Disgustingly Hot

So, I live in a loft with three other roommates. One of them is a friend I met from college, one is a cousin of mine who is basically my sister, and the other is technically a friend of my cousin’s but over time she and I became close as well. Although in the past I have only roomed with women I typically dislike it because things become so catty and immature that it is not worth splitting rent to save money. Fortunately, we all are on the same page for the most part and if we are not, we talk to one another about it face to face.

The loft that we stay was one of those run down industrial factories turned into a residence. I had been out of college for a little over a year before a landed a job making decent money. I was living back at my parents (who were driving me nuts at this point) to save some money. Once these buildings were available, I hoped on the opportunity to sign a lease with the girls. Besides off campus housing this was technically my first place I leased without my parents’ help. The loft is relatively inexpensive for what we get. Although I was financially independent and able to afford the rent on my own, I wanted to make sure that I never moved back in with my parents, plus I think I would be kind of lonely without the girls as roomies. So, I get the insurance of being able to afford rent but the company the best women I have come to know.

My cousin was in the kitchen doing dishes when she screamed loudly, “Ahhh…GIRLS COME HERE! PLEEAAASSE!” We all rushed in to the kitchen. I thought what could she be screaming about; is it a mouse, a bug, did she hurt herself, what the hell could it be? Me being the last to race into the kitchen I saw all of the girls looking out of the kitchen window and my pace slowed. All of the thoughts of emergency left my mind as I could see that everything appeared to be alright. We have a pretty large window in our kitchen above the sink that faces another brick windowless building. In between our building and that building is an alley with a few dumpsters, fire escapes, etcetera. My cousin whipped her head around with a big smile towards me, “Hurry up come look…” Squeezing between her and one of the other girls I finally got to see what they were all glaring at through the window.

There was a homeless man in the alley jerking his cock! My first thought was filled with disgust and shock almost like a viral video or a car accident. Part of me was saying “Eww, do that somewhere else…”; but the other part was filled excitement to be seeing such lewd behavior in person. The girls and I exchanged jokes and laughter back and forth for a few moments as we stared at this guy going to town on his dick as if no one was watching. Over time as I got to really take in this guy and what he was doing, I became less disguised and amused to more aroused and curious. We live on the second floor so we were close enough to see most of the features of this man (and his cock), but far enough that if I saw him in passing I would not recognize him.

He had light brown, matted down, shaggy, wavy that had natural highlight lights from the sun. Since I live in a relatively warm and sunny area, he had sun kissed skin as well. He was either a really tanned white guy or some type of Hispanic, it was really hard to tell because his hair covered his eyes almost down to his nose. He had on dingy khaki shorts, some dusty brown boots, and what looked to be an old bowling shirt that was unbuttoned all the way. He was in a quarter squat with his back against the building across the small alley, while slightly leaning to one side against a large green dumpster. He had just the zipper open in his short with both his cock and balls out. His he was hunched over starring at his dick while he slowly jacked it in his hand from base to tip.

I would never admit this to the girls but the more I looked at him the more I got turned on. I concentrated on his open shirt and he actually had abs. The type of abs that I like to call “skinny abs”; he did not seem to have an ounce of fat on his body since I am sure meals are far and few between for him. I started to have doubt in myself about how I was feeling about this, “…wait is this homeless guy hot…or is what is he is actually causing me to be turned on? How am I getting turned on by some dirty bum in an alley being disgusting? Why?”

Although he as facing a building with plenty of windows, clearly he was trying to hide what he was doing. But as the same time, I started to feel my pussy throbbing with excitement as the thought crossed my mind that he was putting on a secret show for just us. He never looked up or around, just straight his cock as he caressed it with pleasure. A long string of spit came out of his mouth from behind that dirty cloud of hair onto his dick for lubrication. My mind lost focus on him in the alley and I was back in the kitchen as I heard all the girls let out a loud “Ewww!” A reaction to the spit ejected from his mouth. One of the girls said, “…he fucking spit on it, that’s so nasty!” We all agreed in our own manner, but I was too ashamed to say how hot this animal of a man was to me, even him spitting which I am usually squeamish about added to my inexplicable attraction to him in this moment. I began to think, “I can’t be the only one who is turned on by this…”

It only took a few more strokes after he lubed is cock with spit before he started to explode. The first pump seemed to shot up and out so far that a few of his jumped in reaction. The girls laughed and made a few more jokes as I starred harder, silently at his jizzing cock. He released his grip and let his dick jump two or three times more with cum shooting out of it. Still starring at it, his dick pulsed and went limp on his shorts while the remaining juice oozed out a onto his shorts. He was disgusting, he was hot.

My cousin started the movement of us leaving the kitchen window one by one. I was last to leave, I think I would has stood there moments after to watch what he did next. I wanted to see where he as going, I wanted to track his movements as if I would come up to him later and ask for another show in the future. But I did not want the girls to know how boarder line obsessed I was with it all.

The whole moment had to last no longer than three minutes but my focus on the raunchy behavior of this dirty homeless guy made it seem like a half hour. As I walked to my room, I could not stop thinking about what I saw. My shame of loving every moment of the animalistic man pleasing himself became arrogance, inside I started to not care if I was the only one turned on by what I just saw. In fact, I know I was not the only one; my cousin left the kitchen with a sink full of dishes that she still had yet to finish. I bet she left to “take care of herself”, and as soon as I close the door to my room and get under my covers, I will be doing the same.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/fviy3s/disgustingly_hot

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