Daughter Discipline Chapt. 2 blackmail, ff, bdsm


Thanks to everyone for their support and feedback on the first chapter of my story! This is Chapter 2 of X of my story Daughter Discipline. Chapter 1 can be found in my profile. The story is entirely fictional and involves adults, blackmail, bdsm, inc(mother/(adult)daughter), semi-nc.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Chapter 2

Felicia came to the door and opened to see a young man she had known from work. He was a twenty something bank teller that thought he was a financial wizard and had his sites set on Felicia the Manager/Cougar. Felicia used this attraction to her advantage every so often.

“Thanks for coming over Randy,” Felicia filled the doorway blocking further entrance.

“Well when m’lady calls, of course I’m going to come over,” the man said with a toothy smile on a mildly acne scarred face.

“M’lady,” Alecia repeated rolling her eyes. “Do you have what we talked about?”

“Yeah, but do you want to do it here or hit a club I’ve been going to?” He tried to run his hand down her arm.

“I need you to give me the stuff we talked about and leave,” Felicia said a tight smile on her face as she pulled her arm away.

“What? That’s not what you made it out to be when you texted?” Randy’s demeanor instantly changing from player to scolded puppy dog.

“I didn’t make it out to be anything. You got your hopes up.” Felicia said holding out her hand.

“I’m not just going to give it to you,” Randy said trying to gain some leverage.

“Randy, I have video of you jerking off at work and a list of videos you were watching. Do you really want to go down that road?” Felicia said a little annoyed.

“You can’t threaten me like that. I’ll tell HR all about this. You’ll go down too!”

Felicia shook her head slowly, “No, no, no the video would just show up in a text with your browser logs. You’ll just start to hear the jokes and snickers.”

Randy froze. “So are we done here?” Felicia asked moving her open hand closer to the man.

Dejectedly, Randy reached into his coat pocket and handed Felicia a zip lock bag of pink pills.

“Thank you, sweetie,” Felecia said.

“Whatever,” Randy said turning around walking back to his car.

“Randy,” she called to him.

The man turned around to see Felicia holding up her shirt and exposing one red bra covered breast. “If you behave, I may make it up to you next week.” She said.

Randy swallowed hard and stumbled slightly as he looked at the perky C cup.

Felicia walked into her daughter’s room to find Susie naked and folding clothes. She was impressed with her daughter’s initiative but made no mention of it. “Put these clothes away and then grab a pillow, your bed spread, and a sheet. You’re sleeping in my room tonight.”

“Yes mommy…” Susie answered confused.

Felicia said in answer to her confusion, “We have a busy day tomorrow and you need your sleep. I don’t trust you to simply go to sleep, your body tends to make decisions for you some times. Do you understand now?”

“Yes mommy,” Susie answered seeing no point in telling her mom she had a no desire to do anything but sleep and try to forget about everything she had been through in the last five hours.

After putting the clothes away Susie walked into her mothers bedroom with a pillow and linen. Still naked, she thought it best not to ask if she could put something on.

Felicia was sitting in bed typing on her laptop. Without looking up she pointed at the floor next to the bed, “Set your bed up there.”

Susie dropped the linen on the floor the folded the bedspread in half to make a mattress and then arranged the sheet and pillow. She waited for her mom to notice.

Felicia looked up and said,”Okay, time for bed. Come here and let me give you a kiss.”

Susie walked to her mother, she hadn’t kissed her good night in at least seven years. She got close enough to her mother and closed her eyes. She puckered, for some reason expecting a kiss on the lips. She felt her mothers warm soft lips on her forehead. She opened her eyes and pulled back. ‘Did she see that?’ Susie wondered. Why would she expect her mom to kiss her on the lips? And what was the feeling she was having right now? Disappointment? Disappointment that she mis-judged the situation or was it that she really wanted her mother to kiss her?

Felicia smiled at her, reading her daughter’s emotions and almost laughing as she said, “Try to get some sleep sweetie, I’ll turn the light off in a minute.”

