[FF] An amazing first time.

Me, and Alice, finished our shift at around one in the morning. At 18 years of age, we were both summer interns at this amazing 5-star beach hotel and, after a particularly good service, we found ourselves not wanting to go back to our rooms right away. So, we decided to go for a moonlit walk on the beach, instead. It was the middle of summer and, even that late, it was still about 30°C.

Alice was, truly, an amazing girl. Beautiful, petite, redhead, with dark green eyes and the most amazing smile. She was extremely smart and funny, confident, adventurous… everything I, myself, hoped to be. I was fascinated by her, in every regard. Because we began our internship in the same day, and we were always assigned the same shifts, we were drawn to each other’s company and became good friends pretty quickly.

After walking along the beach for a while, we sat down in the sand in a somewhat secluded area, talking and laughing, as if we had known each other for much, much longer than a mere couple weeks. It was late. The moonlight shinned on the still ocean’s surface. There was no one left on that beach, but us, and I was thinking to myself how perfectly romantic this whole situation was, and how much I had enjoyed Alice’s company, since the very first day we met.

*“I wish I had my bikini, right now! Look at that water…”* – said Alice, looking down at the almost completely still ocean – *“… I want to go swimming.”*

*“Yeah… it does look very temping.”* – I replied, taking in that amazing view.

Alice looked at me, with a mischievous smile on her face, and said:

*“Well… have you ever gone skinny dipping?”*

She asked it so nonchalantly that it caught me way off guard. But before I even had the time to think of what to say, she stood up and began removing her clothes, right in front of me.

*“C’mon!”* – she said, with that smile, pulling down the now very last piece of clothing on her, her panties, without ever breaking eye contact with me – *”There’s no one else here.”*

My heart fell into my stomach. She was so unbelievably attractive. Perfectly proportionate, smooth skin, firm breasts, small pointy nipples, round butt, flat belly. She wasn’t completely shaved, but very neatly trimmed. Once naked, she began tying up her hair in a ponytail. I was absolutely mesmerized at the sight of her darkened silhouette, against the silvery white rays of moonlight coming in from behind her.

She must have noticed me staring as she stopped for a second, harms still raised above her shoulders, holding her hair, and gave me this teasing wink and laugh. I came back down to earth so fast I could feel the entire volume of my blood rushing to my cheeks. So, I stood up and clumsily started removing my own clothes, while she just stood there, completely naked, herself, watching me do it. I could feel a million butterflies in my stomach and, as I timidly removed my panties, I realized I was already soaking wet.

*“You’re gorgeous.”* – she complimented me, just before she turned her back, started running down the beach and dived, head first, into the water.

As I followed her down to the water, I could feel myself so wet I was, literally, dripping down my right leg. I remember thinking that it’s a good thing we’re actually going for a swim. I dived in and swam, underwater, in her general direction. I couldn’t tell if it was because of all that was happening or because the water was actually warm, but I didn’t feel any cold, at all. As soon as I surfaced next to her, she wrapped her arms around my neck, looked deep into my eyes, smiled, and kissed me. This came as a huge shock to me, but there was no other though in my mind other than how much I wanted to give in to her kiss. So soft and passionate, at the same time. I could taste the salt water on her lips and tongue. She was such an amazing kisser. As I’m trying not to let the gentle current drift us apart, water shoulder high, my thigh accidentally brushed up against her vagina.

*“Oh, sorry”* – I babbled, while she bit my lower lip.

She smiled and pulled me closer. Wrapped her legs around my thigh and began, slowly, grinding on it, without ever pulling away from our kiss. It’s weird how even in the water, I could feel that she, too, was completely wet. There was a very distinct texture to it. Feeling her soft, warm, wet labia rubbing against my skin, her hard nipples against mine and her heavy breathing on my neck was, in itself, almost enough to make me orgasm, right then and there.

Steadily, after a while, her breathing got heavier, her movements quickened and her moans got louder and louder. She leaned back, bit her lip, her body spasmed and she had an orgasm that lasted for a long time. She held on to me so tight, I could literally feel her vagina contracting, at ever longer intervals, against my thigh. I couldn’t believe I actually made her orgasm.

She took a deep breath, unwrapped her legs from mine, laid her left hand gently on my face, while pulling me closer to her, by my waist, with her right hand, and goes in for another kiss.

*“That was amazing…”* – whispered Alice, right before our lips made contact, once more.

