possibilities and I fell asleep with this mystery man at the forefront of my mind.

The very next day I got the news. The borders were shut down and if I didn’t leave immediately, I would be very much stuck. But I had already spent so much money to get here. If I left not only would I be losing my dream vacation, I would be losing all the money I had saved for. Ignoring the mass of emails from friends and family, I went about my day visiting the different sights.

Every so often my mind would drift to the mystery man and my curiosity would go stronger. Midway through the day, I had to travel back to my hotel just to relieve the pressure building downstairs. Hot and bothered, my mind went back to the address. The meeting time was tonight. I had a choice to make.

By the time nightfall arrived, I was a mess. My mind flip-flopped back and forth as I debated going. What was the worst that could happen? It’s not like this anonymous man was a murderer, What were the chances of that? I continued to play with myself, teasing my slit which was now soaked when I finally sat up. I would go. Shutting out all other voices of reason, I dressed for the outside and left my hotel.

As I neared the location, my heart started to beat faster. My breath quickened and I started to get nervous. The location was just under a bridge close to the Thames. It was a less popular bridge so not a lot of cars crossed it. I could see now why it had been chosen as a location.

I looked around and saw no one. There were only three minutes left until the indicated time arrived. Those three minutes were the longest of my life. I was here and there was no turning back but the voice of reason I had shut out had returned in full force. My mind went wild as it churned up all sorts of outcomes to this night.

Suddenly a van came barrelling down the bridge. I braced myself. This was it, I was being kidnapped. But the van barrelled right past me and I sighed with relief. My mind suddenly went rational once more and I straightened up. This had all been a foolish mistake and I was stupid to think that I would be meeting anyone here. No one was coming and even if they were, I would be an idiot to go with them.

The roar of an engine caught my attention and I looked down the bridge to see a grey Mercedes slowly rolling down the bridge. It came to a stop right beside me and my heart started to tremble. This anonymous man was rich! The window rolled down and I think my cunt gushed just fantasizing about what was going to happen tonight.

What met me as the window rolled down was a gun pointed straight at my face. My heart sped up as my excitement turned to fear. Pure, unadulterated fear. I almost collapsed as my legs shook and I realized at that moment just how much of an idiot I was.

“Get in the car.” The command almost felt like it was a movie. I half expected to look up and see a camera rolling but there was none. I was well and truly alone and no one knew where I was. The only people who could help me were across an ocean.

Hesitantly, I entered the car in the front side of the passenger’s seat. All the while, the gun was pointing at me. As soon as I was in, the doors locked. There was no escape.

“Put this over your head.” I was handed a cloth bag that I placed over my head. My vision was now restricted and I felt the car begin to move again. No words were spoken. No music was played. This was very much real and I was beginning to panic. I breathed in deeply and closed my eyes. A small part of my brain wondered whether this anonymous man was just really into role-play. I hadn’t even gotten a good look at the guy because I had been too focussed on his gun.

“You might as well sleep. You’re in for a long ride.” My heart trembled at the sound of his voice but the less rational part of me began to seep with wetness. His voice was so deep!


I awoke to a dull throbbing in my wrists. Why were my wrists… I suddenly became aware as I realized my predicament. I shook my wrists and the jangle of chains confirmed my thoughts. I was chained by the wrists to the ceiling and my toes just barely reached the floor.

It was cold and I knew my nipples would be perky and stiff. I could feel the rest of my body covered in goosebumps as the chill air gently caressed my naked body. A blindfold had replaced the bag and in my disorientation, I let out a small whimper.

“She is awake.” A voice to my right said.

“Great, let’s begin.” A new voice said to my left.

“Not before we debrief her.” This time, the voice came from directly behind me and I suddenly became aware of the person’s presence.

“Go get the others then.” Another voice said from far back. Four people? And others! My mind reeled with fear as I realized I was in over my head. I had no clue where I was and no clue how many people were here. They all sounded young, but what did I know? I was blindfolded.

The sound of footsteps assaulted my ears as a group of chattering people approached me. These must be the others, I thought. I trembled from where I hung, utterly helpless and defenseless.

“Silence while I debrief the slave.” The chattering fell silent and I shook. Slave? I was a slave now?

