Slave’s Nightmare[fsub][extreme][torture][slave][pain][mutilation]

“Going once! Going twice! Sold!” The auctioneer hollered, gesturing to the winning bidder in the front row.

Kayla’s eyes opened, the fog slowly lifting from her vision as she adjusted to the light. The last thing she remembered was being at a bar with her friends. She was talking to a handsome man with blond hair and a strange symbol tattooed to his neck. She remembered it looked like a spiked dog collar wrapping around a rose. For some reason, this tattoo stood out in her mind as she tried to remember the events of the night before everything went dark. She recalled that he had bought her a drink, and they were chatting before he invited her to his place. Before she could even make her way out of the club, everything faded away. That was the last thing she remembered before waking up here, in this real life hell.

Kayla looked around her. The environment that surrounded her was like nothing she had ever seen even in her nightmares. She was in what appeared to be a large, stone building. There were no visible windows, and all of the light came from burning torches and lanterns that were mounted on the walls and scattered around the expansive space. There was a wooden platform made of splintered boards that reached up about two feet above the dirt floor. Torches burned at each corner, and a set of rickety stairs led up onto the platform from the left side of the stage.

Several dozen men stood in front of the stage. Some were dressed in ragged clothes, others in clean, expensive suits. At the left corner of the stage stood a short man with dark hair in a set of long white robes. He stood at a podium and banged a gavel as he waved a hand toward the large, brutish man in the center of the platform. The ogrish man wore a leather mask and a tattered vest, his leather pants snug around his tree trunk like legs. He reached forward and grabbed the hair of a timid woman that knelt at the edge of the platform. Her brunette hair was long and frizzy, and her torn party clothes hung from her bronze flesh. She looked frightened p, and had a bruise along her left cheekbone.

As the robed auctioneer gestured to the bulky man on stage, he dragged the girl across the platform to the other side, passing her off to two other masked men. The man at the front of the crowd who had apparently purchased the scared girl, circled the stage and met her around the other side. They disappeared into a large tent on the other side of the large building.

“And now, another fresh piece of meat to lay your eyes on! This one is straight from the bar scene, a filthy little party girl to play with! Sold in her original slut-wear, Kayla!”

The auctioneer announced her, raising his arms as the bulky masked man walked towards her. She panicked, looking around to see if there was any way for her to escape. She turned around and saw a line of women behind her. Some were dressed in clubbing outfits, others were in rags or evening gowns. Each woman was accompanied by a handler, who held onto a leash that attached to a collar around each lady’s neck. With tears in her eyes, Kayla looked to her left to see the blond man from the bar standing next to her. He held a pink leash that led up to Kayla’s own neck, and she clutched at her restraints as she realised that she was captive like a dog in a cage.

The masked man reached out to the blond man, who placed the end of the leash in his hand and pushed her forward towards the stage. Kayla looked back at the man that had been so kind to her the night before. She pleaded with her eyes, and she clawed at her pink leather collar.

“Wh-why are you doing this to me?” She whimpered, as the masked man grabbed her by the arms.

The blond man simply smiled and stepped to the side at the back of the platform. The masked brute pulled Kayla up the stairs, tossing her onto the front of the stage with little regard for her well being. Kayla landed hard on the rough wooden surface, and she looked up at the crowd of men staring and whooping at her.

“As you can see, this disgusting little mutt has a penchant for slutty clothing. She went out in this black mini skirt and pink sequined halter top, a pair of pink high heels and a jewelled necklace with her own name on it. She is clearly an attention whore, and needs to be put in her place! Her long blond hair is perfect to grab onto while using her petite body, and her pretty face is fit to be broken and branded for those of you with a desire to destroy her vanity!”

“One thousand!” Kayla heard a gruff voice shout from the crowd.

“One thousand five hundred!” Another chimed in.

The bidding began, and Kayla’s tears all but obstructed her view of the horrific scene before her. Men raised their hands and shouted numbers, offering up coin to purchase her body. Kayla couldn’t comprehend this stange setting, but she knew that she was about to be the property of some sick, twisted man that would do god knows hat to her.

“Aaand sold! Twelve thousand dollars to Mr. Rees!”

Kayla drifted out of her daze as the masked man pulled her to the right side of the stage by her leash. She choked and scratched at her collar, and when they reached the far side of the platform, he left her there in the care of her captor.

“Mr. Rees takes tent five, Simon.” The masked man’s deep voice informed the blond man. Simon took her leash once again and began to lead her down the stairs and across the large, medieval looking hall.

Soon, Kayla was being dragged into a brown-green tent in the far corner of this hellish space. The burlap tent was ten feet tall, and the entrance was guarded by two tall, muscular bouncers. They pulled open the flaps of the tent, and Kayla could see what was inside waiting for her.