“Yes mommy” Susie said, almost numb with what had just happened.

Susie laid awake for hours on the floor. Her mind was awash with everything that had transpired. The humiliation, the pain, the degradation, and now some feeling she couldn’t place were all swimming around in her head. Also, what was going to happen tomorrow and the next day after that?

There were moments where her mind would be clear and she would start to doze off and then start think about it all again; the forced nudity, the humiliating poses, made to call her mother ‘mommy’, the ordering around. Then there was the pain it hurt so bad and her mother didn’t seem to care. What was going on?

Midway through the night she could feel it, confusion was slowly becoming arousal. Her nipples had hardened like little pink erasers and now she could feel her clit beginning to swell and pussy getting moist.

Susie tried to push all the thoughts from her head and told herself that her body was just feeling sensory overload.

Throughout the night Felicia woke to see her daughter toss and turn on the floor partially covered by a sheet. She could see her daughter’s frustration and reveled in it.

Susie was awoken at 9:00 AM. “Rise and shine sweety,” Felicia said. She was wearing her red flowered silk robe.

Susie was disoriented for a moment not recognizing her mothers floor. Quickly it came back to her and along with it a sick feeling in stomach.

“We have a busy day today, grab a shower, get dressed then come get some breakfast.”

“Okay,…,” Susie said thinking she had forgotten something. “Mommy!” She blurted out remembering.

Felicia smiled at her daughter. “Let’s get this over with,” she said. “Get up and bend over and grab your ankles.”

“But mommy-“ Susie said standing up quickly.

Felicia cut her off, “I know Sweety, but I had already planned to spank you today no matter how you behaved, you need a reminder of the consequences that are waiting for you.”

“I don’t need a reminder mommy,” Susie said a little bit of a tone starting to build.

“I know sweety, but we’re going to do it anyways, for the first few days at least,” Feleicia said as she grabbed Susie’s hip with one hand and pressed her shoulders forward with the other, prompting her to bend over.

‘Few days?’ Susie thought as she let herself get positioned. ‘How long will this go on? The weekend, a month, until college?’

“Come on sweety straighten your legs and grab you ankles, don’t make me add more swats,” Felicia told Susie causing her to forget her questions for the moment.

Felicia let go of her daughter’s hip and absently ran her nails over her daughter’s ass cheek causing an immediate physical reaction. ‘Again, the goosebumps.’ Susie said to herself, upset with her body.

“Whap!” Before Susie could ponder her body’s reaction further a striking pain went from her left ass cheek all the way through her spine. Susie let out a shriek and tried to stand but was being pushed down with Felicia’s free hand.

Susie reached up involuntarily to cover her ass. “Don’t make this worse,” Felicia said.

Susie put her hands and grabbed her ankles. WHAP! Another swat to Susie’s left cheek. Screaming again this time Susie only brought her hands up slightly before re-grasping her legs.

“That’s better sweety.” Felicia complemented as she walked behind Susie to the other side of her.

Susie was expecting her mother to say something and wasn’t ready when WHAP! A swat to her right side of her ass, Susie was hysterical, crying and gasping, “Oh god! Oh god!” Somehow her hands hadn’t moved.

Before she could compose herself WHAP! Another slap to right cheek. “Oh mommy! I’m sorry, I understand.” Susie said almost incoherently.

“That’s all for now,” Felecia said rather brightly. Look how much you improved! Keeping your hands in place. I’m so proud of you.”

Felicia ran her fingers through her daughter’s hair. Susie was relieved to feel her mothers hand in her hair, as long as it wasn’t slapping her ass. “Okay, take a shower and get yourself together.” Felicia instructed as she walked out of the room.

Felicia walked out and said as she left, “Leave the door unlocked, I need to finish my makeup.”

Susie fell to her knees began to bawl, resting her head on the carpet and rubbed ass cheeks to soothe them. ‘Is college really worth this?’ She asked herself. The pain, the humiliation, and her mother becoming seemingly a different person.