“You are a slave. You will be addressed as slave or whatever address we want to call you. Forget your old name, you are no longer a person. You lost that right when you decided to be a dirty little slut and a whore. Understood?” I opened my mouth to speak when a sharp stinging pain grazed across my cheek. I let out a cry of surprise as whoever was speaking to me hit me again. The chains rattled as I lost balance and the room erupted in laughter at my humiliation.

“You will never speak to any of us. Not even to reply to our commands. Understood?” Not wanting to get hit again, I nodded my head.

“Now you shall know us by our titles. I am Wolf.”






“Snake.” I shivered at that last name. Something seemed so wrong about that compared to the other titles.

“You will never object to any of our requests no matter what. Break this rule and you will be punished.” I shivered at that as my mind raced to all possibilities of what that meant.

“Do not take off your blindfold. Do not try to escape. If you do, you will be caught and punished.” The same ominous threat of punishment made me feel like a child being scolded by a parent. Yet I knew that this type of punishment would not be merely a spanking.

“Those are all the rules.” The chains holding my wrists were loosened and I dropped to the floor. Curling up in a small ball, I huddled there in fright. I had not asked for this. I had only thought there would be one man. I had thought this would just be a one-night-stand. Not full-blown slavery.

“Slave come here,” Bear called and I perked up at the sound. I felt shame rush through me as I had already accepted that Slave was my new name. Not wanting to walk and trip, I slowly crawled over to the sound of Bear’s voice.

“Look at that, the filth has already accepted her rightful place on her knees,” Hawk remarked. I blushed at that as I realized how this looked. A hand came down on my rear and I yelped. Another hand intrusively swiped at my breasts whilst another inserted its fingers into my slit.

“The cunt is soaking wet. What a whore.” This cued another round of laughter at my expense and I felt the humiliation rise in me. I couldn’t help what made me aroused, even if it was completely wrong. A finger was suddenly jammed in my rear and I almost screamed.

“Woah there Snake, give us a turn before you ruin her,” Tiger joked.

“Then hurry up, I want some personal time with this bitch,” Snake replied. I shivered once more and fear washed over me again. There was something seriously wrong with Snake.

“Open up.” I had just about two seconds to react to this command as my mouth was barely open when a fist grabbed my hair and a cock was rammed into my mouth. The surprise of it all made me gag as I accidentally deepthroated the cock. My head was knocked back and forth along the cock as Bear used me. I really didn’t have to do anything except keep my mouth open and not resist. Bear was the one who was yanking my head on his cock. The way he used me made me feel like an inanimate object.

With my mouth being preoccupied, I had no sense to prepare for another being shoved directly up my pussy. I would have screamed if Bear’s cock hadn’t been so large. The person behind me was pegging me doggy-style and my poor cunt who hadn’t had a cock to milk in more than a few years was less than accommodating to the new intruder.

Someone grabbed my right hand and placed it on their cock while someone else did the same with my left hand. My mind was barely in the right mindset to think coherently but luckily I knew what they were hinting at. My willpower, or maybe my fear of punishment, allowed just enough concentration for me to focus on pumping the two cocks with my hands.

Bear was grunting like an animal and through the haze of pain and pleasure, I could tell he was getting ready to cum. My face was suddenly jammed up against Bear’s waist as I once again deepthroated him and I felt the warm ropes of cum coat the insides of my esophagus. I choked as the sticky substance dripped down my throat and almost threw up before swallowing. My head was lightly slapped before Bear pulled my face off him.

Before I was given a chance to recover from such a raping, another hand gripped the back of my head. I had just enough of a mind to open my mouth as a second cock was jammed down my throat.

I would have cried if I had been given the time to comprehend what was happening but the men gave me no rest. My pussy and jaw ached as they all switched places multiple times. Never in my life had I been so thoroughly fucked and used as I had then. They fucked me for what seemed like hours and by the end of it, one of them had to support me to prevent me from falling over.

Strangely enough, none of them touched my ass for which I was thankful for. I had never done anal penetration before so they had spared me that. Only later would I realize why. 

As I look back now and compare my experiences with all six men, I can confidently say that all encounters were bearable except for the ones with Snake. Snake was a horrifyingly creative man in all the worst ways and I now use this journal to recount my encounters with him. Hopefully by sharing my ordeals of him, I can finally put this in the past.