The tent was filled with tables and what looked like room service carts. Each surface was topped with a variety of instruments. Some held sex toys such as large dildos, massive anal plugs and vibrators. Others displayed whips, paddles and riding crops. In the center of the space, was a wooden chair adorned with leather straps and cuffs. Beside the chair sat a tray covered in various scalpels, clamps, and what appeared to be a tattoo gun.

Kayla’s brain took in the scenario that she was about to be forced into, and she panicked. She turned to run away, but the leash grew taut and her neck snapped back. Simon grabbed her by the wrists, dragging her kicking and screaming into the tent. The flaps closed behind them, and her cries for help went unnoticed.

“How do you want her, sir?” Simon asked, pulling Kayla into a standing position and wrapping his arms around her so she couldn’t squirm. Kayla sobbed to herself, almost too frightened to struggle.

“Naked, in the chair. I want her to be spread.” Mr Rees looked into Kayla’s eyes from a foot away. He didn’t touch her, but looked at her like a hunter looking victoriously at his trophy kill. His rusty beard was trimmed neatly, and his expensive suit and gold watch made him seem almost respectable, even in the current situation.

Simon started to tear the clothing from Kayla’s body, pulling her skirt down to the floor and ripping the shirt from her back. He grabbed at her panties and tugged at them until they tore from her hips. When she was naked and shivering, Simon pushed her toward the wooden chair. Kyla looked at this throne of pain, and shook her head as she backed away. Simon was right behind her, forcing her forward until she had her hands on the arms of the chair. Kayla tried to stop Simon from forcing her into the seat, but he kicked the back of her knees, causing her to buckle and fall to her knees. When she was weak and in a vulnerable position, Simon shoved her backward into the chair, holding her there as one of the guards appeared to strap her wrists into the leather cuffs.

“No! Let me out! Please, ok please don’t tie me up in this thing I’m begging you! I don’t like to be tied down, please!” Kayla’s voice cracked. She sobbed and shrieked to no avail, trying to kick her way free. There was no use, her ankles and wrists were strapped tight to the chair, and Simon held her head back while the Guard placed her head into a leather head restraint. They wrapped a strap around each of her knees, pulling them apart and tying her legs to the arms of the chair so that she was spread eagle and her young, shaven pussy was exposed.

Kayla whimpered, immobile and afraid. She could only look straight forward and as she saw a group of spectators pile into the tent, she heard the buzz of a tattoo gun.

“Where do you want it?” A strange voice asked as a tattooed biker-looking man sat beside her holding the tattoo gun.

“Her face.” Mr Rees proclaimed, sitting in a chair in front of her and to her left. “I want her face covered in slurs. Bitch. Clut. Whore. Skank. Thot. Slave. Anything you can think of so everyone knows she’s a filthy little cum slave.” Mr Rees’ smile was eerie, and Kayla’s voice caught in her throat.

She couldn’t speak, all she could do was scream. The needle pierced her flesh, branding her forehead and cheeks while the group of men watched and laughed. All she could see was the tattoo artist in front of her face,but she could feel many sensations. Despite the excruciating pain of the needle tattooing her face, Kayla still could feel Mr. Rees’ hands all over her body. She could hear his breath in her ear as he squeezed her thighs and watched her, naked and tortured.

“Naaaoo! Staaahhp!” Kayla bawled, trying to trash against her restraints, and failing. Out of the corner of her eye, Kayla could see Mr. Rees pulling the tray of sex toys to the side of the chair. He started with a ten inch long black dildo, shoving it into her frightened pussy without warning.

The pain of the tattoo overwhelmed her, but the sensation of being suddenly violated at the same time made her shut down. She stopped screaming and silently weeped as the roar of the small crowd echoed through the tent. Her voice was hoarse, and she couldn’t call out any longer. Tears rolled down her cheeks and the artist tattoo’d ‘cum dumpster’ down the bridge of her nose.

Mr. Rees slid the dildo as deep as he could go, making Kayla grunt in anguish as the pressure inside her build to the breaking point. She was full, and he wanted to give her more. He grabbed a large glass butt plug and waved it in front of Kayla’s face.

“See this, princess? See how it’s already shattered on the inside? A hole drilled into the middle? That’s what’s going to make this so fun.” Mr. Rees reached between Kayls’s spread legs, the crowd growing in size and cheering for their entertainment to get even filthier.

The plug was too big, and without any lubrication, Kayla could feel her sphincter tear as he forced the toy into her previously unsullied hole. She whimpered again, unable to scream as the medley of pain and humiliation broke her mind.