She heard her mother walking back up the stairs. Susie got up quickly and went to the bathroom. She started the shower and waited for it to warm up. Felicia walked in with her makeup bag and placed it on the basin.

Felicia removed her robe and placed it on a hook revealing herself dressed only in a black see through bra and thong panties. Susie took the view in for a moment, she had never known her mother to have a black bra and panties, but then again it was never something she thought about,… until now.

Felicia ignored her daughter as she placed a dab of foundation on her finger tip and leaned forward to get closer to the mirror. Susie’s eyes drew down to her mothers jutted out firm butt. The vision slapping her mothers ass jumped into her head.

“The water is probably warm by now sweety,” Felicia said catching her daughter’s gaze but not drawing her attention away from her reflection.

Susie felt a bolt of embarrassment as her mother caught her and didn’t even look at her, like she didn’t even matter. She stepped into the shower without comment.

Susie grabbed her bottle of body wash and began to lather up her stomach and breasts. Her nipples were hard again she caressed them absently as she looked at her mother. She turned away quickly and took her hands off her tits. She grabbed more soap and began to rub her ass. The warm water felt soothing to her swatted cheeks. For reasons she couldn’t explain she turned her back to her mother so she was sure to see it.

Rinsing herself off she soaped up her bush. She rinsed the area quickly she knew if she started she be tensing her body and coming in under five minutes. She finished washing the rest of her body then rinsed her hair. She turned the water off and grabbed her towel. Susie dried off and finished her morning routine and went to her room.

Wrapped in a towel Susie saw a red dress of her mothers on the bed with some black pumps. Susie had assumed her mother had picked out her clothes for the day. She had seen her mother where the dress on New Years Eve and thought she had looked pretty slutty in it. With all of her curves, Susie could only imagine how she was going to look. She grabbed some panties and was about to look for a bra but remembered the dress was strapless.

Susie put on red silky panties and then squeezed into the dress. She looked at herself in the mirror the dress barely getting over hips and covering her ass. “Oh God!” She said. Her tits were about to pop out and the rest of the dress clung to every part of her body. As she headed down the stairs to the kitchen she hoped when her mom saw the dress she would have her change into something else.

Susie walked into the kitchen where her mother was sitting at a small table. “Wow! You look amazing.” Felicia said.

“It’s too small,” Susie pleaded.

“Nonsense, it’s beautiful. Sit down sweetie and have some breakfast,” Felicia said gesturing to the empty chair across from her.

Susie sat down feeling the chair on the back of her thighs. She grabbed a croissant and a knife then began to butter it.

“Have a mimosa,” Felicia said holding a wine glass with what looked like orange juice in it.

Susie put the croissant down and took the glass. She took a small drink and looked surprised.

Seeing Susie’s reaction Felecia said, “A mimosa is orange juice and champagne.” Then thought to herself, ’And a special concoction from a friend.’

“You’re an adult, you can enjoy things like this now,” Felicia continued.

“Oh,” Susie said taking a bigger drink. She had drank beer before, a shot once, but never champagne. The mimosa went down smooth but Susie felt it going straight to her head.

Felicia looked at her phone, “We have a bunch to do this weekend, so hurry up and eat so we can get going.”

Susie ate quickly as her mother topped off her glass. She felt her skin get warm as the champagne kicked in further.

Felicia disappeared and came back with her purse. “Let’s go, finish your drink.”

Susie gulped the rest of the concoction down. “Yes mommy,” she giggled. ‘What was the laugh about?’ she wondered. She stood up and noticed once again that her nipples were erect and poking through her dress.

They walked out of the house to the driveway. Felicia stopped to look at her daughter walk in front of her. “Susie!” She said just below a yell.

Her daughter froze, a chill going down her back, “What?”

“Are you wearing panties?”

“Uhh yeah, I thought…” Susie answered, realizing she made a mistake.

“Thinking is not what you do, we talked about this last night!”

Susie opened her mouth to speak but said nothing. Felicia continued, “I should drag your stupid ass inside and slap it nice and red, but we don’t have time! Just take them off and let’s go!”