She now had to take short brakes from kissing, as her breathing had not yet settled. I felt her hand slide slowly from my face to my neck, to my breast… my heart was racing… down to my lower abdomen… I could barely breathe with anticipation… until it reached my clitoris. My legs went numb and I, inadvertently, moved away from her hand.

*“I’m sorry… is this not ok with you?” –* she asked, with an apologetic look on her face.

*“It’s not that…” –* I told her, trying to find the right words, as to not ruin the moment – *“It’s just… I… I… I was never with another girl before.”*

*“Actually, I never had sex before” –* I confessed.

She looked surprised, but not in any demeaning way.

*“Oh. We don’t need to do anything you are not comfortable with…” –* she reassured me – *“We can stop now, if you want. It’s ok.”*

*“N… No… I really want to be with you. Just… please… be careful.” –* I asked her while I smiled, grabbed her hand and ran it through my body, all the way down to my vagina.

She held me tighter and passionately kissed me, once again, while gently rubbing my clitoris. I couldn’t believe this was happening and how much better it was than anything I had experienced, so far. Without ever stopping pleasuring me, she moved on to kissing my hear and, after a while, while she bit my neck, she finally slid her fingers deep inside me. My heart skipped a beat, I gasped for air without being able to even make a sound. My whole body contracted in a swirl of pleasure and emotions that lasted for what felt like long, long time. I was completely aware of my vagina pulsating tightly around her fingers and, with each contraction, I found new and deeper levels of pleasure I thought only existed in movies. All that buildup and anticipation culminated in an instantaneous orgasm. Still recovering from my state of ecstasy, I began loosening my grip on her. Right then, I heard Alice say:

*“Oh no, no, no… we’re not done yet.”*

She led me, by hand, out of the water. Far enough that the waves wouldn’t reach us. She layed me down on the sand and, getting herself on top of me, kissed me again. She moved her mouth to my neck, slowly to my nipples, biting them with just the right amount of pressure, down to my belly button, further down to my pubic area… By then, even the touch of her lips on my skin were enough to make my whole body tremble with pleasure. Arching my back, biting my own lip and squeezing fists full of sand was all I could do to stop myself from screaming out, in beautiful agony.

She went even further down and began giving me oral sex. I could feel her tongue playing around with my labia. Her suckling on my clitoris. Her tongue going in and out of me. Alternating from licking to fingering me. This time I, too, got louder with each stroke of her tongue, and every thrust of her fingers. It really couldn’t be helped. I had lost all control of the sounds coming out of my mouth and the movements of my body. I was moaning, shivering, my back arching. Nothing else, in my life, had ever felt this good.

So very close to orgasm, I lifted my torso and looked at Alice. Our eyes met and, without ever breaking eye contact, I noticed that while she was giving me this unbelievable pleasure, she was, herself, masturbating. The sight of her fingering herself, while she was going down on me, was enough to take me over the edge. I couldn’t hold it any longer. Still looking in her eyes, I gasped for air while I tried my best to let her know…

*“I’m… gonna… cuuuuuuuuuuum!” –* the words turned to an uneven, hoarse, scream.

My whole body was now spasming against the hard, wet, sand, with Alice’s fingers still inside me and her mouth still on my clitoris. I could feel her struggling to maintain control while she, herself, had another orgasm.

I heard the thud of Alice letting herself fall to her side and then… silence. I could hear nothing but the waves crashing on the beach and the heavy sound of our own breathing. Eyes closed, I saw color patterns, dancing around the inside of me eyelids, I never knew existed. I remember thinking to myself I was, literally, high on Alice. As things began to settle, my breathing rhythm slowly returned and my heart rate dropped to a normal tempo.

I was, suddenly, very aware of how sensitive my clitoris had become. It was still throbbing and it felt weirdly tingly. The cool summer breeze felt amazing against my still, sweaty, body. I could have stayed there, in that moment, forever.

After a while, Alice moved up, laid down beside me and put her arm under my neck, while I turned on my side to face her. We gazed into each other’s eyes.

*“WOW!” –* I told her.

We both just started laughing together and we just stayed there, like that, for a long time.

After drying up – while helping each other remove most of the sand that got into the most uncomfortable places – and getting dressed, we both just sat on the beach, talking to each other, for hours, until the sun came up in the horizon.

Even today, years after, I still remember it as vividly as the day it happened and I can’t help but feel myself getting wet just thinking about it all.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/fyl896/ff_an_amazing_first_time

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