When her ass was filled with the glass plug, Mr. Rees reached to the tray and grabbed what simply looked to Kayla like a long, thin metal device with an allen key on the end of the handle. He inserted the long, thin end into the drilled hole in the center of the glass plug, and as he began to turn the key, the end started to expand. The metal tool opened, the leverage of the handle causing the glass to crack and shatter from the inside. Kayla could hear and feel the plug breaking inside her, even over the buzz of the tattoo gun, and she began to trash again.

Her hips slammed against the side of the chair, but her movement only quickened her captors plan. Suddenly, the glass butt plug shattered into a hundred sharp pieces, stabbing and cutting at her insides while she cried out with a guttural scream. She could hear Mr. Rees chuckling and groaning slightly as he enjoyed her anguish. Kayla’s head reasted back against the chair, and the tattoo artist dragged the needle across her eyelids. Finally, Kayla began to fall out of conciousness, the pain and the torture becoming too much for her to bear.

She woke up every few minutes, falling back into darkness very quickly each time. She caught glimpses of her own torture each time she awoke, more and more pain and humiliation reaching her concious mind. Steel clamps hugged her nipples, nearly slicing them off as they tightened around her tender flesh. Her glass filled anus was violated further by a massive purple silicone dildo, cutting her spongie canal and piercing her colon. Her small breasts were sliced into with a scalpel, and she had even more degrading words carved into her chest as the tattoo artist finished her facial branding and started to tattoo down her neck.

Finally, Kayla’s eyes opened after an extended period of unconsciousness. The buzz of the gun had disappeared, and instead of the tattoo artist, Mr. Rees, and the group of spectators, Kayla only saw her own reflection. A large, full length mirror stood before her, and for the first time she could see what her captors had done to her.

Her face and neck were completely covered in degrading words and phrases all the way down to her collar bones. Both of her nipples were mangled, and her breasts were bloody and covered in jagged cuts that crudely spelled out ‘slave’ and ‘used’. Her pussy and ass were still gaped and filled with toys and shattered glass. Her petite body was covered with sweat and blood, but she noticed that though her wrists and ankles were still strapped to the chair, her head was now free. She couldn’t stand to look at herself, but she was too weak to move. Just as she was about to attempt to call out for help, Mr. Rees appeared to her right.

She looked over at him, and noticed that the crowd of men were still in the tent with her. Now, however, all the men as well as Mr. Rees, had their pants around their ankles and were stroking their cocks. Kayla’s inflamed face ached, and her eyes were nearly swollen shut. She could, however, still see the group of masturbating men surrounding her chair, Mr. Rees standing directly in front of the chair.

“Time to get what you deserve, cum slut.” Mr. Rees said nonchalantly. Before Kayla could try to speak or move, he grabbed her matted blond hair and forced her face down onto his massive erection. “Mmm, that’s it, slut. Eat it!”

Kayla choked and gagged on his full length as he shoved in down her throat. She could feel her face sting as he clutched the sides of her head and forced himself deep into her mouth. He fucked her face and moaned as the group of men around her jerked off in her direction.

As Mr. Rees and the others laughed and used her, all the events of the day filled her mind and taunted her internally. The pain, the humiliation, the fear. It all enveloped her as her master completed. He let out a loud grunt, and emptied himself into her mouth and down her throat. He held her head down, pumping her throat full of his warm, bitter sperm. She could feel it, taste it, and just as she felt herself begin to heave, he pulled himself from her mouth and pushed her back in her chair.

A cacophony erupted around her. The dozen or so men all released simultaneously, covering her in a shower of cum. String after string of gooey fluid sorung acros her swollen face, her mangled chest, and her trembling body. They spurt all over her, laughing as they did so. When they had all finished, and wiped their leaking dicks off on her milky flesh, they buttoned their pants and left the tent.

Kayla was left sitting there, strapped to her chair and looking into the mirror that still stood in front of her. She was covered head to toe in white liquid, cum dripping from her puffy lips. The semen stung her open wounds, and she shut her eyes tight to avoid seeing herself like this. She tried to fall back into unconsciousness where she could pretend she was back home safe and comfortable. The pain lingered, and the fear persisted. But, nothing pierced her soul in that moment more than the words that her her owner whispered in her ear as he leaned over her chair.

“Open your eyes, princess. Look at the little whore that you’ve become. Because, my little slut…” Mr. Rees growled as he caressed her glazed cheek and spoke the last words she would hear before slipping back into the blackness of her unconscious mind:

“You belong to me now.”


1 comment

  1. Short, the torture part is a little glossed over for my liking but overall good :) keep it up

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