Susie turned to walk back inside but one cold look from her mother made her realize it had to be done here in broad daylight in their driveway. She took a deep breath and reached under her dress. Susie pulled her panties down and felt the morning air on her ass.

The underwear fell to her feet and Susie quickly pulled her dress down. Felicia took in her daughter’s full creamy white ass for the moment it was exposed, it almost glowed. They’d get it some sunlight soon enough.

Felicia held out her hand and waited. Susie bent over and grabbed the underwear as she leaned she found herself giggling again. ‘What was happening?’ she wondered.

Susie handed the garment to her mother who the put it in her purse and walked toward her car, a Chevy Tahoe.

Felicia saw her daughter pile in on the passenger side and examined her for a moment. She looked at her daughters breasts. Susie caught her mother’s gaze but said nothing.

“Pull your dress up so you aren’t sitting on it. I don’t want it getting stained.” Felecia directed.

Susie did as she was told feeling the cold leather on her ass and pussy. She had a puzzled look on her face. Felicia looking at her daughter’s nipples pointing through the dress explained, “Something is going on with you. I don’t want your pussy dripping all over my dress. You can clean the seat cushion later.”

Felicia waited for an answer to the non-question from her daughter. Susie felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment as she answered,l “Yes mommy.”

To her mothers credit, Susie could feel her pussy getting wet. She couldn’t understand what was going on with herself right now. So far every relationship she had ever had had been with boys and she was always the one in charge. Now her own mother was embarrassing and humiliating her and something deep down was reacting.

Susie positioned her skirt so it covered up crotch but all of her legs were still showing. Felicia started the car and said rather pleasantly, “And away we go.”

Felicia began driving away from downtown and toward the business park section of the city. After a couple blocks of non descript buildings with names of companies she had never heard of Susie said, ”Mommy?” She noticed for a moment how much easier the greeting came now.

“Yes sweetie.”

“Where are we going?”

Felicia debated for an instant on wether to admonish her daughter for asking a question but decided against it for now. “We’re going to see an electronics guy I know. I helped him with a business loan and he owes me a favor.”

Susie was about to ask a follow up when her mother preempted with, “Don’t push it.”

Felicia softened the remark with a soft hand on her daughters bare knee. Susie’s skin was warm to the touch.

Susie let out a giggle as her mother’s cold hand touched her. “Sorry mommy.”

Felicia taking in her daughter’s reaction thought, “Dang, Randy has some good stuff.”

They drove for about five more minutes before Felicia pulled into a mini mall parking lot. Of the five store fronts only two appeared to be occupied. They had parked in front of a glass door with the lettering, “CL Electronic Solutions”.

Felicia turned off the car and looked at her daughter. “I need you to understand everything I’m about to say to you,” Felicia said and awaited a response.

“Yes mommy.”

Felicia continued, “This man is business associate of mine and is helping us. I need you to not embarrass me or yourself. Do not talk to him unless he asks you something directly. Tell me you understand.”

“Yes mommy,” Susie answered then giggled at the end. She got a look from her mother and followed up with a meek, “Sorry.”

Felicia breathed in slightly to act annoyed. She continued, “Also, while we are talking to him you call me ‘mom’ or ‘mother’ if needed. We really don’t have time for me to explain to this man all the intricacies with my slut daughter. That said you should not be talking. Do you understand?”

Susie swallowed as tears began to come to her eyes, her moms words biting. “Yes mommy,” she answered.

Felicia got out of the car walked to the front and waited for her daughter. Susie walked up beside her mom. “Susie,” her mother said softly.

Taking in her surroundings Susie calculated and responded but still stumbled through her answer, “Yes mom, I mean mommy.”

Felicia looked at her daughter, “I know this has been a big adjustment for you. I want you to know I’m seeing progress. I’m proud of how you’ve done so far.” She hugged her daughter with one arm deep enough that Susie could smell her hair.

Susie hugged back with both arms as a surge of pride went through her that came with her mother’s approval. ‘What is going on?’ she wondered as she breathed in her mother’s scent and held the embrace a second longer than her mother.

“Let’s go,” Felicia said as she turned to the building and walked in the door.

“Hello Charles,” Felicia said to the man sitting at a small desk.

“Charlie is fine, Ms. Markinson,” the man said as he stood up and walked around his desk to shake hands.

“Thank you for helping me on such short notice,”
Felicia answered, not returning the invitation for informality.

“Uhh sure thing it’s the least I can do with all the help you’ve given me,” Charlie said looking Felicia hard in the eyes but darting a glance at the young woman almost pouring out of her red dress.

“This is my daughter Susie,” Felicia said catching the glance. She wasn’t at all surprised, men were predictable that way.

“Good to meet you Susie,” Charlie said presenting his hand. Behind him was a bank of monitors that seemed to be showing feeds inside the store and outside.

Susie took the man’s hand it was warm to the touch and it felt nice. She looked at him, tallish, tan, with military hair cut even though his hairline was receding. Susie guessed he was older than her mother. “Hello,” she said quietly.

To his credit Charlie returned eye contact with Felicia. “So, I gathered up all the stuff you requested Ms. Markinson,” he said pointing to a small pile of boxes on a glass display case to his right.

Felicia looked at the boxes and said, “Susie, can you take those to the car?”

“Oh yeah,” Susie responded with the tone of someone who was eager to help. She walked over quickly to grab four boxes, the largest the size of a shoe box all of them light. In her haste a box fell to the ground. Susie gasped and bent down to pick it up quickly not thinking.

Charlie looked over to see the full figured teen bending over and nearly offering him a view of her ass and more. He tried to keep his train of thought, “Umm,… don’t worry… I doubt you broke anything.” Susie straightened up gathered the boxes again and walked quickly to the car.

Charlie, free of the distraction looked back at Felecia. She gave a knowing stare back at the man and moved on. She reached into her purse and pulled out Susie’s phone, “Here’s the other thing, we were talking about.”

“Oh yeah,” he said reaching for the phone and examining it. “You know what you’re asking me to do is kind of illegal right?”

“I own the phone,” Felicia replied. “Let’s not forget we’re helping each other. I’m offering you the chance to re-finance your business loan instead of what I should do, calling the Note and liquidating all this.” Felicia made the point of looking left and right at all the equipment.

“You’re right, you’re right Ms. Markinson,” he answered quickly trying to block the thought of bankruptcy out of his head. “I’ll be right back,” he said walking quickly to a door behind the desk.

Susie came back in. She fought the urge to ask where the man had gone and instead stood by her mother silently.

“Is that done?” Felicia asked.

“Yes mom,” Susie answered deliberately.

“So, when he comes back in do you want to lift your skirt up and show Charlie your bush?” Felicia asked, not looking at her daughter.

Susie froze not knowing what the question was about or how to answer, “I, don’t, understand.”

“Well since you just showed him your ass I thought you might want to do the same for the front also,” Felecia teased trying not to smile.

“I’m sorry, it was accident. I’ve never worn a dress this short before,” Susie answered her face growing red.

“Hmm,” Felicia responded evaluating Susie’s answer. She turned to her daughter, “Why don’t you show me instead?”

Susie’s eyes widened as she swallowed hard not knowing what to do. Felecia helped her with her decision, “The sooner you do it, the better chance our friend doesn’t walk back in.”

Susie took a quick breath and forced herself to think about college as she reached down to the bottom of her dress and pulled up over bubble butt and then over her crotch. Tears welled up in her eyes as she took into account everything that had happened in the last eighteen hours. Now here she was showing off her pussy to her mother in public.

Felicia let herself relish the moment thinking, ‘Need to do something with that 70s porn star bush.’ She counted to herself slowly to five then said simply, “Thank you.”

Susie pulled her dress down quickly then wiped her tears from her face, trying to compose herself.

Ten seconds later Charlie walked back in with Susie’s and another phone. “All set,” he said handing the phones to Susie’s mother.

“Thank you Charlie,” Felicia said pleasantly.

“My pleasure, Ms. Markinson. Also,…” Charlie looked at a paper on his desk. “My guys are rolling right now. Fifty-four Maple court, right?”

“Yep blue Corolla, can’t miss it.” Felicia answered as she turned to leave.

Susie wondered what she was missing as she followed her mother out of the store. In the short distance to her mother’s car she was frantic. She closed the door and blurted, “What are you having done to my car and why did that man have my phone!”

Felicia slapped her daughter quickly across her face. Susie gasped in disbelief feeling her cheek.

“Who in the hell do you think you’re talking too?” Felicia said looking sternly at her daughter.

Susie’s eyes welled up with tears again, “I’m sorry mommy,… it’s just-“

“Shut up!” Felicia ordered as she reached into her purse. “I don’t want an answer!”

Felicia pulled her daughter’s panties out of her purse and commanded, “Open your mouth.”

Susie knew what was coming but also couldn’t see a way to stop it. She opened her mouth and looked away from her mother.

Felicia stuffed the panties in her daughter’s mouth and said, “Maybe tasting your pussy and ass will shut you the fuck up! This wouldn’t happen if you could just follow directions! Seriously use your head.”

Susie bawled but with the panties stuck in her mouth it was muffled enough to make it conversational volume. Felecia continued, “I should take you into the back behind this place and blister your ass right now but I don’t want to be here any longer than I have to be!”

Felecia drove out of the parking lot and decided what to do next. At a stop light she got an idea and did a map search. Five minutes later they were parked at a city park. To their left about thirty yards was a public restroom.

Felicia had calmed down and found her ‘center’ as she liked to call it. She looked at her daughter, red panties stuffed in her mouth and tears running down her face.

Felicia caressed her daughters cheek with the back of her hand. The redness from the slap was gone now, the only swelling was from her crying. “Okay sweetie here is what is going to happen,” Felecia started.

Susie looked at her mother desperately, things were getting out of control. Maybe it was over and they could just go home, she had learned not to test her mother. She got it now.

Felicia continued, “Your going to go into the restroom take off your dress and wait for me.”

Susie started to protest making no coherent words with her mouth stuffed. Felicia interrupted her, “Shh, shh, shh I know baby, I know. Let me explain, I can explain.” Susie quieted as her mother continued, “We don’t have time to back home to punish you and your behavior requires a consequence. So this is the closest and most private place we have. You understand, don’t you sweetie?” Felicia waited for an answer.

Susie knew there was no arguing with her mother, she nodded slowly. Fresh tears coming down. She thought about college,… yes it was worth it.

Felicia continued with her soothing tone, “Now I’m going to take your panties out, are you going to be a good girl?”

Susie nodded again and Felicia pulled the panties out of her daughters mouth. Susie cleared her throat and swallowed. “Okay, I’ll meet you in the restroom,” Felicia said putting the panties back in her purse.

“Yes Mommy,” Susie said as she got out of the car.

Looking out at the park she saw a wide array of people; parents with kids, a group of women in athletic attire sitting at a picnic table, a game of ultimate frisbee. No one else was walking around in a red cocktail dress. Susie put her head down and walked quickly around the front of the car on the sidewalk then onto a gravel path.

Felicia looked at her daughter navigating the trail in her heels. She snapped a couple pictures of Susie; the breasts, the hips, the dress,… beautiful. Not just ‘mom-speak,’ anyone could see it. Her daughter caught the eye of a few of the park patrons. Felicia would give it a minute before she followed her daughter in.

Susie arrived at the restroom. It was composed mainly from cinder blocks and had no door at the entrance except for an iron gate that was used to lock it down after hours. She walked in, it was dark with the only light coming from high open slats on the wall. The smell was a combination of dampness, bleach, and no doubt urine. As she walked around the brick partition that made the first of three stalls she saw a stainless steal commode with no seat. There were no doors. Miscellaneous pieces of toilet paper were on the ground. Susie concluded this was definitely ‘a restroom of last resort’ would go in here unless you had to.

Susie looked at each of the three stalls and decided on the first one and stepped in. She waited for a moment to think again about how all this began. It had all been a blur. Susie looked straight ahead at the wall, took a deep breath and reached down to pull the dress over her head. It was a little bit of a struggle but she wasn’t going to take any chance of anything touching the wet floor by stepping out of the dress.

She stood naked in the bathroom stall wearing only heels, the sound of far off voices park goers the only noise. Susie could feel sweat starting to form on her neck and back of her knees, it was humid today but she could feel her heart pounding. A vague hard to understand excitement starting to build.

Susie waited, standing in the stall until she heard what she thought were her mother’s footsteps.

Felicia stood in the entry, it was exactly as she expected. “Susie,” she called into the seemingly empty restroom, her voice echoing slightly. She took a step inside.

Susie’s head appeared around the wall. She whispered, “Yes mommy.”

“Come out from behind there.”

Susie took a step out from behind the stall, holding her dress in one hand. “Good job, sweety,” Felicia said. “Now put your dress down so we can get this over with.”

Susie looked around for some place she could lay her dress down. She decided on the top of the cinder block partition, thinking it might be the least disgusting. She stood awkwardly, not knowing what to do with her arms.

Felicia let herself enjoy the view for a moment then instructed her daughter, “Go lean over the sink.”

Susie looked at the stainless steel fixture and felt sick to her stomach. She walked closer it wasn’t filthy, but it sure wasn’t clean. With her back to her mother she looked at her reflection in what passed for a mirror here, a polished steel panel on the wall over the sink.

“Bend over,” Felicia ordered flatly grabbing her phone.

Susie bent over not touching the sink and placing her hands on either side of the mirror. “More,” her mother said.

Susie moved her hands further down the wall and scooted out more. She looked at her blurry reflection in the mirror, her tits hanging down and her pubes barely visible at the angle.

Felicia snapped a couple pics of her daughter then put her phone away. She took a step closer.

“Umm hello,” a deep voice said behind them.

Susie gasped and covered herself as she ran back to the stall.

At the entrance we’re two women. One a heavier set woman with brunette hair cut into a crewcut. She was wearing black shorts and pink compression top.

Next to her a skinnier blond girl with her hair in a pony tail. She had the same black shorts on but on top wore a loose white tank top over a black sports bra.

Felicia was startled but not flustered. ‘Ahh soccer players,’ she thought. “Oh hello. Sorry just trying provide correction. Did you need to use the restroom?” she asked in a friendly tone.

“No,… not really,” the heavy set one answered with the deep voice that didn’t suit her.

Felicia gave them a quizzical look and said, “Well okay, we’ll be done in just a second.”

The two women stood motionless for a moment before the brunette said, “Can we watch?”

Susie who had grabbed her dress froze as she heard her mother say pleasantly, “Absolutely!” Then in her more serious business tone, “Come back out Susie, we have other things to do today.”

Susie returned the dress and walked back out slowly, her heels clicking on the floor. She stood in front of the sink again and bent over. Then waited.

“Stick your ass out more,” Felicia ordered. Susie tried to jut her hips out more. One of the visitors cleared her throat involuntarily.

‘So humiliating,’ Susie thought. She looked up and saw the visitors in the mirrors reflection. The heavyset woman held onto the blondes arm just above the elbow her tongue sticking out covering her upper lip. The blonde on the other hand seemed to be almost cringing on Susie’s behalf.

Felicia took a step closer and off to the side. Susie closed her eyes tight and waited.

WHAP! The first slap hit Susie’s left ass cheek. Susie gritted her teeth hard trying not to make any more of a spectacle than she already had.

Two more swats came in on the same cheek. Susie grunted again, breathing hard the pain and embarrassment making tears roll down. She opened her eyes for a second and caught the reflection of the two women in the doorway. There poses and facial expressions unchanged but both were breathing harder.

Swats four and five came quickly but still hard. Susie moved her hips wanting to protect and soothe her ass but fought the urge.

Felicia slapped the other side of her daughters ass. The pain resumed for Susie, fire through the other previously untouched cheek.

“Keep your ass stuck out or I will start over!” her mother ordered breathing deeper. She could see a bead of sweat rolling down Susie’s spine toward her tailbone.

Susie did as she was ordered trying not to make a crying sound. Two more swats came down. Susie hoped she only had two more. She waited trying to catch her breath.

“Any chance I could do a couple?” the heavyset observer asked.

Felicia looked up to see the brunette looking intently at Susie’s ass. Also she noticed the blonde staring daggers at the brunette.

Susie’s heart froze. ‘What the fuck!’ she thought. ‘Please mommy don’t let her do it!’ pleading through her head.

“I’m sorry, I don’t think so,” Felicia said nicely. “We’re just about to wrap up here.”

Felicia turned her attention back to her daughter. Two quick swats came. Susie was out of breath, in pain and humiliated. Her body was covered in sweat. A stream of sweat rolled down her ass crack that would have tickled were she not in so much pain.

“Okay, Susie get dressed. I’ll meet you in the car,” Felecia said matter of factly as she started to walk out.

Susie panicked at the thought of being left alone with the two strangers. She pushed herself off of the wall and hurried to the bathroom stall. Grabbing her dress she put it on quickly and began walking out quickly trying to not to make eye contact with the two women.

The brunette reached out clinched Susie’s hand passing a piece of paper. She kept holding Susie’s until she looked at the brunette. The heavyset woman mouthed the words, ‘Call us’ then let go.

Susie was confused as she continued walking and reflexively looked at the blonde who was giving her a look of pure hate. Instinctively Susie wanted to apologize but didn’t know what for. She pondered, ‘What should I be sorry about? Sorry my mother made me strip and spanked my ass?’

Susie’s train of thought was interrupted as she felt a breeze. She looked down to see that one of the cups on her dress was flipped over exposing her breast. She fixed her dress quickly.

When she got into the car Susie finally felt safe. Her mother who was sitting in driver seat and looking at her phone said, “Well that was unexpected.”

“Yes mommy,” Susie said trying to take in what had just happened. Susie remembered the paper that was stuck in her hand by the woman. It was a business card it read: “Susan Mitchell CPA” with a phone number and address.

“What’s that?” Felicia asked taking the card from her daughter’s hand. She read it quickly.

“One of those women gave it to me and told me to call them,” Susie answered. “I don’t get it, why would I need an accountant mommy?”

Felicia looked at her daughter in disbelief as she answered slowly, “Uhh, they were lesbians. They gave you that card so you would call them and get with you.”

Susie thought about it for a second then asked, “But the other one looked really upset?”

Felecia let out an exasperated sigh and said, “She felt threatened by you, when that woman asked to spank you, oh that skinny girl was pissed.”

Susie took it all in and wondered how she could have missed all of that. How stupid.

Felicia continued, “Yeah, if they make up, they’ll be slapping each other’s asses all night. Hold onto that card, little souvenir you can tell your kids about some day.” Felicia handed the card back to her daughter. Then went back to her phone, appearing to look something up.

Susie shivered at the thought of telling anyone about what she had just been through,… ever. She looked at the card again and had a vision of the two women. She took a deep breath at the thought.

“Fix your dress,” Felicia said not looking up.

Susie pulled the dress up over her ass. Her mother was right, with the spanking she just got and the thought of the two women Susie could feel her body get warmer and her pussy getting wetter. She squirmed in her seat as she felt her clit beginning to swell.

Felicia put her phone down and announced, “Okay back on schedule and ready for our next stop!”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/fvm9y7/daughter_discipline_chapt_2_blackmail_ff_bdsm


  1. I’m a fan. The story is looking good. I can’t wait for more chapters.

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